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The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » When dining with us...(Please Read) » » A few rules to remember/Café etiquette » » TOPIC IS LOCKED (7 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

Steve Brooks
View Profile
Founder / Manager
Northern California - United States
3798 Posts

Profile of Steve Brooks
Like all public meeting places, we here at The Magic Café have a few simple rules that we ask you to follow while participating in our magic community.

These rules and policies are necessary to insure our online community remains a civil and helpful place free from the rantings of idiots and Internet trolls.

Just like a real Café, we do expect you to act like ladies and gentlemen and show good manners and courtesy while visiting my private website.


The Magic Café caters to magicians of all ages. Posts which use profanity will be deleted. No exceptions. If you for some reason cannot express your thoughts without some type of swear word, then use the cartoon like: !#$%~, no letters may be included at all. Example: S#%T
If we allow the letters, we might as well allow the entire word.

Relevant Topics:

We ask that you try and keep the discussion relevant to the subject matter.

Example: A thread dicussing coin vanishes, but posted in the card section.
Should this occur, a moderator will move the thread to the proper area.

Staying on topic is a must here at the Café. Personal attacks or insulting opinions and statements regarding other posters can not
and will not be tolerated.

Religion or Politics:

Though we do have an area for discussing subjects other than magic, the discussing of Religion (other then a real application as it relates to a magical effect Example: Gospel Magic) is strictly Prohibited. The subject is simply too subjective, and more often then not leads to emotional responses and a lot of hurt feelings and/or resentment.

Because the Café has a worldwide membership, Politics is another area that is best not tackled here. We are, after all, a magic website. The non-magic area is there for the discussion of lighter subjects, such as movies, best selling novels, etc.

Postings that do not comply will be removed with no reason given. No exceptions!

Choosing a username:

The Magic Café is home to thousands of magicians, including many of the top names in magic. As leading professionals in the magic industry, most if not all use their real names. Though not a requirement, I would encourage you to do so as well.

First, folks are more likely to answer a post made by someone named Joe Smith, as opposed to a user name such as Magicman874574.

Second, by using your real name, people will take what you have to say or offer on a more serious level. Smile

That said, please know that any username is subject to approval by The Magic Café, and may be edited, changed, or removed at anytime, and with no warning or reason given, especially if the name is either inappropriate (e.g, contains profanity, etc) is too long (names that are longer than normal will sometimes affect our forums (stretch them wider than normal) or is a name that implies the user is here for reasons other than helping other magicians (e.g, The Masked Magician, I hate magicians, etc).

If you feel you must use a handle of some type, please keep in mind that this is a family site, so please select a username that would be appropriate in that context. Smile

In addition, members who use an email address (Example: magicman4587@anyaddress.com) or a website URL (Example: magicman.com) or a name of a product (Example: D'lite, Okito Box, etc) or a company name (e.g, Mymagiccompany) as their username will be removed asap and with no explanation given. Smile

Once a username has been chosen, it can only be changed by the tech staff from that moment on. In that light, if you decide you would like to have your username changed, please do not hesitate to ask. Smile

Finally, registering under multiple usernames is prohibited.
Members found to be using more than one account will be permanently banned and with no notice given. If using two accounts, both accounts will be banned, if three, then all three, etc. There is no reason to be registered under more than one name. This issue is NOT up for discussion. 'Nuff said.

Using Signatures:

In the upper right corner of the Café forum screen is a link for Edit Profile, it is here that you may add a special signature that will appear beneath all the postings you make here. Smile

Please know that while we do not have a problem with members posting small signatures (partial poems, quotes, homepage links, etc) we Do Not allow blatant Advertisements to be included in your signature (e.g, "Come check out my website" or "Join our message board" or "Watch for my new product" etc).(This rule does NOT apply to Café Team members or CURRENT sponsors who advertise with us on a regular basis)
In addition, signatures which contain banners or ad copy advertising a product, service, event, message board, chat room or commercial website will be removed as well.

Regular members who do not comply with this policy will receive a warning and have their signature removed. If you wish to advertise, buy a banner like any other dealer. 'Nuff said.

