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The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » Now that’s funny! » » You Know You're Spending Too Much Time with Magic When... (6 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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jay leslie
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When you aspire to be heralded, in lands far and near as Dynamikes successor.
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Kalamazoo, Michigan
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Profile of MagicBus
Your PK ring has ruined the working strip on at least five debit or credit cards.
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Profile of tabman
On 2009-06-10 18:47, MagicBus wrote:
Your PK ring has ruined the working strip on at least five debit or credit cards.

Five Stars *****

When you drive to NYC and stay overnight spending hundreds just to visit the locations of several closed magic shops from "the day."
...Your professional woodworking and "tender" loving care in the products you make, make the wait worthwhile. Thanks for all you do...

Donal Chayce
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Profile of Donal Chayce
On 2009-06-10 11:54, Father Photius wrote:
When it is 1 A.M. and you are exchanging emails with Nani.

Name dropper! Smile
jay leslie
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Southern California
9500 Posts

Profile of jay leslie

I am assuming that you are unaware of the number of times this has happened. We quit keeping track. As such, may we all join in a minute of "hello" (as opposed to silence) to the new guy on this post.

From now on please expect major name dropping to occur at least every 23rd post.

You have been warned. Continue at your own Risk or Monopoly or even Shoots and Ladders.
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Kalamazoo, Michigan
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Profile of MagicBus
That Neil Foster used to watch out for you when you were a little kid (your Dad would drop you off in Colon for the Get-Together, give Neil a bottle of vintage wine, and take off, and let you sleep on a couch across the street from Abbott's). That you saw Peter Bouton sitting on a chair in the Abbott's showroom. That you visited Dennis Loomis's house when he was living in Kalamazoo. That you stood in line with Teller waiting to get into a show in Vegas (not his). That Mac King's mother asked your wife if she enjoyed her son's show. That you own some of Gay Blackstone's jewelry but never wear it (don't want to lose it). That you have had your picture taken with as many magicians as possible, even though none of them have a clue who you are. That your brother shot your "publicity" photo in his back yard using his 35mm camera. That you use royalty free music because you never know someday if you'll be on tv (fat chance). That you've outgrown at least four magic vests as you pack on the pounds over the years, yet still think you look "magical." That you love dropping trivia about famous magicians or props even though you have no real connection to either. That you have lost the paper jacket covers to some of your hard bound magic books because you removed the covers when you originally purchased them in order to not damage the covers. That you have at least five easels of all different sizes and shapes as you never know when you might need one to display something. That you have had wet sponge balls in your mouth. That you have tried to iron a silk. That you know now that you should never iron a silk. That you had less than $10 in your pocket to live on for the rest of the day, spent $8 on magic, and spent the remaining $2 for a hotdog and a cup of water. That you've considered sleeping in your car to have more money to spend at a magic convention. That you've worn a long sleeve black buttoned shirt and long pants in the swelter of an Abbott's Saturday night show because you wanted to look cool. hat you eat at the M & M Café or the Colon pizzeria hoping some famous magician will walk in that already has his picture on the wall. That you are not tempted to take any of the coins off of Blackstone's grave. That you still remember the song Monk Watson always used during his conductor routine. That you asked for a demonstration of "Dean's Box" at Houdini Magic just to see it performed even though you had no intention of ever buying it there because you already know the online price directly from Dean is so much cheaper. That you've looked at the Houdini autographs at the Houdini magic shop in Vegas on at least five different occasions. That you've had Denny remove at least 10 plastic wrapped sealed covers from his hard bound books for sale because you really wanted to look at them (and had the money to maybe buy one of them). That you nearly cried when your Norm Nielson signed poster got bent up by the airlines. That you've looked up the legal cases handled by Rich Bloch. That you've shopped, and saw Michael Finney there, at the folding tables set up near Colon High School before the evening shows. That you own at least one polo style shirt worn by employees only of a local magic shop (and you are not an employee). That you have hung feather flowers upside down. AND That you can't stop coming up with more of these...
Donal Chayce
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Profile of Donal Chayce
On 2009-06-10 19:08, jay leslie wrote:

I am assuming that you are unaware of the number of times this has happened. We quit keeping track. As such, may we all join in a minute of "hello" (as opposed to silence) to the new guy on this post.

From now on please expect major name dropping to occur at least every 23rd post.

You have been warned. Continue at your own Risk or Monopoly or even Shoots and Ladders.

