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MagicBus Inner circle Kalamazoo, Michigan 2870 Posts |
Index of http://www.ChristianMagician.org
This growing site is designed to be a free ongoing resource to all FCMers for Gospel magic, chalk art and juggling performance routines. We have prepared this initial index below for your convenience. Our special THANKS to The Magic Café' for providing this forum, it is much appreciated. All items can be viewed at http://www.ChristianMagician.org Time mark in the video: Performer: Effect: Scripture/Topic: More Than Magic! program #1 1:00 Sheldon Rhodes Silk act, ball and club juggling 7:47 Alan Kazam Abbott's Vanishing Bird Cage 10:40 SuZie Chalk art Making something beautiful out of your life 21:10 Deacon Blakeslee Gene Anderson Paper Tear God's plan for our lives 23:38 MagicBob The Tomb Die Box God's plan of salvation More Than Magic! #2 :49 Alan Kazam Coloring Book God's beautiful creation 2:00 Alan Kazam Change bag/clown silks The power of words 5:47 Alan Kazam Boomerang Caterpillars We are all equal in His sight 7:47 Roger Magic Bus Abbott's Head Twister 9:47 Roger Magic Bus Jumbo Rabbit Die Box and Rabbit Wringer 13:36 Sheldon Rhodes Complete rope routine "Slim the Naughty Boy" More Than Magic! #3 :55 Alan Smola Dove routine 4:30 Randy Craven Silk routine and balloon to dove 7:50 MagicBob Slow Burn dollar change 10:06 Kevin Gerard 3, 4 and 5 ball juggling II Peter 3:18, personal growth 12:30 MagicBob Run Rabbit Run 18:28 Randy Craven Baffling light switches Jesus is our lighthouse 24:57 Alan Kazam Color changing water Jesus cleanses our sins More Than Magic! #4 :50 Randy Craven Crayon Color Prediction- performance 2:22 MagicBob Close up metal washers routine 3:30 Leo Peters Rope Trix routine 7:00 Randy Craven Vanishing Coke Bottle 8:25 MagicBob Silks, canes, Patriotic ropes, water suspension 12:35 Leo Peters "What's Next?" dots card 14:16 Alan Smola The Vanishing Bandanna 17:38 Randy Craven Crayon Color Prediciton revealed 18:42 Kevin Gerard Club juggling John 10:28, 29. We are in good hands 19:58 Deacon Blakeslee Clippo 22:02 Dave Stoepker Vanishing card, card in balloon Zacchaeus Now That's Magic! #1 1:54 Duane Laflin Silks/billiard balls Psalm 136:4 5:21 Roger Magic Bus Metamorpho Spots 9:20 Brad Brown Multifaceted/comprehensive rope routine 15:00 MagicBob Andre' Kole 3 Ball routine Evangelistic Gospel message 21:25 SuZie Chalk art to music The Bridge Illustration Now That's Magic! #2 2:10 P.J. Weber Mouth coil/dove production, Anderson paper tear Restoration 5:46 Alan Kazam Ball in bag- performance 7:14 Duane Laflin Soonge ball routine Luke 1:37 9:35 Randy Craven Needle Thru Balloon Ephesians 6: The Full Armor of God 13:53 Brad Brown Full body rope escape 19:41 Alan Kazam Ball in bag- explanation 20:58 Leo Peters Fuzzy Wuzzy Bear silks God cares for us 23:25 Duane Laflin Massal tube/transformed silks II Cor. 5:17 27:41 Brad Brown Gypsy Thread Restoring broken pieces Now That's Magic! #3 2:25 MagicBob Vanishing "backstage" Elephant 6:11 David Ginn Pull the tablecloth off the full table stunt 8:05 Alan Kazam Professor's Nightmare rope trick Equal in God's sight 10:01 Roger Magic Bus Dice finger roll, Jumbo Rabbit and Die Box & Rabbit Wringer 13:35 Duane Laflin Sponge ball/flower dove pan Proverbs 28:13 16:59 Randy Craven A-B-C Blocks Greatest Story Ever Told 21:54 SuZie Chalk art to music Creation/not living life in circles Now That's Magic! #4 2:28 Duane Laflin Many ropes/one rope/knots John 14:6 