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ShawnB Special user 730 Posts |
I was just at a Daryl lecture this past weekend and he performed a routine
with 4 jumbo cards, in which he referred to a card with a hole in it as a hole card and a card with out a hole in it as a whole card. The patter went on and on (which was great)... and the trick itself was very entertaining. Unfortunately he performed this during the evening show so I did not have a chance to ask him about it... I have visited Fooler Doolers.. and have had no luck locating the effect, I was hoping someone here had some insight. Let me know if you do… the effect is very entertaining… Shawn.
emptycupmagic Loyal user 216 Posts |
The trick is Daryl's version of Emerson & West's The Whole Thing and it was on the market years ago. I used it in a couple of street performing gigs and it went over great. Good luck finding it now though as he no longer sells it. I sent Daryl an email a short while back and he said he had no plans on re-releasing the trick in the foreseeable future. Maybe if enough of us request it he will rethink his decision.
Bob Plaut
emptycupmagic@aol.com |
ShawnB Special user 730 Posts |
Thanks Bob..
The patter on the trick is what really stuck in my mind... It was a fun play on words... Do you recall if Daryl's version came with patter? I was able to find a VHS by Dan Harlan, on the Emerson and West version. Are you familiar with that version? If so how similar are the two? Thanks for all your help. Shawn.
emptycupmagic Loyal user 216 Posts |
Dary's routine did come with patter Shawn and I'm not familiar with the Harlan version. When you see it, let me know how it looks.
Bob Plaut
emptycupmagic@aol.com |
Stevethomas Inner circle Southern U.S.A. 3726 Posts |
Daryl's version is excellent and comes with all handling and patter. I don't know if he would love for you to call it "Fooler Droolers", though. It is a funny name...sounds like a parody of Daryl! The Whole Card is wonderful and very entertaining. I think I may have a couple sets around here somewhere, along with Daryl's "Camera Cards".
Steve |
ShawnB Special user 730 Posts |
If you have a set.. I would be more then happy to purchase them from you...
PM me to confirm... P.S. Fooler Droolers is the name of Daryls website... I was not refering to the effect. Thanks a bunch... Shawn.
Ron Reid Inner circle Phoenix, Arizona 2733 Posts |
Hi Shawn:
I have searched in the past for the Jumbo version of "The Whole Thing" and it is very hard to find. I have not had any luck yet. I think you might do better to find the regular sized version (using regular cards) on ebay or somewhere, and then have a jumbo version made. Cardmaker in Germany could probably do this for you. He's made me a number of jumbo cards, and his work is oustanding. His name is Bernd and he's a member here - he goes by "Cardmaker." Ron |
NYCJoePitt Special user 559 Posts |
Hi Shawn,
You should try to check with Paul Hallas, who is a packet trick expert and wrote a book on the history and development of all such packet tricks called SMALL BUT DEADLY. I think you can search for him in the Café under the name Paul. I'm sure he'd be able to tell you the differences between all the different versions. I met him at Metro Magic 2 and he seemed like a great guy. The book is great too. Good Luck! |
ShawnB Special user 730 Posts |
Thanks for the Update Guys!!!
I appreciate your help. Shawn.
Brent New user 81 Posts |
Michael Skinner performed this for me years ago and it truly is a wonderful play on words, not to mention magical!
Larry Davidson Inner circle Boynton Beach, FL 5270 Posts |
"Back in the Day," Larry West (he originated the effect) showed it to me with crude hand-drawn and hand-punched cards that he had made and used as a prototype. I thought that the trick sucked. Later he and Art Emerson released the effect professionally and I fell in love with it. In hindsight, my earlier opinion was probably based on me subconsciously focusing on how crude the prototype cards were instead of focusing on the effect. I bought and performed the marketed version professionally for many years, and it played very well.
Larry West had a very commercial (I believe unpublished) ending for the effect when used in a restaurant (or bar) setting. He glued the restaurant's business card over the word "hole" that was normally revealed as the climax to the effect, and he'd say, "Of course you know what the best spot in town is? It's (insert name of restaurant)," at which point he'd turn the playing card over to reveal the business card. |
sleight king Loyal user 278 Posts |
I have the jumbo version for sale if anyone is interested
Doug Arden Special user 885 Posts |
I'll take this. I tried to PM you but your box is full (limit of 60).
Doug |
ShawnB Special user 730 Posts |
Hi All,
So I got my hands on a set of these cards close to a year ago... and I am having some trouble reading and understanding the descriptions of the sleights. To clarify the moves are not the issue... it is a direction thing. I am holding the cards in my right hand and the instructions are saying they should be in my left and vice a versa. Anyway, I had my girlfriend help me and read them to me as I worked through it and I am still stuck. Does anyone have a performance vid of this effect? I feel it will help me work through the effect. I want to add the effect to my street show... I feel like it will be excellent. Thank for your help guys. Shawn. The
magicbob116 Inner circle 1523 Posts |
On 2006-11-16 17:21, Stevethomas wrote: Quote:
On 2006-11-19 01:30, ShawnB wrote: Actually, Daryl's website is Fooler DOOLERS. That's why Steve said he might not appreciate you calling it Fooler Droolers.
B. Robert Pulver
The "I Hate Card Tricks!" Book of Card Tricks Vol. 1, 2, and 3 Kards for Kids Sticky Situations Sleightly Wacky magicbob116@yahoo.com |
Futureal Inner circle 1719 Posts |
His last set of lecture notes were called Fooler Droolers (with an R), and they had a picture of his child on the cover.
magicbob116 Inner circle 1523 Posts |
On 2008-09-30 23:31, Futureal wrote: That's cute. I guess it also means he probably wouldn't be too offended by someone referring to his site as fooler droolers.
B. Robert Pulver
The "I Hate Card Tricks!" Book of Card Tricks Vol. 1, 2, and 3 Kards for Kids Sticky Situations Sleightly Wacky magicbob116@yahoo.com |
einhorn Regular user London 190 Posts |
I have used The Whole Thing for over 20 years and my audiences love it - truth be told, probably more than I do, but I think that we have to listen to our audiences sometimes. FYI Tony Griffiths in the UK used to market (Maybe still does) this item with a twist at the end where the word HOLE was replaced by either a picture of a dog called SPOT or a picture of a golf flag by the 18th hole (I think) this may be of interest to some....Larry, thanks for the Best Spot in Town line.....I could image a small twist would allow this to be used on the trade show floor with something along the lines of....Of course the best spot to get your car insurance is right here at xyz (Show Logo Here!)
Tony also had a really nice handling where the spots seemed to appear in a more magical manner than merely turning over the cards one at a time..... |
robfind Regular user 147 Posts |
Does anyone know where I can find a video demo of the effect. I have searched but haven't found any.
cardcltr New user 26 Posts |
Does anyone know of a gimmiked card that allows you to show a small hole in the card and slide that hole around the card to a different location? It is not a card like hollow but an actual sliding mechanism inside of the card, probebly two cards glued together. I saw this performed recently but I cannot find it available anywhere. I tried googling it but all I get is hollow. I would appreciate any help on this.
Barry Sokolsky
Barry Sokolsky
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