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The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » Dvd, Video tape, Audio tape & Compact discs. » » TA: True Astonishment by Paul Harris: Box Set: 9 DVDs + Props (3 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of emyers99
How do you get to the forum? I ordered from TAP but didn't get an email about the forum.
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Profile of Winks
Why are those of us who purchased TA from other dealers (I got mine from Hocus Pocus) not allowed into the Forums. If I had known that, I would have purchased from TAP. Really makes me feel cheated.
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Profile of matthew90
Yes, but you got features like free shipping or other products for free. We were promised to have the special access to the private forum.

Jason: (or anyone else), it isn't really important or anything, but I cannot get the box to lock again for the life of me... The wheel doesn't twist back into location... at least the box opened though Smile
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Profile of FZandura
On 2009-02-11 17:51, Your Thinking Cap wrote:
On 2009-02-11 16:51, FZandura wrote:
The forum is currently open to individuals who purchased theri TA set through TAP.

Your Thinking Cap:
Does your screen show 'The Official True Astonishments Forums' in the header area of the phpBB webpage? After you log in, it should bring you right to the index. If you don't see the above header I mentioned, I am wondering if you are in the right place. Did you receive a confirmation e-mail from Jason that your account was approved?
Yes, my screen does show "The Official True Asonishment Forums". And to answer you second qeustion, I did recieve a confirmation e-mail.

Yikes, well I am out of ideas. Short of an issue with cookie or something that, I'm not sure why you are running into issues.
F. Zandura
Jay Buchanan
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On 2009-02-11 18:08, matthew90 wrote:
Yes, but you got features like free shipping or other products for free. We were promised to have the special access to the private forum.

Jason: (or anyone else), it isn't really important or anything, but I cannot get the box to lock again for the life of me... The wheel doesn't twist back into location... at least the box opened though Smile

Hi Matthew, see if this works.
Take the tip of your finger and place it right on the outside edge of logo wheel.
Try to place it kind of half on the wheel and half off (on the lid).
Don't press down, just kind of gently have it resting there on the wheel.
Now start running your finger around the perimeter of the wheel.
Try both directions to make sure you are going the right way.
Slightly adjust pressure as you "dial" around the wheel.

Make sure your finger tip isn't too dry...

Also, make sure your locking rod is lined up with the correct side (look for the hole on the inside of the box rim)
Our doubts are traitors and make us lose the good we oft might win, by fearing to attempt. ~ Shakespeare
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Profile of matthew90
On 2009-02-11 19:14, Jay Buchanan wrote:
On 2009-02-11 18:08, matthew90 wrote:
Yes, but you got features like free shipping or other products for free. We were promised to have the special access to the private forum.

Jason: (or anyone else), it isn't really important or anything, but I cannot get the box to lock again for the life of me... The wheel doesn't twist back into location... at least the box opened though Smile

Hi Matthew, see if this works.
Take the tip of your finger and place it right on the outside edge of logo wheel.
Try to place it kind of half on the wheel and half off (on the lid).
Don't press down, just kind of gently have it resting there on the wheel.
Now start running your finger around the perimeter of the wheel.
Try both directions to make sure you are going the right way.
Slightly adjust pressure as you "dial" around the wheel.

Make sure your finger tip isn't too dry...

Also, make sure your locking rod is lined up with the correct side (look for the hole on the inside of the box rim)

oh wow it worked haha thanks so much! It worked with a really light touch. Thanks again!
Your Thinking Cap
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On 2009-02-11 18:32, FZandura wrote:
On 2009-02-11 17:51, Your Thinking Cap wrote:
On 2009-02-11 16:51, FZandura wrote:
The forum is currently open to individuals who purchased theri TA set through TAP.

Your Thinking Cap:
Does your screen show 'The Official True Astonishments Forums' in the header area of the phpBB webpage? After you log in, it should bring you right to the index. If you don't see the above header I mentioned, I am wondering if you are in the right place. Did you receive a confirmation e-mail from Jason that your account was approved?
Yes, my screen does show "The Official True Asonishment Forums". And to answer you second qeustion, I did recieve a confirmation e-mail.

Yikes, well I am out of ideas. Short of an issue with cookie or something that, I'm not sure why you are running into issues.
I appreciate your help.
Nico Zottos
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Winks, we all were entitled to our perks from each dealer. Some offered free shipping, some did free downloads, some did dinner with Paul and signed AOA sets. TAP offered the forum and a video conference with Paul.
Jay Buchanan
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On 2009-02-11 19:52, matthew90 wrote:
oh wow it worked haha thanks so much! It worked with a really light touch. Thanks again!

