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The reason some T.V. executives aim programming at the so-called “MTV generation” is money – pure and simple. It is the same basic drive, which also results in a lot of children’s programming, and the subsequent licensing programs (toys, food products, clothes etc.) which accompany it. The specific targeting of children, although the shows themselves are a lot more wholesome on the surface, could be viewed as far more insidious than Blaine’s up front weirdness or “sickness” as you put it.

I’m not saying this commercial focus is a good thing.

You have a very valid point with regards to the quality of modern programming; there is so much rubbish out there now. Unfortunately the execs design the shows to appeal to the lowest common denominator within their target market. Instead of looking to creativity and innovative content they look to formulas and focus groups. Ironically, I believe Blaine actually bucks this trend!

The fact is that marketeers are getting very good at working out what people will watch, if you spoon-feed them. This is obviously a much wider topic than whether or not Blaine is any good, so back to the magic.

I think Christopher Carter is spot-on. I actually enjoy watching Blaine; I think his shows are good. I find nothing he has done so far offensive (I include the Carson Daily show.) I would not have a problem with any of my children watching him. I’m not saying this to antagonise you but surely the phrase, one man’s meat is another mans poison, is relevant here.

I would be interested to know, if you had it in your power to ban him from our screens for the good of society, would you?

Bascomb Grecian
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Certainly, I would not ban him-I would tell Blaine to go back under the rock he came out from under. Or better yet, I 'd politely tell him, "Get to the back of the line." There are performers out there who have talent, worked harder, and quite simply deserve it more. But then again, that is why I 'm not a Hollywood Executive. I am a small town magician who nobody has heard of. (I like it this way.)

I simply think he is an average magician, and pulling out your heart is not only a stupid idea, it is uncalled for. Especially when the viewers of that show didn't expect it. Why couldn't Blaine have busted out a
"Twisting the Aces"? (Because he can't) You see it is that lowest common denominator (insatiable viewers) rearing it's ugly head again. If he is so good as some of you say, could he acheive the same reaction with a Chop Cup?

Knave: Yes Blaine does appeal to the lowest common denominator. Otherwise he would get on Carson Daily and show something that requires skill and talent. He probably credits himself with the heart idea, although Bruce Lee beat him to it.

I have got to get off this Blaine rant. (I feel like I am beating a dead horse) But you see, I too am an entertainer. I have had the magic viewing public continually ask if I have seen Blaine. This makes my blood boil. Why, because I am a working magician. I do not have the connections to hang around
Leonardo and Eric Eisner. I do not have the connections to walk into the Cowboy's locker room and do magic. In my performances, I do not plant spectators. I can't float two feet off the ground in a restaurant because I do not own a crane. My double lift is one million times better. When I perform live, I cannot edit the best parts and show them. I cannot set up taxis to drive down the street with Bogus messages painted on the side. I do not have the money to give away free lottery tickets.

Most of all, (watch the MTV clip) I do not set out to make spectators urninate their clothes on TV, and then "BRAG" about it. The man is sick, I tell you. Pure and simple-he acted like a "Punk".

I am just one magician who thinks this art has been done a real dis-service by David Blaine. It is not nessessary to resort to these cheap shock value effects he is now taking ownership of. What next, show an audience five needles, claim one has draino in it, let an audience member choose one then inject? Quite simply, I have no respect for the man. As you can tell. Why? I just do not understand why or what is appealing about Blaine. See above. But then again some may feel this way about me.

I am done with my rant, thanks for reading.
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You don't seem to "get it." It's quite simple, really. Blaine has created an image, and that image isn't going to be further fulfilled by chop cups or Twisting The Aces. Are you even thinking? The man is about crazy, pseudo-paranormal stuff. You don't see The Amazing Jonathan putting a barstool through his arm. He does it with a knife and it works wonders. Jeez.