Obviously, you don't have a Clue. As a point of information, that was actually my third post in this thread, but no one sent me their greetings when I made the other two, so thanks!
jay leslie
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Southern California
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Profile of jay leslie
Gee I made it 20 days before someone insulted me. I was having fun but, oh well, I can always go back to work. I thought at least on this thread, people didn't have to take every word so seriously, but It looks like I was wrong.

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Profile of tabman
On 2009-06-10 18:59, Donal Chayce wrote:
On 2009-06-10 11:54, Father Photius wrote:
When it is 1 A.M. and you are exchanging emails with Nani.

Name dropper! Smile

Ah, but what a name!! Smile

...Your professional woodworking and "tender" loving care in the products you make, make the wait worthwhile. Thanks for all you do...

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Profile of tabman
On 2009-06-10 20:25, jay leslie wrote:
Gee I made it 20 days before someone insulted me. ...

I noticed that. It kind of bothered me too but its almost expected so I just let it blow by but of course it was aimed at you. This thread has been pretty mellow and I've been enjoying that aspect of it too. It has been fun and I've enjoyed quipping with you and the others.

...Your professional woodworking and "tender" loving care in the products you make, make the wait worthwhile. Thanks for all you do...

Father Photius
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Grammar Host
El Paso, TX (Formerly Amarillo)
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Profile of Father Photius
On 2009-06-10 20:25, jay leslie wrote:
Gee I made it 20 days before someone insulted me. I was having fun but, oh well, I can always go back to work. I thought at least on this thread, people didn't have to take every word so seriously, but It looks like I was wrong.


(Darn, and I wasn't the one to get to do it!)

When you own two digital cameras and one is dedicated solely to magic.
"Now here's the man with the 25 cent hands, that two bit magician..."
Donal Chayce
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Profile of Donal Chayce
On 2009-06-10 20:25, jay leslie wrote:
Gee I made it 20 days before someone insulted me. I was having fun but, oh well, I can always go back to work. I thought at least on this thread, people didn't have to take every word so seriously, but It looks like I was wrong.


Jay, I wasn't insulting you, I was playing off of the "Risk, Monopoly and Shoots (Chutes) and Ladders" joke in your post to me. That's why I capitalized the word "Clue"--I assumed you'd get the reference and the return joke.

No offense was intended--quite the contrary.

:verysad: This is a good example of why attempting to communicate anything other than facts and figures over the Internet is a crapshoot at best.
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Eternal Order
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Profile of joseph
You are the only one wearing an Ask Alexander tee-shirt at Sunday services...
"Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler." (Einstein)...
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Profile of tabman
When you have magnets sewn into the bottom seams of all your black shirts.
...Your professional woodworking and "tender" loving care in the products you make, make the wait worthwhile. Thanks for all you do...

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Eternal Order
11213 Posts

Profile of JamesTong
When you followed Jay's ultimate method of needle through balloon and your jumbo needle went right through the balloon through your fingers through to the elbow and you were wondering what happened.
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Profile of tabman
When you know the four most important words to a magician.
...Your professional woodworking and "tender" loving care in the products you make, make the wait worthwhile. Thanks for all you do...

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Eternal Order
11213 Posts

Profile of JamesTong
On 2009-06-11 14:37, tabman wrote:
When you know the four most important words to a magician.

Unfortunately I do not know what the four most important words are, tabman. May I know what they are? (Serious)
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Inner circle
Kalamazoo, Michigan
2870 Posts

Profile of MagicBus
That you've submitted a proposed column to John Sturk (Editor of The Newest TOPS) hoping and dreaming that he'll see fit to use it... That you have at least one tatoo that is magic related... That you had your tatoo artist (Raven) do a special drawing or you for your Newest TOPS submission... That you know if your Genii or Linking Ring or MUM or KIDabra! or Christian Conjurer magazines are not being delivered on time... That your business office waiting room has lots of magical references in it... That you wish Doogie Houser, George Castanza, Judge Stone, etc.. would all get together for a celebrity magic show... That your favorite song is "Magic Man" by Heart... That you will be attending at least three magic conventions in June, July and August.
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Profile of tabman
When you know that I learned them from Doc Eason. GTFM. Get The ******* Money.
...Your professional woodworking and "tender" loving care in the products you make, make the wait worthwhile. Thanks for all you do...

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Eternal Order
Please ignore my
17445 Posts

Profile of joseph
You are the only one at Home Depot buying lumber for an illusion...
"Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler." (Einstein)...
The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » Now that’s funny! » » You Know You're Spending Too Much Time with Magic When... (6 Likes)
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