danny Loyal user England 270 Posts |
I am thinking of getting it and was just wondering are the effects practical. Some people on the web have criticised it for being either too hard or rubbish effects. What do you guys think?
Thanks |
Gary Veteran user Market Harborough, UK 367 Posts |
Many great effects and the viewer gets a clear sense of the thinking behind them. All good stuff - that is if you like cards.
"I can see clearly now, the brain has gone"
- Anon |
mclare New user 94 Posts |
The tape is outstanding. Read the reviews on his site - it really is great.
Sybilmagic Loyal user England 277 Posts |
I agree with the above go http://www.magicweek.co.uk for a review. If you like stuff thats different get it.
Florian Rago Loyal user Lincolnshire 202 Posts |
Frrom what I understand the video has the effects from his book.
Florian |
Alan Jackson Elite user Cardiff, UK 432 Posts |
A couple of things from Pure Effect, but much that isn't. Most of the stuff is not for the beginner but it is all excellent. The tape production is brilliant.
There are 10 kinds of people: those who understand binary numbers, and those who don't.
korttihai_82 Inner circle Finland 1890 Posts |
Get it. You wont be disapointed.
Axman Elite user 421 Posts |
I think Derrens tape is excellent. It gets my highest praise.
sjdavison Inner circle Surrey, UK 1379 Posts |
Has anyone else had a delay in receiving it? I ordered mine by cheque, but its been a few weeks.
Thanks, Simon |
cardfreakhk Special user Hong Kong SAR 585 Posts |
I am going to get my set too.
However... I live in Hong Kong, he doesn't accept money order... and Pay Pal is trouble... We always have to do more for the real cool stuffs. CardFreakHK
Don't just dream, stay awake and action!
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