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Profile of tommy
“And if you all are such huge experts on Steve Forte, what's Steve's real last name?”
The point is we are not expert on Steve…what ever is name is. That is why we are guessing how he got so good. If we were all experts on him then the question would not have arisen. If you were here to help rather than hinder you might tell us the name if you know.

Also: Those making snide comments might want to point to one relevant comment they have made themselves on the topic before they criticize others.
If there is a single truth about Magic, it is that nothing on earth so efficiently evades it.

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Profile of Nikodini
On 2005-04-18 23:13, tommy wrote:
“And if you all are such huge experts on Steve Forte, what's Steve's real last name?”
The point is we are not expert on Steve…what ever is name is. That is why we are guessing how he got so good. If we were all experts on him then the question would not have arisen. If you were here to help rather than hinder you might tell us the name if you know.

Also: Those making snide comments might want to point to one relevant comment they have made themselves on the topic before they criticize others.

Steve's just an email or a phone call away:

SLF Publishing LLC
9850 South Maryland Pkwy
Suite A-5 #354
Las Vegas, NV 89123
(702) 616-0256

He's not hiding his contact info... they're right on his website. Why waste time/bandwidth/keypresses speculating?!

On 2005-04-18 20:42, DaveM wrote:

There IS something called a "Life". Most people have one.


Dave, so why are you wasting it here in this thread? Tryong to show-off how much better at "life" you are?
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Profile of tommy

I would love to speak to Forte but it is not that easy. SLF Publishing LLC is no more than his publisher. Now and again he will give an interview. I did ask him a question through a member of casino staff in such an interview but could only ask a relevant question, which had to go through a veting procedure before they let him see the question. You have point if it was that easy but it just is not, as far as I am aware. Doc simply wants to know if there is teaching books that forte studied that magicians might know of that he is not aware off. It seems to me that no one knows here. It is a fair question to ask of card experts if one admires Forte. If Doc could simply pick up the phone and ask him I am sure he would. This Café is about helping each other, if you do not think that, what are you here for?

If there is a single truth about Magic, it is that nothing on earth so efficiently evades it.

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Nikodini, chill man! let people exchange thoughts and ideas. that's what a forum is for.

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To Whom It May Concern

I know of many ways of how Steve got good and I also went through all of Steve's gambling books so I do know what books he studied. No I couldn't go through each and every book but the one's that I were interested in I took my camcorder out like a spy and video taped each page. Yes, they all laughed at me for doing so but I got the needed information that I wanted.

Steve must have felt sorry for me at one point and time and gave me a soft cover book of a hard cover book that I was copying. Yes I brown nosed to get the information I needed but I got it. When learning or trying to learn something you have to be like my new friend Craig, he travelled all the way from his home town to visit and hang out with me to see Steve's stuff and to learn new things. I learned from him just as much as he learned from me.

Ya'll read my stories but who are the one's that's travelling to learn; the true seekers of knowledge. I think if you ask Craig I'm not as hard and tuff as some may think that I am. I just don't want any of you getting hurt in the process if you're seriously contemplating on doing this as a livelihood.

I'm Learning Too

I don't have all the sense, I want to learn too. Ya'll magicians have very valuable information that I need to learn in order to better myself and I want it at any cost. Don't you think that I'm learning new stuff that Tommy is now talking about to Petersd? I'm learning from both of them. If everybody would join in and add their two cents we might get $1.00 which is 100% of new information.

This forum is like a gambling spot were we can all learn from each other if we just give each a turn to speak what they know to be true but like all gambling spots there are knuckle heads that you wish wouldn't come out but they do but we can still learn from them of what not to do and what not to say.

You know why we can't learn? We can't learn because the top guys want to stay at the top and want to keep all the secrets from us so to leave US LITTLE GUYS WHERE WE ARE. I like where I'm at and I'm always going to be for the under dog or the little guys because I just like hanging out with them because I have more in common with them then the so-called upperty ones. I guess I'm a sucker for common folk.



P.S. Nikodini I beg of you to listen to what I'm about to say...Magician's has more knowledge about trickery than the Casino owner's and if Steve is not telling you anything why would you think that he's telling the casino everything he knows? To answer this question, he's not. This information may be new to us but it's old news to Steve. I used to think like you regarding this but as I got better I learned how wrong I was.

To the Monitors and Staff

The words that I speak most ot the time goes over the heads of these here laymen but periodically I over step my bounderies of which I am wrong. Advice from unknown friends frequently step up to correct my errors as before telling me that I go a little too far on certain things and info. so on that note would you please LOCK THIS THREAD.

