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On 2010-09-02 11:31, Paul wrote:
Color Monte may not be the best packet trick of all time, but as discussed in "Small But Deadly" (my first book on packet tricks) is is without doubt the best seller. And just as Simon Says, it would be nice to have had a hand in it. Or a penny for every one sold Smile

"Best" is really difficult to determine. From whose point of view? And what may be best for some performing conditions may be not so good for others. Packet tricks with a nice table layout like Dazzle, Printing, etc. are great tricks if sat at a table but useless to a pro. strolling close up worker.

To me, considerations for 'best' would have to be a)audience reaction (whether the performer loves it or not is just a bonus b)quick reset c)performable under any conditions.

Others might have different considerations, some get hung up on everything being examinable for instance.

Truth is, hundreds of packet tricks get absolutely great reactions because usually there is a lot of magic going on. So choosing the best is perhaps impossible. Besides, anything released in the past decade has hardly had the chance to show any staying power compared to some of the classic packet effects so anything in just the past year or so could hardly be in the running.

Determining the best, is I think an impossibility, since so many seem to be unaware of what has gone before. The best we can hope for is yet another list of personal favorites, which constantly changes as the mood strikes us since we really are spoilt for choice when it comes to good packet tricks.

Certainly, when I tried to determine the top ten packet tricks for fun, and include the results at the end of "Small But Deadly" in 2002, "Twisting The Aces" came out in first place with "Wild Card" coming in second, "Color Monte" and "B'wave" tied in third place. Wild Card may have been first had I listed it as "Wild Card and Variations" considering "Gypsy Curse" was in joint 4th place with "Twisted Sister".

Twisting The Aces of course is performable under every close up performing situation, angle proof, instantly reset and gets a great reaction when performed well. But if you don't 'get it' and some don't, including some well known names, then you're just not going to be able to sell it to lay people as the impossibility it is. Yes there are some stronger versions of the effect out there now (I include my own "Twist in A Glass" amongst them) but often they may not meet the performing conditions of early versions or include extra kickers etc. which have usually been the result of weaker initial handling (implicit rather than explicit approach, extra cards etc.)

Those with a real interest in packet effects ahould check out "Small But Deadly" and the follow up "Still Small, Still Deadly."

Apart from good tricks for you to do, plots are discussed, you are referred to other good effects, occasionally given lines for them, routining tips etc.


Very good post Paul! I have Small and Deadly and I've thoroughly enjoyed reading it. Now I have to pick up the new book!
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Hey Simon, as an aside...Are you obtuse?

Just kidding man...just had to run that old Shawshank Redemption line here. Smile Hope you saw the movie. Smile

Seriously, I enjoy your posts and your magic. Smile

*Check out my latest: Gifts From The Old Country: A Mini-Magic Book, MBs Mini-Lecture on Coin Magic, The MB Tanspo PLUS, MB's Morgan, Copper Silver INC, Double Trouble, FlySki, Crimp Change - REDUX!, and other fine magic at gumroad.com/mb217magic Smile

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Twisted SIster is great!
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On 2010-09-02 13:59, Simon Lovell wrote:
Oh, and as an aside, just to be obtuse, isn't any card trick, by definition, a packet trick? It's just that some use bigger packets than others!

Just a thought!


:) Smile Smile This is something I discuss in the introduction to "Still Small, Still Deadly". But as I said in my first packet trick book, a good trick is a good trick no matter how many cards are being used.

People that dismiss packet tricks are often using the odd packet tricks themselves but failing to recognise the fact, because there are differing views of what a packet trick consists of. Does the professional care how many cards he's using if the effect gets a great reaction? No.

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Profile of daffydoug
I've got hundreds of packet tricks..and to put one above the others and say it's the greatest of all time is a f=difficult thing. But I can name some of my personal favorites (Currently!)

Ten by Richard Sanders, NFW, Gordan Beans Entourage, Jay sankey's Dreamscape, Close up Illusion....
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Simon Lovell
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Lucky you on the quote Mb217 ... it's one of my favorite movies!

Chris Cain
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I must admit that I haven't seen half of the packet tricks already mentioned. Of the ones I have seen, Tommy Wonder's Tamed Cards stands out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5kxUuO5JZo

Great presentation, well thought out and entertaining to watch.
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Profile of DelMagic
This one amazed me when I first saw it. I was fortunate enought to watch Arthur Emerson do it. He was a great demonstrator in my opinion. After I bought one, it then amazed me for a long time afterward every time I did it. It was a lot of fun to show to others and always got a good reaction. Plus you ended clean! This was the well-known effect Sympathetic Cards by Magic Ronnay put out by Emerson and West. I only wish they had used a better card stock. I still have my original set. The different colored backs at the end were so surprising!
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On 2010-09-04 00:42, DelMagic wrote:
This one amazed me when I first saw it. I was fortunate enought to watch Arthur Emerson do it. He was a great demonstrator in my opinion. After I bought one, it then amazed me for a long time afterward every time I did it. It was a lot of fun to show to others and always got a good reaction. Plus you ended clean! This was the well-known effect Sympathetic Cards by Magic Ronnay put out by Emerson and West. I only wish they had used a better card stock. I still have my original set. The different colored backs at the end were so surprising!

