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Just noticed a Sandwich Platter popped-up on the big auction site. I've always like that one. I guess that's because I recall Roydon's FANTASTIC with the cardboard squares and one card penetrating same.


Posted: Jan 15, 2011 3:43pm
Now there are TWO Sandwich Platters: one at $35 and one at $90.

Merc Man
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NUNEATON, Warwickshire
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Somewhere tucked away in my garage I've got some tenyo effects from the 1970's. Most should be in their boxes as even when I was a kid, I looked after my stuff.

I can't remember their names but the effects are:

- A small blue money box with a drop bottom (for release) when shaken

- A flat-fold black oblong tube (and various designs on papers) that is a kind of change-tube

- A piece of perspex with holes in it's centre that is put into a green plastic frame, laced into it, then released

- A colour changing flower - think it goes from red to white?

- Some effect with chips and a couple of top hats - can't even remember what happened - did they transpose?

I remember my Dad buying them for me when I was about 14 (1978) from a guy that had a sweet shop (candy store) - but carried some tricks and jokes on the side.

I didn't let on at the time as I didn't want to hurt his feelings - but I was more interested in the books he gave me from the 1940's - Edward Victor, Farrelli, Louis Lamb, etc. He soon got to know shortly thereafter that pure sleight of hand was my first love!

I don't know what these are worth but if I'm sitting on a few quid, I might be tempted to finally getting around to clearing out my garage in the Spring!
Barry Allen

Over 15 years have now passed - and still missing Abra Magazine arriving every Saturday morning.
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Profile of Killertweety
I think the items you are mentioning could be:
- Litle savings box
- Dyeing Paper (or Astro Tube?)
- Sutekina Trick
- Color Changing Flower
- Mystery Of The High Hat

If you ever want to sell your Color Changing Flower and/or Dyeing papar (Or Astro Tube) don't hesitate to contact me Smile
Merc Man
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No probs mate - we are due to hire a skip around Easter and clear the garage out. My first love is my old 1978 Merc and she needs some TLC in readiness for next Winter - to leave her on the drive again covered in snow is a No-No. Smile

To this end, I'll go through around 20 boxes of stuff that we still haven't opened since we moved 10 years ago. I'm sure that there's some magic stored away somewhere only I keep thinking to myself "haven't seen such and such for a while"! I've been after digging out my old set of rings for ages - but I look at the mess and give up before I start!

The aforementioned Tenyo items should still be there too - I actually packed these away when I first left my parents home in 1986 - so they may take some finding!

Just one thing - the trick you titled 'Sutekina' - I may be wrong, but I don't seem to remember that particular name? I could be wrong. I remember the principle was unbelievably simple but at the same time, so clever. It was a green frame, green/white base and I think the bar going across was red?

As I'm typing a few other Tenyo's come to mind.

- I had a Sandwich Platter (which I remember working out a better clean up for the last card) but hardly used as the cards were woeful

- 2 small pencils penetrating each other via a small gimmick with 4 holes at right angles (this I think was from the early 80's as I remember buying it in Hamleys)

- A silver/plastic case in a small vinyl wallet that prints business cards - I could never get this to work too well if I'm honest - the card used to get caught at the edge when I slid it open (must have got that from Davenports in the 90's)

- Atomic Vase - there you go, another NAME I remember woohooooo Smile - loved that trick and had a good 'Magician's Assistant presentation for it

- Trio Cigarette (?) - cig catcher, card to matchbox and a cig pull

- A green case that you drop a coin into and it penetrates a match pushed through it's centre - this was one from above that my Dad got me from the sweet shop and I'd forgotten to put in the list above

- a Milk Glass that I never used as I didn't like the method of filling it up and I think you had sellotape over one of the air holes that you had to peel back during performance?

- A maroon (?) tube with two black flaps along the top - you put red dice in a little cage and slide it along the tube with a key chain - and it emerged white? Again, I remember getting this in Hamleys so it must have been in the early 80's?

Anyway, I'll let you know how the clear out progresses.
Barry Allen

Over 15 years have now passed - and still missing Abra Magazine arriving every Saturday morning.
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Profile of Killertweety
Well, the tricks in your second list probably are:
- Sandwich Platter indeed
- Crossroads (I'm actually also interested in this one)
- Tricky Business (I never had problems with my version)
- The Atomic Vase is actually called Water Suspension (if it's made by Tenyo that is)
- Trio Cigarette, that's the one
- Coin Through Match - there also is a red version I believe
- Milk Tumbler, still manufactured I think
- Tunnel Of Darkness

I like your posts, they make me feel I'm in a quiz hehe Smile

Merc Man
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NUNEATON, Warwickshire
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Glad you find the posts interesting! Smile

The water suspension is def Tenyo - I remember it's stored in a yellow cardboard box. Where I got the term Atomic Vase from, God only knows!

