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Steven True
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Bonney Lake,WA
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Has anyone here ever built any props using the:
Byron G Wells Great Illusions of Magic? I would like to hear from you if you have built any illusions out of these 2 books.

Thank you

Bob Sanders
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1945 - 2024
Magic Valley Ranch, Clanton, Alabama
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These two books have been very useful to me. I will also have to admit that Lucy and I are very busy so I have been known to take them to the prop builder and a say "build me one of those."

Make sure that the measurements (you will have to use a scale) fit your needs.

Bob Sanders
Magic By Sande
Bob Sanders

Magic By Sander / The Amazed Wiz
Frank Simpson
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SW Montana
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There are very few illusions I would built specifically to the designs and dimensions given, but there are a few.

As far as concepts and methods go it is a veritable trasure trove. But unless you want your illusions to look like turn-of-the-20th-century furniture I would suggest giving them a facelift.
Michael Baker
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Near a river in the Midwest
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Aren't many of these plans in the Wels books reproductions of old Thayer plans?

I love these books for a nice broad reference. I have used the concepts detailed in those books to build many things, but I learned many years ago never to trust a set of working plans. I always redesign any illusion (or smaller apparatus) to my own needs, take and record all measurements and dimensions (at least twice), and then draw up my own set of plans.

I have actually heard that one famous magic manufacturer would deliberately give a false dimension or two in their illusion building plans, thus almost guaranteeing construction failure. Supposedly, the frustrated builder wannabes would later come crawling back to have the company make the illusion for them. Anecdotal rumor perhaps, but curiously funny, none-the-less!

~michael baker
The Magic Company
Steven True
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Bonney Lake,WA
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Yes I do believe they are a lot of Thayer plans. They are an older set of books but I have a chance to get a set at a great price. And I am already learning about having to adjust the plans to fit my sizes and needs.
Thanks guys

Frank Simpson
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I wonder too if they might not have given false dimensions so that their props would look better/more deceptive than the "home-builts".

An interesting notion!
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