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Review King
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On 2009-02-20 01:45, lifeisgreat wrote:

Sometimes putting yourself in other people shoes can give you a better perspective on things.

PM'd you.

"Of all words of tongue and pen,
the saddest are, "It might have been"

..........John Greenleaf Whittier
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Profile of ScottLeavitt
I've realized that I probably saved quite a bit of money by buying this set of DVDs!


Because I've found so many effects that I want to perfect and make my own - that fit the type of magic that I enjoy doing - that I won't be purchasing anything else for a long long time.

Is every effect right for me? Nope. But there is enough stuff that blows me away - and I know will have the same effect on my audiences - that I'll be perfectly happy to focus on these babies for many many months to come...

Anyone else feel the same?
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Turns out my Disc 1 & 7 do not work. Still have to try Disc 9. So I am not happy about that but understand that is not TA's fail.

One suggestion I would have to make the TA Set better is to have Wayne Houchin teach ALL of the effects. He teaches like Claudia Schiffer smiles (or Doutzen Kroes if you are a youngster). There is no way the miming hands with text popping up once in while could possibly provide the same attention to detail that Wayne does. Plus Wayne has a way of actually getting you more excited about the effect just from listening to him go over how to do it. Although the real test for W:H would be to have him try to teach Osmosis. That is a beautiful effect that is complicated as hell to explain.

And to those that think Paul is not on this set enough I think you might be happy to know that most of the time the spectators hands, in the miming hands explanations, are Paul's.
"If you can't change the method, change the moment." Vernon
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Profile of Bob_Hummer
I really enjoyed these DVDs - the best set of DVDs I have ever seen (After 13 years in magic)...

One other thing - there is an interview with Bro Gilbert over at the blog for I would really love to listen to it, but when I try I can only hear half the interview. I can hear the interviewer but Bro Gilbert's voice on the telephone is completely silent. As such, you only hear the questions from the interviewer, followed by empty silence (with the occasional chuckle or murmur from the host). Anybody else tried listening to this interview, and noticed the same thing? Since seeing the DVDs, I have become a big fan of Bro's work and would love to be able to experience the whole of this interview...

All the best,

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Profile of Magick29
I just downloaded it and it was fine. You might check and make sure that you are hearing the interview in stereo, that both of your speakers are working, and that the balance slider for your sound card is not slid al the way to the left. Bro's side of the conversation is mainly on the right speaker, while the interviewer's is mainly on the left, so if you are only hearing the left side that might explaing things.
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Profile of Bob_Hummer
Thanks for your help - I am pleased to see that the problem I am having is not universal. I will try a few other computers, and I am sure I will have better success...


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Profile of andykean
Why do you guys think so many sets are already available for sale?
Just curious whilst I keep selling/saving for a set.
Robert M
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Good question. And, who in their right mind would sell this?

Review King
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On 2009-02-20 20:58, andykean wrote:
Why do you guys think so many sets are already available for sale?
Just curious whilst I keep selling/saving for a set.

Some folks buy things out of curiosity. It's no reflection on the TA set or the few folks selling their sets. They wanted to see what it was all about and are moving on.

I had set high standards for the set. As much as I dig Paul's material, if the effects were really good, but not good enough for me to bother to learn them, then I would have been disappointed.

I don't think I was being unfair in having those standards for the set. It was rumored to have been in the works for years and we were told how fantastic the magic was.

The TA set exceeded my exceptions, which were high. I treasure the set. Things I'm learning are carrying over to other things I do.
"Of all words of tongue and pen,
the saddest are, "It might have been"

..........John Greenleaf Whittier
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I know that a few of you want the EE cards in Word format. Unfortunately, the source that gave me the correct font has asked me to keep in on the downlow. So if anyone does want it in MS Word format, I am willing to still send it to you in that format, but it will not have the correct font, and will be set to Times New Roman. If you figure what font it is out, please respect their wishes.

So, if anyone wants it in Word, please email me and specifically say you want the WORD format.

Ezekiel Jump
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Thanks Chris

I guess I will keep saving!!
Douglas Lippert
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Was Nicholas Einhorn given credit for this concept? If you have the set, you will know what I am talking about. (to save against exposure I didn't publicize the name of the prop)

I saw this being advertised in a 1999 issue of Genii.


Doug L.
Douglas Lippert
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On 2009-02-21 18:04, trickymagic wrote:
Never mind. It did after a reboot... sorry!

Or just google Pen Ultimate by Nicholas Einhorn.

Any one know who came up with the idea for the pen first? Nicholas Einhorn's was at least 1999.


Doug L.
Douglas Lippert
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On 2009-02-21 19:54, Doug Lippert wrote:
On 2009-02-21 18:04, trickymagic wrote:
Never mind. It did after a reboot... sorry!

Or just google Pen Ultimate by Nicholas Einhorn.

Any one know who came up with the idea for the pen first? Nicholas Einhorn's was at least 1999.


Doug L.

Paul talks about the Pen on the disc 9 Phoote notes. Tannens used to sell a version of it years ago ( pre 1999 ).
"Of all words of tongue and pen,
the saddest are, "It might have been"

..........John Greenleaf Whittier
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Profile of jpecore
Nicholas Einhorn was not given an credit. TA Pen is based on Paul Harris' original "Night Shades" product, which was released some time prior to 1993. Here is the original ad:

"Holding a bill with shades drawn onto the face, you slowly slide your pen back and forth over the face on the bill. The shades flip off his eyes and onto his forehead and then back down over his eyes! This is just one of an infinite number of effects possible with the Night Shades principle. You can magically change ANYTHING
you draw or stick onto a bill."
Tom G
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I worked with Paul on the original Nightshades. I still have a copy of the original instuctions and they are dated November 93. So right around the end
of 93 or beginning of 94 is when it was released.

Douglas Lippert
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On 2009-02-21 22:05, Tom G wrote:
I worked with Paul on the original Nightshades. I still have a copy of the original instuctions and they are dated November 93. So right around the end
of 93 or beginning of 94 is when it was released.


Are you saying Nightshades is what we now know to be the TA pen?


Doug L.
Douglas Lippert
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Tom G
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There's been a few variations of Nightshades. The original with the pen, a version in the AOA books that used slight of hand, the Ultra Visual that used a special something. And now the TA pen, like Nightshades but totally reworked,like it's on steroids.

Nathan Pain
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Now that we are done exposing things...can we move on?

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Just went on a reviewing spree. Posted reviews for Half Moon Trading Co., Half Moon VooDoo, Dr. Fun, Name Dropper, Lubor's Lens, and Naked Strange on my website.

Check it out and don't forget that you can e-mail me your reviews and performance stories and I will post them on the website.
The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » Dvd, Video tape, Audio tape & Compact discs. » » TA: True Astonishment by Paul Harris: Box Set: 9 DVDs + Props (3 Likes)
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