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1 - What is a pass? Well, ok, I know you're not allowed to tell me on this forum. So, instead, where can I learn the pass? A video download would be ideal but a recommended DVD or book would be great also.

2 - Is it common to damage cards? I managed to tear a card while trying to back-palm it. How much are they supposed to bend for that, anyway? Is there a recommended brand or similar (because another deck of cards I have seems to be stronger and has never had a problem with doing that?)
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Profile of blazes816
2- I've destroyed at least a card gross. (Thats what I call it. It's not a real amount it's 52 decks of cards.) I use bikes but that's 'cuz that's what they have at walmart.
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Profile of JohnLamberti
I don't think I'm giving anything away here by saying...grab a book my friend.

Start with Royal Road to Card Magic. That should keep you occupied for a while. It's a good place to start.
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Profile of jack_is_dead
Why would you want to learn the pass? if you are a begginer you should not do that! there are many other steps before you come to the pass I think..even some proffesional magicians avoid the pass.its difficult to learn and many other things can be used to substitude the pass..but its great if you have mastered it it will come to you later.
I use bycicle deck coz I like it when many magicians I see in dvd or performance also uses a bycicle..its just a great feeling to see Michael Ammar using a bycicle and you too perform with it rite..i don't know
one eyed man is the king in the blind land
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Thanks for your reply.

As to "why would I want to learn the pass?" - I don't know! Smile Since I don't know what anything is, I can't tell what it's used for, so I'm just trying things and practicing what I can get my head around Smile
Corey Harris
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I personally would learn other card techniques and practice those until they are perfect before moving onto the Pass. The pass is a very difficult control to learn and use, I have been working on it for about 8 months now and have finally gotten it up to performance standards. I do agree with John though, Get royal road to card magic. It is a great book and will teach you moves and effects for each slieght you learn.
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Profile of sjdavison
Yes, third for Royal Road. Might as well add to that the Encyclopedia of Card tricks (Hugard and Braue), as it is cheap also.

If, after that, you want to learn from the DVD format, the the Ammar Easy to MAster Card Miracles is a good place. But grasp the basics from those books first.

Regarding the pass, I think do start learning it now, contrary to what the others say. Do not use it for performance, but practising it will increase your dexterity, and will give you a head start. But it is not an essential sleight, focus instead on PRESENTATION, and entertaining your audience, rather than worrying about using particular sleights.

Above all, enjoy!

Simon, 32, UK
Frank Tougas
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Let's just say the pass allows you to maintain control of the location of a card and keep it at that. ( I hope that is vague enough). Unless you are a hard core card worker you may never use the pass in your life. There are many workarounds a person can learn to do what is accomplished by the pass. They look very natural and above suspicion, the pass on the other hand, if done badly always looks like you just did something. I agree with Royal Road as a good starting place. Richard Kaufman publisher of Genii does a wicked pass. The only version of a pass I was able to achieve was, "Hey baby, what's your sign?" and I wasn't very good at that one either!

As far as back palming if you are trying to produce large numbers of cards, some of the professionals use a card that is highly pliable and thinner which allows them more latitude, then again many performers use standard cards. Plan on buying lots and lots of cards.

Looks like you have chosen your path in magic - may you have the best of luck.
Frank Tougas The Twin Cities Most "Kid Experienced" Children's Performer :"Creating Positive Memories...One Smile at a Time"
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A tip to you: Read this first, so you know a little bit about what you should learn. Then I suggest, as the rest here does, that you buy a book (the books mentioned are inexpensive), and find a trick which you wish to learn. Then try to learn the sleigts that you need to do the effect.

Preferrably start out with sleightless tricks just to practice doing magic Smile

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Profile of moose
Ummm, have I "chosen my path"? That's scary. I just learned card tricks because they're what I knew when I was a kid and I've got lots of decks of cards around (friends play poker a lot)

How much is a card supposed to bend on a backpalm? I guess it depends how big your hands are, and I've often wondered if mine were too small.. and producing large numbers of cards? I'm still getting my head around doing just one. Smile

Scanning for Royal Road books now - thanks! (Why do I keep thinking "Royal Rainbow"?)
Frank Tougas
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Didn't mean to scare you, it is just you are asking about some things in card magic that are pretty advanced so I thought card magic was your choice in magic.
There is already several threads regarding small hands. Do a search, you will find them very interesting.

