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The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » All in the cards » » Face Down Prediction - Wright and Larsen (1 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of docguitarman
Here's an easy impromptu effect that I ran across in the "L.W. Card Mysteries" booklet (available at Lybrary and Trickshop). Seasoned performers can probably detect the method but I had to read the method. IMO, as baffling as many self-working card tricks using similar methods and variations. It doesn't look like this has been mentioned in the Café yet. Here is a description of what the spectators see:

The spectator is handed a shuffled pack, and is instructed that while the performer has his back turned or is out of the room he is to deal a row of cards on the table, from left to right, and look at the card at the right end, which will be the last dealt. As he may deal any number of cards in the row the performer cannot, of course, know beforehand what this card will be. Then he is to deal across the row again, a card at a time across on each card originally dealt, as many times as he wishes. Finally he is to assemble the packets by dropping the one at the right end on the one next to it, those two together on the one next and so on across. The rest of the pack has been discarded; this assembled packet is to be squared up and given a single cut.

The performer now comes back into the room. He points out that not knowing how many cards were dealt into a row he cannot know what the card is; not knowing how many times the row was dealt across
afterwards he cannot discover by counting how many cards were in that row, and since the packets were assembled and the resulting packet cut he certainly cannot guess where the card is now. The problem is
to find it. Taking the packet he deals out the cards face up, one at a time, throwing out one card face down during the dealing without ever glancing at its face. This proves to have been the noted card!
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Profile of rowdymagi5
Thanks for sharing this. I love these types of effects!
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Profile of papawemba
Yes thanks pointing that out !
4$ for 21 effects this one included...sound like a bargain Smile

The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » All in the cards » » Face Down Prediction - Wright and Larsen (1 Likes)
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