4:54 MagicBob Laflin's Russian Rings 6:12 Alan Kazam Strat-O-Spheres God's priority in our lives 8:20 Brad Brown 4 coin trick 10:11 Leo Peters Upside down 3 glass suspension Resurrection miracle 12:31 Roger Magic Bus Sponge to cube, Chen Lee suspension, Chameleon Champagne 15:08 Magic Bob Seated wrist tie rope escape with a coat curtain 18:53 Randy Craven Alphabet cards in pan Creation vs. Evolution 22:09 Duane Laflin AVC Box, Jesus silk I Peter 3:16 Now That's Magic! #5 2:00 David Ginn Feather rings routine 3:20 Duane Laflin The Switch Can/silks Romans 8:28 7:11 Alan Kazam Peanut Butter & Jelly Jesus took our place 11:25 MagicBob Andre' Kole 3 ball routine The meaning and purpose for us 14:10 SuZie Chalk are with music The Bridge Illustration extended Now That's Magic! #6 1:58 Roger Magic Bus Laflin/Stead "The Blessings of Love" Acts 20:35 5:12 Dave Stoepker Close up routine: string, Gorpy, nut off bolt 19:20 Duane Laflin Silk tube Peace: Ephesians 2:14 22:08 Alan Kazam Cut & restored rope routine Jesus restores 25:40 Brad Brown Magic snow storm Now That's Magic! #7 1:42 SuZie Chalk art The Trinity 7:10 MagicBob Rope escape from the Bag of Doom Proverbs 5:22 15:06 Dave Stoepker Lota bowl, Prince of Peace card trick I Kings 17 24:40 Roger Magic Bus Kovari Chinese Sticks Now That's Magic! #8 1:41 Roger Magic Bus/Alan Kazam Pro Sands of the Desert Good News 7:50 MagicBob Giant 3 Card Monte Jesus: King of Hearts 10:12 Randy Craven Fuzzy Wuzzy Bear silks Galatians 6:2 12:45 Roger Magic Bus Laflin's What Color is Your Bible? Color changing Bible 19:39 MagicBob Laflin's Hole in Wall illusion John 14:6 The Way 22:22 Roger Magic Bus Barry Mitchell's Chain of Sin: I blew it Romans 6:23 24:22 Duane Laflin Multiplying sponge balls Proverbs 28:13 Now That's Magic #9 One Hour Special 1:44 Duane Laflin Vanishing silk, wand to silk Psalm 136:4 5:12 Roger Magic Bus Abbott's Florabella and Goofus Plant 9:09 MagicBob The Karl Germaine Water Jars John 7:38 11:40 SuZie Chalk art to music The Old West http://www.NeedGod.com 15:50 MagicBob The Tom Horn chain restraint escape 20:38 Roger Magic Bus Laflin's A-B-C Blocks/Bible Box Psalm 67 27:54 MagicBob Lit bulb to salt in bulb Matthew 5: 13-14 28:58 Roger Magic Bus Rope, giant scissors, Mikame 3 ball routine 32:00 Duane Laflin Red/Yellow/Black/White rope effect John 3:16 35:30 MagicBob Pressed Lincoln penny to 10 Commandments http://www.LivingWaters.com 37:46 Roger Magic Bus Strat-O-Spheres w/fruit Fruit of the Spirit: Galations 5:22- 46:10 SuZie Chalk art with music Walking worthy: I Thess. 2:12 PRINTED Gospel magic routines columns at http://www.ChristianMagician.org: Oz and Wilde S-T-A-R-T-L-I-N-G Word alphabet cards Salvation story MagicBob Pressed Pennies The Ten Commandments Roger Magic Bus Know Your Fruit Strat-O-Spheres Galatians 5:22-23 MagicBob Vanishing DVD Matthew 12:36; Romans 5:8-9 Roger Magic Bus and MagicBob Mirror Frame James 1:22-24 Roger Magic Bus Kovari Chines Sticks Prayer: Romans 8:26-27 For a video of the MagicBob missions Travel Case from http://www.HarnelCase.com see http://www.magicbob.org/RogerCase.wmv Additional videos at http://www.MagicBob.org (click on the Videos link): Red, White and Blue Opener (mismade flag) The Flag of India (mismade flag) India Card Trick Balloons and a Sword Kolkata India Performance (live) Smith & Wesson Handcuff Escape MagicBob's Mirror Sawing a Granddaughter in 2 Matthew 6:34 Hippity Hop Bibles Deuteronomy 17:19 Bruce Kalver's Shrinking and Growing Head Illusion Arrow Head