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Larry Bean Inner circle I'm digging enough holes for 2016 Posts |
America is smarter than that.
What kind of tricks do politicians do? |
Father Photius Grammar Host El Paso, TX (Formerly Amarillo) 17161 Posts |
Ones that get them arrested for solicitation.
What is the real seceret to Mac King's Cloak of Invisibility?
"Now here's the man with the 25 cent hands, that two bit magician..."
jocdoc Inner circle Carlsbad, CA 1183 Posts |
It shares genes with the RJOM.
If a magician were to be elected president of the U.S., what would he/she do for an opener?
Life is an improv. The game goes on...
Father Photius Grammar Host El Paso, TX (Formerly Amarillo) 17161 Posts |
Make Congress Vanish.
How did the magician make the Washington Monument disappear.
"Now here's the man with the 25 cent hands, that two bit magician..."
jocdoc Inner circle Carlsbad, CA 1183 Posts |
He introduced it as a weapon of mass destruction....
What trick would be appropriate at the Library of Congress?
Life is an improv. The game goes on...
Father Photius Grammar Host El Paso, TX (Formerly Amarillo) 17161 Posts |
Mother of All Book Tests.
Why can't magicians make the national debt disappear?
"Now here's the man with the 25 cent hands, that two bit magician..."
jocdoc Inner circle Carlsbad, CA 1183 Posts |
There's not a thumb tip in the world that could hold all of those bills.
What trick did the following presidents attempt (albeit unsuccessfully): Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley and Kennedy?
Life is an improv. The game goes on...
Father Photius Grammar Host El Paso, TX (Formerly Amarillo) 17161 Posts |
How many congressmen does it take to make a billion dollars disappear?
"Now here's the man with the 25 cent hands, that two bit magician..."
magic4u02 Eternal Order Philadelphia, PA 15110 Posts |
Only one but it is such a GOOD stapler. lol
Why do office furniture and products cost so much to the government?
Kyle Peron
http://www.kylekellymagic.com Entertainers Product Site http://kpmagicproducts.com Join Our Facebook Fan Page at http://facebook.com/perondesign |
jocdoc Inner circle Carlsbad, CA 1183 Posts |
One word: Halliburton.
What magical thing happens to people who criticize Halliburton?
Life is an improv. The game goes on...
magic4u02 Eternal Order Philadelphia, PA 15110 Posts |
They disappear in a puff of smoke never to be heard of again. Much like Rob's act.=)
Why is Rob's act so bad?
Kyle Peron
http://www.kylekellymagic.com Entertainers Product Site http://kpmagicproducts.com Join Our Facebook Fan Page at http://facebook.com/perondesign |
jocdoc Inner circle Carlsbad, CA 1183 Posts |
It was scripted by GW Bush, based upon a book that he once ....er....read.
What's is Dick Cheney's special talent?
Life is an improv. The game goes on...
Dynamike Eternal Order FullTimer 24148 Posts |
Not appearing on The Magic Café.
Anyone know why Photius has not posted lately? |
Magic Enhancer Inner circle Robert Haas 1805 Posts |
He was praying for us all.
How many more times will Dynamike change his avatar?
Robert Haas
Magic Enhancer Quality magic products for the working professional. www.MagicEnhancer.com |
magic4u02 Eternal Order Philadelphia, PA 15110 Posts |
I am thinking at least 20 times within the next hour.
How soon till one of us gets a headache from Mike changing his avatar so frequently?
Kyle Peron
http://www.kylekellymagic.com Entertainers Product Site http://kpmagicproducts.com Join Our Facebook Fan Page at http://facebook.com/perondesign |
Dynamike Eternal Order FullTimer 24148 Posts |
No one will get a headache from looking at Dynamike, the "model magician".
How will it look if Kyle replaced his head with Photius' head on his avatar. (I bet he can't do it by graphix design.) |
Magic Enhancer Inner circle Robert Haas 1805 Posts |
It would look like Photius is holding his balls. that's a great idea
What does Kyle think of another man holding his balls?
Robert Haas
Magic Enhancer Quality magic products for the working professional. www.MagicEnhancer.com |
Dynamike Eternal Order FullTimer 24148 Posts |
I'm sure he kill that person because his balls mean a lot to him.
Why did Kyle leave so early? |
magic4u02 Eternal Order Philadelphia, PA 15110 Posts |
Because Kyle has a real job which he has to go to in order to make money to pay for the RJOM. lol
If the RJOM had to get a new job, what would it do?
Kyle Peron
http://www.kylekellymagic.com Entertainers Product Site http://kpmagicproducts.com Join Our Facebook Fan Page at http://facebook.com/perondesign |
Magic Enhancer Inner circle Robert Haas 1805 Posts |
Dirt Collection.
Besides gathering trash, how is Kyle similar to Wall-E?
Robert Haas
Magic Enhancer Quality magic products for the working professional. www.MagicEnhancer.com |
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