Additionally, we do not allow any signatures which contain anything which might be considered to be in poor taste (e.g, Profanity, obscene quotes, etc).
Signatures which carry political or religious messages will be removed as well, though we do allow quotations - (Example 1: "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country" - John F.Kennedy - though political in nature, this quote is a very small part of a large political speech and in that sense is allowed. Example 2: "To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven..." - ECCLESIASTES 3:1 - In this second example we have a quote taken from the bible. Though religious in nature, this is only a small quote from an entire chapter from a very large book and in that sense is allowed. But please keep in mind that we are a magic board. Smile

As mentioned above, you may place your website address or E-mail address as part of your signature as long as it is not written like an advert.
However, because we allow website URL's and E-mail addresses in your signature, we would prefer that members NOT simultaneously post them in the posting itself.

First, no use in wasting space posting your site address twice. Its already in your signature which appears in every post you make. Second, (and more important) websites come and go daily which opens the opportunity for a lot of DEAD links to be placed on the Café. Easier to remove a dead URL from a signature (which then removes such a link from all the postings that particular user has made) then to try and hunt down each post individually and remove the dead
link(s) - we simply do not have the time.

Any post which violates the spirit of this rule will have the duplicate URL removed and the member notified. Should you wish to list your website URL to your signature, please see the EDIT PROFILE link in the upper right of the Café. If you do not understand how to add your site address to your signature line, please ask in our The Magic Café Tech Help Area.

In addition, signatures (or postings) which contain links to websites that belong to former Café members (e.g, persons who have been banned), illegal material, pornography, profanity, defamatory in nature or otherwise negative or offensive sites will be removed. Signatures which contain software generated scripts (such as those provided by companies over the net such as Danasoft) are strictly prohibited.

Finally, all signatures and posts must be written in English so all members can read them. No point posting if it can't be understood by everyone.

Please know and understand that we reserve the right to remove any signature, for any reason and with no explanation or notice given. Further, at our discretion, we may remove a member's ability to even post a signature - again, for any reason and with no explanation or notice given. Thank you.

Flash Paper and Pyrotechnics:

Every year thousands of people are either seriously injured or killed attempting to manufacture or create their own flash paper, flashpots, smoke effects or fireworks.

Because of the obvious dangers in such a foolish endeaver, we strongly recommend you purchase such items from your favorite dealer, or hire a licensed professional to create the effects for your program or show. Never attempt to create your own flashpaper or other such items, be safe and stay alive!

That said, other than presentational ideas and/or concepts, any post that discusses the manufacture or provides instructions/links to create any such effect will be removed with no explanation given. This includes posts which give recipe's or sources for fuels used in the dangerous art of Fire-Eating/Breathing or postings which are asking where such items may be purchased. A second offense will result in the loss of all Café privileges permanently.

Exposure & Passwords:

The blatant exposure of magic tricks is seriously prohibited in the public areas.

We do, however, have a special section called The Banquet Room. It is here that you may openly discuss secrets and methods (provided they are not marketed tricks and effects - as exposing these items would only hurt the creators and manufacturers) with one another for the purpose of learning and becoming more proficient in the art.

Admission to this special area is granted once you have a minimum of 50 legitimate posts on the board.

Please do not ask anyone here for Passwords to other magic sites, or for answers to questions those sites may be asking for entrance.


Please do not ask for secrets to the workings of tricks and or effects. Buy the trick, book, or DVD like everyone else.
If you need help with a trick, email or private message the individual.

Written Language:

Although The Magic Café has a global membership, with many members speaking several languages, we are based in The United States.

That said, we ask that you write all postings using the English language. If you wish to speak to someone in a language other than English, please use our private message system, or contact the other party by email.

All postings that do not comply, will be deleted with no explanation given.

Pirated DVD's, Tapes & Tricks:

Posts dealing in the buying, selling, or trading of bootleg items (copies of dvd's, video tapes, PDF files, book downloads, photo-copies of lecture notes, etc) will be removed. In addition, persons found attempting to sell or trade bootleg items (In the open forums or via our private message system) will be reported to the proper authorities and lose all Café privledges. Think about that.

Pointing fingers:

Because the Internet allows folks to post comments (whether true or not) in just a few seconds for possibly thousands to read within a very short time, making negative statements or accusations concerning the character or business practices of an individual or company / dealer will not be tolerated. While you may personally know that John Doe stole an idea, trick, or effect and is a thief, posting such information on The Magic Café will get your post deleted asap, and with no notice or explanation given. This also includes any disputes you may have with an individual, company or dealer in regards to any transactions you have made with them. Stating that an individual is a thief or a liar will not be tolerated!

As far as we are concerned, such postings are no more then gossip or libel and fall into the lawsuit category. As has been stated elsewhere, we are NOT a court of law, we are a magic community. Please take any grievances you may have concerning individuals of questionable character to the proper authorities, who are better equipped to handle such situations. 'Nuff said.

