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On May 14, 2022, Calvin Tong wrote:
It is true that the Sansminds version has a hold out feature. Does the Wisch Purse have this?

To follow up on this one (I also sent Kevin a PM directly):
yes, the Sansminds contains a hold out. But it's closer to a slot box than the FPS wallet. It also makes the wallet extremely unexaminable - you can't even open it to casually show the spectators, as you can with some.

I agree that folks taking ideas and using them without proper crediting is extremely poor form.
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Profile of Inert
Have to recommend the Ronjo Coin Wallet. Has 11 different pockets & folds in half. Top flight quality at under $25. After more than 30 years of use, not a single mark, scratch or blemish.
Calvin Tong
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More coin wallets. only a few of these are gaffed.

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A very impressive collection! I feel like I recognize about 60% of them.
Randy Marsh
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On May 12, 2022, Calvin Tong wrote:
Nice effort folks. this is just some of my coin wallets. :o)

the official marketed names are listed below. Words in CAPs reflect what was missing in the descriptions. Devil is in the details. Smile

1)Quiver "PLUS"

2)"HIMBER COIN PURSE" (as stated directly on the box).

3)Vision Purse by Seo Magic. Yes, it does not look like a coin purse, but is is VERY deceptive and a little known prop which I have used to fool magicians.

4)It is not tripurse. The proper name is a mouth-full "SANDSMIND'S WORKERS COLLECTION COIN POUCH." :o)


6)Pocket Portal

As for the Traveler, my coins never tarnished in it as well. There have been a few different coin purses (including the traveler) where owners reported this symptom. But there is no official data to date (that I am aware of) suggesting that it is a systemic issue with the traveler. I think people could be reading magic Café threads and repeating information they have read. I spoke with Todd Lassen about this years ago because it happened with one of his customer's JOL coin purse (but I never experienced it with my JOLs). He had some theories, but he could not say with 100% assurance the root cause.

Which coin wallet would be best for doing a copper, silver, brass routine?
Calvin Tong
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Assuming the intent is for the coin to appear back in the coin purse at the end of the routine, any of the following may do based on your preference:
Quiver, FPS, JOL himber, and Mobius (which is a version of the Wisch wallet with an added something).

There are some pro’s and cons for specific coin purses. Ping me off line if you need more info.
Cal Tong
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.... adding to the already mentioned Quiver, FPS, Himber, and Mobius (Wisch variant)....

-Dean's coin wallet will work as well.
-Real Man's coin wallet will work but will require a bit of sleight-of-hand to accomplish the same.

many to select from


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Profile of inigmntoya
On Jun 12, 2022, Randy Marsh wrote:
Which coin wallet would be best for doing a copper, silver, brass routine?

It depends on what routine you want to perform. I like Bob Sheets' Triple Transpo. Any "classic" coin purse with a frame that will stay open on its own will work fine for that routine. You end clean with everything examinable.
Calvin Tong
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Yes, you are correct. non-gaffed coin purses can accomplish this.

for clarification, I listed the "gaffed" coin purses above.

another "gaffed" coin purse that will work is Larry Becker's "Universal coin purse" or "Lightening coin purse".
Cal Tong
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Profile of tonsofquestions
There's no "best" wallet - it all depends on the routine (as others have said, but I got distracted and didn't hit "post" in time.)

Do you just need to carry everything? Any will work.
Do you want a secret compartment to store the gaff? The ones Calvin listed will do well.
Do you want the spectator to be able to handle it themselves, and have everything return to the wallet as in the beginning? (Take a look at some of Craig Petty's ideas.) You might need some spare coins, and the Quiver would work best.

Most can work in some way, it's just that some will be more clean or ideal than others ... depending on what else is going on.
Calvin Tong
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In the picture above with the 28 coin purses, the first coin wallet on the upper far left corner is "Dean's Coin Wallet." The 2nd coin wallet is the Wisch Variant Wallet "Mobius".
Cal Tong
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Larry Becker's Coin Purse:

Cal Tong
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Randy Marsh
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Sorry, I should have been more specific.

I'm looking to buy a gimmicked coin purse to do the standard/classic handling of copper, silver, brass... where instead of putting coins into my pocket, I put them into the coin purse. Ideally, I would love to finish totally clean where the spectator could examine the coin purse with the gimmicked coins hidden inside. If the coin purse isn't examinable at the end, that's not a dealbreaker as I can just put the coin purse in my pocket while they examine the 3 coins at the end. Just being able to show the coin purse as empty after I dump out the two ungimmicked coins at the end I think would be a big improvement over just using your pocket. I really don't like doing tricks where I'm frequently going in and out of my pockets.

I know that there are a lot of different handlings for this routine and cool things can be done with ungimmicked coin purses... but I'm not great with coins, so I just try and keep things simple.