Sometimes you'd think stuff is so obvious that even those who force themselves to deny a man's success would see it. Smile

Oh, and he has the connections he has because he has done what you haven't-- WORKED for them. Ever try it? He did it. One thing's for sure, Blaine didn't wake up one day in Hell's Kitchen to answer DeNiro or Dicaprio's call Smile

Take care,
"Everything that can be invented has been invented." - Charles H. Duell, US Commissioner of Patents, 1899
Bascomb Grecian
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Like I said, I am off my Blaine rant. Sometimes people just have to get things off their chest.

Brownitus: You said, "Oh, and he has the connections he has because he has done what you haven't-- WORKED for them. Ever try it?"

Well now that you asked, YES. I have tried. And still trying. I spent two years hitting the pavement in Hollywood. (Living near there in the Early 1980's)And well, I am not on TV doing my act. So I guess you know the rest don't you.

I have never spent a single dime on advertising and I am still busy after twenty years. No, I did not get several million dollars on my last job, but at least I wake up each morning knowing my life is exactly the way I want it to be.

I have never even entertained the idea of bragging about a woman urninating her clothes as Blaine did on Last Call show. Do you realize what transpired on national TV that episode? Blaine in essence said, "My magic was so good, I caused a woman to urinate her pants." You do not find that offensive? I know what you are saying, lighten up right? I call that degrading to women, not to mention LOW CLASS and I would never, ever, use a cheap shot like that on National Television.

Now the real question I have been asking is why doesn't America feel the same way? Has this country's morals sunk that low?
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I'm glad you have tried to make the connections. One would think your hard work and resultant failure to do so would have you appreciating someone who actually succeeded far more than you apparently do.

The urinating on a woman thing was a joke. You are far too uptight. Do you get offended when you watch The Simpsons or Family Guy? Perhaps you've never heard the classic comedy term "over the top." From George Carlin to Conan O'Brien, this is a method of comedy that makes something hilarious, and only a nearsighted, literalist buffoon who can't read past the face value of it would find it offensive.

People do not find these things degrading because they just aren't. He states a woman urinated herself as a result of his magic being so strong. That is slightly humorous and not in the LEAST degrading. If you want degrading, go look at the show you let your child watch; 7th Heaven I believe. Jessica Biel posed nude to try to get off the cast, not to mention some wet-shirt stints in movies. Then she plays some golden child on the show? THAT is degrading, if anything.

Anyway, the point here is you can criticize Blaine all you want in terms of you liking him or not-- but to deny a man's ability is rather outrageous when it's so in-your-face. I greatly dislike Wayne Gretzky and I am a massive hockey fan-- would I ever for a second deny his abilities? I never was a fan of Michael Jordan's-- would I even question his skill? Not to say Blaine is necessarily comparable to the last two in a respective field, but you get the drift.

Take care,

P.S. "I have never spent a single dime on advertising and I am still busy after twenty years. No, I did not get several million dollars on my last job, but at least I wake up each morning knowing my life is exactly the way I want it to be." <-- I echo this with my own business as well, though soon enough the millions will be coming Smile
"Everything that can be invented has been invented." - Charles H. Duell, US Commissioner of Patents, 1899
Bascomb Grecian
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Well Said Brownitus!

The problem with cyberspace is that it appears "in-your-face", but I'm actually the nicest guy I know!

You said, "People do not find these things degrading because they just aren't."

Again, that is the problem, because people don't-and they should.

How do I admire someone successful, who does not belong there (lack of technical skill)?

Also, "Hell's Kitchen" was mentioned a post or two back. If that is such a bad place, I would think he would get as far away from that place as possible, not hangout there and film TV Shows.

Do you see my point? Well, probably not, and that's ok as well!

Also you said, "I'm glad you have tried to make the connections. One would think your hard work and resultant failure to do so would have you appreciating someone who actually succeeded far more than you apparently do."

