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I had a dream last night, that you were going to do this.Smile

Seriously though.
Both my wife and I had bizzare dreams last night of
cruise ships, water , ocean, . I just say this because its pretty coincidental that I just found out you do oneiromancy.
Mine was of a cruise ship parked out in front of our street. The street was an ocean/sand bed. people walking around the ship with different vending boths on the water, and food stands. I was in my back yard worried that when the ship leaves it usually causes a wake and everyone on the neighbour hood gets upset about this. (water getting into the house, and stuff) After the ship left their was a wake of water running down the backyard and around the deck. I checked my house and as usuall their was no big propblem with the water in the house. I'm on top of a hill,..kind of.the back yard dose slope down, which explains for my high deck. Pretty wierd eh? Then again I bet you hear all sorts of wierd dreams from people.
(Side note we've been on two cruises so far)


Philemon Vanderbeck
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Dream interpretations are $25. Smile

However, I'll give you a hint to help decipher your dream.

Water is often a symbol of our emotional state.


I'll let you figure out the rest of the dream.

And I'll post the next step of the progressive anagram process sometime tomorrow.
Professor Philemon Vanderbeck
That Creepy Magician
"I use my sixth sense to create the illusion of possessing the other five."
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Profile of E-Leoni
Thank you Philemon.

I'm looking forward to the Progressive anagram. I take it this subject is not going to be moved ?
Very reasonable price. $25. Thank you for the hint.

Michelle Labonte
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Don't move this to the secret forum!! Please!

Besides, it would be rather silly to use this effect w/o actually having proper instruction to present correctly. . .
"Mentalism is easy to do. . .badly" -Max Maven
Philemon Vanderbeck
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Okay, onto the next step of our progressive anagram creation.

Because we want to generate as many 'yes' responses as possible, we're going to play the odds and select letters that have the greatest percentage of being correct.

So let's take a look at our list and find out which letter appears in the most countries. (This is where an Excel spreadsheet comes in handy.)

It turns out that the letter 'A' appears in 48 of the 59 countries. So if we make this the first letter we 'receive', we have a 81% chance of getting an affirmative response.

Now let's take a look at the 12 countries that don't have an 'A':

Czech Republic
United Kingdom

Again we look at which letter the majority of these remaining countries have in common.

It looks like 'U' is the big winner here, appearing in 7 of the countries. That leaves us with 4:


We repeat the process, but now we have three candidates; C, E and S. So which do we choose? My preference is to use whichever letter appears in the most countries overall, thus creating the psychological effect that many choices still fit the bill. 'E' appears in 28 countries total, so I would use this as my next guess.

If I got a 'no' on this letter (my third negative response), I would know that there was only one country that could possibly fit: SICILY, which is the only one on the list that doesn't have the letter A, U, or E.

So now the first 'branch' of our progressive anagram will look like this:

A - U - E Sicily

We're now going to do the same thing with the other three countries.

C, N, or S is our next option, and this time I would go with N, leaving Greece as the odd man out. So now our anagram formula looks like:

A - U - E Sicily
| .. | .. N Greece

(ignore the periods... they're just there to keep the formatting looking correct)

Now all we have left is Liechtenstein and Sweden. By using 'I' as our last determinant, we have the first part of our formula completed:

A - U - E Sicily
| .. | .. N Greece
| .. | .. I Sweden
| .. | .. Liechtenstein

So far, so good... now to do the countries that have the letter 'U', but we'll save that for tomorrow (unless everyone who's reading this understands the process and is ready for me to just jump to the end and complete the formula?)...
Professor Philemon Vanderbeck
That Creepy Magician
"I use my sixth sense to create the illusion of possessing the other five."
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Profile of E-Leoni
Personally I understood the formula when I had the sheet in front of me . From what I'm getting so far is ...3 "No"'s and its Sicily ?

Also from what I'm understanding in this is , we will get to the name of the country with 3 NO's in most cases..?. Thats not bad.
Thats still great. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Philemon Vanderbeck
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Seattle, WA
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Profile of Philemon Vanderbeck
Correct... a 'no' response means you move to the right; a 'yes' means move down.

Sicily would be the worst case scenario with three 'no's in a row. All the others will have a least one 'yes' somewhere to break it up.

This is, of course, a great effect to do over the telephone, as you can put the 'cheat sheet' right next to it and just follow it along.
Professor Philemon Vanderbeck
That Creepy Magician
"I use my sixth sense to create the illusion of possessing the other five."
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