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I hear what you are saying. Let me just say that this young lady is someone I know very well, our babysitter and yes she does happen to be blond not that it matters. She was not someone that I was paid to entertain or anything. Also I did not tell her that it was a trick in a mean or snotty or condescending way. I was more confused by her response than anything and did not want her leaving believing a lie that I had told her.

I try not to out right lie to spectators but I do feel it is ok to set up an effect with a good story if at the end of the effect it is clear to them that the story was part of an entertaining effect that on its face is impossible to do and therefore in the realm of magic. Like telling them that I put some magic dust on the cards or the Jack will jump to the top of the deck because it is scared of the dark, etc. These stories are fantastical and I thought clear to everyone that they were part of the illusion, part of the effect and not based on fact. I thought that at least until I got that response from our babysitter. At first I think I thought she was kidding me but then it became clear that she bought everything I said as factual and the truth. Now instead of me doing something magical I was someone that was somehow cheating casinos and breaking the law. Ouch, how did I end up in that place? So I could think of nothing else to say but the truth. I did not tell her how SS2 was done but I could not let her think I was cheating casinos either.

I have since done Prohibition for her just to see what her response would be. And she just kind of did the same no reaction kind of thing. She looked at the bottle with the cap inside and said "Hmmm, and it just pops inside? I didn't know it could do that." like it was just some kind of new cellphone feature. This time since I had not really told her any story other than "Take a look at this. I take a cap in this hand and a bottle in this hand and then just slam them together like this." and I was prepared for how she might react so I said "Yea, it is kind of odd since caps don't normally pass through glass but there you have it."

Anyway I guess my point is that apparently some people out there don't really give magic any thought. It is just like all the high tech stuff they do not understand. The laws of the universe are not solid things for them. You will never get a reaction out of them like "Wait that can't happen!" because for them anything can happen, science/technology is doing things they do not understand everyday.
"If you can't change the method, change the moment." Vernon
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On 2009-05-27 19:13, Lemniscate wrote:
Let's review, just for a second.

You take the time to spin a tale that somebody created in order to give a "trick" context. You present it as factual and an act of skill. The spectator either believes you or humours you (the difference is irrelevant). Your response is to tell her it's a trick and it's impossible to do that?

Acesover's is then to ask if she is blonde?

Is this really the way you want to treat your audience? In particular people who are buying into what you are selling?

Is this really the way you want to treat your art? What kind of spectator is she going to be if anybody else ever performs for her? Maybe the "Oh, it's some trick, don't believe anything he says" kind. I've always wondered how badly somebody has to treat their spectators to make them that way. Turns out the performers don't even realize it. Oh, and if that wasn't enough, you trivialized your entire performance for anybody who heard you say that. Of course, that begs the question, what would I have said: She asks if I ever get caught and one (of almost infinite) response is simply: "Isn't it amazing?" She leaves feeling amazed instead of fooled by a "trick" that "is impossible to actually do".

Originally I was going to let this slide and see if anybody said anything about it. The blonde comment (yet another dig at the audience) just... argh...

Seriously guys, wtf?! This really seems like the right thing to do to you?!?!?!?!?

blah blah blah "It was a joke" blah blah blah. Well, let me know when you get to a punchline that's funny and not just sad. There was a thread in Penny for Your Thoughts about some random online chat thing. People were introducing themselves as magicians & mentalists before embarassing themselves (and all of us by association) there too. You guys should form a club. Oh wait, THAT is why I hate magic clubs, I had almost forgotten.

Don't bother responding to me, there's absolutely nothing that can be said that makes this good or funny or even interesting. To me at least, obviously it's high humor for most of you. Not an insult, simply an observation.

That makes me sad.

