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Bob Sanders 1945 - 2024 Magic Valley Ranch, Clanton, Alabama 20504 Posts |
His rabbit died!
How much cordless does it take to make a mic work? |
Dynamike Eternal Order FullTimer 24148 Posts |
The same number of magicians it takes to screw in a light bulb.
Why does the magician perform in front of children only? |
Father Photius Grammar Host El Paso, TX (Formerly Amarillo) 17158 Posts |
He's under a court order to remain at least 1,000 feet from any adult.
Why did the magician bury his volumes of Tarbells?
"Now here's the man with the 25 cent hands, that two bit magician..."
Dynamike Eternal Order FullTimer 24148 Posts |
So someone would find it and think it was a buried treasure.
Why does the magician like to perform on top of chimneys? |
Father Photius Grammar Host El Paso, TX (Formerly Amarillo) 17158 Posts |
Because magic makes him high.
Why did the magician sell his dove pan to the clown?
"Now here's the man with the 25 cent hands, that two bit magician..."
Dynamike Eternal Order FullTimer 24148 Posts |
Because it was full of bird poop.
Why did Dynamo call Dynamike about a gig? |
Father Photius Grammar Host El Paso, TX (Formerly Amarillo) 17158 Posts |
Because he always talks to himself.
Why does Dynamike only get his jokes from the Café?
"Now here's the man with the 25 cent hands, that two bit magician..."
Bob Sanders 1945 - 2024 Magic Valley Ranch, Clanton, Alabama 20504 Posts |
He knows that he is in good company.
Why does a clown have to have an alias? |
Dynamike Eternal Order FullTimer 24148 Posts |
Incase he is wanted by the FBI for not paying taxes.
Why did the mentalist become a magician? |
joseph Eternal Order Please ignore my 17444 Posts |
It was in the cards..
Why did the magician throw his bicycles off the cliff?...
"Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler." (Einstein)...
Dynamike Eternal Order FullTimer 24148 Posts |
He wanted to prove he was only partly related to Chris Angel.
Why did Fr. Photius call Chris Angel for some help. |
Bob Sanders 1945 - 2024 Magic Valley Ranch, Clanton, Alabama 20504 Posts |
He wanted to learn some "chick magic".
Before TV, how did people learn "original" magic? |
Dynamike Eternal Order FullTimer 24148 Posts |
They emailed Houdini.
Who does Photius go to the most for support? |
Father Photius Grammar Host El Paso, TX (Formerly Amarillo) 17158 Posts |
The unemployment office.
Why did the magician try to perform in the middle of the freeway at rush hour?
"Now here's the man with the 25 cent hands, that two bit magician..."
Dynamike Eternal Order FullTimer 24148 Posts |
Because the traffic was moving only 1 inch every two hours.
Why do females picture Dynamike as a gigolo? |
Father Photius Grammar Host El Paso, TX (Formerly Amarillo) 17158 Posts |
Because they are drunk out of their skulls.
Why did the assistant have the magician thrown into jail?
"Now here's the man with the 25 cent hands, that two bit magician..."
Dynamike Eternal Order FullTimer 24148 Posts |
To prove he was Houdini #2
Who did the assistant blow a kiss to in the audience? |
Father Photius Grammar Host El Paso, TX (Formerly Amarillo) 17158 Posts |
Her bail-bonds man.
What did the magician try to smuggle across the border in a change bag?
"Now here's the man with the 25 cent hands, that two bit magician..."
Dynamike Eternal Order FullTimer 24148 Posts |
Several Mexican assistant midgets.
What's the first thing Photius asked Bob over the phone? |
Father Photius Grammar Host El Paso, TX (Formerly Amarillo) 17158 Posts |
("What's going on" is actually what I said to him two nights ago when he called)
How's grammar? (Grampar too) Why did the Border patrol raid the magician's show?
"Now here's the man with the 25 cent hands, that two bit magician..."
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