Anyway, if I can find them, you'll have first pick - you obviously have a passion for Tenyo and that's nice to see. Any money won't be a silly amount as I know they'd be going to a good home. Moreover, anything they realise will be donated to my fave charity - Amnesty International.


Barry Allen

Over 15 years have now passed - and still missing Abra Magazine arriving every Saturday morning.
J M Talbot
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Profile of J M Talbot
Hi Barry:

What Killertweety doesn't want I would be interested in... might even trade you for a Scotty York lightbulb (joke!)


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Profile of truthteller
Sutekina is a version of, if not exactly the same as, massey's ribbon fantastique.
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Profile of Killertweety
Interesting! Did Massey copy the Tenyo version, or was it the other way around ... ?
Unfortunately his version also comes with a plastic plate. I'd like to see a glass one as the plastic will have scratches after several times using it - or perhaps the plastic is better quality then the Tenyo version ... ?
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Profile of truthteller
Massey predates tenyo by decades. I don't know what you mean by plastic plate. I have an original Massey. I have seen the Tenyo version and am working on memory. The Massey I have has a clear piece of plexi like material through which the cord is apparently threaded. I don't see how it would scratch any more or less than the Tenyo piece.

Posted: Jan 22, 2011 11:03am
Sorry. I think I understand now. You could make one with glass but glass can scratch in transport, is much heavier than plexi, can break when dropped, and would most likely require a more substantial frame also adding to the weight. A reasonable sacrifice for something performed only in the home, but trooping it becomes less appealing.
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Profile of magicHart
Wondering if anyone can give me some info on an item I found packed away in the garage
Tenyo Metal Matrimony.Listed in Tenyo's list as discontinued.

If anyone knows the price when it was released and approx value now, it would be very helpful.
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Profile of Killertweety
I think 50 - 60 EURO would be a good price now (release price would have been around 15 - 20 EURO I believe), but you could take a chance on Ebay and perhaps it will sell for (much) more Smile
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Profile of rogueclown
I just received a Tenyo Bare Bones still sealed. What is the going rate for one? Looked everywhere but can't get a quote! Thanks for your time.
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Profile of Houdini103126
On 2011-06-30 18:11, rogueclown wrote:
I just received a Tenyo Bare Bones still sealed. What is the going rate for one? Looked everywhere but can't get a quote! Thanks for your time.

It would probably fetch about $60-$100 on eBay. The range is ridiculously broad because Tenyo magic closings on eBay are ridiculously inconsistent. I saw a Mystery of the High Hat OPENED go for $280ish and then one SEALED go for under $50. Med_Doc can share his stories with you about this, it's really wild. There's really no rhyme or reason to it other than if something rare hasn't been up for a while and there is nothing up to compete with it, and the ad is solid, then we tend to see ridiculously high closings.

PM me if you want to sell it, I'd be interested in this sealed (I have one opened for performance).
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Tom, will you PM me...?
The Mati Envelope
A brandnew peek device for the working mentalist!

Chance's Token
Tarot cards in a scenic piece of mystery.....
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Profile of charlies_hat
I have an original boxed Space Walking Coins if anyone is interested in buying, please PM !
Richard Kaufman
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Profile of Richard Kaufman
Some guy is trying to sell the most recent Tenyo magic set for $399 on eBay and claims it's no longer being produced:
Not true! I saw them in department stores a few months ago when in Japan. It's a great set, by the way, and every Tenyo collector should have one.
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Profile of rhettbryson
It would be hard to discuss rare, hard to find and valuable Tenyo items without mentioning the Paddle Collection, Brass coin box collection and the Brass Close up Kit!
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Profile of Killertweety
Haha indeed Richard - not so long ago Magico Japan sold it and I'm sure if you ask her she would still be able to get it Smile The only thing that kept me from buying it is the fact I think (!) I already own most of the tricks (although they do not seem like the regular versions of their tricks and some tricks look like nothing Tenyo has ever produced in their T-line) and the instructions are in Japanese. But the listing made me think it's perhaps a nice investment for the future Smile
Do you perhaps own (or have seen/opened) this set and can you tell us something more about it?

And indeed Rhett, the brass versions of the tricks are extremely rare and therefore very valuable! From the people I know only Angelo Carbone owns them.
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Profile of meridianfan
Recently "The haunting" sold for $520.00 on US Ebay. Not including the Ultra tube that sold for more, are there any other record sale prices on auction sites for Tenyo items?
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