Opinions concerning dealers: (this forum is temporarily unavailable)

Many members wish to voice their opinions about dealers they have purchased products or services from. These opinions can be found in the Sweet or Sour? forum. The following applies concerning posting opinions about dealers:

I don't mind someone posting their thoughts concerning a particular dealer. However, if you have a negative opinion about a dealer experience (Slow service, etc), what I don't want to read is total hearsay and bashing.

That said, I have provided some examples of what I feel is appropriate, and what will get your post deleted faster then you can say; "Shazam"


"I purchased an effect from Dealer A, it took (x time) to receive it, and I don't recommend purchasing from them!"

I see nothing wrong with that post, it's an opinion based on the poster's experience. Smile

The following is what I Do Not want to see:

"I purchased an effect from Dealer A, it took forever! These guys are thieves and rip-off artists! They totally scammed me, don't ever buy from them!"

This above post goes beyond letting folks know the dealer was slow, and it implies criminal activity on the part of the dealer. While the statement may indeed be true, the Café is not the place to print accusations or what is or is not legal. That is best decided by the courts of law, and others who are more knowledgeable in such matters. If you have been ripped-off, seek legal advice - but keep it off the Café.

Please keep in mind that folks who may have a problem with a particular dealer need to contact that dealer to resolve any issues. Remember, most dealers want and need your business (support) and will bend over backwards to make things right with their customers. I do NOT want to see posts from people complaining about a transaction that has already been taken care of, or people complaining about a dealer when no effort has been made to resolve this situation with the dealer personally.

Further, this area is for information concerning your shopping experience, NOT a place to compare dealers or making lists of the best or worse dealers.

Postings that do not comply with this policy will be removed immediately, with no notice or reason given to the poster. Smile

Advertising Policy:

We realize that many of our members are professional magicians who often create new effects, publish new works, etc.

Our feeling is that members who post here on a regular basis are more than welcome to let us know of their newest creations, as long as they announce such in the proper area. Please know I allow this as a courtesy only. PLEASE do not abuse this. The place to inform members of your new item is in our Latest and Greatest? forum. It is there that folks can speculate on such new offerings.

While you may something along the lines of:
"Check out my new book, it's available at your favorite dealer" What I don't want to see is: "Buy my new book, I take PayPal and you can find it on my site" or "We are now taking pre-orders for my new product, etc" There is a big difference between the two approaches. The former is making members aware of a new offering and telling them to see their dealers while the latter are both blatant ads. Postings that do not comply will be removed without reason or warning given.

One exception to this rule is regarding PDF's and ebooks. As these cannot be offered through dealers, a member may post ordering information directly from themselves.

If you are an official sponsor (e.g, you purchase a banner slot each month to help support the site) of The Magic Café, we have a forum called What's Cooking?. This area is provided exclusively for our Café sponsors to announce new items, offer Café discounts to our members, etc. Please inquire by sending an email to: stevebrooks@themagiccafe.com

Additionally, should you register and then post a blatant ad and leave, you can be sure that your post will be removed. In addition, folks who join The Magic Café and start making posts or sending private messages asking members to join their usergroup or message board will have those posts removed and are at risk of being banned. We are here as a meeting place for entertainers, not a free advertising service for your website. We think this is a fair policy.

No matter what forum is used, absolutely No posts advertising or referencing items (whether with or without links) to auction sites such as Ebay (the only exception would be linking to an auction site which is currently a Café sponsor and has a banner on our website).

Finally, anyone who joins the board soley for the purpose of hawking their wares will surely be banned. (e.g, A person joins the Café and at every turn makes posts reminding everyone they are a dealer, or they sell a particular item, or they recommend such and such book which their online shop just happens to carry, or they have it for a cheaper price, etc). People who attempt this are usually quite obvious, most often leaving links in their posts which take readers to their websites and online stores - very sad. If you are a dealer, The Magic Café does offer advertising space at a very reasonable cost, please contact us for details. Our small Café community would rather purchase magic items from folks who help support this website rather than those who attempt to exploit it. Smile

Private Messages & Email

The Magic Café reserves the right to review any message posted in its Private Messaging system, for purposes including (but not limited to) investigation of the selling, trading or other distribution of illegally copied media ("bootlegs") or any other illegal activity. The Magic Café will investigate any report of illegal activity and take any action deemed necessary, including reporting the illegal activity to the proper authorities.

