Markothegame New user england 17 Posts |
Hi i have just seen jaw droppers on the one off the shopping channals here in the uk.
I was woundering if any one if the videos were any good or not and worth getting. |
Just4Fun New user Dallas 49 Posts |
I don't know if they're any good, but they're always available on EBAY and pretty cheap.
preston91 Regular user clearwater,fl 186 Posts |
there is a lot of magic in those videos.
many classic effects and unique handlings as well. All within the grasp of the beginner... Paul |
WilliamWHolcomb Special user Twinsburg, Ohio 533 Posts |
I bought the Jawdroppers videos a few years ago and I really liked them. There is a great deal of simple, yet effective tricks on the videos. Well worth the $40US I paid!
William Holcomb
Paul Menzel Special user Boise, Idaho 530 Posts |
The tapes are geared towards the total neophyte, so he doesn't use the magic terminology you are probably familiar with and your experience will probably suggest slightly different handlings to you for some effects, but there is some really good material here. It's how I kick-started my real pursuit of magic. Larry Anderson, the teacher on these tapes, worked with Mark Wilson in the creation of the Complete Course in Magic and it is similarly accessible.
Worth getting for those still fairly new to magic, while veterans with huge libraries probably already have most of the material scattered throughout their other sources. |
WilliamWHolcomb Special user Twinsburg, Ohio 533 Posts |
I agree with Paul that he doesn't use magic terminology. If I remember there are not a lot of credits given either.
William Holcomb
B.K.Pal New user India 74 Posts |
There is a brief mention of Lary Anderson with his photo in Mark Wilson's course. Is he the same guy? From where to know more about Lary Anderson?
Sincerely Yours,....PAL
djc89 Regular user 118 Posts |
I have all four of them and each of them are decent videos. Some of the tricks, I think, are too good to even be on this video: eg. Self Folding bill and Cut and restored bill. The 4th video is my least favorite because of the Svengali deck tricks. Not many use Svengali decks anymore.
tbaer Inner circle Pennsylvania 2015 Posts |
The jaw droppers videos are how I got started many years ago. They have good effects for the beginner. If you are thinking of purchasing them, buy them on ebay because you can get all 4 videos plus the Svengali deck for about $15.00 to $20.00.
WorldOfIllusion2005 New user Oak Lawn IL 7 Posts |
I think the JawDroppers video tapes are good for beginners. I used them about 6 years ago when I was starting to get heavily into magic. I still nowadays go back to them occasionally when I am looking to add some impromtu magic to my list of magic. It is a pretty good set of tapes.
Book Illusion Inc. and step into a "World Of Illusion!"
Alniner Loyal user Burlington, ON, Canada 254 Posts |
Marko, I still have my set, which I'm getting ready to put up on Ebay....PM if you're interested.
-- Alan |
amakar Loyal user 235 Posts |
Are they on DVD yet?
jack_is_dead Regular user japan 173 Posts |
I like jaw droppers..i also started magic with those..its great matterial if you are a begginer..
one eyed man is the king in the blind land
Bill Douglas New user El Paso, TX 90 Posts |
I'm sure that anyone new to magic will find a handful of tricks that suit them on each tape. I recommend watching them once or twice without the explanations to pick the coolest tricks that make your jaw drop then go back, learn, study, and master them. I still do a few of the tricks I learned from these tapes because they are fun and fairly easy to do. One can put quite a bit of showmanship to these tricks and make a nice reputation for them selves in social circles.
Airborne Ranger New user 68 Posts |
I'm sure some experienced magicians will find a handful of useful tricks with the series. Ashes on the arm is still one of my trademark tricks and I learned it seven years ago off of Jaw Droppers!
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