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Steve Brooks
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Memento by David Regal



Description: One effect possible with MEMENTO:

A card is freely selected from a deck and returned. The magician points to a card box that has been in view from the start. Inside is found a clear crystal block that showcases a playing card...The card has the words "My Favorite Card" written across its face... The card is an exact match for the selection!

Another effect possible with MEMENTO:

A spectator signs a card and returns it to the deck. The magician reaches into his pocket and INSTANTLY removes a crystal clear block that contains the signed card.


Any card can be selected / A different card every time / Easy to do and with solid impact!

Includes a beveled, crystal clear block manufactured exclusively for Memento, special gimmicks, additional supplies and an instructional DVD


Mention card revelations of any kind around a group of magicians and you won't get much of a reaction, possibly a few yawns and that is really too bad.

I personally believe the lack of interest is because throughout the years there have been a zillion card tricks both in print and marketed which end with the revealing of a spectators selection.

But is that a bad thing?

I don't think it is, because knowing which card a spectator freely selects just doesn't seem possible in the mind of a lay person. Add to that, having the chosen card or a prediction of said card appear in an apparent impossible location adds even more mystery to the magic that has just taken place. Remember, some of the simplest things that we do as magicians have the appearance of genuine miracles to the average lay person.

Keeping all the aforementioned in mind, I have had the pleasure to play with David Regal's latest release MEMENTO this past week and am now ready to share some of my thoughts and findings as it were. Smile

First, the trick does indeed play out just as the ad copy reads and the demo video shows. The spectator's selection matches the performers Favorite Card which is found inside a clear lucite block and yes, the spectator can choose any card - no force of any kind is needed.

Is it easy to do?

Yes it is and Mr.Regal provides you with everything you'll need except a pack of cards. Because you provide your own cards and the way in which the mechanics of the trick work you're able to use pretty much any brand of cards as long as the faces are white and the cards are poker size. I suppose one could use a pack of Black Tigers (or other such odd colored deck) but it would take a bit of work on your part to make this possible...but it could be done. You'll understand once you open the package. Smile

When I say David provides everything I do mean just that. You receive the very special lucite block, gimmicks, a black Sharpie pen and an instructional DVD all professionally packaged. This is a well put together product and it is obvious that David has spared no expense in providing you with all the tools you'll need.

The DVD is produced by fellow creator Wayne Houchin and runs just under fifteen minutes in length. However, during those short minutes pretty much everything you need to know is covered. Preparation and set-up, the handling and even a few presentation tips are explained.

David goes over two basic routines. One (as shown in the video demo) has you presenting the effect as a prediction. It's a no brainer to do and is the presentation that I would recommend using given the tools that David provides. Smile

The second routine is more of a Card to Wallet type of thing. Any card is selected and signed and then appears inside the clear plastic block. Yes it is the same signed card and I have no doubt this presentation would totally blow your audience away. However, I do not recommend that you present the trick this way.

Let me explain.

Pretty much the only shortcoming of MEMENTO is the fact that members of the audience cannot be allowed to handle or examine the lucite block.

Now in much of the magic we do this is the case and we as performers never worry too much about such things. Right? All things being equal I would normally agree. But in this case the effect is so strong and so powerful that I guarantee your spectators will want to handle the block - the moment pretty much demands it. It is, afterall their signed card and they will want to look closely at it. Add to that the fact that there is no easy way to return their signed card and you'll understand why I don't like this particular presentation.

Now, in all fairness to David - he does discuss some of this on the DVD and pretty much asks us to stop thinking like magicians. I'm Sorry David, in this case I must totally disagree.

Having a spectator's signed card appear in the block you provide = bad.

However, presented as a prediction effect = good. Smile

Having said all of that, this is still some seriously strong magic that is very easy to do and if presented as a prediction effect I recommend that you give it some serious consideration. Smile


My rating:

Suggested retail: $55.00

If you order directly from Mr.Regal he will ship it postpaid anywhere!

You can contact David Regal directly at:


To order direct, visit David's website at:

Click here!

To order via snail mail, send Cashiers Check or Money Order (US funds only) to:

Blue Bikes Productions
825 Bethany Road
Burbank, Ca.


Dealers - contact Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Ca. 95742
Toll Free Order Line: 1-800-853-7403
Or visit Murphy's website:

Click here!

"Always be you because nobody else can" - Steve Brooks
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