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Ben Train Inner circle Erdnase never had 4639 Posts |
On 2007-09-02 16:10, Bijlogg wrote: We are the sum of our parts. If our goal is to progress the art, then we can't learn or develop in a vacuum- otherwise we simply spend our time reinventing other peoples work. When we build on others ideas, and contribute some of our own as well, then we progress. If Wayne, Lee, Aaron, and all the rest are actually willing to help guide people, and help them develop in magic, then I say KUDOS! I know I wouldn't be were I am today, skill wise, if it wasn't for guys like Aaron sitting down to work on the DPS with me, or without Lee helping me understand complex magic theory. To say you can only improve your own magic is selfish and shows a lack of understanding- the opposite it seems of theory 11's stated objectives. Ben
If you're reading this you're my favourite magician.
Check out www.TorontoMagicCompany.com for upcoming shows, and instagram.com/train.ben for god knows what! |
houston_3721 Regular user 140 Posts |
The goal of T11 is clear, no doubt. And they have so much passion in helping fellow magicians, especially those younger ones and beginners, like me. But there are always hecklers and someone who is only curious and interested in knowing the secrets but not performing, and of course those exposing issues... So imho this mission is gonna be difficult and thus needs our support.
I sincerely hope they and we as well will reach the goal or at least heading towards the right direction in the future. I, as a beginner in magic, believe that this is going to help me develop and learn better in our art. And I am really happy and excited to be a beginner myself at this moment of time. Wish you all the best Wayne and T11 team. And yes Sinful is the only coin magic I can do if you count it as one Houston
please pardon my English
the kid houdini Regular user 143 Posts |
It seems those who worked for E finally realised that it wasn't working for the newcomers and the dvds didn't even appeal to those who have been into magic a while. So they decided they'd fix what E was doing wrong, they commited themselves to helping new comers, they kept the crap out of the product description, a forum where any criticism is taken correctly not deleted, the have a diverse team of people who actually have proper credentials, not just I-performed-for-2-celebrities-Brad. The team is awesome, a Fism winner, a cyril and Angel consultant, a blaine consultant, a Copperfield consultant, the bucks, and jbayme in charge of the company. E lost their main team because they ran he business wrong, lets see how the team does trying it right.
Nick-V. Special user Create and Devastate 818 Posts |
The bottom line here is that both sites & companies have unique products & approaches. If both companies were offering the same products - it would be a competition, but this is simply not the case. This is NOT a competition & the sooner that we all realize this, the sooner we can continue to move forward. Quote:
On 2007-09-02 15:24, W:H wrote: Thanks, Wayne. That answers my Q's on Distortion. High-Res DVD (including both routines) + gimmick. Sounds good to me.
Peace on the Magical Streets
~Nick V.~ |
evolve629 Inner circle A stack of 3838 Posts |
I say congratulation, Theory11, to an impressive magical web / online experience. It's exciting to see talented magicians pull together and put their finesse, skills, deftness, and strength out there. It gives me great thrill to see Max Weber's the spirit of capitalism at work - the first, and probably most vital, feature of the spirit of capitalism was that the individual (magicians) engages in capitalistic economizing not only for the expediency of making a living, but in the expectation that such activity would test his or her inner resources and thus affirm his/her moral worth. That was Max's writing in 1904, I think. In today's climax, I'd say principles or philosophical worth.
To T11 and your entrepreneur zest, I hope you achieve many gains from your endeavor and side effects that Durkheim once noted include "intrinsic pleasure /dignity and empowerment." I am looking forward to receiving DD and Panic.
One hundred percent of the shots you don't take don't go in - Wayne Gretzky
My favorite part is putting the gaffs in the spectators hands...it gives you that warm fuzzy feeling inside! - Bob Kohler |
knickz4lyfe20 Regular user 122 Posts |
Anyone make an order? I ordered digital dissolve and distortion. hoping to put distortion in to a bar mitzvah show I'm doing this weekend
DerekMerdinyan Inner circle 1030 Posts |
On 2007-09-03 16:49, knickz4lyfe20 wrote: I thought part of the point of Theory11 was to encourage beginners to practice and perfect magic before they perform it... Distortion won't be at your door step till October anyway. Derek Merdinyan |
Y2John Inner circle 1498 Posts |
I purchased a pack of Guardians, Digital Dissolve, Panic and Distortion lol
I couldn't help it as they all look/sound so good and are from great performers |
knickz4lyfe20 Regular user 122 Posts |
On 2007-09-03 17:03, DerekMerdinyan wrote: Who says I'm a beginner? Beginners don't usually do highly paid shows several times a month for the past 4 years. And distortion had 300 pre-elease copies available and I got an e-mail saying my order went through so good job on reading the description right on the top of the page. Thanks for immediately assuming I'm a beginner when you know nothing about me, I appreciate it. |
toomuchmagic Special user 534 Posts |
On 2007-09-03 17:37, knickz4lyfe20 wrote: A beginner would be the one to order something online and "put it in their show this weekend". Like DM wrote...what you said is the antithesis of their mission, and to top it off it is not professional behavior. |
knickz4lyfe20 Regular user 122 Posts |
On 2007-09-03 20:11, toomuchmagic wrote: I didn't know a modification handling of Here Then There needed months of practice when I've been performing it for 9 years, but whatever. Guess I'm just a beginner |
toomuchmagic Special user 534 Posts |
On 2007-09-03 20:19, knickz4lyfe20 wrote: I'm sorry...what? |
toomuchmagic Special user 534 Posts |
I didn't know a modification handling of Here Then There needed months of practice when I've been performing it for 9 years, but whatever. Guess I'm just a beginner You were 10 years old then. I played baseball when I was 10, but as it turns out I didn't go pro. Just cuz your hair is thinning doesn't mean you're old. Not trying to start anything just saying, what you said basically asked for what you got back. |
Jonathan Townsend Eternal Order Ossining, NY 27335 Posts |
Starting to sound like theory 10 is how to be less than helpful.
Can we get back to theory 11?
...to all the coins I've dropped here
Irishghost Inner circle www.gaffguy.com 1228 Posts |
I get to gaff some cool stuff for some cool people
Andres Folly New user 3 Posts |
On 2007-08-27 09:52, Jonathan Townsend wrote: So, do you believe me yet? Quote:
On 2007-08-24 13:39, Andres Folly wrote: I hate to say "I told you so" Actually, I quite enjoy saying I told you so. |
DougNicols Special user 846 Posts |
On 2007-09-04 11:54, Andres Folly wrote: There were several posts long before yours that had the same prediction. But ok, don't injure yourself with that whole patting self on back thing. |
gdw Inner circle 4891 Posts |
Well, considering the content now of people's posts in this threat, I imagine this will be the last I post here, and read here, in this thread that is, not the Café all together.
I knew that Theory11 was going to include a store. I still LOVED the journey and the hype to get there. I was FAR from disappointed as well. Anyone whining and playing "I told you so" needs to grow up, go outside. You don't want anything to do with it an/or are disappointed, then DON'T have anything to do with it. Sitting around here !@#$%ing is still getting involved. Your loss. You may not think so, but that's entirely up to you to think. No need for any of this arguing and criticizing each other.
"You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one."
I won't forget you Robert. |
tdowell Inner circle 1051 Posts |
Where are the scanty clad women with short skirts and punk rock hairdoo? I can't find em' anywhere on the site.
John T Cox Veteran user 386 Posts |
Well, I like the idea that they are touting. Time will tell if Theory 11 succeeds. I am hoping for some good stuff out of Chris Kenner, myself.
The real magic is family!
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