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Jeff J.
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I'm Jeff's fiancee and girlfriend of 4 years. I'm not really into magic, but I know of this site since he seems to be on it all the time. He's been feeling ill for the past few months, but he can be stubborn and waited for the problem to go away. He was doing okay and from what I can tell, even made a couple posts in the last day or so.

He collapsed early this afternoon and he was put into intensive care where he remains in critical condition. His condition is getting worse and the doctors are not optomistic about his chances of making it through the night. I don't want to get into the details of the medical issue, since he tends to be a private person and I don't want to say something he may have rather not be discussed if he beats the odds the doctors say.

He isn't aware of the severity of the problem, and the doctors agree that it would serve no purpose to tell him. He is slipping in and out of consiousness and under heavy medication. His family is flying in from SC and hopefully will be able to see him while they can.

I'm writing this because despite what the doctor's say, I have faith that he will survive, and if any of those that know him want to write something, I'd like to bring it to him when the time comes that he get's past this, and I know he will, to cheer him up.

I think he knew something was happening when he started selling his most important things over the past few weeks to put some money in the bank for me and our daughter. He has a small business that pays the bills, but no health insurance or sick benefits. I know now why he was selling everything he cared about. That money is almost gone just on recent medications, but I don't care, I know that when he gets better, everything will be okay, and money is nothing without the one you love.

I'm probably writing this for selfish reasons. I can't be there with him now, since he is getting prepared for a series of procedures (I hate the word "operation"), so I'm trying to get my mind off things and I know how important this site was to him. He isn't a very religious person, but I am, and I ask for your prayers. He's really a wonderful person and a loving, caring fiancee and father. He never turned away anyone in their time of need and spends every Thanksgiving and Christmas with me and our baby helping cook and serving food at the homeless shelter in the city. I haven't told our daughter that daddy might not be coming home, or even that he's sick. How do you tell that to a 4 year old? I know in my heart I won't have to tell her that. I know he'll pull through. My faith is stronger than a doctors opinion.

If anyone that knows him from this site wants to send a word of encouragement, I'll print them out for him or I can can give our address if you want to send a note by mail.

Thanks for letting me talk about things even though I'm not a member or even really into magic. Magic is his passion and has been since he was a child, so I can't think of a better place to write this. God Bless.

Scott Compton
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I don't know Jeff, but you certainly have my prayers and support.

Stay strong, and may God bless your family.

Magic is an art. I am merely a tour guide.

"You are the magic" Jay Ose to Albert Goshman
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Profile of thehawk
Jeff, all the best and hope you make a recovery.
The Drake
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You can tell Jeff that there's a bunch of Crazy Magi at the Café wishing him well.

Very Best,

Tony Iacoviello
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Profile of Tony Iacoviello

Both Jeff and you are in our prayers.

Ron Reid
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Hi Lori:

Please know that Jeff, you and your family will be lifted up in prayer. Thanks for sharing, and please keep us updated on Jeff.

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Tell Jeff That You Are All In Our Prayers.


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Profile of ClintonMagus
I know from experience that if we pray, believing, prayer is the most powerful thing in the world. I will pray for Jeff regularly.

Please keep us posted on his progress.
Things are more like they are today than they've ever been before...
Justin Style
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May God bless you, Jeff and your family. Wishing you all the best and hoping he pulls through...
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Profile of davidpaul$
Just read your post. I don't know Jeff, but that doesn't matter. What matters is
the man you care about is hurting. My heart goes out to you, Jeff and your daughter. What a trying time. You are right though, there is a God that cares deeply for us even though we wonder sometimes, but that's because we lean on our OWN understanding. My prayer obviously is for Jeff's healing, but more importantly
for Jeff to know in his heart how very much he is loved and to know that love that surpasses understanding. Eph. 3:16

Thank you for sharing with the Café' members and know your family is on our minds and hearts.
David Paul
Guilt will betray you before technique betrays you!
Jeff J.
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Thank you. I left the hospital a few hours ago. He is still in a coma, but the doctors were wrong when they said it wasn't likely he would make it through the night. I've printed out your messages and I'm putting the cards I've gotten so far so when he wakes up, and I know he will, I will read them to him.

He went into cardiac arrest last night but they were able to revive him and he is in stable condition. He is still in critical condition, but they say that his condition is now critical but stable, which is a step up from when he first lost conciousness. The doctors actually say that the coma is a good thing considering that he would be in a lot of pain if he were awake.

I still haven't told our daughter, but I can't put it off much longer. She keeps asking where daddy is.

Thank you for your words and prayers, and I'll post any changes as they come.

God Bless.

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Profile of bugjack
Dear Lori,

You and Jeff have my best wishes and hopes for his continued improvement.


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Profile of Stevethomas
Best wishes and hopes for a fantastic and amazing recovery! Bless you and your family.

Steve Thomas
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Profile of bcookmagic
Lori, I hope he gets better!...people out there are thinking about you guys. Brian
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Profile of A.G.
Our family is praying for yours.

Andrew Gerard
Well then...
Slim King
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I will also pray for Comfort, Relief and Healing. Smile
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Profile of marD

I just read this message and will be praying for Jeff, you, and Jeff's family through this difficult time.

Please keep us informed!

God Bless,

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Mr. Mystoffelees
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I join the growing list praying for Jeff's recovery... Jim
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Don Faith
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We sincerely wish Jeff, you and all the family all the best.

Don and Veralyn
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Profile of Tanis
Lorri, we don't know Jeff, however we have been in this position, you are all in our thoughts
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