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Just so you know what I'm talking about:




And wearing it from the side sounds like a good idea, but with this particular bag, it makes the top close. Wearing it like a normal buskers pouch keeps it open and easy to access, and it's certainly no less deceptive than a pouch normally is.
ray raymond
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Ahhh. I stand corrected. I give you props on finding something that works.
ed rhodes
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In "The Complete Course of Magic" and "The Encyclopedia of Magic," Mark Wilson gives a Cups and Balls routine that doesn't require a pouch.

Having said that, he appears to think you can carry three lemons in your pants pocket and it won't look like you have a goiter!

I chose to use a coat pocket and even then I didn't like the way the lemons "hung" so I changed them to ping pong sized balls of yarn which get a good reaction.

I used to use "party cups" from an iParty store as they have a "step" inside that will keep the cups separated. Now, I use a set of aluminum cups my wife found at the magic shop in New York, New York in Las Vegas.

I cannot, in my mind, condone the idea of spending hundreds of dollars for a single prop (or accessory.) Those of you who MAKE hundreds of dollars a night are of course free to disagree.
"...and if you're too afraid of goin' astray, you won't go anywhere." - Granny Weatherwax
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Profile of bwarren3
Hey Cougar,
One of the main reasons most Buskers close with the cups is because Lay audiences are overwhelmed by the effect and tend to tip larger hats. I use a pouch that I got from Frank at The Ambitious Card which works perfect, didn't have to hock my house to get one. I also had Frank make me a servante that hangs off my street table which works great also.
Both work great but my preference is the pouch for ease of loading final loads and when I'm working away from my table I don't have to worry about somebody stealing something from my servante....
My hats are larger when I close with the cups.
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Profile of Arkadia
The discussion about props, cost and value is interesting. Value is not a definite thing. Say you want to do the Linking rings. You can buy a set for more or less nothing. Or go for Owen rings. The same is for cups, poaches, tables, jeans and cars. Value is up to the buyer. If you think something is over priced - don't buy it. It all depends on where you work, how you work and how often you work. If I would have settled for cheap cups, I would be on my 10th or 20th set. I bought the Cellini cups and they last for ever. But I am rough on my props and I work a lot of festivals.

So, a Gazzo pouch - expencive? Depends - doesn't it. For Tristan it is, and he has found a webpage that confirms it. Smile If I am to travel around the world, live with my props as most of my permanent company. Why not have something that looks, feels and IS professionaly made for what you are doing?

If you are a weekend warrior - perhaps it is.
Magician, juggler and slack rope walker

ray raymond
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Well said
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Very well said!
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--a weekend warrior.
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Getting back to closing...I close with Needle thru the Balloon. I use volunteers throughout my set, so my last trick I aske for a final volunteer and pull out the needle as I ask for somebody. Provides for some banter if anyone does...I tell them my legal staff has advised me to use a surrogate...and I bring out "Bob" the balloon and go into my routine.

I use suitcase on a stand as my table. I have it open while I do the last trick. As I pop the balloon, I drop the needle into the suitcase and close it up. The audience is wowed, I've got props secured and I'm good to go...
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Profile of ttorres
All the above is very good advice. I am not sure there is anything I can add other than I have two closers: the cups and balls and Whit's Linking Rings. Both work very well for me because I love to perform them and that is conveyed in my performance.
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Original poster, cougar, wrote "are there any other closers that are being used that have the same visual appeal as the cups and balls?
Keep in mind, in my country everything is original, I've never ever seen a magician on the street, I'm sure most people never even saw a live magician, or a cups and balls trick, so it's not a classic over here."

The same visual appeal...its an excellent routine, excellent moves, challenges the spectators, and has a surprise ending. It can also run for a good length of time.
But since the statement is "in my country everything is original" the way is wide open for you to make something of any closer. In fact, who knows in USA or whatever country as to whether anybody in the crowd has previously seen the closer you choose to use?

