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Profile of Paddy
On 2010-05-29 13:37, ed rhodes wrote:
For people who make a living out there with these props this argument is perfectly valid.

As a weekend warrior, I stand with "too expensive" for what I do and for what I receive from it.
Ed, you will not see a carpenter buy a hammer at a discount store, or even a cheap hammer at a lumber store. A workman is only as good as his tools. This applies to the full timers and it certainly applies to you part timers. Use the cheapies to learn with but go pro equipment to perform with, your hats will show the results and your wife will be happier.

Non Impediti Ratione Cogitationis

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ed rhodes
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Profile of ed rhodes
[quote]On 2010-06-07 00:15, ed rhodes wrote:
On 2010-06-03 09:47, kOnO wrote:


Can you share what it is you do and what it is that you receive from it?



Some day, I'm gonna go out with my son who has the video camera and get myself all recorded and put on the internet.

Some day.

As for what I receive from it, my usual good bucket is about $40 - $60 for the day.

Paddy, I can't in all conscience do it. I can't justify $$$ for a set of cups and $$$ for a pouch when I don't go out all that often and this isn't what I do for a living. I did splurge $$ for a decent egg bag. I just wasn't comfortable with the Adams bag.

Maybe as I get better I will upgrade (I upgraded from the plastic to the aluminum) but not right away.
"...and if you're too afraid of goin' astray, you won't go anywhere." - Granny Weatherwax
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Profile of Paddy
Ed, how many shows do you do an hour, or day? $40 to 60 a day is too low. To make more start doing sidewalk shows, 7 to 12 minutes, het the hel out of them and start another show. If you do 4 shows an hour your hat increases and also the extra practice makes your show better. Get out there and work your butt off

Non Impediti Ratione Cogitationis

I reject your reality & substitute my own

ed rhodes
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Profile of ed rhodes
I can't "hat the hell" out of them. My agreement with the city is "no direct solicitation." Chance will tell you that that's unconstitutional, but I'm not the guy to lead the charge into court.

...and quite frankly, we're not all you guys (You, Gazzo, et al) and we're not all as good as you either at the magic or at getting the money. I was impressed as 4377 to get that much (and one day I actually made so little money, when I went to get something eat after wards, I had to dig into my pocket money to pay for it so I actually LOST money that day!)
"...and if you're too afraid of goin' astray, you won't go anywhere." - Granny Weatherwax
Jay Jennings
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On 2010-06-07 23:27, ed rhodes wrote:
I can't "hat the hell" out of them. My agreement with the city is "no direct solicitation." Chance will tell you that that's unconstitutional, but I'm not the guy to lead the charge into court.

Just wondering if you couldn't use that at the end of your act. Something like...

"Most people who see street performers understand that at the end of the show the performer passes a hat and the audience donates money to show their appreciation. But according to city statue XX.X I'm not allowed to directly solicit you. That means I can't ask you for money, but there's nothing in the statutes that stops you from giving if you enjoyed the show."

With a flourish you set the hat upright on your table and smile.

What are you doing? You're educating the public on the city statutes, that's all. Surely they can't fault you for that.

Just an idea.

Jay Jennings
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Profile of HerbLarry
Bad idea. Any sentence with Money or any word associated with it and you are toast. Authorities don't appreciate the fine art of wise crack, sad to say. Extending a receptacle silently is enough to get you popped. Money changing hands un-solicited wins the prize too. Ask yourself this question: Did you come out ahead monetarily? Great! Your busted!!
You know why don't act naive.
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Profile of gnosis
On 2010-06-07 23:27, ed rhodes wrote:
I can't "hat the hell" out of them. My agreement with the city is "no direct solicitation." Chance will tell you that that's unconstitutional, but I'm not the guy to lead the charge into court.

...and quite frankly, we're not all you guys (You, Gazzo, et al) and we're not all as good as you either at the magic or at getting the money. I was impressed as 4377 to get that much (and one day I actually made so little money, when I went to get something eat after wards, I had to dig into my pocket money to pay for it so I actually LOST money that day!)

So effectively, you're providing entertainment to the city at below cost. Even when you "make money", counting the time you spend and lost opportunity cost, you're probably barely breaking even, if that.

I hope you're doing this just as a hobby, and not as a business. Because as a business, providing a service at or below cost doesn't make sense (except occasionally for PR purposes, tax purposes, and/or charity).

