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I'm sure many of you (like me) have purchased several marketing courses for magicians and entertainers and are always on the lookout for others who can really help your entertainment business.

I'd like to have just a friendly discussion thread.

Simple Question, "What are the top five marketing courses that YOU have used?"

Couple of things I think would be good for this:

First, there are a lot of good resources out there. This is just what you personally like. So why don't we agree to only talk about material we like and not bash anyone's stuff we don't care for?

Second, if possible please post a link to the site where the material can be purchased. If you haven't posted a link in a thread before the syntax is explained here

I'm looking forward to hearing about a lot of good resources and of course I'll end up buying one or two. Smile
Click for Free Resources for Performers

YouTube channel specifically for family & kids show magicians. Click -- You need to subscribe.
Dennis Michael
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I can't list any others as 3,4, and 5 but I do have many others, including David Dee, Ken Scott's Birthday Dough (Good), John Carlson, Eric Paul and other Birthday party marketing material

Others have good parts to them or are to specific (Example: Birthday Party Success)
Dennis Michael
Gerry Walkowski
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Personally, I found Jim Snack's course to be one of the better, if the not the best, magic marketing course out there. Jim's stuff is down to earth and there are no wild wooly claims promising you everything under the sun. If you were only going to buy one course, this is the one I would I would pick.

The biggest problem I had with most magic marketing courses that I have purchsed (excluding Jim Snack), is that many of them lean too much on Dave Dee / Dan Kennedy. What compounds the problem, too, is that everyone then tries to re-write those same concepts. After a while you sort of get sick of reading the same thing over and over again with just very mild variations.

Jim Snack's course is NOT like that.

And, just for the record, I have never met Jim Snack.

Jim Snack
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Thanks. I hope to meet you someday and sway stories.

Jim Snack

"Helping Magicians Succeed with Downloadable Resources"
Joe S.
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I love both Jim Snack's and Lou Serrano's courses for THREE BIG reasons:

1. Both courses are career courses, not direct mail courses.
2. Both contain tips and techniques that the authors have personally used to succeed. No pipe dreams.
3. Both authors are very successful at what they do. They've walked the walk!

Jim Snack (linked to in Jim's signature above) has the best course for the magic generalist. EVERY magician will find new ideas and ways to increase their income.

Lou Serrano's Six-Figure Magic is the BEST course for close-up magicians. Lou makes very good money in one of the most competitive markets nationwide, and includes ONLY the techniques that he has personally used to succeed. If you are a close-up magician, and want to make a great living doing close-up magic, this is the course for you.

Both courses are excellent, and you owe it to yourself to at least check them out.
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Curtgunz - I wouldn't limit myself to courses designed for magicians. These books, available at book stores (and Libraries) have loads of valuable information and will help you understand how your business is just like other businesses:

Get Clients Now! -Hayden

Guerrilla Marketing - Levinson & Conrad - they have a whole series of books
Bill Nuvo
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Never purchased one Smile

I have read everything from

Selling for Dummies
Strategic Selling (Robert Miller)
Super Selling (Ed McMahon)
Successful Fundraising (Flannagan)
Maximum Entertainment (Weber)
How to make 50,000 a year as a balloon artist (Steven Ulery)
50 Ways to Make Money with Magic (Mayne)
Rules of Wealth (Templar)
Free advice from Tim David, Dean, Jim...
Advice from Kyle Peron and Skip Way
My ex (a graphic designer and marketer)
Stand-up comedy the Book (Carter)
How To DJ right (Brewster)

and so much more
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Thanks Bill. Much appreciated. Your check is in the mail. =)
Kyle Peron

Entertainers Product Site

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My favorite one is

I learned a lot from that forum website course. Because it is all about magicians helping magicians.
Bill Nuvo
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OOOh That's a great link Mike Smile
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Profile of jackturk
The magic Café is a great ongoing resource.

I'll second that. Smile

"59 Ways To Recession Proof Your Entertainment Business -- FREE!"