Thanks in advance

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Profile of Elknase
A cheat needs more than technical skill.

If you plan to cheat at poker, make sure poker-logic is second nature to you.
Make sure you fit the model of a poker player. Poker itself is a game of illusion. And good poker players have a feel for odds and playing patterns.
That is, if you play in fast company, you have to know how to play. You have to know your starting hands, pot odds, implied odds, sample space, the environment, the people. You still need patience, while you wait for one moment, or maybe not that night. Sometimes you loose, to maintain credibility but your concept dictates you to win in the long run. Subtle wins won't raise suspicion.

Stuff like "cleaning the house" doesn't work for me.

Usually, the locals at a poker place have advantage plays with the fishes passing by. That is, you might be cheated by fine-tuned collusion concepts before you get ready for whatever you had in mind.

Therefore you have to change the situation. If they know that you stay for more than one night in the same town, they probably won't fleece you the first night but want you to come back for more (This heavily depends on the image you project) Therefore, you only stay one night playing like a mediocre rock. If you win a pot, you subtly communicate the impression that you will come back tomorrow for sure. If you win some that night, you either played good poker or they trade you as a 1+n days fish. Whatever the case, you leave town.

Cheating has a lot to do with acting, planning and last but not least, knowing people. You need to project a certain image to be successful. You need to know the expectations and live into that image to meet the expected reality. This installs trust. Make sure you meet the requests of certain situations while reacting to the environment in a consistent way - but subtly disappointing its expectations. If suspected of cheating, lose some pots and play honest. Call it prestige advertising. And there's probably a next time where people sit down with you to play poker.

You know, everyone would cheat you if they could make 100 percent sure that no one catches them. That's why I never play cards with my grandmother.


All the best to the pasteboard people.

- Elknase
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Profile of Yiannis
very thoughtfull post. Well done mate!
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Profile of petersd

Your point is a good one. A good cheat should be able to hold their own and nail you when the opportunity is right.

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Profile of Alewishus
A "good cheat", now there's an oxymoron if I've ever heard one!

Sack subs, ok Ross?
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I hear Steve drinks 8 glasses of milk everyday and that's the reason why he got so good Smile
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Profile of bishthemagish
How did Steve Forte get so good?

By putting in the time in both the practice and the education of the skills. And not only cards but dice as well. In my book Steve Forte is the man and the best I have seen doing his kind of work and material.

That is one of the great things about this kind of work. You can't get good at it without putting the TIME in. And learning. And there is no short cut.

Steve Forte is great because he INVESTED THE TIME it took to learn the SKILLS! And for me he is the BEST at what he does. And it is great and a real treat for me to watch an artist do what he does so well.
Glenn Bishop Cardician

Producer of the DVD Punch Deal Pro

Publisher of Glenn Bishop's Ace Cutting And Block Transfer Triumphs
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Profile of Unknown419
Glenn Bishop, I as a full pledge cheat and one that knows a lot in this area about what he's talking about have inducted you into Doc's Gambling Hall of Fame. Why?

Your knowledge of cheating, The 3 Shell Game etc. makes you eligible and besides, just as you said you put in time and took no short cuts on getting there so I’d like to say that it’s an honor to know you.

Why I’m Inducting These Here Guys

Everybody in the NBA is not signed up to do the exact same thing and neither are cardsharps.

Walter Scott in my eyesight wasn’t a professional, professional but he was a professional. Why? 1. Because he couldn’t Cold Deck and 2. Because of the standards of which I learned from the streets and by listening to ya’ll here magicians. As I see it we are judging all cheats by the standards of John Scarne and Steve Forte and this would make Walter an NBA player but not a Michael Jordan.

The Standards Are Wrong

When playing a game there are always exceptions to the rule like Michael and Kobe but the NBA is basically all average basketball players playing at the same level so likewise judging cheats should be based upon the same principle. So do a person have to cheat a person in order to be a card sharp? Technically yes because a cardsharp is an expert card cheater but I’m changing it to no.


If a person possesses the skill of a cheat but had no playtime doesn’t mean that he can’t do it if necessary and if a person can learn how to cheat from a person showing cheating moves then that person is a teacher of cheaters and therefore is a cheat. So on that note I’m inducting Darwin Ortiz, Andrew Wimhurst, Dennis Behr, Damien Neiman, Jason England, Paul Wilson, Richard Turner, Paul Chosse, Allen Ackerman, Glenn Bishop, Sal Piacente, Rod the Hop, Gary Plant, Ian Kendal, Jeff Wessmiller, Gary Plant, Gene Maze, Wesley James, Igor into Doc’s Gambling Hall of Fame. Those that I forgot to mention or induct I’m very sorry for not remembering.

