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The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » Dvd, Video tape, Audio tape & Compact discs. » » TA: True Astonishment by Paul Harris: Box Set: 9 DVDs + Props (3 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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On 2009-02-15 20:41, magic-dabra wrote:
I am still in awe that Bro could keep his cool and focus during THE RUB on disc nine. I simple don't see how he did it with the lady in the black & white stripe sitting there.

Yea, I noticed her first on another effect.
I think I need to relocate to BC.
After much soul searching about a signature, I decided not to have one.

TG Pop [aka ProfessorWhut]
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Profile of jordanjohnson
Yea Angel Cake is so sweet! I've been doing Angel case for years and it always has worked wonders and anyone who has worked with it knows all the possiblilities for it, but I think the Angel Cake use of it is at the top. I just wished I would have known a trick with the angel case was on the set and I would have tried to submit my impromtu way to do it. But anyways awesome effect and a great trick to end the set with!

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Profile of magic-dabra
On 2009-02-15 21:00, professorwhut wrote:
On 2009-02-15 20:41, magic-dabra wrote:
I am still in awe that Bro could keep his cool and focus during THE RUB on disc nine. I simple don't see how he did it with the lady in the black & white stripe sitting there.

Yea, I noticed her first on another effect.
I think I need to relocate to BC.

There may not be enough room for you Smile
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Profile of acchessor
I did Lubor's Lens for the second time today, and it got a really strong reaction. I did it for two friends, and when I lifted the lens to show the twist, one friend said "Holy cr*p" and freaked out. The other friend stared in astonishment at the pen. It's somewhat weird, after finding out the explanation, I didn't think that it would garner this kind of reaction, but it's great to see through the eyes of a spectator.
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Profile of trickymagic
The cards (in a Word doc.)that I am offering are getting out there to quite a few people. I wanted to let everyone know that it is now compatible with all Word versions (not just 2007).

ALSO, for those who have it, and those that still want it 2 things... 1. just email me if you want it (i have a pretty quick turn around, especially this weekend) (dont forget, its FREE). and 2. If you print on nice paper or on some higher quailty card stock, it compliments the set even BETTER than just regular paper... but even that is a nice addition if I do say so myself.

Anyone else interested, just let me know at

Thanks for letting me be a part of the "team."
Ezekiel Jump
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Profile of MiketheMagicDude
I decided to be bold on Friday and did a set at a party consisting of the ootw, evidence, dr. fun, & voodoo.

I love how the magic on this set is so simple, yet the presentations are geared toward forcing spectators to have an emotional attachment to the effect.

The reactions were far greater than ever before. TA proves how simple it can be to take magic to the next level.

Bravo Paul Harris, Bro, and everyone else involved.
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Profile of shoeiz
I have received my TA set in Australia - purchased through Sean Taylor - Taylor magic store. The service was fanastic - he kept us informed and the set arrived when he told us it would. Just thought I would give Sean a plug!.
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Profile of slyhand
Thanks Tricky. I just emailed you.
I am getting so tired of slitting the throats of people who say that I am a violent psychopath.

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Profile of AlluTallu
No TA set for me today :/ Im starting to get worried..

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Profile of trickymagic
No Prob Slyhand... Everyone is enjoying the cards... hope you do too!
Ezekiel Jump
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Robert M
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Profile of Robert M
On 2009-02-14 22:21, Robert M wrote:
I'm still having trouble finding the final PH interview on Disk #9. I'm using a computer but not Windows Media Player.


Finally found the last easter egg on Disk #9 - Paul's Closing Interview. Wow. I wish everyone had an opportunity to watch this interview. It will change the way you think about magic and about what kind of magician you really want to be.

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Profile of Axelchen
Hi Aleksi (nakemiin(?))!

i´m still waiting, germany, part of the western-world!
let´s wait together
M Sini
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Profile of M Sini
On 2009-02-15 22:36, trickymagic wrote:
The cards (in a Word doc.)that I am offering are getting out there to quite a few people. I wanted to let everyone know that it is now compatible with all Word versions (not just 2007).

ALSO, for those who have it, and those that still want it 2 things... 1. just email me if you want it (i have a pretty quick turn around, especially this weekend) (dont forget, its FREE). and 2. If you print on nice paper or on some higher quailty card stock, it compliments the set even BETTER than just regular paper... but even that is a nice addition if I do say so myself.

Anyone else interested, just let me know at

Thanks for letting me be a part of the "team."

I got him to send me the doc, 9very quick response, I might add. These little inserts are invaluable. Thanks Ezekiel!