"How To Make $25,000 a Year Doing Birthday Parties Part-Time"
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Disney Princess Magazine gives me great ideas every single month!!! True, I am a professional princess, but that's not why. ANY person should be able to glean strategies for themselves from the mouse.

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OK, Alexa wins Grandpa Chet's Most Unusual Response in a Thread for the month of November.

#ShareGoodness #ldsconf

--Grandpa Chet
Christopher Starr
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One of the best kept secrets in marketing for magicians is Jack Turk's email list. True, he is in business to sell marketing related product, however, he also consistantly provides tips and insights for free in those emails. Same has been true of Eric Paul's email lists, but Eric has had to slow things down since his illness. Anyway, the price is right, and you can easily unsubscribe! Smile
Blair Marshall
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Too bad you are not here in Philly with us Chris. Jim did an excellent presentation last night, as did Eric yesterday. 8 of the fellows (attendees) shared their promotional strategies also. Jack's not here this year, but his newsletter is full of content also. It's a short read, but gets the day off to a start with something to think about.

I agree the newsletters are the way to go, I have a hard time understanding how folks can compalin when something is free.

Joe S.
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Christopher Starr is right on the money about Jack Turk's email list.

Jack's emails are almost always filled with quality ideas and tips! Jack does a terrific job and really knows what he's talking about. I'm really glad I'm on his list.

Plus, he also offers great sale prices on his products to his email subscribers. If there's a product of Jack's you'd like, sign up to his list. You can't go wrong.
Brian Lehr
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Top 5 that I've used:

1. Dave Dee's "Mega Marketing for Magicians"
2. Eric Paul's "How to Be Your Area's Top Children's Entertainer"
3. Jim Snack's "Success-in-Magic"
4. Eric Paul's "The System"
5. Chris Egelston's "How To Create, Market, and Present Motivational School Assembly Shows"

Other courses/programs that I've benefited from:

1. John Kaplan's "Fundraising Magic"
2. Cris Johnson's "Fundraising Magic" (can't recall exact name)
3. Jim Snack's "Ice Cream Social"
4. DJ Ehlert's "Successful Strategies for the Restaurant Performer"
5. Eddy Wade's "Halloween Themed Show Kit"
6. Todd McKinney's "Creating a Celebrity Status With Your Clients"
7. John Carlson's "Big Birthday Party Business"

I recently purchased John Abram's "Rebel Entertainer's Success System", but haven't had a chance to go through it yet.

Dennis Michael
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Interesting I have all these Plus others such as Kaplan's Christmas Magic and Night Magic. And others.

One of the worst is "Secrets of a Millionaire Magician"

On 2009-11-14 16:12, Brian Lehr wrote:
Top 5 that I've used:

1. Dave Dee's "Mega Marketing for Magicians"
2. Eric Paul's "How to Be Your Area's Top Children's Entertainer"
3. Jim Snack's "Success-in-Magic"

Other courses/programs that I've benefited from:

1. John Kaplan's "Fundraising Magic"
2. Cris Johnson's "Fundraising Magic" (can't recall exact name)
3. Jim Snack's "Ice Cream Social"
4. DJ Ehlert's "Successful Strategies for the Restaurant Performer"
5. Eddy Wade's "Halloween Themed Show Kit"

7. John Carlson's "Big Birthday Party Business"

Dennis Michael
Gerry Walkowski
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I will agree with you on that one.

Brian Lehr
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On 2009-11-15 12:22, Dennis Michael wrote:
Interesting I have all these Plus others such as Kaplan's Christmas Magic and Night Magic. And others.

One of the worst is "Secrets of a Millionaire Magician"

I've got "Secret's of a Millionaire Magician", but never did finish going through it.

I've also got other great programs such as Kaplan's "Santa-via-Satellite", but didn't include them in my list of general marketing courses.

One of the biggest benefits to my business was actually attending a week-long business-building workshop several years ago in Houston, hosted by Julian Franklin. Because of that, I've learned how to make performing in public libraries a large part of my business. That takes care of my whole summer, along with several other bookings throughout the year.

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