I’d like to thank each and every one of ya’ll for helping me with my techniques and what the real thing is suppose to look like.

Your Friend

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Profile of card123
On 2005-04-22 03:58, Unknown419 wrote:
Glenn Bishop, I as a full pledge cheat and one that knows a lot in this area about what he's talking about have inducted you into Doc's Gambling Hall of Fame. Why?

Your knowledge of cheating, The 3 Shell Game etc. makes you eligible and besides, just as you said you put in time and took no short cuts on getting there so I’d like to say that it’s an honor to know you.

Why I’m Inducting These Here Guys

Everybody in the NBA is not signed up to do the exact same thing and neither are cardsharps.

Walter Scott in my eyesight wasn’t a professional, professional but he was a professional. Why? 1. Because he couldn’t Cold Deck and 2. Because of the standards of which I learned from the streets and by listening to ya’ll here magicians. As I see it we are judging all cheats by the standards of John Scarne and Steve Forte and this would make Walter an NBA player but not a Michael Jordan.

The Standards Are Wrong

When playing a game there are always exceptions to the rule like Michael and Kobe but the NBA is basically all average basketball players playing at the same level so likewise judging cheats should be based upon the same principle. So do a person have to cheat a person in order to be a card sharp? Technically yes because a cardsharp is an expert card cheater but I’m changing it to no.


If a person possesses the skill of a cheat but had no playtime doesn’t mean that he can’t do it if necessary and if a person can learn how to cheat from a person showing cheating moves then that person is a teacher of cheaters and therefore is a cheat. So on that note I’m inducting Darwin Ortiz, Andrew Wimhurst, Dennis Behr, Damien Neiman, Jason England, Paul Wilson, Richard Turner, Paul Chosse, Allen Ackerman, Glenn Bishop, Sal Piacente, Rod the Hop, Gary Plant, Ian Kendal, Jeff Wessmiller, Gary Plant, Gene Maze, Wesley James, Igor into Doc’s Gambling Hall of Fame. Those that I forgot to mention or induct I’m very sorry for not remembering.

I’d like to thank each and every one of ya’ll for helping me with my techniques and what the real thing is suppose to look like.

Your Friend


What? Steve Forte going to be "inducted into Docs hall of fame"
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Profile of Unknown419
Cards123 you should read between the lines more...Steve and Scarne has to already be in it.

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Profile of Sonicstabber
Something that some of you may find Interesting, Sal Paciente's Expert Card Magic DVD's are mostly Forte material and concepts. Steve showed them to Sal, who used them without permission ( supposedly) and that really miffed Steve off, for releasing the material to the magic community.

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Profile of Yiannis
In the DVD's Sal is constantly refering to Forte and gives credit to him. And the material, by the way, is first class!!
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Profile of Sonicstabber
Yeah, I agree the material is top quality. But Sal didn't get permission, regardless of if he gave credit. Same occurence kind of with the D'amico one hand second deal in Buckley's Card Control. Taught wrong, and not given credit to Carmen, until he asked for it. He didn't give permission for it to be used, so Buckley initially published it under a different context of author. With Paciente, he gave credit, but didn't get the initial permission for using the material, and gaining profit from it.

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Profile of Alewishus
Whit do you mean!?

Sack subs, ok Ross?
We miss you asper.
Mr. Z
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On 2005-09-03 03:26, Sonicstabber wrote:
Something that some of you may find Interesting, Sal Paciente's Expert Card Magic DVD's are mostly Forte material and concepts. Steve showed them to Sal, who used them without permission ( supposedly) and that really miffed Steve off, for releasing the material to the magic community.


Yeah that's highly unlikely. Dunno who told you that one.
"...if you have to say you is, you ain't."--Jimmy Hoffa
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Profile of tommy
The ones I have of Sal are magic tricks exept for 3 card and some of them are good. From menory Sal says Forte showed him some tricks and explined some princple from magic from which they were based and Sal used some of the priciples from what was taught and made some tricks. Some, if not all, are old principles, so I can see Steve not liking that. Sal as a new one on poker moves but I don't know if that is out yet, but I would like to get it.
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