Members may not use The Magic Café in any way or for any purpose that is threatening, harmful, or invasive of the rights of others; including spamming, sending chain letters, pyramid schemes, junk mail, unsolicited advertising or bulk e-mail; or otherwise in any way or for any purpose that is damaging, offensive, or that creates a nuisance. Members who violate this policy risk being permanently banned!

SPECIAL NOTE: Café members regularly receive announcements or special offers via private message from The Magic Café and its sponsors, or The Magic Bakery regarding magical products or events which we feel may be of interest to our magical members. When you sign up as a member of the Magic Café you agree to receiving such notices from us as part of your FREE membership. This is a small price to pay for free access to such a great resource such as The Magic Café. Besides, if the message does not interest you, delete it. Smile

NOTE: Café members who receive a private message from another member that is in violation of our policies may use the REPORT THIS PM option located at the top of all private messages. In doing so, the offending private message will be brought to the attention of the Administration and will be dealt with asap!

Please know and understand that contrary to any possible rumors, WE DO NOT READ the private messages of our membership UNLESS a private message is reported to us. THEN - and only then will we read the private message in question. (When a member uses the REPORT THIS PM option a special LINK is sent which allows us to read that individual message only, otherwise it is impossible for us to view the private messages of members.
A complete description of how the PM system operates can be found in PM FAQ section by clicking Here

When folks first register to become a member of our Café community they are automatically sent a comfirmation email. This email contains the new member's username and password. Anyone who registers under a fake email will be permanently banned and with absolutely no notice given. If you do not want other members to know your private email, that's fine. You can make that adjustment using the preference settings of your account. Since we do NOT sell or give out the private information of our members, there is absolutely no legitimate reason to use an email that does not exist. The only people who engage in that sort of behavior are trolls or folks who have come here to start trouble. 'Nuff said.

Finally, any member who chooses to receive emails from The Magic Café for purposes of private message or topic reply notifications, or any other email automatically sent by The Magic Café, and subsequently marks that email as spam with the member's ISP, even accidentally, will result in having the member's Magic Café email address changed in a manner that will prevent the Magic Café from sending any emails to that member. This action will be PERMANENT, and the member in question will not be able to change it.

The Magic Café does NOT send spam. The only way a member receives emails automatically from The Magic Café is if the member specifically chooses to receive those emails. Therefore, marking emails sent from the Magic Café as spam is not the fault of The Magic Café. It is also not fair to our web host.

External Links:

Postings, signatures or user profiles which contain or reference links to websites or Blogs or discussions that in our opinion contain material which is questionable, political, defamatory in nature or in poor taste (e.g, Profanity, pornography, drug use, etc) will be removed, and with no notice given. Members who post such links risk being permenantly banned. Do something only an idiot would do and you'll be treated like one.

Further, posts which contain links, sources or addresses that belong too or in our opinion help to promote the products or creations of former members of this site (e.g, members who have been banned from participation here) will have those posts removed as well - again, with no notice given.

In addition, posts which contain links to web pages which contain exposure material (video, PDF, article, etc) will have the link removed and risk being permanently banned, again with no notice given.

Finally, posts which contain links to p2p networks containing bootleg magic items / illegal downloads of video, books, lecture notes, PDF's or e-Books will have the link or post removed and risk being permanently banned. If you are a thief, stay off The Magic Café - WE WILL REPORT YOU TO THE AUTHORITIES.

External Links Disclaimer:

The Magic Café may contain links to other related World Wide Web Internet sites, resources, and or sponsors of The Magic Café.

Because The Magic Café is not responsible for these outside resources or their contents, you should direct any concerns regarding any such external link to its site administrator and or webmaster.

Café Access/Membership:

Membership to The Magic Café is a privilege, not a right. Remember that this is a private website. We reserve the right to refuse membership and or access to The Magic Café forums to anyone, and at any time with no reason given. In addition, we reserve the right to remove any post, at any time and with no explanation given to the poster.

Privacy Policy:

The Magic Café will store a few details about you while you are using these forums. The Café administrator takes all reasonable steps to insure that no unauthorized access to the information is granted. Please know that The Magic Café does not give or sell any of our members private information, this includes email addresses.