Illusion Ephesians 6:16 We at http://www.ChristianMagician.org welcome your submission on DVD for consideration for inclusion in future Now That's Magic! programs. Please send to: Roger Bus, 903 E. Cork Street, Kalamazoo, Michigan 49001 (www.BusDebtLaw.com) My office phone number is 269-342-1116 and my email address is RBusPs67@aol.com THANK YOU to all our performers who helped make this series a success with special appreciation to our video Editor and FCM member Randy Craven and to FCMer and webmaster MagicBob. Psalm 67! |
MagicBus Inner circle Kalamazoo, Michigan 2870 Posts |
OK dokie, we are back to filming again in Kalamazoo for future episodes of Now That's Magic! in October, 2010. Duane Laflin has given us some new DVD footage to use and we have some live performance footage taken earlier this year of MagicBob, SuZie and myself from the Logos Hope ship. But we'd sure like to include footage of YOU in future episodes- please see above posting for details. The programs currently air on 6 community access stations in Michigan, plus on two stations in India and Africa, plus on the internet. We can't pay you anything for any footage you submit, and we don't sell anything either, but we can tell you it will be aired if our FCM member and video editor Randy Craven decides to use your DVD footage. Thanks again for your consideration of this oppoortunity.
phill Veteran user Connecticut 365 Posts |
Looking forward to the future episodes!
peace, phill
Scripture, Sculptures & Surprises!
jamiedoyle Special user Lafayette, IN 623 Posts |
Let me see what I have that current video footage that I can pass on for your consideration.
MagicBus Inner circle Kalamazoo, Michigan 2870 Posts |
Fantastic Jamie! We are filming again on October 5 in Kalamazoo at the Community Access Center, which means our Editor show have one or two shows completed before Thanksgiving. So don't mean to rush any of you as we'll always take more submissions, but if you could get your footage DVDs to me before October 6 for consideration for inclusion in the next set of programs, it would be greatly appreciated. We need quality Gospel magic for our programs. Fired Up!
MagicBus Inner circle Kalamazoo, Michigan 2870 Posts |
Hey Terry Owens: could you send me your DVD again of some of your TV footage? I am the new editor for our cable access show as the Kalamazoo studio has added some easier to use editing computers. Our old editor did a fantastic job- but now we can do the program editing almost immediately in house after filming. We are filming again on October 5 and October 12. I don't have any of the footage on DVD you sent to me before- if you could resend it- it would be much appreciated! We will also take DVD footage too from any source as long as we have full permission to use it. Roger Magic Bus from http://www.ChristianMagician.org More new programs on the way soon!
MagicBus Inner circle Kalamazoo, Michigan 2870 Posts |
Had a terrific filming session with MagicBob last night: filmed among other things over the past two weeks the Fairchild "Church Links" effect, Dean's Box, Laflin's multiplying "Big Time" root beer bottles, dark water to clear (Gospel), and the vanishing old time radio. Taping Pete Stobie and Alan Kazam next Tuesday night. I hate to be a beggar: but if you have yourself performing on a decent DVD doing Gospel magic and we have your permission to use it in our programs- please mail it on to me and we'll share it on our future show(s)and on our web site (over 8,000 "hits").
