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On 2005-06-02 12:41, Neil wrote:
...everytime I track them down, they are in either the Gibson or Osbourne booklet already.

Me too Neil. I thought I even saw what we call the "Sheet's Acquitment" in there
in one of the routines but I was too tired to give it my full attention.
I'll have to look it up. It was one of the later routines, deeper in the book.

Is that what you're talking about? Hand Crafted Magic
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I can't tell cos I appear to have lost the Osbourne booklet! I searched everywhere for it last night to no avail. :-( - I take it you were talking about the Osbourne one?

Those two booklets contain so many moves. I notice quite a few of the Gibson moves can only be done with a sponge pea or a very soft closeup pad - moves like the Prong where the pea is pressed under the finger as the shell is moved with the other finger. They look like cool moves but the Perfect Pea is too hard to squash flat.

Thanks for the references Richard. I have shot glasses and can do shot glass and in-their-hand endings but what I like about Glenns routine is that any glass can be used.

I have the Supershells routine for a purely magical thing.

I'd like two other routines. One that I can do anywhere. And one that is a real gambling challenge with real guessing and outguessing filled with bluff and banter. I'm working on the last one at the moment and am coming up with ideas to cover every eventuality - stuff like if they pick the correct shell I ask them if they are really sure cos I don't want to take their money and I'll let them pick an additional shell and show them if it's empty, that being done they can still change their mind but they look like a resolute sort of person who can't be bluffed etc and when they don't change it turns out to be under the one I hinted it was under etc. The idea being to make it into a seemingly psychological game (not unlike Derren Browns rock, scissors, paper) and that I'm using old school fast talking swindling banter to bluff them. I'd like to be so au fait with it that I could jazz it but I feel better to have a planned routine which builds and every alternative play is covered and moves to the next phase anyway - So no big deal really! Smile
Richard Shippy
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I wanted to thank Glenn for sharing his routine with us as well, it is FANTASTIC!!! Thanks Glenn! Smile

Whit, do you have an anticipated completion date for Volume 2 of your wonderful "Three Shells Game" DVD series? I loved volume 1 and am looking forward to purchasing your next DVD.

Thank you,
"They say that nobody is perfect. Then they tell you practice makes perfect. I wish they'd make up their minds." ~ Winston Churchill
Whit Haydn
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No completion date yet. Vol 2 should be done by the end of the year.
Richard Shippy
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Thank you Whit, I look forward to Volume 2! Smile

It has been fun practicing the moves and acquitments in volume 1. I found it valuable to use the pdf document from the DVD to follow along during practice time. Just recently, I fooled some spectators badly with the Haydn Turnover since my entire routine up to that point used the Sheets Acquitment. In my opinion it is nice knowing a few different acquitments if some people are watching for a long time. In my application, I used the Haydn Turnover casually to show both end shells simulatneously while the 2nd pea was in the center. It is extremely fun creating routines using the various moves you taught in Volume 1. Thanks for making such a great DVD product! Your DVD was my first experience with the Three Shells game and now I am hooked.

Kind regards,
"They say that nobody is perfect. Then they tell you practice makes perfect. I wish they'd make up their minds." ~ Winston Churchill
Whit Haydn
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Thank you Rich. We gave two routines in the DVD, but we really wanted to give people the stuff to build from--stories, patter ideas, and moves and strategy. Using the master moves and the "maneuvers" anyone can create a variety of interlocking plays.

Each of the following DVD's will have new more advanced routines with complete patter, but will also be filled with anecdotes, history, real street patter, and a whole flexible system of operating the shells with two peas where you can continue working the shells in front of the same audience for hours if need be without being burnt.

It is a bullet-proof system that enables you to work casino nights, festivals, re-enactment situations, corporate events, themed parties, etc.
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Eternal Order
Northern California
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Profile of TheAmbitiousCard
This sounds like a LOT of fun.

It's wonderful how one play builds on the next.
Things cancel each other out. Fake tells, shows.

Lots of fun. Hand Crafted Magic
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On May 23, 2005, bishthemagish wrote:
On 2005-05-23 14:59, Richard Shippy wrote:
What is your favorite acquitment for the three shells game?

Hi Rich this is an interesting question.

What I like about my sell game is the way that I steal the pea out of the shell - a move I call the Bishop steal.

Is there a pamphlet or any material published describing the moves and routine ?

The fact that the routine is short and has a punch ending. And any shell routine can be as long or short as needed.

And I like my pea in the shot glass ending. And the fact the shot glass ending can be done over and over again and can almost be a running gag if you use two peas and do it like the card under the drink. I use a sponge pea so new shell peas are as close as a set of scissors and a sponge ball.

As a follow up I have sometimes loaded a large sponge ball and say something to the line that if they missed the small pea this should help.

The shell game makes for a great magic trick if it is not done to long. And you do not make fun of the spectators when they can't find it!
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