Nice! Great to hear Smile
I've messed with quite a few puzzle boxes in the past and some of them require very light touches to move parts. My TA was one like that, so I figured it would be worth a shot on yours.
Our doubts are traitors and make us lose the good we oft might win, by fearing to attempt. ~ Shakespeare
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Profile of sirbrad
On 2009-02-11 14:29, michaangelo wrote:
It's been a while.. I have missed you guys! What a great community. Just a quick note to sirbrad... What's the deal dude, you are griping and haven't even gotten the set yet... I can tell you from personal experience that Jason has done an awesome job with customer service. His online chat was top notch, he sent us some great bonus material, and he always answers questions here in the forums... You griped about him not replying when he already did! This set is expensive and worth every penny. You have a right to expect great stuff and you will get it. Just quit complaining without even having a reason...that is LAME.

Thanks Jason and everyone else connected with this set!


You are right, I am not an "impulse buyer" who buys into hype, I wait for reviews first. I am simply saying that as much as this has been hyped up and still is, it better live up to it. Especially after a 6 year wait. Some people claim to love everything under the sun regardless, but any type of criticism is not allowed. This IS why I waited, to be sure everything was fine. Also I did not read every post in this thread, excuse me. But I am just saying that for the price there should not be any flaws and disappointments, at least not in a lot of sets. Your opinion is no more valuable than mine, and I will speak it just as freely. That is a price you pay for pre-ordering, which is more lame to me if you get defective disks.

Also I put it to rest many posts ago, so perhaps you should go back and read too before replying.
The great trouble with magicians is the fact that they believe when they have bought a certain trick or piece of apparatus, and know the method or procedure, that they are full-fledged mystifiers. -- Harry Houdini
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Profile of lifeisgreat
Hi Jason and Tim,

I can tell from your posts that you are both sincere and genuinely concerned about anyone who has gotten faulty disks or broken boxes. It’s nice to see that you’re standing by your product. However, what if some ordered from an online dealer and has gotten a bad set? Have you guys been in touch with the major online dealers to let them know what to do if someone calls them with a problem?

I ordered my set online, which is why I’m asking these questions. I haven't got it yet, but I’m hoping everything will arrive okay. If it doesn’t, I don’t want to feel as if I won’t get any help or a replacment because I didn’t order from TAP. I don’t mean to come across negative, but I’m sure others who ordered from dealers are things the same thing.

Thanks you!
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Profile of Acecardician
Just a note, and this is not negative: I did not buy into all the hype. I did not wait years. I only recently heard about this set. I did read something on the Café a while ago about it, but I did not worry about it or get all excited at the time. After all, the AoA Books have a lifetime of material in them. And I learn better from books.
I grew up in magic with Paul there and all his wonderful books and videos.(I was fun learning the material in "Supermagic"!) He even came here to lecture! That was fun.
I was not going to order at first. I thought about waiting for the used sets.
But when one of the local big time famous magic men said he was getting it, I jumped on the bandwagon. It may be a lame reason. But if he recommends something, it is most likely going to be good. I always ask him advice on what to get. He is a great mentor and teacher, very much like Paul is. His advice was to get it, and I did. And I am glad.
Luckily they still had the collectors signed sets available from TAP. Luckily I got in on that. I picked them for the Autograph. I have Paul's autograph in my "Brainstorm in the Bahamas" book. If I could not have gotten in on that, I might have waited.
Now that I got the set, I am glad. It was put together well. It is worthy to have. Not only from a collectors viewpoint but from a performers. I can refer to this when I need new material. It was nice timing, as I spent the money to buy it last year when I had it. And now that things are in a crunch, I get this wonderful set.
It's unlike any DVD's I've watched before.
When news of the set first came out, I actually thought it was going to be a companion to the AoA Books. And done in a studio, one trick after another, sort of like Daryl's Encyclopedia DVD's. (Nothing wrong with those!!)

This is just so different. I watched disc one Monday night, and it was the first magic DVD I've watched all the way through in years.
Of course I'll never use everything on these. But I do think there is something for everyone. A lot of thinking a prep went into these and it shows.

Thanks to all who put it together.

ACE Smile

Posted: Feb 11, 2009 10:39pm
One thing, some of the performance presentations of the effects don't actually show what happened. They show the effect to the spectator, but we never see the climax. I saw their reactions. I had to watch the explanations to see what the climax was.

Then later on, some of the effects are repeated at a table so you can see the climax. this is good. But there were a couple, I had no idea what happened as they never showed the climax in the presentation to the audience.

Just a minor thing. And I am not complaining or being negative. Just stating what I saw.

The explanations are clear enough, so you do find out what the climax is.
Then I guess you can go back and watch the performance, and know what happened.

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What effect for example?
David Eichler
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Excellent customer service (reassurance). Thanks for the highest level of professionalism!


On 2009-02-11 03:51, Tim Trono wrote:
I just wanted to quickly step in to alleviate any concerns. I see TONS of product coming through and quite honestly there is an almost "accepted" defective rate... don't get me wrong... it's as troublesome to me as to anyone (costly, a pain, etc.). It drives me crazy to see defective units. But when a book comes out, when a printer does a run of something, when a magazine is printed, when a DVD comes out, etc. there is simply almost always defects (rips, bad bindings, scratched DVDs, broken spindles in boxes, broken units, smudged pages, etc.).