As part of the closer is preparing the crowd for the fact that it's what is is, by telling them "This is going to be the final part of my show. And after it I'm going to put out my hat for you to contribute to show how much you enjoyed the show. etc." The closer routine is primarily a tool to lead to the collecting of the money. People need to be told that. You entertained them, you are going to do one last trick and then collect their appreciation in your hat.

I recently had a group of teenage people walk off after I finished the 2nd to last routine. I should have prepared them to stay by telling them BEFORE that trick that "I have TWO more astonishing things to show you, and the best one I'm keeping until last! Stick around and watch!"
My fault - my fault. Like every other street magician, I'm constantly learning...
The presentation makes the magic.
Bill Palmer
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On 2010-05-17 15:33, jimmy talksalot wrote:

Harlen Tarbell has a book called "the companion" which lists a huge amount of routines from his course and his course also has list of routines for all size shows and venuues.

The Tarbell Companion was written by Harlan Tarbell and edited and published by Steve Burton. It is now out of print, but some dealers may have a copy. You probably won't find it on Amazon.com .

The Tarbell Study Guide is also very helpful, because it gives some insight into how Tarbell originally structured the course.

BTW, Michael Kaufman, AKA Magical Mystical Michael, busked for a long time with just material from Tarbell v.I. He did not end with the cups and balls.
"The Swatter"

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My Chickasaw name is "Throws Money at Cups."

ed rhodes
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On 2010-05-20 05:41, Arkadia wrote:
The discussion about props, cost and value is interesting. Value is not a definite thing. Say you want to do the Linking rings. You can buy a set for more or less nothing. Or go for Owen rings. The same is for cups, poaches, tables, jeans and cars. Value is up to the buyer. If you think something is over priced - don't buy it. It all depends on where you work, how you work and how often you work. If I would have settled for cheap cups, I would be on my 10th or 20th set. I bought the Cellini cups and they last for ever. But I am rough on my props and I work a lot of festivals.

So, a Gazzo pouch - expencive? Depends - doesn't it. For Tristan it is, and he has found a webpage that confirms it. Smile If I am to travel around the world, live with my props as most of my permanent company. Why not have something that looks, feels and IS professionaly made for what you are doing?

If you are a weekend warrior - perhaps it is.

For people who make a living out there with these props this argument is perfectly valid.

As a weekend warrior, I stand with "too expensive" for what I do and for what I receive from it.
"...and if you're too afraid of goin' astray, you won't go anywhere." - Granny Weatherwax
Bill Palmer
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The main thing is to know where to put your money. A good, durable set of cups is more important, IMHO, than a really expensive pouch. By the time you havw worn out a mediocre pouch, you may be able to afford a better one.
"The Swatter"

Founder of CODBAMMC

My Chickasaw name is "Throws Money at Cups."

ed rhodes
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...and appreciate its abilities.

But at the moment, I'm still happy with my aluminum cups.
"...and if you're too afraid of goin' astray, you won't go anywhere." - Granny Weatherwax
amazing eric
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I use two aluminum cups with my cup and ball routine and I get a volunteer to produce the final load that usually gets the crowd favorable to give the well deserved tips at the end. Howeve, I have also closed with a card trick, depending on the size of the crowd gathered. If I have a small crowd I will do sleight of mouth and the black hole effect by Jay Sankey.
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Profile of Arkadia
All we see is cups. And here's mine. A pic taken during a show this weekend. I love my Cellnins.

Click here to view attached image.
Magician, juggler and slack rope walker

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But the pic just don't want to show. Why oh why?
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On 2010-05-29 13:37, ed rhodes wrote:
On 2010-05-20 05:41, Arkadia wrote:

....If you are a weekend warrior - perhaps it is.

For people who make a living out there with these props this argument is perfectly valid.

As a weekend warrior, I stand with "too expensive" for what I do and for what I receive from it.


Can you share what it is you do and what it is that you receive from it?


It is a lot easier to get older than it is to get wiser.
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Sweden, Sundsvall
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Profile of Arkadia
Here's the picture I was trying to post.

Magician, juggler and slack rope walker

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