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Casanova Inc gets fantastic responses. Women love the effect and they get 2 of my business cards to boot.
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Profile of TheAmbitiousCard
So what's the consensus? Was this set worth $300? Hand Crafted Magic
Trophy Husband, Father of the Year Candidate,
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Profile of slyhand
9 DVD's plus stuff? It was in my opinion. Plus I like the cool wooden box.
I am getting so tired of slitting the throats of people who say that I am a violent psychopath.

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Profile of tonyj
On 2009-08-04 17:33, Frank Starsini wrote:
Was this set worth $300?

For me as an amateur and relatively new to magic, a resounding yes. I have been more inspired to actually perform some of the tricks on this DVD set than anything else I have read or watched. I am not sure I can exactly say why; perhaps it's because the tricks are not technically difficult yet seem to gender good audience reactions. I think a part of it may have been watching Bro Gilbert's easy style of performing that made me think 'Hey, I can do that'.
M Sini
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Profile of M Sini
I agree, it's worth $300. I keep going back to them.
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Profile of APC
Yup! It's great to always go back and find something else! Gotta admit...the box is pretty snazzy.
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Profile of VcosNJ
I believe it was $300 well spent. Anyone like any of the hidden gems on TA? I've been playing with Cassanova Inc. as well. I've drawn some animated figures rather than the stickman. Still gets great results! Smile
Robert M
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Profile of Robert M
On 2009-08-04 17:33, Frank Starsini wrote:
So what's the consensus? Was this set worth $300?

Are you kidding?

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Eternal Order
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Profile of TheAmbitiousCard
Do I look like I'm kidding?

Here's one reason I ask.
I love Paul's Art of Astonishment books. You can really feel Paul's sense of humor come thru.

If I were to buy that set I would want to see Paul doing Paul's magic.
My feeling from the few things I did watch and the people I've talked to that it was not Paul doing Paul's magic. It was Paul's buddies doing magic.

I already have enough DVDs on magic. But not enough that showcase paul's style and sense of humor, which I find hilarious. Hand Crafted Magic
Trophy Husband, Father of the Year Candidate,
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Profile of MiketheMagicDude
I don't know frank.

There is A LOT of "Paul" in this set.
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Profile of synth_infusion
You do get to see a lot of Paul during the PHootnotes.
If you want a lot of Paul performing, his Stars of Magic dvd set would be a great place to look.
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Profile of MiketheMagicDude
The PHoot notes etc are great...but I am also referring to his essence and personality. It shows up if that's what you want to see.
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Profile of Magiguy
$300 was a bargain. Seriously. This is one of my most prized DVD sets.
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Profile of PatrickGregoire
Plus there are several videos of Paul performing and explaining some of his effects as easter eggs. There is no new footage of Paul performing or explaining though. Just phootenotes and interviews/intro/conclusion.
M Sini
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On 2009-08-05 04:00, PatrickGregoire wrote:
Plus there are several videos of Paul performing and explaining some of his effects as easter eggs. There is no new footage of Paul performing or explaining though. Just phootenotes and interviews/intro/conclusion.

I thought he did do the explaination of one of the effects. Now, I need to go back and figure out which one it was.
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Profile of TheAmbitiousCard
On 2009-08-05 04:00, PatrickGregoire wrote:
Plus there are several videos of Paul performing and explaining some of his effects as easter eggs.

If I had to do an easter egg hunt to find the stuff I was interested in, I'd be more than irritated.

I think easter eggs are great for bloopers or nonsense but not for paid-for material.

Well, I'm glad to hear some of you thought it was money well spent. Hand Crafted Magic
Trophy Husband, Father of the Year Candidate,
Chippendale's Dancer applicant, Unofficial World Record Holder.
Robert M
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This has been discussed before. Paul's not the out-going / show biz kind of guy he used to be. I was disappointed at first, too, but that's his prerogative.

But, this 9 DVD set is all Paul Harris. It's his legacy. And, that final interview with Paul is an eye opener. It changed the way I approach performing for people.

There is a list of all the easter eggs and how to find them floating around here somewhere. Shouldn't be too hard to find. Watching these DVDs is like taking a long, magical journey. And, the easter eggs are part of the journey, IMO.

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Mario Orsini: Paul's hands may be teaching some of the effects, but you won't find one where he's explaining it vocally to the camera. Not for the new material.
M Sini
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True but hardly any of the new effects are taught vocally.
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Profile of Thales
To me it was worth the $300 and I have only scratched the surface with this set. I only do two of the effects on it well right now and that might be enough. But there are at least 6 more that I think are outstanding and are on my must learn and use list. Many more that I really like as well. But since magic is my hobby and my free time is limited they may have to wait a long time before I get to them. If you spend the time and learn 6 of these effects well you will be considered a awesome magician whereever you do close up even if you do not know any other magic IMHO.

If close up is not your thing then maybe you want to pass on this set.
"If you can't change the method, change the moment." Vernon
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