I haven't been doing much magic in the last ~5 years, so I'm kind of out of the loop... but I'm looking to get back into it again.
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Profile of tonsofquestions
So a few thoughts: for that kind of handling, I'd probably recommend a Quiver. If my memory of the handling is correct (first place in some of the ungimmicked coins, then the last away is the gimmicked one, by itself), it would work beautifully, and you'd then be able to dump out all the ungimmicked coins cleanly. It would be lightly examinable by the spectator, but I'd say that anyone looking too closely might notice something.

You could also get similar handlings from FPS, Mobius, Lightning coin purse (Larry Becker, above) or a Himber (the least inspectable). I'm less familiar with the Real Man's Coin Wallet (so will defer to Calvin there).

That said, one of the "conveniences" in my mind of going to your pocket is that it only needs one hand to do it ... while the other hand is holding the coins. (Again, if I'm thinking of the same handling.) Some wallets take two hands to hold open - well one to open up, and the other to insert the coin - and that's especially true of any of the spring purses like the Quiver. It depends a little on the flap purses (Mobius, FPS, Himber, etc), but then the final coin being separate is more challenging. Maybe the Sansmind Coin purse would work well, with its ability to hold one back, but I'd have to think on it a little further and experiment with handling.

Snap purses (or, separately one like the Traveler, which hasn't been mentioned here yet) would be easier to keep open, but then (a) it's possible for the spectator to look inside after some of the reappearances, and (b) you have the same problem about the clean dump at the end. (Also, isn't it dumping out 3 coins at the end?)

I hope that helps a little more. Happy to brainstorm further. Hopefully you can see why it depends so much on the handling/needs of the rest of the routine.
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Profile of inigmntoya
Because it checks all the boxes you seem to be looking for in a CSB routine, I'll give one more plug for "Triple Transpo".
Bob Sheets and JC Wagner developed the classic "going to the pocket" handling. This is Sheets' newer handling that avoids the pockets and avoids challenging the spectators to guess what's where. No difficult sleights and as mentioned above, you end clean with everything examinable.
He teaches it on his "Bob Does Hospitality Vol 2" DVD and also in his Penguin Lecture.

On Jun 12, 2022, Randy Marsh wrote:
Sorry, I should have been more specific.

I'm looking to buy a gimmicked coin purse to do the standard/classic handling of copper, silver, brass... where instead of putting coins into my pocket, I put them into the coin purse. Ideally, I would love to finish totally clean where the spectator could examine the coin purse with the gimmicked coins hidden inside. If the coin purse isn't examinable at the end, that's not a dealbreaker as I can just put the coin purse in my pocket while they examine the 3 coins at the end. Just being able to show the coin purse as empty after I dump out the two ungimmicked coins at the end I think would be a big improvement over just using your pocket. I really don't like doing tricks where I'm frequently going in and out of my pockets.

I know that there are a lot of different handlings for this routine and cool things can be done with ungimmicked coin purses... but I'm not great with coins, so I just try and keep things simple.

I haven't been doing much magic in the last ~5 years, so I'm kind of out of the loop... but I'm looking to get back into it again.
Michael Rubinstein
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Consider the Rubinstein Rattle Purse. There is no purse like it. It looks and acts like a regular snap coin purse, but at any time you can make the illusion of coins appearing inside due to its special property. Uses can be found in Rubinstein Coin Magic and the NYCMS DVDS. Find them at https://www.mymagic.com/p/mymagic/rubinstein-rattle-purse
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Randy Marsh
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I watched Craig Petty do a bunch of routines with the Quiver. He did a nice Copper, Silver, Brass routine in there:
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On Jun 13, 2022, inigmntoya wrote:
Because it checks all the boxes you seem to be looking for in a CSB routine, I'll give one more plug for "Triple Transpo".
Bob Sheets and JC Wagner developed the classic "going to the pocket" handling. This is Sheets' newer handling that avoids the pockets and avoids challenging the spectators to guess what's where. No difficult sleights and as mentioned above, you end clean with everything examinable.
He teaches it on his "Bob Does Hospitality Vol 2" DVD and also in his Penguin Lecture.

I've been looking for a video performance of Bob Sheets' Triple Transpo. Does anyone have a link?
David Neighbors
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If anyone is interest, I have A C.S.B. Handling That does not use A Pocket or a gaffed purse in my latest set of Lecture notes! P.M. me for more Info!
David Neighbors
the coinjurer
Chris Meece
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I have a gig this Saturday after recently finding the correct medicine combo for my near life long essential tremors and I am pumped. It is a music festival for disabled people. I will have a table set up for cups and balls etc. but wanted better pocket management for my coins. I have decided on my two quiver purses. This gives me four sections to separate my coins. I will have my CSB, Short Hop (hopping half), and four halves and a turtle. I have enough extra Walking Liberties at home that I won't have to borrow from other "sets." I feel my perfect coin purse is a combination.
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