Frank Tougas
Frank Tougas The Twin Cities Most "Kid Experienced" Children's Performer :"Creating Positive Memories...One Smile at a Time"
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Profile of jack_is_dead
I think you are making yourself scared moose..i mean you make me scared when you talk about back palming..palming and pass....i have been into magic for about a year and 95 percent I practice card tricks..but I have never gotten into even one of those things you mentioned..i have talked alots about this to the Café members and none of them reccomend me to learn palming or passes..all they told me was get a good book and if you have extra money get some dvd..there are a lots of things to learn and required to be mastered..ex double lifts,false cut,different kind of shuffles,card controlling....and many more really. go step by step..get the royal road to card magic..
one eyed man is the king in the blind land
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Profile of Rhabarber
The palm can be something very useful. But I wouldn't recommend to learn it as one of the first sleights. As jack said, there's plenty other things to learn first. You'll be able to do some very cool tricks, just by using the dl or some controlling skills. Then, when you manage these basic things, try to palm a card.
And the pass - oh well, I wouldn't mind about it.

Start with the simple things. If you want to climb the highest mountain at the very beginning, you're bound to fail, and that will only make you lose fun and interest in card magic.
Corey Harris
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I don't agree with not learning Palming. Back palming isn't really nessicary unless you are going to be doing manipulations such as productions of random cards. But standard palming is extremley benificial. I have been into magic for over 15 years. Just last year though I started hitting the slieghts. Palming was one of the first 5 things that I learned, And I use it all the time.
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Profile of pedrothegreat
Being new to card magic also I can recommend learning palming. It takes a bit of practice but doesn't take too long (in the grand sceme of things) to get it to performable standard. However it can be used for some really great effects!

Good luck with your pursuit in magic, it takes a lot of practice but it is all worth it when you get those killer reactions Smile

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don't have a magic website but i have a cool car styling website at
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Profile of bishthemagish
The pass or the shift is a way to shift the deck after the cut in a game of cards. magicians use it and it is called the pass and if your interest is card magic and palming etc. I suggest that you start with books like - Royal Road to Card Magic, Expert Card Technique, Erdnase - Expert at the card table - and the Card Magic of LePaul.

These books have the answers that have about card magic. And should keep you busy for quite a few days if not years!

I also have video of me doing the turn over pass at my web site below.
Glenn Bishop Cardician

Producer of the DVD Punch Deal Pro

Publisher of Glenn Bishop's Ace Cutting And Block Transfer Triumphs
Lee Darrow
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Once upon a time a very busy doctor came to a great magician and said, "I want to learn card magic, but I am very busy. Teach me the good stuff." The great magician taught him some relatively simple things and sent him on his way. The doctor came back the next week and did these things, flawlessly and said: "Too easy. I am very busy. Teach me the hard stuff." The great magician relented and taught him the classic pass and how to back palm.

The next week, the doctor returned and performed these difficult sleights extremely well.

The doctor, reportedly, was Doctor Jacob Daley, who went on to become one of the original contributors to Stars of Magic series.

Sometimes, one learns best what one is taught first. Who is to say that there really is a ranked order of what card sleights should be learned?

There is an old proverb: "If you want something done, give it to a busy person."

The question is - are YOU a busy enough person?

Lee Darrow, C.H.
<BR>"Because NICE Matters!"
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Profile of bishthemagish
Great post Lee!
Glenn Bishop Cardician

Producer of the DVD Punch Deal Pro

Publisher of Glenn Bishop's Ace Cutting And Block Transfer Triumphs
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I would reccomend royal road and ofcourse card college Smile
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Profile of lynnef
Moose ... you might find some of the Hugard Books in the used section for under $5. I got a copy of Erdnase's Expert at the Card Table for $1.50 used! Bishthemagish mentioned Erdnase, and I'll second that suggestion. Erdnase calls the pass a "shift" ; but it's all there first published in 1902!.
As for the back palm problems, you're going to wear the cards out. Get used to it. Perhaps you're not 'preparing' the cards. You can buy prepared cards (eg Nielsen) OR you can bend the hell out of them, press them between boards, powder them, etc (a bit like cooking,.. to the taste). If you got dough, you might buy Jeff McBride's card manips videos which describe this in much more detail. have fun!
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