Odd 'n Ends: I love how Duane Laflin and MagicBob do Duane's multiplying bottles" effect- it is a hoot- and not so offensive like beer bottles. MagicBob dresses up like a striped coated carnival barker for the trick- wish I had bought it myself... FAB Magic sells the no-tip tray for it if interested, lots of dealers sell the bottles, Duane sells the labels, routine and CD... By the way, the "Ribbon Fantastique" routine on pages 40 and 41 of the 2010 October M-U-M magazine could be used for any "block go" Gospel patter as well (one being released from the bondage of sin, having a clear life (could put a heart on the plexiglass plate, etc.)... Maybe Sean Taylor of "No Fail Kid's Show Magic Volume 1" dvd might be a good lecturer for a future FCM convention... Have you seen the way overpriced Criss Angel magic tricks now being sold at Walgreen's?... A packs flat animal card trick for kids that is getting good reviews is "You're the Star" by David Goodsell at http://www.DavidGoodsellMagic.com... I love all the full color pictures in the Sept/Oct issue of The Voice of FCM- good close up clear pictures of the performers- the best ever in the magazine I think... I am not sure if I am reading the annual reports right- but it looks like per page 36 of the last issue of The Voice of FCM the 2010 FCM convention was a huge and wonderful financial success with plenty of "beginning balance" funds on hand for even a more terrificer 2011 convention- sweet! Bring on the "high level" lecturers and performers!- looks like the resources are there to do it for sure! A+ FCM. Better than being a part of a broke and underfunded good like many non-profits are... Love the line on page 29 overheard at the convention(?): "Is this seat saved? No, but I hope it is under conviction."... My rope was denied entrance to the FCM convention- so it went outside- where Harvey Barfenfloss tied it in a knot and frayed the ends. The rope went back into the convention- and when Jim asked the rope if it was the same one he threw out before it replied: "No, frayed knot." |
MagicBus Inner circle Kalamazoo, Michigan 2870 Posts |
Very last call to get your DVD footage to me immediately- we should have two brand new 1 hour "Magic With A Message" cable access programs posted to http://www.ChristianMagician.org before this Christmas. Got lots of neato new raw Gospel magic footage to choose from- stay tuned!
tbaer Inner circle Pennsylvania 2015 Posts |
Can't wait.
MagicBus Inner circle Kalamazoo, Michigan 2870 Posts |
MagicBob did some pretty neat new effects with a Gospel message that I have never seen before anywhere- hope you will enjoy his new stuff in particular. We also will be including some close up tricks that we have avoided before- but starting zooming in the camera closer this time around... It was a hoot to prepare- I wish you all could have been there doing your favorite effect- something I hope all of you get to do locally someday... can't recommend it enough. Take those local video/cable access classes in your community and let 'er rip!
MagicBus Inner circle Kalamazoo, Michigan 2870 Posts |
FYI: We should also have the complete INDEX for http://www.ChristianMagician.org posted as soon as tomorrow on the actual http://www.ChristianMagician.org web site itself. Previously, we only had it posted on The Magic Café' thread above and in the back of our lecture notes given out at the 2010 FCM convention.
MagicBus Inner circle Kalamazoo, Michigan 2870 Posts |
Since I already know the content and running order of the next two 1 hour "Magic With A Message" video programs with host MagicBob, I thought I would post it below. The actual video programs themselves should be on http://www.ChristianMagician.org within two weeks from today for viewing. Most of the effects are performed with Gospel applications.
Magic With A Message!: On The Logos Hope 1 Hour Special MagicBob: Piff Paff Poof- Gospel version Alan Kazam: Silk rabbit from silk hat, pop up wand Logos Hope informational video Live from the Logos Hope stage: MagicBob: Laflin's Russian Rings, the de Vries/Haley Jonah paper tear Roger Magic Bus: Wolfe's Eye Gotcha! MagicBob: Seated rope release Roger Magic Bus: Barry Mitchell's Can Opener (small travel version) Duane Laflin: Sponge ball routine: Luke 1:37 (effect taught on his sponge ball video) MagicBob: Vanishing Deck (Shawn F.) Alan Kazam: Multiplying sponge bunnies (Goshman 3D version) MagicBob: Randy Craven's Prayer Box MagicBob: Laflin's giant bouquet from silks Roger Magic Bus: John de Vries's block go (see the February, 1972 issue of The Christian Conjurer, pages 24-25, in the "Members Only" library site on http://www.fcm.org) MagicBob: Restored necklace Pastor Mark Swank: Laflin Bible and The Ledger of Life Magic With A Message: MagicBob and Friends 1 Hour Special MagicBob: Laflin's Big Time Root Beer Duane Laflin: Gospel Soft Soap Roger Magic Bus: Maven's "Phil" card trick MagicBob: Haley/Varro's "The Cross Trick" Alan Kazam: The Professor's Nightmare rope effect Duane Laflin: Cut and Restored Bible: Isaiah 40:8 Roger Magic Bus: Large sized EvangeCube Duane Laflin: The Legend of the Silver Tube, silk fountain Matt Fore: Comedy Burnt Bill to Wallet (Terry Seabrook) Duane Laflin: An African Tale (donkey/zebra silks) Roger Magic Bus: Joe Eddy Fairchild's "Church Links" box Duane Laflin: Silk poke: Ephesians 2:14 Roger Magic Bus: Laflin's "The Guilt Is Gone" Tregg Illusions: Substitution trunk Enjoy!