The following information is collected during forum use: Cookies
The Magic Café uses cookies to store the following information: The last time you visited the forums, your username, and a unique session ID number when you log-in. These cookies are stored on your browser. If your browser does not support cookies, or you have not enabled cookies on your browser, then none of these time - saving features will work properly


This site has security measures in place to help protect the loss, misuse and/or alteration of the information that is under our control.

Post editing and deletion:

It is our policy that once a message is posted on the board it will forever remain unless said message is in violation of our rules and policies. After all, the quality and quantity of the various messages on the Café is why folks frequent this site on a daily basis. However, we do reserve the right to remove any post, at any time and with no explanation given to the poster.

That said, members may edit their post if the message is LESS THAN 30 MINUTES OLD *AND* there has been no replies to the message. If the post is older than 30 minutes or a reply has been posted, the member will get one of the following two messages:
"Sorry, you may not edit this message because the 30-minute time limit for editing has passed. This message may only be edited or deleted by staff."


"Sorry, you may not edit this message
because a reply has been posted.
This message may only be edited or deleted by staff.
Having said all that, if you feel you have written a post in error, please contact one of the Café Team Members and kindly explain why you wish your post removed. While this does NOT guarantee that said posting in question will be removed, we will consider each case on an individual basis.

Freedom of Speech

Please remember that while you are certainly entitled to free speech, we are not obligated to provide the platform for your speech. Free speech does not mean anything goes: you are not free to discuss whatever nonsense you wish on this website. Please remember that we reserve the right to remove any post, at any time and with no explanation given to the poster.

Getting Banned:

What does getting banned actually mean?
A look at the dictionary provides this simple description;
BANNED - To prohibit or forbid, especially by official decree.
The above is pretty self explanatory, but how does this action apply to Café members? If for some reason you become banned, you will be unable to access/login to this site and participate in the forums.

Basically, a member will be banned for violating any of our rules and policies or exhibiting any actions or behavior that is either illegal or detrimental to the welfare of this website. An imposed ban may be temporary (e.g, 15 days, 30 days, etc) or permanent, depending on the severity of the offense (e.g, extensive use of profanity may warrant a temporary ban, while selling illegal/pirated copies of DVDs in the forums or via our private message system will guarantee you permanent expulsion). In any case, the length of ban is left to the sole discretion of Café administration.

That said, do not fear that a simple and honest mistake will somehow get you booted from the site. While we fully expect you to adhere to the rules and policies that you agreed to follow when you joined the Café, we do understand that mistakes can and do occur from time to time.

Please know that banning is normally initiated only as a last resort. When a member violates a rule or policy, our staff makes a sincere effort to give said member a written warning either in a private message (PM) or via email.
If the offending member continues to violate the rules and policies, generally a second warning is given. Should the member ignore these warnings, a ban is then initiated.

The only exception to sending a warning might be in an extreme case, such as someone joining the site with an obvious agenda of causing trouble (e.g, internet trolls posting nonsense posts, or perhaps a new member registering under a username that is either pornographic, offensive or otherwise indicates they have no serious intention of contributing to our magical community).

Be aware that the reason for a ban is between Café management and the member and no explanations will be given in the open forums or via PM. In addition, while a member is banned, no promotion of that member or his products if applicable will be allowed. After all, if someone deserves a ban for not following our rules, why would we allow him or her to enjoy the benefits of the MagicCafe?

Postings/Disclaimer & Copyright information:

Although we make a sincere effort to monitor and or review discussions
or postings on The Magic Café, be it known that we are under no obligation to do so. You remain solely responsible for the content of your messages, and you agree to indemnify and hold harmless The Magic Café, Steve Brooks, Steve Brooks Magic, The Magic Bakery and their agents with respect to ANY claim based upon ANY POST or MESSAGE you may make.

The views and opinions expressed on this web site are soley those of the original authors and other contributors. We are not responsible or liable for any claim arising from the content of said views, discussions or postings. Nor will we be held responsible or liable for any error, omission, falsehood, slander, libel, defamation, obscenity, profanity, pornography, danger or inaccuracy contained in information within the discussions or postings on this site. We reserve the right to remove and or delete any post, at any time, with no reason given.

In no event shall either The Magic Café, Steve Brooks, Steve Brooks Magic or its affiliated or related entities be responsible or liable to any person or entity whatsoever (including, without limitation, persons who may use or rely on such data/materials, information or recommendations obtained from this site, or persons to whom such data/materials may be furnished) for any loss, damage (whether actual, consequential, punitive or otherwise), injury, claim, liability or other cause of any kind or character whatsoever based upon or resulting from any data/material provided by or obtained from this site; whether resulting from errors in or omissions from such material, any use of such material by third party, the content of any such material or otherwise.

