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We (Murphy's) just received in the new Geoff Williams DVDs, Miracles for Mortals Vol. 1 and 2. Thus they should be available from your favorite dealer soon. I wrote briefly about these when I gave my thoughts on the Slydini DVDs (one of the top DVD sets of the year in my opinion) elsewhere on the Café as they are also produced by the same person, Ted Brainard.

Many of you may not know of Geoff Williams but I am sure word will be spreading once these DVDs get around. I had thoroughly enjoyed Geoff's lecture notes in the past. I was then fortunate enough to spend time with him and see his work at the last LVMI convention. He was the highlight of the convention.

I STRONGLY recommend these DVDs. They are PACKED with great solid, usable material. Geoff's strength is looking at strong existing routines and really taking them to a new level through presentation, handling changes, or both. He is also very big on crediting and seeking out permission to work off of someone's routine - a nice and important thing to see. As an example, In Omega Bet, Geoff takes what could be a rather boring card effect and makes it an entertaining piece of theater where the spectators really get into the betting and it builds and builds. Geoff did this for me in Vegas and I loved it.

Again, these DVDs are STRONGLY recommended for their superb content- you won't be disappointed as there is a wide range of VERY usable great material. Unfortunately there was some technical problems so they were not able to use the footage of the live performances so you won't see Geoff interacting with real people where he really shines BUT I can assure you it is made up for in the caliber of the material and Geoff's work on same.

Tim Trono

Available from your favorite dealer.

Dealers - contact Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Ca. 95742
Toll Free Order Line: 1-800-853-7403
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