On 2009-05-27 18:42, acesover wrote:
On 2009-04-29 16:00, Thales wrote:
I had to go out and buy a forcing deck made up of 6 of clubs for SS2. I have had a lot of great reactions with it so far. But the oddest reaction has been from a 20 year woman that totally bought my explanation that the folded palmed card was a method to switch cards in a BlackJack game. I do the effect for her and after she opens her hands and sees the Black Jack hand instead of the 16 she just says "And they never catch you when you do this in casinos?". That is it. No reaction at all. Just totally bought that I had unfolded the card, smoothed it out, switched it for the card in her hand all in a millisecond without her feeling it just because I had told her that is what I was going to do. I had to tell her "No, it is a magic trick. It is impossible to actually do that."

Is she a blonde??????


I would ask you to forgive me for trying to interject some humor, but if you are so worked up about my post about "Is she a blonde" I feel that it will fall on deaf ears. Loosen up a bit. I do not apologize for it. It was said in a humorous way. that's my story and I am sticking to it. No need to make an issue over a non issue. You seem great for doing just that.

My work here is done.

Posted: May 29, 2009 10:52am
I wish those Twilight Angel decks would hurry up........

I hate leaving the 2 of hearts all over the place. I will be going to a Pig Roast on June to perform and would love to use it there, but with everyone mingling I am sure the same card showing up would diminish a fantastic effect.
If I were to agree with you. Then we would both be wrong. As of Apr 5, 2015 10:26 pm I have 880 posts. Used to have over 1,000
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Me 2....waiting for that TA deck
F. Zandura
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On 2009-05-29 10:52, acesover wrote:
I wish those Twilight Angel decks would hurry up........

I hate leaving the 2 of hearts all over the place. I will be going to a Pig Roast on June to perform and would love to use it there, but with everyone mingling I am sure the same card showing up would diminish a fantastic effect.

Especially for the pig.

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Profile of Acecardician
Especially if the pig is a blond!
Oh no! I did not say that!!!hawhawhaw!!!

ACE Smile
Tim Trono
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Update on Twilight Angel Decks... we are just waiting on USPCC still. They are moving to a new facility this month so it has been slower than we hoped for but we will continue to stay on top of it.

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Profile of Acecardician
I was doing a corporate gig tonight at the wold famous New Orleans "Mardi Gras World". Someone brought their kid. I was doing my regular routine, and of course the parent had to put the kid into the routine. He was about 6? When I was in the middle of another routine, the kid wanted to keep one of my cards. The mom quickly told him no, and I could have easily let him. But I smoothly transitioned into Twilight Angles. I let him write his name on the card. We got applause just for him doing that! I explained to him about the angels, and made them move, and gave him the card. And he hurried away quickly all excited to show everyone! You had to be there!

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Nice story. But let me guess... was the card the 2 of Hearts?
"If you can't change the method, change the moment." Vernon
Review King
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I'm still blown away by this dvd set. The filming, talent, routines, all of it. JUst a superb job all around.

For me, it exceded expectations!
"Of all words of tongue and pen,
the saddest are, "It might have been"

..........John Greenleaf Whittier
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Profile of kissdadookie
Wow, it's shocking that this thread is still so active.
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On 2009-06-05 17:52, Thales wrote:
Nice story. But let me guess... was the card the 2 of Hearts?

Of course it was!
So it was the only time I did it that night. Which was okay, as it made the moment.

I did get set up to do it again later that night, but it never happened as I have too much material!

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Profile of APC
That is a nice story ACE. It is unfortunate that you can't repeat it at the same venue, but at the same time I think it ads something to it. You need to wait for that perfect time and give it maximum impact. Effects can be sort of dampened by repeating them over and over, I think.

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On 2009-06-05 23:08, kissdadookie wrote:
Wow, it's shocking that this thread is still so active.

I think with TA set, as folks re-watch and re-visit the set, they are going to discover gems they missed. That's happened to me with juts single videos or dvds.
"Of all words of tongue and pen,
the saddest are, "It might have been"

..........John Greenleaf Whittier
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Profile of Acecardician
On 2009-06-08 11:17, Christopher Kavanagh wrote:
On 2009-06-05 23:08, kissdadookie wrote:
Wow, it's shocking that this thread is still so active.