The latest variation, and improvememt on that, is John Bannon's "Royal Scam", which will also give you the better cards you always wished for.. Smile

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Jim Swain's Capitulating Cards is terrific.

Ghost Flight by Peter Duffie

Goldman's Monkey in the Middle
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Profile of truesoldier
On 2010-09-03 17:06, Chris Cain wrote:
I must admit that I haven't seen half of the packet tricks already mentioned. Of the ones I have seen, Tommy Wonder's Tamed Cards stands out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5kxUuO5JZo

Great presentation, well thought out and entertaining to watch.

This is a great presentation of the Wild Card Routine
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On 2010-09-04 10:24, Paul wrote:
The latest variation, and improvememt on that, is John Bannon's "Royal Scam", which will also give you the better cards you always wished for.. Smile

Thank you. I am not familiar with that effect but I will look into it.
The Baldini
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I like "A Night out with the girls" and "What Your Future Holds, these do not use playing cards, so right there , to layman it is not a card trick, and each one is geared direct to a male or female, if you’re not familiar, Girls night is where you show several pictures of beautiful woman, mix them and the spec chooses anyone, you place his choice face down for now, show all the babes again and I say, you could have had anyone of them, let’s see who you chose, and it's an old ugly hag. And for the "What your Future Holds" this is for woman and you show all the cards with things that may happen in the future, by choosing one, this is what will come true, all the future predictions are different, and when she picks one, it reads," You will make love to a clown" and when she looks up, you are wearing a red sponge nose, I have made up a set to read, " There is no time for Clowning Around" I found some married men and jealous boyfriends did not appreciate the first one, Both are extremely easy and a lot of fun.
I also have and use, the smaller cardiographic, I have a thermometer on my business card, I have it signed then I have a woman put her hands together above the cards and rub, when nothing happens, I ask that she move her hands below the cards as everyone knows heat rises, I say , keep rubbing and watch the thermometer, I don’t say watch the cards, and you can see the temp rise, then I hand her the card to keep.
For those who read all this and got this far, here is a fun one you can make in one minute and use it in two minutes, This is not my idea and I am sorry I do not remember where I got it from. I have another stack of business cards set up in the OTL, I draw a simple oval shape balloon and I ask , has anyone ever seen those guys who can whip a real balloon in to any shape or animal, and someone always says yes, so I ask , I would like to make a balloon animal, watch this, I remove the signed card , pocket the other stack of cards and make a lot of swishing sounds and move my hands around the card as if twisting it, then turn it around to show a drawing of a balloon dog.
Simon Lovell
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Oddly enough I often use Rich Marotta's What Your Future Holds but always do it on the biggest guy in the audience. I found that doing it that way is much funnier and takes any possible embarassment/pressure off the ladies in an audience.

Rich nearly died laughing when we were working together once and I borrowed his pre-release version of the effect to do on the NYC Chief of Police in front of many of his top ranking officers. He said when I started that he didn't know whether to call me a lawyer or an ambulance but it turned out great.

He also filmed me doing it on a guy at my Strange and Unusual Hobbies show (still running and soon to enter its 7th year!) and put it up as an ad for the effect on one of the internet sites (Youtube or something like that)if you want to see my routine with it. Don't ask me for the link ... I don't know it!

It is a great trick with tons of fun and a nice unexpected surprise at the end.

Just my ten cents as per usual!

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For me the best packet trick using four cards is Jon Allen's Double back.
This statement is not quite true but the effect is very powerful it happens in specs hands.
Come check out my magic.

blu tiger
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On 2010-08-30 23:10, sohaib wrote:
The reason I want to start this thread is I saw Alex Elmsley's Dazzle last night on The Tahoe Sessions and I was blown away!

Does that trick use the Dazzle Count? I learned it recently but only know one trick where I use it: Johhny Thompson's version of the Biddle Trick.

But my favortie packet trick right now is probably Gemini Twins. Or a version I do of J.C. Wagners Twisted Underground Transposition.
Roger Kelly
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Not sure about 'best' (for similar reasons well articulated above) but 'FAVE' for me, and I'll go along with Pepka's great 'categorisation';

Cat 1: French Twist - Richard Vollmer
Cat 2: Twisted Sisters - John Bannon - just edges out Trik Kards by Nick Trost
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I like Backflip, by Sam Schwartz.
Michael Miller
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Profile of Dougini
Ya know members, this question really has me thinking...what criteria qualifies a packet trick to be "the best"? I was up a good portion of the night, trying to think of a fair answer to a question. A simple question asked by Sallymagi, in The Feminine Mystique section: "How would a girl become the best?"

And the answer I came up with is: "...practice, and strive to be the BEST you can BE!"

The answer to, What is "Best Packet Trick Of All Time"? I would say, the one YOU do BEST! There is no "All Time". New ones are constantly being created. and, the variations, combinations, gaffs etc.. Plus, the number of successful ones, NFW, Color Monte, Twisted Sisters, BackFlip. Oh, and the book, "Focus"! How can we judge which is "best"? Owww, my brain hurts. 'Nuff said... Smile

Mr. Mystoffelees
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My fav is Darwin O's Jumping Gemini, followed by the Asher twist...
Also known, when doing rope magic, as "Cordini"
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