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Hi Bob,

Would love to see that pic a little bigger - looks like a great pic.

My poor old eyes are not what they were.

Bob Sanders
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1945 - 2024
Magic Valley Ranch, Clanton, Alabama
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A larger photo was emailed to you.


Bob Sanders

Magic By Sander / The Amazed Wiz
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Profile of Destiny
Thank You Bob - nice photo.

Michael Taggert
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Jake I hope you are taking copious notes from this thread as your quality of work is exceptional. I Like Bob share the thought that thinking outside the box is not just the color. Getting my Daughter ( scootermagic) to Use a pink prop would cause much grief in our house but a Make-up Bag that does something Now your on the right track.
Pink cards? No. The right sized cards? Yes. or in your type of line (rntII) High quality Leather Change purses, Pill Boxes, and Other well Made classic props that are designed for what a woman uses on a daily basis. I'm sure Bob can import silk in colors that make sense for a woman (pastels don't look good on stage Ladies)
Smaller TT? you Betcha Im Thinking I need to start a woman's magic boutique Here?
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It sounds like your daughter is onto the right track with making things customized for what she likes. I am also sure there are others who will have interest as well.
The hot rod sounds beautiful!

I do use specific colors in my work, though I will say that mostly I will sew them or paint them myself.
Someone mentioned the change bag that looks like the church collection bags, well, I think the whole idea was that the objects used in magic should look like things people are familiar with, and therefore not suspect- after all, the church would never.....
Anyway, I am all for taking everyday things, regardless of what colors they come in and turning them into props. I personally do not use make-up stuff, so that is right out for me, but hey, chapstick, couldn't possibly be gimmicked ;}
likewise cups and balls with red <or other color> plastic cups and balls of paper napkins?

For smaller cards, try bridge decks.
Kay and Tory
scooter magic
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Sorry, I just had to correct my father before I continue my thoughts. I own pink magic props. He bought them with me. It is true that I would prefer spikes over sparkles but that is beside the point. When girls get tired of shopping they try on shoes. If some would could think of something cool to do with high heals, besides *putting them on a guy and then make them walk up a steep hill and five flights of stairs while carrying heavy, weird shaped illusions,(*directed towards dad)that would be awesome. Earrings or cloths that have special pockets in them, would also be pretty cool.

teens and their parents: always shall the two clash,
Ashley Taggert
moving up in the world of magic
Sam Pearce
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If anyone is looking for road cases, I have the option of getting a wide range of colors that you may like.

I can special order almost every color of the rainbow, and no promises, but I think I could get some pink laminate if anyone is interested!

Bob Sanders
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1945 - 2024
Magic Valley Ranch, Clanton, Alabama
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Profile of Bob Sanders
On 2007-07-21 22:42, scooter magic wrote:
Sorry, I just had to correct my father before I continue my thoughts...

teens and their parents: always shall the two clash,

As a "battered dad", I can assure you that you will live right through it. Once the daughter reaches 21, the dad gets so much smarter and more acceptable even in public. We both become very caring human beings well worth knowing. Meanwhile, "damage control" is the byword.

Color is very important to using and controlling the stage. Be prepared for different colors of curtains, walls, floors and costumes. They can kill the effectiveness of your act. Recently I watched a very good dancing cane act but due to colors, there were only cane tips visible to the audience. It unfortunately happens often.


Bob Sanders
Magic By Sander
Bob Sanders

Magic By Sander / The Amazed Wiz
The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » The Feminine Mystique » » Specific Colored Props for the Ladies, Feasible? (0 Likes)
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