-Hope you can find an idea or two you can use from this new series- it has been a blast putting them together! |
truesoldier Inner circle 1191 Posts |
This is great, thank you so much for sharing
MagicBus Inner circle Kalamazoo, Michigan 2870 Posts |
Whoops, Laflin's Cut and Restored Bible is actually before Tregg Illusions at the end of program #2. Stay tuned... I'll post here when we get the two programs up on our web site. The editing for these new programs will not as smooth as the work our fine video editor Randy did on previous programs- I did my best to put the segments together using a low tech DVD recorder, that's about it. So ignore the jerky cuts between segments and the lack of snappy graphics, but the content of the individual segments themselves is still worthwhile to watch. We used a "rebo studio" where I was able to operate all three cameras, film and edit all from a simple switching station. Seems odd to say this- but when I appear in the series, I was the only person in the entire room- I set the camera and then walked around in front of it. Pretty neat-o!
MagicBus Inner circle Kalamazoo, Michigan 2870 Posts |
Should be posted now by 12-14 now...
MagicBus Inner circle Kalamazoo, Michigan 2870 Posts |
MagicBob emailed me today, 12-14-2010, his hard drive crashed on his computer with the NTM series on it. No problem- he said he would get it fixed and the new shows posted next week sometime to http://www.ChristianMagician.org MagicBob has 20 shows scheduled in December- just amazes me that he still finds the time to run this web site, have a full time job, be President of Ring 211, attend Bible studies, etc. .. Thanks again MagicBob for all you do!
MagicBus Inner circle Kalamazoo, Michigan 2870 Posts |
Rough draft video Program #1 "MagicBob and Friends" of the Magic With A Message! cable access series is now posted. Program #2 "On The Logos Hope" should be posted tomorrow 1-7-2011. Thanks to MagicBob for expanding/fixing his hard drive to add these 2 new one hour Gospel magic programs to our web site http://www.ChristianMagician.org See above for above for program content. If you have any material on DVD you would be willing to submit for future programs- we'd encourage you to send that along. We are putting together another 1 hour program in March (filming March 16, 2011, downtown Kalamazoo at The Epic Center/PMN studio before a small live audience). Roger
MagicBus Inner circle Kalamazoo, Michigan 2870 Posts |
We are filming again March 31, 2011, at the downtown Epic Center (PMN studio- 3rd floor)in Kalamazoo from 5-9pm, all Gospel magicians welcome to join us (joining MagicBob and SuZie, Alan Kazam, myself and others). http://www.ChristianMagician.org
MagicBus Inner circle Kalamazoo, Michigan 2870 Posts |
Had a terrific filming session last week- MagicBob did all new magic stuff and SuZie a brand new chalk picture in less than 4 minutes. The little studio was packed out with a live audience of kids and adults. KIF: In all the chaos, I totally forgot to do an informal interview for the podcast with MagicBob and SuZie afterwards about their recently completed trip to Africa... So will try to do that later.
MagicBus Inner circle Kalamazoo, Michigan 2870 Posts |
John mentioned the "EvangeCube". I did a large sized version of the EvangeCube (for the first time, with no one in the room, just walking back in forth in front of a preset fixed camera) at the 7th spot of the one hour special "MagicBob and Friends" indexed above (see the above for the complete lists) for http://www.ChristianMagician.org The EvangeCube is a wonderful and easy way to share the basic Gospel message.
I have another two hours of already filmed segments from last year from our local FCM KaZoo Chapter, I just have to someday just get around to editing this footage one into some more programs... I have settled on "Thy Word Is True" (Psalm 119) for the changing blocks idea on youtube that John linked me to. The creative aspects of magic as a hobby is fun, isn't it? |
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