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Spellbinder Inner circle The Holy City of East Orange, NJ 6438 Posts |
Barry Sokolsky:
Look at Angel Killer by Gastón Armocida, the first demo on this YouTube collection of his effects: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0pVAyXdtyg It doesn't work the way you describe, but perhaps fooled you into thinking that's how it was done.
Professor Spellbinder
Professor Emeritus at the Turkey Buzzard Academy of Magik, Witchcraft and Wizardry http://www.magicnook.com Publisher of The Wizards' Journals |
magicbob116 Inner circle 1523 Posts |
Daryl recently re-released The (W)hole Thing.
B. Robert Pulver
The "I Hate Card Tricks!" Book of Card Tricks Vol. 1, 2, and 3 Kards for Kids Sticky Situations Sleightly Wacky magicbob116@yahoo.com |
swamy Regular user INDIA 159 Posts |
Nice to see it getting re-released.
ShawnB Special user 730 Posts |
No kidding! I was on the look out for this trick back in 2006. I got it in 2007 and held on to it until now. Wow time flies.
I am still yet to perform it. Guess I will be buying the DVD. : ) Best Shawn
RC4MAG Special user 563 Posts |
I like the quality of the original cards better than the new release. The new cards are a little smaller and you need to be careful about doing this on a stage with lighting as the new ones are a bit translucent under the strong lights.
MarvinWang Loyal user 274 Posts |
I like watching when Daryl does the effect himself, it's totally Daryl!
ShawnB Special user 730 Posts |
On 2009-07-25 08:17, RC4MAG wrote: I agree. I like the old stock better.
rowland Inner circle 1537 Posts |
I have heard that some people have glued two sets together which will stop people being able to see through them in strong light and will probably make them easier to use. Daryl sells the cards separately without the DVD which makes them a bit cheaper for the second set.
daffydoug Eternal Order Look mom! I've got 14077 Posts |
Recently purchased these, and am very pleased with the quality. Now to sit down and learn the darn thing.
In the teaching video he shows you the routine performed and explained from a mirror perspective. Very helpful.
The difficult must become easy, the easy beautiful and the beautiful magical.
Elliott Hodges Veteran user England 324 Posts |
daffydoug Eternal Order Look mom! I've got 14077 Posts |
Daryl is smooth as silk!
The difficult must become easy, the easy beautiful and the beautiful magical.
philvantee New user Los Angeles 4 Posts |
I ordered Daryl's set of the jumbo cards with DVD and spent quite a while learning his version of the routine.
Only then did I begin to break it down and simplify it. His patter speaks to how "magic" should not be "confusion", but then he proceeds to be extremely confusing in the subsequent presentation. After quite a few performances at the side tables at the Magic Castle, I had magician friends coming up to me to warn me that the 'hidden' aspects were showing very plainly through the flimsy card stock. I did not care to purchase an additional set, just to glue them together to make them more usable, so I took the time to build my own set out of art supply matte board. This was a bit challenging, but the end result was a set that is opaque in even the strongest back light conditions and I could not be more pleased. It also gave me the opportunity to redesign the effect from a color standpoint. The new cards are black with bright yellow spots that really 'pop' from a great distance. I performed the effect for 21 shows in the Parlour of Prestidigitation last week and was tickled to death with the reaction. |
magicgeorge Inner circle Belfast 4299 Posts |
On 2011-10-14 15:45, philvantee wrote: That's exactly what I thought too. I suppose that's supposed to be the joke; he says it shouldn't be confusing and then it is. I find that too confusing. In some of the phases it is difficult to know what's supposed to have happened. I'm not sure all of the reveals are magical because I don't think the audience can remember what they have or haven't supposedly seen. I think I'll do the same as you and learn the lot then simplify it. |
Cameron Francis V.I.P. 7030 Posts |
I was kind of disappointed when I saw the demo. I had read about the original in the Paul Hallas book and it sounded really fun. But when I saw the demo, I thought it was quite confusing and not very magical at all. There's no real mystery to it. The only real bit of magic is when one of the holes is healed. The rest of the trick reveals different backs which were never shown in the fist place. So where's the magic? I don't know. Maybe with the smaller version you can do some more convincing displays.
MOMENT'S NOTICE LIVE 3 - Six impromptu card tricks! Out now! http://cameronfrancismagic.com/moments-notice-live-3.html
philvantee New user Los Angeles 4 Posts |
If anyone is interested, here is a new take on Emmerson & West's The (W)hole Thing, a. k. a., Daryl's (W)hole Card -
https://youtu.be/dalf1QEaUUI |
Ed Oschmann Inner circle Lake Worth FL 1037 Posts |
Very nice Phil. Great outside of the box thinking!
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