I think with TA set, as folks re-watch and re-visit the set, they are going to discover gems they missed. That's happened to me with juts single videos or dvds.

I agree. This set is a companion for your lifetime journey of close up magic.
As I learn effects and perform them, I will be sharing my experiences as I perform them for audiences. It is no fast thing to put effects right into a working act.
They have to be scripted and rehearsed so they look impromptu or or just off the wall. Each effect should be given the time it deserves to be mastered.
So it might be years from now and I will still be posting.

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Profile of Elputty
My house got robbed this weekend, and the thieves took my TA set! It was sitting by the TV, stereo and other DVDs, which are all gone (along with laptops and cameras). Quite a bummer, since I don't think I'd even watched everything yet.

So, if anyone sees a TA set w/no props and missing disc 9 for sale - let me know! It is probably mine.
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On 2009-06-15 11:16, Elputty wrote:
My house got robbed this weekend, and the thieves took my TA set! It was sitting by the TV, stereo and other DVDs, which are all gone (along with laptops and cameras). Quite a bummer, since I don't think I'd even watched everything yet.

So, if anyone sees a TA set w/no props and missing disc 9 for sale - let me know! It is probably mine.

Oh that is a bummer! May all the thieves involved get tape worms, the swine flu and poison ivy on their private parts at the same time.

That is the downside to having such a nice box for the set. Anyone that sees it automatically thinks it is very valuable (which it is).

The real danger is what happens if one of them takes the time to watch the TA Set and learn the material in it? Can you imagine the evil that someone could do if they took those skills over to the dark side?
"If you can't change the method, change the moment." Vernon
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Profile of davidsira
Has anyone had trouble with watching disc 7 ? I just put it on for the 1st time and 2 of the effects work fine but I can't watch the other 2 effects or bonus videos, it just starts playing freezes and than puts me back to the menu, has anyone else had this problem ?
Review King
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On 2009-06-17 06:56, davidsira wrote:
Has anyone had trouble with watching disc 7 ? I just put it on for the 1st time and 2 of the effects work fine but I can't watch the other 2 effects or bonus videos, it just starts playing freezes and than puts me back to the menu, has anyone else had this problem ?

If all your discs play fine in that machine, then contact the dealer you bought it from.
"Of all words of tongue and pen,
the saddest are, "It might have been"

..........John Greenleaf Whittier
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On 2009-06-17 09:20, Christopher Kavanagh wrote:

On 2009-06-17 06:56, davidsira wrote:
Has anyone had trouble with watching disc 7 ? I just put it on for the 1st time and 2 of the effects work fine but I can't watch the other 2 effects or bonus videos, it just starts playing freezes and than puts me back to the menu, has anyone else had this problem ?

If all your discs play fine in that machine, then contact the dealer you bought it from.

I contacted my dealer I am going to send disc 7 back and get a new copy Smile
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Profile of vinnymac
Hi all,
There are some posts in this thread by folks who wanted to have a private discussion forum where they could discuss TA, even though they didn't buy from the Astonishment Project.
There is a great new social network for magicians and mentalists called "The Magic Network" at , and one of the cool things about it is that it has "Approval to Join" (and "Invitation Only"), "Groups," each with their own private discussion forum.
Only group members can view and post to the group forum, and you must receive approval (or invitation) to join the group.
I am one of the admins at the site. I can start up a "TA Owners" group if you are interested, and then you would have to send me proof that you own True Astonishments in order to get approval to join the group. I figure to prove you own TA, you would have to upload a profile pic on the site, then send a picture of yourself holding TA (face in pic matching with profile pic), and also send a copy of your receipt or proof of payment, that clearly shows your name and the date of purchase (name matching the name you used to register for the site).
What do you think? Would those who bought from the Astonishment Project be okay with this too?
I don't want to step on anyone's toes, just thought it is a good idea as a way for everyone who wants to, to discuss TA in private.
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