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Kalamazoo, Michigan
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Profile of MagicBus
Cigar the Magician? Now That's Smokin! As for the elephants, it takes three. One for the sub trunk, one for Christopher Milbourne appearance, and a third to drag all the equipment over to Blackstone Island.

Why are there so many churches on Blackstone Street in Colon? Is Colon the only city in the world where there is a rabbit coming out of a top hat on its street signs? How many magicians have slept overnight at The Magic Castle? Is it true that Haines House of Cards is not made out of cards? Does that house even still exist? Does anyone still perform the cigar to pipe trick? How come the lit match from lapel never works on the first try?
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Inner circle
Kalamazoo, Michigan
2870 Posts

Profile of MagicBus
Is there a Davidoff the Magician based on the cigar? (forgot to add that above, sounds like a great stage name to me)
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Eternal Order
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17449 Posts

Profile of joseph
On 2009-07-07 23:43, MagicBus wrote:
Why are there so many churches on Blackstone Street in Colon?

Because it's the only street in Colon...

Why did Blackstone love the Buzzsaw illusion?...
"Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler." (Einstein)...
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Eternal Order
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Profile of Dynamike
Because is was his only way to get "high" from smelling the wood burn.

Why did the stampede of ants go up the magician's pants leg?
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Eternal Order
11213 Posts

Profile of JamesTong
The magician was performing the candy trick.

Why was the Lota bowl called a Lota bowl?
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Inner circle
Kalamazoo, Michigan
2870 Posts

Profile of MagicBus
Because the toilet bowl trick does not sound all that entertaining (the trick that keeps flushing and flushing?)

Why did Jason Alexander do the shrinking cards illusion?
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Eternal Order
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Profile of Dynamike
Because the government was taking things away from him slowly for not paying his taxes.

What trick goes up, but never comes down?
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Eternal Order
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17449 Posts

Profile of joseph
Smoke from ears...

Why did the dummy look like the vent?...
"Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler." (Einstein)...
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Eternal Order
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Profile of Dynamike
Because the vent's parents were dummies.

What word should a magician never say in public?
Father Photius
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Grammar Host
El Paso, TX (Formerly Amarillo)
17158 Posts

Profile of Father Photius

How many pints of strawberries does it take to get a magician to change his act?
"Now here's the man with the 25 cent hands, that two bit magician..."
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Inner circle
1007 Posts

Profile of MikeHMagic
None, you need pints of Guiness

What & why did the birthday clown drink after performing his McBride style manipulation act @ Suzy's sixth birthday party?
Mike "Gus" Harvatt
"Bullwinkle that trick never works."
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Eternal Order
24148 Posts

Profile of Dynamike
A Bloody Mary. Because after his show he discovered he is booked for Suzy' party next week. He was suppose to be at Mary's presently.

What trick will never be figured out?
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Eternal Order
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17449 Posts

Profile of joseph
How to make a magic career turn into a million dollars..

Why did the magician take up flying?...
"Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler." (Einstein)...
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Eternal Order
24148 Posts

Profile of Dynamike
So he would be high, because he can not do a show.

What does Dynamike and Photius have in common?
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Eternal Order
11213 Posts

Profile of JamesTong
They have lots of tricks in their collections they do not know how to perform.

What do you get when you cross James Tong and 200 of his balls together?
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Inner circle
Kalamazoo, Michigan
2870 Posts

Profile of MagicBus
Super Tong!

How did the magician prevent his white silk after coming out of his thumb tip from looking like a crumpled up, very wrinkled wash rag?
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Inner circle
1007 Posts

Profile of MikeHMagic
By making it look like a wrinkled snot rag

What Does The Magic duo of James Tong & DynaMike do to celebrate a good show @ Johnny's 8th birthday party?
Mike "Gus" Harvatt
"Bullwinkle that trick never works."
Father Photius
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Grammar Host
El Paso, TX (Formerly Amarillo)
17158 Posts

Profile of Father Photius
Throw themselves into an active volcano.

Why did the birthday party magician give up magic and take up voodoo?
"Now here's the man with the 25 cent hands, that two bit magician..."
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Eternal Order
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17449 Posts

Profile of joseph
His shrunken heads kept scaring the kids..

Why couldn't the magician do the thimble routine?...
"Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler." (Einstein)...
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Eternal Order
24148 Posts

Profile of Dynamike
Because he had no fingers from doing the Finger Chopper.

What stunt are most magicians afraid to do?
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