The replicator that was used for TA is incredible and has had an enormous success rate compared to others I have seen in the past. We have used this replicator for about 3 or 4 years and been VERY happy with them. Other replicators have approached us with cheaper pricing but quite frankly I'd rather have someone do a better job, stand behind their work, and pay them more. Paul, Jason, myself, and a few others watched a number of copies of this set and experienced absolutely no issues. When we heard of a few of the vibrating issues this was something we have never encountered before so immediately contacted the duplicator (I got a call early on a Saturday from Paul and we spoke to the duplicator that morning), got a copy of one of the bad disks as the replicator had not experienced this problem previously, and examined the cause. It appears a very small number of the disks were unfortunately bad. The good thing is this appears to be fairly isolated with a small FRACTION of a percentage based on the number of units out there. We (Murphy's, Jason, dealers worldwide) will immediately take care of any issues - fear not. I have heard about 7 boxes that had damage... most likely during shipping with rough handling by the carrier. Consider the boxes shipped from Japan to the replicator to Murphy's to your dealer to you. Again, any issues will be handled. TA is Paul's baby. Paul, Bro, Murphy's, Jason, myself, etc. have put an immense amount of time and effort into this project to make it what it should be - the release of the decade. As in life "stuff happens" but I can assure you, if you make the investment into TA you do not have to worry... you will be happy, you will be taken care of if there is an issue, etc. I apologize to any individuals who have had issues but can assure you you will be taken care of. If not feel free to PM me (the first thing I will ask is if you have contacted the place where you got it from and ask that you do that but if you are not getting results I will be happy to help get issues resolved). I continue to go through these DVDs and work on material. I am still blown away by TA. I've not been able to read some of the recent posts but is there a place where we can post tips, thoughts, etc. I have some ideas on a few effects that I can pass on without exposing anything that may be helpful.

Tim Trono
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Profile of sirbrad
Why on earth would they not show the climax? That is THE most important part!
The great trouble with magicians is the fact that they believe when they have bought a certain trick or piece of apparatus, and know the method or procedure, that they are full-fledged mystifiers. -- Harry Houdini
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Profile of Acecardician
They are showing the climax, but to the spectator. Like in Backlash 2 when he waves the card in front of the spectators eyes, we know something happens, and we see the spectators re-act, but they never showed US what happened.
I know the scenery on this one is a distraction. But I watched it again.
They never show us what happened at the end. He suggests to the spectators in one of the scenes that their name changes, but they never show the viewing audience.
Like I said, no big deal.
But when I perform, I make sure everyone within ear or eyesight Knows what happens. Just a different performance style. He lets the magic happen and stands back and lets them soak it in.

You have to watch the explanation to actually see what happened.
No big deal. He explains it well enough in the explanation section.

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I'm skipping around a bit on the discs. Today I discovered Dr. Fun and I let out a loud expletive that probably made the neighbors think I dropped a bowling ball on my foot. It is brilliant.
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Profile of michaangelo
On 2009-02-11 16:06, Magick29 wrote:
Jason, since it may take some time before some of us are able to get through all of the DVDs, how long will the replacement program be available? So far I have no problems, but if I discover a bad disk in a week or two, will that be too late?

Trust me, you would know it 5 seconds into playing the DVD from my own experience... THe vibration was instant and severe... Not really something that would sneak up on you... Just put each DVD into your player for a few minutes and if it plays fine, it should all be cool!

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Profile of sirbrad
So are you saying that all or just "some" of the effects are shown from the magician's point of view only? That is kind of strange, being I am used to the format of being in front as the "spectator" first. Sounds like they are trying to do some "Blaining?"
The great trouble with magicians is the fact that they believe when they have bought a certain trick or piece of apparatus, and know the method or procedure, that they are full-fledged mystifiers. -- Harry Houdini
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I also think it is kind of silly to limit forum discussion on the TA site to just those who bought it there. It may sound good during the pre-order phase, but actually works against the promotion of the product. You are limiting what could be a HUGE discussion from those who bought the set everywhere worldwide. Hopefully they will open the forum to everyone who bought the set eventually. Besides, the sets still came from them originally anyway, and a site that makes a product should not be closing anyone off from the potnetial discussion and promotion of their own product.

I can understand the signed sets as a bonus, but the forum thing is silly and very limiting. Kind of reminds me of some forums that have a hidden "elite members forum" that only has 4 members in it talking, 2 admins and 2 mods.
The great trouble with magicians is the fact that they believe when they have bought a certain trick or piece of apparatus, and know the method or procedure, that they are full-fledged mystifiers. -- Harry Houdini
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