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I have been looking at a few of these fire to dove cages and I think the commercial ones are too expensive for me to afford.

I am wondering if I can build one from a dove tray, what do you guys think?

Has anyone every built one from a dove tray or from scratch?

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Profile of hugmagic

Forget the fire there is no place to work it anymore.
Richard E. Hughes, Hughes Magic Inc., 352 N. Prospect St., Ravenna, OH 44266 (330)296-4023
Write direct as I will be turning off my PM's.
Bryan Gilles
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Ah- unless you are Rick Thomas! -Right Richard? With all joking aside, wouldn't there be a way to release a puff of "artificial" smoke or confetti with a CO2 cartridge?

-Bryan Gilles
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Profile of haywire
Yes of course Rick Thomas is one version I saw that made me go WOW.

I called you Richard about buying a cage from you but I don't think you called me back... But that's okay I probably really can not afford one from you.

I rarely have problems in nightclubs with the bit of fire I use...

The question is still can a dove tray be turned into a fire to dove cage? I think I will just buy one and find out.

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Profile of Spellbinder
There are plans for building a dove VANISH in a box covered on four sides with ordinary flash paper in The Wizard's Journal # 3 (Flight of the Phoenix), but that may not be the effect you are looking for. However, it's an easy woodshop project. Jim Gerrish also has a PVC pipe version of the same effect (it's his original idea, by the way) in PVC Pipe Book # 2 (Assorted Illusionetes- The Flaming Dove Vanish). Both are on my site at The Magic Nook.
Professor Spellbinder

Professor Emeritus at the Turkey Buzzard Academy of Magik, Witchcraft and Wizardry

Publisher of The Wizards' Journals
Michael Baker
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This is an easy shop project. Start with the basic method for a dove in balloon tray, or gloves to dove table. The mechanical part of this must be designed to accommodate the fire pan and ignition system, if you choose to go that route. The action of the trick being operated will kill the fire. This mechanical part must be designed to both have the fire burning on it and snuff the fire when the trick is operated. This is not a difficult thing to do with a little thought.

Design the look of this business part of the whole affair... the tray, if you will, to be the floor (base) of the cage, and then design the rest of the cage above that.

Start with a pencil and paper and make a rough sketch, then when you have a basic idea, draft some working plans with all dimensions carefully worked out. The crucial part is that the fire pan be leakproof and the extinguishing part fit very flush with no gaps that allow air in. You want the flame to be positively out.

Fire pan is ignited, and upon operating the trick, the fire is immediately snuffed out and the bird(s) makes its (their) appearance.
~michael baker
The Magic Company
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The magic Café is such a wealth of knowledge and experience when in need, I'm thankful to everyone for their help here and in pm's....

I think I will be building one of these...

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Profile of hugmagic
Stephen, I tried calling you several times but I have been very busy here.

Michael is right on track here. Combine the dove in balloon tray with a firebowl to spring flowers. Add a top cage affair and you have the basic unit.

BTW, SAM national next year will not allow fire in the contests. I am sure this is the start of more to come.

Richard E. Hughes, Hughes Magic Inc., 352 N. Prospect St., Ravenna, OH 44266 (330)296-4023
Write direct as I will be turning off my PM's.
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Profile of haywire
Heya RICHARD, Yeah phone tag time... I will try you now...


Yeah that's whacked, someone who is experienced and professional in the use of fire should not be penalized for some whacko who does not respect its use...

Michael Baker
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We are not allowing fire in the contests for SEAM, but would for the shows. The hired guns are professionals. The contestants, in most cases, are not. We had to adopt that "across the board" policy out of safety.

I have worked with many fire acts in the past, and it is easy to tell who is to be trusted and who is unprepared and potentially taking risks.

If the contestants were paying the liability insurance, I'm sure they would understand the policy a bit more clearly. Instead, too many of them see only the dramatic effect they wish to create.

Professionals see their time on stage as part of a long-term business, not as their 7 1/2 minutes of fame.

If the contestants wish to use fire, they should probably work at getting hired instead of pursuing a trophy. Then they only need find a venue that allows fire... something of a fading commodity these days, anyway.

Back on track... The fire to dove cage needs two main considerations: Keep the fire controlled and keep the dove safe. When the fire goes out, that aspect of the trick must be as bulletproof as any other aspect of the trick. Creating a magical effect is completely secondary with this kind of trick.

Don't skimp on preparedness!! Look for possible faults with a fine-toothed comb and fix them.

~michael baker
The Magic Company
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I will be very careful with this, today I ordered a cheap dove tray (organ donor)
and once that arrives I will figure this out more thoroughly.

It will be a beautiful effect and I may try adding some electronic flashers so that if I can not do fire, I can still have a very dynamic dramatic effect without it...

Michael Baker
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Near a river in the Midwest
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Profile of Michael Baker
On 2006-07-25 08:55, haywire wrote:

a cheap dove tray (organ donor)

~michael baker
The Magic Company
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Profile of haywire
Yes Michael, its on its way...

Now thanks to your help too, I am well on my way to making my OWN fire to dove cage....

THANKS Michael!

"Magicians helping magicians" imagine that. I can't wait to build this, I even cleaned up my basement shop, I'm ready for a long long day, I think (hope) I can build this in one saturday...

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