First, I am not a resultant failure. I have been married to the same woman for over ten years, and I love my wife! I have a son, who is a smart young man. I have a great family, my friends love me, and I love them. I built my own home at age 33. I put myself through college doing magic. I am a Commercial Pilot with over 1500 flight hours. I used to fly an air-ambulance. I frequently flew at night in the mountains, in storms in the wintertime, to get medically ill patients to proper medical care. I am still alive. I have done magic for several members of the Forbes 400 List. And they liked my abilities, they told me so, and I got paid. See, some of us measure success differently. I do not measure success by joking about women urinating their pants. Blaine does, he said it, not me. Yeah, that might have been a "successful" joke, but there is nothing funny about poking fun at a young woman who was kind enough to give her undivided attention to that "Performer" as he wants to be known.

P.S. The urination joke is not an example of over the top comedy, he doesn't even do that correctly.
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Ron Giesecke
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On 2002-10-02 19:27, brownitus wrote:

I'm glad you have tried to make the connections. One would think your hard work and resultant failure to do so would have you appreciating someone who actually succeeded far more than you apparently do.

Nice condescention. I was wondering if you give belittling lessons?

I know Bascomb very well, and, based on this comment alone, you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.

christopher carter
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I agree with Bascomb that there are many things in life more important than the sort of success that gets a person on national TV. Brownitus shouldn't be belittling Bascomb, but Bascom seems to be belittling anybody who disagrees with him about Blaine, so he's sort of brought it upon himself.

Clearly there is nothing positive about Blaine that Bascomb is willing to concede. Even when things are brought up that might be worthy of further exploration, he finds a way to ignore or marginalize it.

So he doesn't like Blaine. That's fine, and there's no reason for him to do so if he doesn't want to. We do all have different tastes, after all. But his unwillingness to analyze what it is that makes Blaine popular, or to consider the posibility that the things Blaine does are choices, not accidents caused by lack of talent, makes Bascombs rants seem very pointless.

Everyone who expresses a reason to like or even be interested in Blaines work gets belittled by Bascomb.

Bascomb, I happen to like magic performed as if it were real. Your attitude expresses that I must be some sort of simpleton for liking it this way. Like you, I also know that it isn't real, and for the life of me, I can't figure why that knowledge means I can't prefer magic treated in a realistic fashion.

I know when I watch an actor playing Hamlet, that he isn't really Hamlet. But I think I would prefer it if the actor treated the role as if he really were Hamlet. What if he winked every thirty seconds or so, and whispered under his breath, "Hey, I'm really just an actor. This whole theater thing is kind of stupid, isn't it." I think an actor who did this would be pretty irritating. Yet this is the way most magicians perform.

To me, Blaine is the first T.V. magician who hasn't performed in this same manner. I like it. Would I be more interested if Blaine were less vulgar? Undoubtedly so. But everybody with different tastes than you isn't necessarily a cretin or a moron, as you seem to imply.

--Christopher Carter
Bascomb Grecian
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You are right about me, I am bringing this upon myself!

Publicly, yes I feel Blaine is weak as a performer/magician. I tend to be blunt in my writings and that may offend some. Which I regret.

I had to deal with the viewing public, deflecting the Blaine questions from them. If I loved Blaine and his legacy, a smile would appear when his name is mentioned. BUT NO, I continually endure with the can YOU levitate like him questions?

Most people that defend Blaine do not know better.

I am going to be real honest here, my opinion.

I do not understand what the public finds appealing about Blaine. What good quality can I find in him? I am drawing a big blank here........................

Sorry........ Editing, camera tricks, stooges, massive preshow work, low technical skill, dull presentation style, degrading humor, unlimited budget to buy the latest effects, he makes fun of the homeless, and has a I am a god syndrome. If this is a great performer, as I said, the world is worse off than I thought. That is what I have a problem with.
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christopher carter
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On 2002-10-02 22:59, Bascomb wrote:

Most people that defend Blaine do not know better.

Then I guess the discussion is over.

--Christopher Carter
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