Have you considered busking somewhere else? Somewhere where there are a good number of people but without draconian anti-busking laws? Are there any places like that nearby that you could commute to? What about festivals and the like?

A city doesn't deserve street performers if it's so d*** cheap it won't even let them pass the hat!

As for how good you are, let the audience be the judge. Artists and performers are often their own worst critics.
ed rhodes
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The city would just as soon I not be there at all.

Festivals? Again, I don't really feel strong about my abilities to be in that place.
(I'm just coming to grips with the fact that people will give me money for doing this stuff on a curb.)
"...and if you're too afraid of goin' astray, you won't go anywhere." - Granny Weatherwax
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Profile of vernon
INterestinmg sidebars to the original question. Oh how the topic is lost along the way. Jimmys response is the best so far, giving such a list of what may be more suitable for the streets. Re the pouch scenario.

'Gazzo pouch too expensive"...seriously. I mean seriously...how can anyone coin that phrase. It is not expensive. Its all a question of semantics. What maybe should be siad is 'I cant afford one', or 'for the amount of time I spend on the streets making my living from busking, its not worth my investement in one, not that they are expensive, just I wish to put my money in other areas'.

Expensive no. Value most certainly yes. the best that money can buy.

James James
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Profile of Chance
On 2010-06-07 23:27, ed rhodes wrote:
I can't "hat the hell" out of them. My agreement with the city is "no direct solicitation." Chance will tell you that that's unconstitutional, but I'm not the guy to lead the charge into court.

I didn't see this back in June.

No Ed, it's not Chance telling anyone anything. It's just me quoting well established law. I consider reminding fellow buskers of their rights as a public service. Everything I have ever said in here is 100% accurate and legal under current federal guidelines, but it is free advice and different people react differently. Of course, I wish in my heart of hearts that all of the guys reading this would act out and defend their rights as vigorously as me, but I know this will never happen. So I just keep fighting the good fight, which every one here benefits from whether they realize it or not. You're welcome.

Magic Mike in Seattle is a case in point. Study it, and you will learn that the actions of just one man caused the entire western states area to completely open up for us practically overnight. And since the courts opinion was so strong in our favor in Mike's case, there isn't any city or state attorney anywhere in the affected zone that I know of who is fighting to have it appealed. So Mike, thank YOU.

As for me, I currently have one open case against Boston from 2008, which will be going to trial in about 100 days, and another case from 2010 to be filed soon.

I'll say it again: we only get to use the rights we are willing to fight for.
ed rhodes
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Profile of ed rhodes
On 2010-07-04 05:07, Jay Jennings wrote:
On 2010-06-07 23:27, ed rhodes wrote:
I can't "hat the hell" out of them. My agreement with the city is "no direct solicitation." Chance will tell you that that's unconstitutional, but I'm not the guy to lead the charge into court.

Just wondering if you couldn't use that at the end of your act. Something like...

"Most people who see street performers understand that at the end of the show the performer passes a hat and the audience donates money to show their appreciation. But according to city statue XX.X I'm not allowed to directly solicit you. That means I can't ask you for money, but there's nothing in the statutes that stops you from giving if you enjoyed the show."

With a flourish you set the hat upright on your table and smile.

I have a bucket on the ground. My closing quote, as I'm tied up in the Shanghi Shackle is; "Ladies and gentleman, my agreement with the city of Providence is that I am allowed to perform as long as I do no directly solicit money. And I will not directly solicit money. I will not tell you you HAVE to give me money, that would be rude. And I will not beg you to PLEASE give me money, that would be pathetic. I simply make the observation that in the city of Providence, tipping is not something done with cows."
"...and if you're too afraid of goin' astray, you won't go anywhere." - Granny Weatherwax
Just Sean
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The City of Detroit is not Busker Friendly either, depending on where you perform along the Riverwalk there are 6 different Authorities you need to get permission from for their respective parts of the Riverwalk ranging from the State of Michigan Department of Parks and Recreation to the Private Entity that operates Rivard Park. If you head to Campus Martius Park, there is a private consortium controlling that too. I head south to Ohio or go to Canada across the river.
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Profile of dmoses
On 2010-12-29 06:40, ed rhodes wrote:
On 2010-07-04 05:07, Jay Jennings wrote:
On 2010-06-07 23:27, ed rhodes wrote:
I can't "hat the hell" out of them. My agreement with the city is "no direct solicitation." Chance will tell you that that's unconstitutional, but I'm not the guy to lead the charge into court.