I hate to cause more work for you but everyone should ask for these.

Thanks again,

Tim Trono
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Profile of Tim Trono
Just to let everyone know well in advance, it looks like the price of the True Astonishment Collector's set will be increasing from $300 to $325 in the near future. Thus I might recommend ordering now from your favorite dealer to take advantage of the lower price. Paul's costs were considerably higher than he anticipated and are going up. Instead of cutting the product down in any manner Paul wanted to maintain the level of the project as a whole. We are anticipating the price increase will happen in about a month so if you've been on the fence I might recommend considering this. We just don't want to surprise anyone.

Tim Trono
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Profile of Thales
Does anyone else feel guilty when they fast forward through the opening trailer on any of the TA DVDs? I watch it very once in a while but now I often just jump past it to get to the meat. But since it is such a beautiful trailer I feel kind of bad about not watching it every time.

Also, with Stapled Warp on Disc 4, does anyone else find it hard to believe that Bro and Paul thought the card pieces changed once more at that end of the effect? I mean once you know how the effect is done then you know that it is impossible for the card halves to change at the end. And it is hard to believe that both Bro and Paul did not know how the effect is done since it has been around for quite a while. The effect is a great one but it is pretty much exactly like I learned it years ago on some forgotten DVD (maybe E's Street Magic DVD) except for the stapling part.

Anyway, if Paul and Bro really did not understand how the effect was done that is very enlightening to me. Since they both know so much more about magic than I do, I think it is easy to fall into the trap of thinking that they know everything and can never be fooled. But this shows that they are still just human, well maybe superhuman not quite perfect anyway.

Also can someone that knows Jeff McBride tell him to get a new hair style?! I saw his EE over the weekend and it just reminded me of how much I cringe every time I see his mullet.
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I appreciate that you cringe, but Jeff's style is all his own and that is a part of what makes him who he is. He is a person who is walking his own very unique path and it is certainly a special one! When I met Jeff, he was absolutely magnificent and super nice to everyone. I am sure I was not the only one who winced on his comment about "getting the butterflies in your stomach to 'fly in formation'" in Celebracadabra... But knowing Jeff just a little bit allowed me to grin when he said it and just think to myself, "That's Jeff McBride..." Plus, with everything he has given to the brotherhood, he gets a "free pass on hairstyle" as far as I am concerned!
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Got it #4
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Profile of bugjack
On 2009-02-16 14:56, Thales wrote:
Does anyone else feel guilty when they fast forward through the opening trailer on any of the TA DVDs? I watch it very once in a while but now I often just jump past it to get to the meat. But since it is such a beautiful trailer I feel kind of bad about not watching it every time.

Also, with Stapled Warp on Disc 4, does anyone else find it hard to believe that Bro and Paul thought the card pieces changed once more at that end of the effect? I mean once you know how the effect is done then you know that it is impossible for the card halves to change at the end. And it is hard to believe that both Bro and Paul did not know how the effect is done since it has been around for quite a while. The effect is a great one but it is pretty much exactly like I learned it years ago on some forgotten DVD (maybe E's Street Magic DVD) except for the stapling part.

Anyway, if Paul and Bro really did not understand how the effect was done that is very enlightening to me. Since they both know so much more about magic than I do, I think it is easy to fall into the trap of thinking that they know everything and can never be fooled. But this shows that they are still just human, well maybe superhuman not quite perfect anyway.

Re the trailer... um, no, I don't feel guilty.

I had the same question as you when watching "Stapled Warp," though, and especially after watching the Phoote Note in which Paul says that the contruction of the trick is such that the majority of the audience will remember it the way that Paul and Bro did. Has anyone else had this kind of reaction?

I will say that having watched the majority of this now, I'm really happy I have it. I think its value is not just as a collection of effects but rather as the physical embodiment of a whole way of thinking about performance, magic and effect construction. There are many effects here I really like, but, for me, the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.
Judah Vee
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I cant believe people are selling their sets....... I guess you like Pauls style of stuff or you don't
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Profile of trickymagic
Ok, I hate to do it to all of you... but I have RE-FORMATTED the EE cards. This time, I have included a back ground of the TA box with PH on the side. If you print these cards using a COLOR printer, it will match your jacket MUCH better!!!

If you want to check it out, let me know. I will be sending the file to all those who have already gotten a copy of my cards already. But I am just going to send it mass email, so if you don't get it by tonight 16FEB, email me, and I'll send you an updated copy!!!

Thanks for everyones feedback!
Ezekiel Jump
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