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The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » The Fellowship of Christian Magicians! » » Gospel Patter suggestions for Walk-Around Rope Trick (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of Chaucer
You probably know this moving-knot effect: a length of rope, tied between two chairs, is cut. A knot is tied, and the knot is slid to another point on the rope and untied. The knot can be slid further down the rope and the effect repeated. Finally the rope is again one piece, with no knots.

I would like gospel patter suggestions for this effect. No doubt we have all done a cut and restored rope trick to illustrate a healing miracle of Jesus (one's life, symbolized by a rope, is in need of help because of sickness, sin, or death [the rope is cut]. Jesus restors that life to wholeness [the rope is restored).

But what about a story line with a Walk-Around Rope (moving-knot) effect? I'd appreciate any ideas. Thanks!

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Profile of Chaucer
Whoops! The effect is not called the "Walk Around Rope Trick;" it's the "Stroll Along Rope Knot." Sorry about that (and I'm SO close to perfection!). Anyway, I would certainly appreciate a biblical text with patter suggestions to illustrate it. Thanks again!
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Profile of MagicBus
Denny and Lee sells both versions, I bought the cheaper "set position" one years ago- never used it yet. Seen it performed at Abbott's a number of times- need to get it out for sure. I only use one main table normally- so never bothered yet to figure out where to "suspend" the ropes from.
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Profile of mralincoln
Love the "Stroll Along Rope Knot" you're describing--I think there are a lot of ways you could go.

You could talk about how life is going along well--and then, something happens--and suddenly things aren't "perfect" any longer. "However," you could say, "that's 'knot' a problem for God." You could go on to say--no matter where your problems are--no matter what you're dealing with in life (as you move the knot), it's 'knot' a problem for God. He can take the obstacles, the problems, the 'knots' in your life--and use them to make you as good--even better and stronger than you were before." (Romans 8:28 idea).

Or, you could talk about how often we're deceived--and that things are not always what they seem. "It may look like there's a knot here--or here--or here--but there's NOT a not--see? You see, you can't always go by what you see! That's what faith is all about!" etc.

Just a couple of ideas . . .
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Profile of Chaucer
Thanks for the good ideas! I did come up with a story line that I'm OK with, but I appreciate the suggestions.
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Profile of revmike
Sounds like both a wonderful effect and some good ideas shared. I'll have to look into it, because it sounds like the type of effect I wouldn't mind learning.
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The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » The Fellowship of Christian Magicians! » » Gospel Patter suggestions for Walk-Around Rope Trick (0 Likes)
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