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Tim Trono Inner circle 1118 Posts |
I just wanted to quickly step in to alleviate any concerns. I see TONS of product coming through and quite honestly there is an almost "accepted" defective rate... don't get me wrong... it's as troublesome to me as to anyone (costly, a pain, etc.). It drives me crazy to see defective units. But when a book comes out, when a printer does a run of something, when a magazine is printed, when a DVD comes out, etc. there is simply almost always defects (rips, bad bindings, scratched DVDs, broken spindles in boxes, broken units, smudged pages, etc.).
The replicator that was used for TA is incredible and has had an enormous success rate compared to others I have seen in the past. We have used this replicator for about 3 or 4 years and been VERY happy with them. Other replicators have approached us with cheaper pricing but quite frankly I'd rather have someone do a better job, stand behind their work, and pay them more. Paul, Jason, myself, and a few others watched a number of copies of this set and experienced absolutely no issues. When we heard of a few of the vibrating issues this was something we have never encountered before so immediately contacted the duplicator (I got a call early on a Saturday from Paul and we spoke to the duplicator that morning), got a copy of one of the bad disks as the replicator had not experienced this problem previously, and examined the cause. It appears a very small number of the disks were unfortunately bad. The good thing is this appears to be fairly isolated with a small FRACTION of a percentage based on the number of units out there. We (Murphy's, Jason, dealers worldwide) will immediately take care of any issues - fear not. I have heard about 7 boxes that had damage... most likely during shipping with rough handling by the carrier. Consider the boxes shipped from Japan to the replicator to Murphy's to your dealer to you. Again, any issues will be handled. TA is Paul's baby. Paul, Bro, Murphy's, Jason, myself, etc. have put an immense amount of time and effort into this project to make it what it should be - the release of the decade. As in life "stuff happens" but I can assure you, if you make the investment into TA you do not have to worry... you will be happy, you will be taken care of if there is an issue, etc. I apologize to any individuals who have had issues but can assure you you will be taken care of. If not feel free to PM me (the first thing I will ask is if you have contacted the place where you got it from and ask that you do that but if you are not getting results I will be happy to help get issues resolved). I continue to go through these DVDs and work on material. I am still blown away by TA. I've not been able to read some of the recent posts but is there a place where we can post tips, thoughts, etc. I have some ideas on a few effects that I can pass on without exposing anything that may be helpful. Tim Trono |
sirbrad Inner circle PA 2099 Posts |
OK so it was a "small number," that is good. I think I only received one bad disk ever, "Sankey's Greatest Hits" sometimes freezes up towards the end of the explanation videos disks 2, and on some other explanations occasionally. No vibrating, just freezing usually. I hope I get a good set so I don't have to pay to ship them back. I wonder if the vibrating disks vibrate in all players, or just PC ones?
The great trouble with magicians is the fact that they believe when they have bought a certain trick or piece of apparatus, and know the method or procedure, that they are full-fledged mystifiers. -- Harry Houdini
Wesker New user 79 Posts |
I have one of the "Vibration" sets, along with another issue- hoping to get it solved soon.
matt.magicman Inner circle Mars 1527 Posts |
Has ANYONE got these in the uk?
I see the main dealers (alakazam etc) have got them and sent out I ordered direct from the astonishment project, and have nothing still........... ? |
Mind Melter Regular user Australia 179 Posts |
Perhaps it's stuck at customs?
It's possible. |
AlluTallu Veteran user Finland 394 Posts |
No TA for me today.. I'm starting to get impatient I hope my box and DVDs are fine when they finally arrive.
Hopefully this arrives by the weekend -Aleksi |
mamutrance New user Ireland, living in London! 46 Posts |
On 2009-02-11 06:17, matt.magicman wrote: I got mine on Monday and ordered from Magic-Box in the uk, hope yours arrives soon! |
Your Thinking Cap Elite user 409 Posts |
Quote: So, are you saying that all the posts and topics are hidden?
On 2009-02-10 16:57, Acecardician wrote: |
roman59 New user Ipswich, United Kingdom 53 Posts |
Mine arrived in the uk last thursday from Alakazam.
M Sini Inner circle 1359 Posts |
I've watched the first 3 and all I can say is WOW! So far I feel like they've outperformed the hype. Mario |
Daren Inner circle 2058 Posts |
I have received mine in the uk and I ordered from tap
emyers99 Inner circle Columbus, Ohio 4784 Posts |
I tried to watch 7 and 8 last night (the two I was most excited about) and they both vibrated so bad I couldn't even get them to play. The dvd player kept trying to read them but the vibration was so bad it sounded like a lawn mower. Glad to see this is being addressed.
Robert M Inner circle 2482 Posts |
I'm only halfway through the disks. I've been taking it slow and trying to savor everything. I feel like I've been on a long, magical journey and I'm only halfway there. The entire presentation - the box, the design, the Phootnotes, the explanations, and the music are all absolutely top notch. And, the easter eggs, which are a mix of old and new interviews and tricks from AOA and the Tannen's videos, are great.
IMO, many of the magic effects are "10s" with the emphasis being on audience astonishment. Everything that I've seen (with exception to the handmucking easter egg) is beginner to intermediate level. I would give this project an "11" in overall presentation with the effects themselves earning an overall rating of "9.5". My favorites, so far, are "Twilight Angels", "LVL$", "Lubor's Lens", "Stapled Warp", and "Extraordinary Proof". Robert |
Exitmat Special user 641 Posts |
On 2009-02-11 01:08, Doug Lippert wrote: The music on the set is by a guy/band called "Marlin" All his stuff is really good. A lot of the music on TA is from his album "Happy Face Math." You can get it off iTunes. |
oombob Special user Canada 862 Posts |
The easter eggs on this thing are pure gold!! Everything from a primer course in folding a perfect napkin rose to PH pieces from the past to engaging interviews with magic's finest to a striking profile of two young souls, inspired by the AOA books philosophy, who traversed thousands of miles on foot in search of astonishment... only to end up walking up the driveway of Paul Harris' cabin to meet the man himself.
Wow. |
Chris K Inner circle 2548 Posts |
On 2009-02-10 17:57, Lemniscate wrote: Hey everybody, I didn't get a chance to test out the DVDs last night but I will try to hit it up tonight. I also wanted to thank everybody who PMed me about the pen, esp. since my post was purposely vague. One more question: how long before you all received confirmation of your TA forum access? It's going on a little over a day for me here, so I was curious. I hope to hop on those forums as I have some stuff I want to discuss. Until then, I finally worked out a personalized routine for Tensegrity last night. Prior to that I had been "practicing" which is way to much fun, btw. Every time I get to thinking I've got most of the possibilities figured out, a whole new element of the principle floors me. Too much fun. Lem |
Chris K Inner circle 2548 Posts |
On 2009-02-11 11:39, oombob wrote: If anybody knows the name of the book referenced in the easter egg above, could you PM me. I did a couple quick searches on their names and came up blank. |
bugjack Inner circle New York, New York 1625 Posts |
Do you mean the "Art of Astonishment" books?
Magiguy Inner circle Seattle, WA 5495 Posts |
No. I think he means the book referred to on the easter egg about their travel experiences.
Here's an interesting find... http://www.themagiccafe.com/forums/viewt......orum=218 |
Sora New user Stony Brook, NY 16 Posts |
Wow!! I got a #7!!
What a lucky number!! |
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