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Christian Illusionist Special user Ohio (currently located in Missouri) 503 Posts |
I went to the above link to by this illusion. I found that they were out of stock. Is theirs the best form of it? Is there another place to get it if it is? If it isn't, where can I find the best form? I'm sorry if this has been covered. I tried to search, but mainly only found things involving people who already owned it.
We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams.
Brian Tanner Loyal user Ohio 297 Posts |
Here's another source for this effect.If you have any questions, just give them a call.I've always had good experiences with them. http://www.hanklee.org/xcart/customer/pr......p;page=1
rtgreen Inner circle Portland, Oregon 1322 Posts |
With a little research you can make this effect yourself. It's been around for years and years. There is a fairly good description in Greater Magic and I think it is in one of the Hoffmann books. Something that surprises me is that it isn't included in Tarbell. There are very few classics that can't be found there and the omission of the sands is very surprising since Dr. Tarbell's presentation was so respected.
Thanks, Richard |
revlovejoy Special user Pennsylvania 765 Posts |
The magic auction always seems to have this on the page.
Don't look for it under grand illusion though. Maybe stage. |
Tyler_Magician Special user 509 Posts |
I'll sell you mine. Let me know if your interested...
-Tyler |
Kent Wong Inner circle Edmonton, Alberta, Canada 2458 Posts |
The new versions currently being sold do not come with any of the glasses or bowls - Just the sand. When I originally purchased mine, it came with 3 smaller bowls to hold the sand, a large bowl for the water and a water pitcher as well. I bought it out of impulse shortly after Doug Henning presented it on his special. For some reason, it never fit in my show and it still sits on my shelf to this day, completely unused.
"Believing is Seeing"
<BR>______________________ <BR> <BR>www.kentwongmagic.com |
Norrabmagic Regular user 141 Posts |
I have been doing this trick twice a night for a year now, so I go through a lot of sand. My advice is to buy the sand straight from the source. Dunecraft is the company that makes it, they call it space sand. it is only about 7 dollars a pound, and it is much smoother and easier to use than the waxy home made variety that magic shops tend to sell. I opted not to do the water change, but the chemicals can be bought cheaply from a chemical supply company if you decide to.
Paul Arthur Regular user 196 Posts |
Only problem with the Space Sand is that it was featured as a toy product on the Regis and Kelly show in 2004. They did a full demonstration of it in clear water. Maybe enough time has passed....
rtgreen Inner circle Portland, Oregon 1322 Posts |
It's been mentioned by others on the Café before, but the effect of the hindu sands is not that the sand remains dry in water, but that the colored sands are mixed together in the water and separated and extracted from the water in the order the audience specifies. Therefore, I think the secret to making this effect magical is to emphasize the mixing. Most of the classical magicians either used their wands or both hands to mix the sands into the water. Doug Henning took this approach as does David Ben. Jonathan Pendragon talks of sand paintings and allows the spectators to mix the sands themselves.
I've never seen anyone do it this way, but it may be interesting to mix the dry sands togther and then pour them into the water. Maybe various spectators could be invited to add a handful of their favorite color into a container. Another spectator could be invited to shake the container and mix the sands. Finally, the sands are poured into the water. The colors are named and each one is extracted dry and separate from the water. Does anyone know if this approach has been tried? As far as Squand and Space Sand inadvertantly exposing the method by advertising always-dry sand as a toy, I believe if the presentation of the illusion is methodical and emphasizes the mixing of the colors, people really won't make the connection. Now a technical question, does the space sand hold together well in the water? I realize it stays in a lump, but to me the advantage of the traditional sand is that it formed into a ball that could easily be controlled. It seems the space sand would be difficult to completely gather under water. Thanks, Richard OH, one last question. In reading old usnet posts, I ran across someone talking about Tarbell's publication of this illusion. It isn't in the Tarbell Course (I've alway thought that strange). Did he publish it anywhere else? |
Norrabmagic Regular user 141 Posts |
I had the same concern about the sand holding together. It works suprisingly well. It has something to do with water's inherant surface tension I think. with the right bowl, one can even pour the sand into the water from a slight distance above and it will still form a managable ball. I perform the effect close to 600 times a year and after trying just about everything, I have settled on the space sand. Paul, I was also worried about the public's awareness of the product, but as richard said, the effect mostly happens in the spectator's head. Oddly enough, the effect is one the best recieved pieces in my show.
Nell Loyal user Germany 265 Posts |
This is actually part of what I consider my signature act. And I agree, it is probably the best recieved piece in my repetoire...
"A trick may be very good...but...the illusionist must be better than the trick." -René Lavand
rtgreen Inner circle Portland, Oregon 1322 Posts |
That's very interesting about the space sand. The cost of plain colored sand at the craft store is about the same as space sand. I'll have to try it out.
Thanks, Richard |
alexkrey Elite user RUSSIA 411 Posts |
I need to know as on English chemicals for black and transparent water refer to. Who knows, please communicate with me on ÐÌ.
rtgreen Inner circle Portland, Oregon 1322 Posts |
These are not the traditional chemicals, but they work great. Mix a little liquid starch (like you would use for ironing your clothes) in the water. The water will appear clear. By adding a little bit of iodine, the water changes black. A little bleach returns it to clear.
The nice thing about this, aside from being able to buy everything in any grocery store, is when the water is cleared at the end, it doesn't have a dingy-brown look. Thanks, Richard |
alexkrey Elite user RUSSIA 411 Posts |
Thanks, Richard!
I have not absolutely understood, what it would begin necessary to add that in the end water clear (than water to bleach?)? |
alexkrey Elite user RUSSIA 411 Posts |
Ok! "Starch" it is clear, how of dark color to make transparent water? What it is necessary to add?
rtgreen Inner circle Portland, Oregon 1322 Posts |
At the beginning of the trick, have some water with a little starch added. This will appear clear. When you want the water to turn black, add the iodine (It doesn't take much) When you want to black water to turn clear, add a little bleach. I hope that is more clear Thanks, Richard |
mysticalmike Special user Saratoga Springs, NY 509 Posts |
http://www.penguinmagic.com/product.php?ID=1096 here it is I just found one that you are looking for check it. no sure if it is what you are looking for but here it is.
mike |
Steven True Special user Bonney Lake,WA 765 Posts |
I never knew so many performers was actuallydoing this effect. I still rememeber it from the Henning special. It made a lasting impact in my mind, He made it look lik ereal magic,he was an artist bar none. It has made me think about introducing it into my stage show. Oh somebody stop me I am goin gto buy more stuff..hehehe But it really sounds like it is a great effect from th eones that use or have used it. And the cost to get started is releativly low.
Norrabmagic just a ballpark estimate, how much does it cost you per week to do this effect? Just kind of curious about it. Thanks Steven |
AlanSmola New user 28 Posts |
Okay, so I as well have wanted to add this piece of magic to my show, but it seems that the type of sand I should buy is called "space sand?" I know that Dunecraft sells it, but is there a way to get the method of performing it from them as well?
-Alan |
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