Just wondering if you couldn't use that at the end of your act. Something like...

"Most people who see street performers understand that at the end of the show the performer passes a hat and the audience donates money to show their appreciation. But according to city statue XX.X I'm not allowed to directly solicit you. That means I can't ask you for money, but there's nothing in the statutes that stops you from giving if you enjoyed the show."

With a flourish you set the hat upright on your table and smile.

I have a bucket on the ground. My closing quote, as I'm tied up in the Shanghi Shackle is; "Ladies and gentleman, my agreement with the city of Providence is that I am allowed to perform as long as I do no directly solicit money. And I will not directly solicit money. I will not tell you you HAVE to give me money, that would be rude. And I will not beg you to PLEASE give me money, that would be pathetic. I simply make the observation that in the city of Providence, tipping is not something done with cows."

Ed, that is as sweet a hat line as ever I heard.

keep the faith, and like jimmy says... "make your own standard"

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Profile of Magic1
Ed, I busked a couple of times on India Point where "Shooters" used to be. Providence can be an odd place to busk. Harvard Square could be a fun place to try in the spring. Keep up the good work.
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Profile of vernon
The cups and balls...why is it all we see...hmnnnI most certainly have an opinion about that ne. Having worked the cups for over 6 years on the streets, it has been my bread and butter and...well have a look at magicnews TV and hear...there are many factors as to why there are so many maigicnas workng the cups, and a big part of the reason is the idividual. I know Ive been lazy with it, and imagine there are some who do the same...but still hear MNTV...

Oh and its a great effect, which is one of the reasons too.

James James
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Profile of DoctorCognos
I started out busking with linking rings based on a Chris Capehart routine as my closer, and it worked pretty well.

I now close with cups and balls, ala Gazzo and the increase is astounding. The multiple climaxes in the cups and balls, first three oranges, then three more, that is impossible! And then wham! A melon..... Oh yes, and even though I am wearing a Gazzo pouch the whole time, the melon and eight oranges are "invisible" to the audience, until their most amazing appearances...

Cost for anything needs to be balanced against value to you. If your goal is do a big show and take down big hats, you need to decide if your equipment is going to allow you to get it done. If not, then upgrade and nothing is as good as a Gazzo pouch. If you can meet your goals without one, then there is no problem, just do it.

aka The Doctor
The Doctor Knows.....
ed rhodes
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Profile of ed rhodes
On 2011-01-06 13:36, dmoses wrote:

I have a bucket on the ground. My closing quote, as I'm tied up in the Shanghi Shackle is; "Ladies and gentleman, my agreement with the city of Providence is that I am allowed to perform as long as I do no directly solicit money. And I will not directly solicit money. I will not tell you you HAVE to give me money, that would be rude. And I will not beg you to PLEASE give me money, that would be pathetic. I simply make the observation that in the city of Providence, tipping is not something done with cows."

Ed, that is as sweet a hat line as ever I heard.

keep the faith, and like jimmy says... "make your own standard"


Thanks. It took me awhile to come up with it.
"...and if you're too afraid of goin' astray, you won't go anywhere." - Granny Weatherwax
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Profile of EVILDAN
I do the cups and balls because it's fun and interactive magic. I get to involve a number of people from the audience and they all have fun. The finale packs one hell of a whallop as well.

Now, I do the cups as the second trick in our act. We don't close with it. Although we might try it this year to see if our hats get any fatter.
by EVILDAN....
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Profile of DanielMooncalf
I used to make a savante by tying the cloth I used to cover my table up and around the keyboard stand. It worked perfectly well as a place to hold oranges and a melon.
ed rhodes
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Profile of ed rhodes
On Jan 8, 2011, Magic1 wrote:
Ed, I busked a couple of times on India Point where "Shooters" used to be. Providence can be an odd place to busk. Harvard Square could be a fun place to try in the spring. Keep up the good work.

Harvard Square is in Mass. I am in Rhode Island... without a car.
"...and if you're too afraid of goin' astray, you won't go anywhere." - Granny Weatherwax
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