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Magic Enhancer Inner circle Robert Haas 1805 Posts |
Why is Kyle so awesome?
Robert Haas
Magic Enhancer Quality magic products for the working professional. www.MagicEnhancer.com |
wizardofsorts Special user Chicago, IL 936 Posts |
I think reply 500 killed the thread. It was more then it could handle.
Pleas submit your (comedy)eulogy for the Gag Tag thread. My eulogy will be coming, I have to reflect on the life of Gag Tag before I can write. Edd
Edd Fairman, Wizard of Sorts is a corporate magician available for your next trade show, hospitality suite, client luncheon, or company event. http://www.wizardofsorts.com
magic4u02 Eternal Order Philadelphia, PA 15110 Posts |
So um Edd are you saying I am not awesome or people just can not limit themselves to just 1 answer? lol
answer: why is Kyle so awesome..... 8000+ posts says he is. hehehe If a mime were forced to talk.. what is the first thing he would say?
Kyle Peron
http://www.kylekellymagic.com Entertainers Product Site http://kpmagicproducts.com Join Our Facebook Fan Page at http://facebook.com/perondesign |
magicgeorge Inner circle Belfast 4299 Posts |
Could someone let me out of this !@#$%^& invisible box.
Give a sentence with the word eulogy in it. |
Magic Enhancer Inner circle Robert Haas 1805 Posts |
My grandfather had a background in studying elephant urine. His study in eulogy really helped us when we got stung by a jellyfish....
What did the gerbil say to the hamster?
Robert Haas
Magic Enhancer Quality magic products for the working professional. www.MagicEnhancer.com |
sean_mh Loyal user 229 Posts |
Oil your &^$^$#@$%# wheel!
What does a magician have for breakfast? |
Magic Enhancer Inner circle Robert Haas 1805 Posts |
Toast by Rodger Lovins, Cereal Killer by Nick Lakin, and a milk pitcher. And, to season, some woofle dust and slush powder.
What did the magician have for dinner?
Robert Haas
Magic Enhancer Quality magic products for the working professional. www.MagicEnhancer.com |
magic4u02 Eternal Order Philadelphia, PA 15110 Posts |
A Topsy Turvy Bottle of Wine. A Sponge cake served in a flaming dove pan. And for a main course he had some really crazy meal consisting of an orange, lemon, egg and a canary.
Why do magicians like to wear black?
Kyle Peron
http://www.kylekellymagic.com Entertainers Product Site http://kpmagicproducts.com Join Our Facebook Fan Page at http://facebook.com/perondesign |
Corona Smith Inner circle Airstrip One 1689 Posts |
They are in mourning for their lost sense of humour.
Why do Matt Colman's lightbulbs keep popping out? |
Magic Enhancer Inner circle Robert Haas 1805 Posts |
Because they're full of milk.
What did the cheap magician get for Christmas?
Robert Haas
Magic Enhancer Quality magic products for the working professional. www.MagicEnhancer.com |
Rupert Bair Inner circle ? 2196 Posts |
Gag Tag in manuscript form. "Gag Tag - the bedroom magicians guide to entertaining the mirror, and the mirror alone."
My dog's got no dictionary. How does he spell? |
Corona Smith Inner circle Airstrip One 1689 Posts |
What's brown and sounds like a bell? |
Rupert Bair Inner circle ? 2196 Posts |
A blind man walks into a fishmongers and says... |
Corona Smith Inner circle Airstrip One 1689 Posts |
Hello Ladies!
Why do ballet dancers always dance on their toes? |
Rupert Bair Inner circle ? 2196 Posts |
Cause if they danced on there heads they'd be break dancers.
What looks and smells like oxygen but is actually invisible? |
Corona Smith Inner circle Airstrip One 1689 Posts |
What's blue and doesn't fit? |
Rupert Bair Inner circle ? 2196 Posts |
A suffocating man being forced into a jam jar.
How many monkeys can you get in a bus? |
Corona Smith Inner circle Airstrip One 1689 Posts |
3 in the subtrunk and two in a dove pan.
What do you call a man with a penguin on his head? |
Rupert Bair Inner circle ? 2196 Posts |
Under the "Wetter"!!
How many penguins does it take to screw in a light bulb? |
Corona Smith Inner circle Airstrip One 1689 Posts |
2 would be efishent but it's gotta be good for 6 months.
What do you get if you cross a lightbulb with a horse? |
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