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The City of Ithobaal I son of Hiram I
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Profile of pkg
Basically a list of original effects and the new "rip offs". should be a small guide to know whatever you are buying if it's the original or "rip off".
Double posters should be shot!

No really!!
Father Photius
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Grammar Host
El Paso, TX (Formerly Amarillo)
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Profile of Father Photius
Great site, thanks for putting that up. About time somebody made it clear who were originals and who were rip-offs.
"Now here's the man with the 25 cent hands, that two bit magician..."
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Profile of edh
In regards to the Penetration Frame. If the original only comes in a wood type of finish. Then on Chris Angels Halloween special he showed a blue Penetration Frame in his friends magic shop. Which was a ripoff of the original. Interesting.
Magic is a vanishing art.
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Olive Branch, Mississippi
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Profile of rikbrooks
I have Mr. Ellis' page bookmarked. Unfortunately I found that I had bought several rip-offs in the past. I have since replaced all those that I use with the original. There were several that I don't use because of shoddy workmanship. In that cases I gave the trick a second chance by buying the original.

There is an issue that is worth considering though - what makes something a rip-off. Sure, there are obvious rip-offs. What else can you say about the Bandit Ball other than it's a blatant rip-off of the Burglar Ball?

But some are not as clear. What about the chop cup? Invented by Al Wheatly. However there are a lot of people that make chop cups. Some resembling closely the original bamboo chop cup. How many ways can you make a bamboo cup? I myself make a mini leather chop cup. It's obviously visually different from any other cup on the market, but it IS a chop cup. I DID get the idea from the aluminum mini chop cup from Morrissey. Did I rip off Morrissey or Mr. Wheatley? The argument could be made that I did.

On the other hand, I didn't intentionally try to make another exactly like the Morrissey cup - so maybe I didn't.

There is a gray area. What if I found a better way to manufacture a product. What if I improve that product in some way? How much does it have to be improved to no longer be a rip-off? What if I completely redesign the internals or the working part of a trick but to the eye it looks exactly the same? Is that a rip-off?


Lots of questions. Still, a quick look at Mr. Ellis' page and you will see that he is listing the obvious rip-offs. My name isn't on there as one that ripped off the leather mini chop cup or any other kind of chop cup for that matter. I've discussed this issue with Mr. Ellis and he seems content to avoid the gray area by only reporting the blatant rip-offs.
Jeremy L.
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A few months ago I PMed Tim about this page and he said he was being threatened by Rob Stiff about the page... I remember it was just about a year or so (maybe more maybe less) that I was lurking here (I think it was actually the temporary Café) and there was a thread on Penguins ethics and Tim gave a link to this page. I've had the link to the page (well actually it's a page that gives a link to the New vs Original and a list of inventors) in my signature from just about the beginning of my stay here at the Café. There is atleast one other member who gives a link to this page in their signature. Not only is Tim very ethical but he is also a very helpful and friendly member here at the Magic Café. Let's keep this thread away from accusing Rob Stiff, Penguin etc. of their lack of ethics so the staff and/or mods don't have to lock or delete this thread.
Jeremy L.
Do you buy ethically?
Magic Fakes
Cory Gallupe
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Nova Scotia, Canada
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Profile of Cory Gallupe
That was very interesting.
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The City of Ithobaal I son of Hiram I
1356 Posts

Profile of pkg here goes for whoever doesn't even bother reading the signature (thanks jeremy!)
Double posters should be shot!

No really!!
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Profile of calexa
Thanks for posting this list.

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