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Profile of Magicjg
Where can I find a cheap Pegger card punch or information on making a Pegger? Does anyone out there have a good way to peg cards, maybe there own version that won't cost me 100 bucks?
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Profile of sodman12
Maby use a pen.


Where are you planing to use this?

The reason I ask this is that if your using it in a game then you may have to do things a little different.
you can fool all of the people some of the time and some of the people all the time but never all of the people all the time.
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In a game. Something impromptu? I don’t plan on cheating anyone, but I want to work with one and maybe work a routine with a borrowed deck, doing a poker routine?
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Profile of tommy
For magic, I don't know but what about: Putting a drawing pin in a close up mat. So the point in just under the surface. Now when you press down it compresses the mat and the pin emerges and pegs the card. Do you follow?
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Profile of gump
The book "Phantoms of the Card Table" by David Britland & Gazzo has some information on making and using a punch:

Gazzo used to sell a punch very similar to the one described in "Phantoms of the Card Table", but I do not know if it is still available.

James Riser also makes and sells a punch:
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Profile of Expertmagician
Gazo has the best punch for impromtu use, in my humble opinion.

The Riser punch is better if you punch a deck in the privacy of your home.
Long Island,

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Profile of Magicjg
I searched for Gazo's punch, anyone know a specific address where I can find it?
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Profile of tommy
"Version that won't cost me 100 bucks"

I think the boys have missed your comment.

Put a pin your neck-tie, or drill a hole in a finger ring and put a pin in that.

Steal 100 bucks or more and buy the real thing. Smile

Try the search above again I am sure Gazzo is still a member here.
If there is a single truth about Magic, it is that nothing on earth so efficiently evades it.

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He used to sell it through his web site, The Magic Pitch (, but it does not seem to be posted in the catalog there anymore. You may have to contact Gazzo directly.
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Profile of silverking
If you want a pegger that isn't meant to be used at the table, then Jim Risers small punch is as nice as you'll ever find.
He's not always got them in stock, but it seems to be one of the items that he does try to make often enough to fill orders in a timely fashion.
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Profile of KingStardog
Pegger's are a bad idea, marks and daub, better.
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Profile of Expertmagician

I personally like a punch because I don't have to look at the cards. But, the downside is that a punch only helps when you deal.

Therefore, I agree with you in saying that daub, juice, luminous, Juice Dust, etc. are all better. But, it is IMPORTANT to understand your working environment. For magic paste style daubs are fine because many can rub off easily (with a swipe of the finger, to get rid of the evidence). However, if you want a long lasting ad-hoc mark, then I sugest Juice Dust.

Every marking system has it's trade offs (ie. the Boris Wild deck is great ! ... but, it will not withstand the "gambler's riffle test" and the marks cannot be read from a distance.)

On the other hand, luminous can withstand the "gambler's riffle test" and the cards may be read from a distance. But, you need to wear filtered sunglasses.....which may look perfectly natural in some environments and not in others.
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Profile of Unknown419
On 2006-10-05 19:43, KingStardog wrote:
Pegger's are a bad idea....marks and daub...Better.

KingStardog I'm assuming by what you just wrote that you don't really gamble for a living and if you do, then your knowledge about gambling is very limited either by playing specific games according to where you live or you're not at an advanced cheaters level.

Why you say that? I use everything and the reason I do is because of what Expertmagician just wrote to you "every marking system has it's trade offs, that's why. An advanced cheat or a person that's familiar with marking systems would know this to be true that's why Expertmagician (an expert in the marking systems and I (an expert in cheating) can tell you this.

Keep on studying and please don't take this post as putting you down, we all are still learning everyday including me. Keep up the good work though.

Your New Friend


P.S. If you don't believe us check out a K.C. Card company booklet.
Paul H
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This is a very interesting question. It does depend on the use to which you want to put the punch.

I own Gazzo's hand punch and use juice dust which is one of the most versitle and deceptive 'live' marking systems on the market. But staying with the punch, I think its application to card magic is limited. One of the best demo's using the punch is described by Marlo on his Cardician DVD. Glen Bishop has created a wonderfully novel use for the punch that is directly applicable to gambling demo's and card cheating alike.

All these effects can be utilised with pre-punched cards. But the very strength of the traditional punch for cheating is precisely what restricts its card demo application. Good cheating methods are often selected because they give the cheat an edge over the life of the game. The punch is one of those methods that increases the odds of dealing a pair or trips but does not guarantee a win each time the cards are dealt which would invite suspicion.

For card magic purposes, I would go with a pegger allowing you to pre-peg the cards. Have a look at Darwin Ortiz's 'Raw Deal' from 'Scams and Phantasies' and also check out Marlo's DVD and his booklet 'Marlo in Spades'. Glen's 'Punch Pro' DVD is also a most valuable addition to the punch demo repertoire. Hope this helps.


Paul H
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Profile of Expertmagician
Paul H,

You made a very good point...a punch deal does not insure that you have a winning hand in your "mock demonstration poker games". But, it does give you a strong edge Smile ... with time being on your side....and as I said above, the punch only helps if you deal.

I personally use a hand held punch if I pre-punch a deck and I love my Gazzo punch for ad-hoc punched cards....I highly recommend his punch for "ad-hoc" use.

As far as Juice Dust in concerned, you can mark paper or 100% plastic cards "ad-hoc" or in private to make very deceptive marked cards with no risk of altering the finish.

However, even marked cards don't guarentee a "win" in you mock demonstration. The is no real magic to guarantee a win every time...(sorry to disapoint you)...But, the stronger your edge the "luckier" you will appear to be.

During gambling demos, you may want to have a royal flush handy, so even if you happen to loose, you can switch for the winning hand. Making you a winner anyway, with a magical ending Smile

Enjoy !
Long Island,

New York
Dennis Loomis
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For magic, you should check out Steve Minsch's Eyeless in Gaza card act. Great use of punch work.
Dennis Loomis
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Profile of papermechanic
I don't work with the punch deal, but I would imagine most do it from a strike? or are there just as many that do it with a push off (a push off similar to richard turner's style)?
Peter Woerde
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I use both strike and push off seconds with dealing the punch, depending on whether I'm dealing cards face-up or face-down.
C. Loubard
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If you have "Phantoms of the Card Table," you will have all the information you need to making one. All you need then is to think about it. break it down in to its most basic components and you may be surprised how you might make one.

C. Loubard
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Profile of Kjellstrom

Very fine card punch, works very well.
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