We also reserve the right to reveal whatever information we know about you in the event of a complaint or legal action arising from any message posted by you.
Please know that we will fully cooperate with any law enforcement agency or court orders requesting or directing us to disclose the identity of anyone posting or transmitting any unlawful, obscene, scandalous, defamatory, threatening, libelous, pornographic, profane, inflammatory, or any material that could constitute or encourage conduct that would be considered a criminal offense, give rise to civil liability, or otherwise violate any law.

In addition, postings made on this website are considered to be contributions (donations) and given to this site free of charge, and as such automatically become the publishing property of The Magic Café, Steve Brooks, The Magic Bakery, and/or Steve Brooks Magic. No kind of royalties, fees or other monetary considerations of any kind are promised, expressed or implied to authors of said postings. Members who make such postings do so of their own free will.

However, that is not to say you do not own the intellectual property rights to perhaps an original idea or concept contained within said post/article (which you of course reserve the right to market at some later date) you may be discussing here. Steve Brooks, The Magic Café, The Magic Bakery and/or Steve Brooks Magic simply owns that particular article being posted, and may freely use as we see fit any said article/post in any publishing projects (e.g, Blogs, Books, compilations, manuscripts, eBooks, etc) now or in the future associated with The Magic Café, The Magic Bakery, Steve Brooks and/or Steve Brooks Magic be it on or off this website.

Please remember that the entire contents of this web site © Copyright 2001-2023 Steve Brooks. All rights reserved. This notice overrides any alleged copyright or license claimed by any person or entity absent a signed writing that complies with the requirements for transferring the entire copyright. This includes, but is not limited to, translation or other creation of derivative works, use in advertising or other publicity materials without prior written authorization. Commercial use, publicity or advertising use, or republication in any form will be treated as an infringement absent written authorization. In other words, no portion of this web site, including text and images, may be used in any manner without the express written consent of the site owner, Steve Brooks.

Having said all that, if you are really concerned about your material, it's probably not a good idea to post it on The Magic Café or anywhere else in cyberspace for that matter.

Finally, the Magic Café requires that you do not make posts or submit to or publish through these Forums or otherwise make available on this Site any content, or act in a way, which in our opinion:

  • (A) libels, defames, invades privacy, stalks, is obscene, pornographic, racist, abusive, harassing, threatening or offensive;
  • (B) disparages, criticizes, belittles, parodies or otherwise portrays in a negative light any person appearing in the content;
  • (C) seeks to exploit or harm children by exposing them to inappropriate content, asking for personally identifiable details or otherwise;
  • (D) infringes any intellectual property or other right of any entity or person, including violating anyone's copyrights or trademarks or their rights of publicity;
  • (E) violates any law or may be considered to violate any law;
  • (F) advocates or promotes illegal activity;
  • (G) impersonates or misrepresents your connection to any other entity or person or otherwise manipulates headers or identifiers to disguise the origin of the content;
  • (H) includes programs which contain viruses, worms and/or 'Trojan horses' or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, overload, collapse, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications;
  • (I) disrupts the normal flow of dialogue, causes a screen to scroll faster than other users are able to type, or otherwise act in a way which affects the ability of other people to engage in real time activities via the Site;
  • (J) copies any other pages or images on this Site except with appropriate authority;
  • (K) includes MP3 format files;
  • (L) amounts to a 'pyramid' or similar scheme;
  • (M) disobeys any policy or regulations established from time to time regarding use of this Site or any networks connected to this Site;
  • (N) contains links to other sites that contain the kind of content, which falls within the descriptions set out at (A) to (M) above.

Please know that the above rules are not up for debate or discussion. When you become a member of The Magic Café you agree to adhere and follow all the rules and policies we have here and it is your responsibility to know and understand these rules. Further, we (The Magic Café/Steve Brooks Magic) reserves the right to change or ammend these rules at any time and with no notice given, so members are encouraged to check here often for any possible updates, additions or changes to the above written policies.

Finally, If you have a problem following the rules here, please exit stage left, thank you very much. There are other discussion forums/boards on the net that allow childish behavior and I suggest you pay them a visit at your earliest convenience.

"Always be you because nobody else can" - Steve Brooks
The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » When dining with us...(Please Read) » » A few rules to remember/Café etiquette » » TOPIC IS LOCKED (7 Likes)
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