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Steve Brooks
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Founder / Manager
Northern California - United States
3798 Posts

Profile of Steve Brooks
Okay, it seems like a no brainer but not a day goes by that someone doesn't ask me how to actually make a post on the Café. Funny thing is, often times the question is not sent to me via private message or email, but in the form of a post! Smile

In addition, folks sometimes have a difficult time editing their Café profiles, preferences or loading avatars. That said, I decided to write a quick reference guide on those very subjects. Enjoy.


Once you are logged into the Café, you'll notice several links in the upper right corner of your screen. They include: FAQ (This area will answer most basic questions about the various functions available to you when you're on the board).


EDIT PROFILE (This area basically lets you customize the information that other folks will see when they 'Click' on your name. It is here that you can change your password to something that is easy for you to remember, load an avatar (photograph of YOU that will appear in all the posts that you make on the Café) and a few other choices. If you have any trouble loading your avatar, Click Here!


EDIT PREFERENCES (This area will let YOU decide whether or not your email or website information can be seen by others. You will also have the ability to add a signature that will appear at the end of all any posts you make on the Café. (e.g, Best wishes, Bill).


Finally, once you are online, from time to time you may notice a flashing green box in the upper right of your screen. If this occurs, it means that myself or another member has sent you a PRIVATE MESSAGE. To view, simply click on the box. Complete information concerning private messages will be found in your private message (PM) area.

Now, I realize all this sounds a bit complicated, perhaps even a little intimidating. But don't fret, you'll catch on soon enough.


Regarding you making a post, briefly this is how it works:

First, you'll need to decide a category you wish to post in - let's say you are a card kind of guy, so you go to the category: "Pick a card...any card"

You'll then need to decide which forum within the category you wish to participate in. As an example, you might enter the forum: "Gaffed & Funky"

To enter, simply 'Click' the forum, and like magic you'll be taken inside. You'll no doubt see several topics which members will have posted for you to read. To view, simply 'Click' the actual topic title, and you'll now be able to view and read the topic posts that located within that particular topic. To respond, simply 'Click' the REPLY link found at the top of the posts. To start a topic of your own, go into the "Gaffed & Funky" forum, then click POST NEW TOPIC - it's actually quite simple.
"Always be you because nobody else can" - Steve Brooks
The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » When dining with us...(Please Read) » » How to make a post, Edit profile, Change Preferences and load Avatars » » TOPIC IS LOCKED (2 Likes)
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