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b0sl0q7 New user 61 Posts |
The key to knowing it is fake is when he tells you to keep practicing because it is hard. He is messing with us and hoping we make a mess.
TheRaven Special user 597 Posts |
This works best with a 30 gallon garbage can over a priceless Persian rug.
magus Special user Huntington Beach, Ca 669 Posts |
No, this actually works.
I got it to work about the 20th try, I put a barricade around the glass with towels, the secret is in the twist. You have to do it just like you were dropping out a jello mould but faster, and paradoxically, with a smaller motion of the wrist. (smaller amount of turn) My Mom worked as a waitres many many years ago, and used to get her tip in an upside down glass from time to time. She could slide the glass off the table and on to her tray spilling a very small amount of water and turn it back over. Or, she would just pick up the glass spilling water all over the laps of the jokers. Being a jerk can work both ways. And no, I didn't really get the water to stand up by itself. Raise your hand if you believed me for just a second.
crappy deium-
what a lousy day to be seized thaumometer- a device for measuring a magical field |
PhilDean Elite user 445 Posts |
Hahaha. What I love most about this video (and I'm not being patronizing here) is that even with a fake video all the best magical minds are clicking over into overdrive to try and figure out a way this can be done live. And no doubt someone will come up with something eventually as you guys always do.
jugglestruck Inner circle Wales 1038 Posts |
It's called slush powder
bidbid New user 83 Posts |
MikeBeaudet Loyal user Becancour 228 Posts |
A fake, a good fake...or we have to revisit the physic's law of nature and another world will emerge !!!
Do your best and forget the rest
hackmonkey Inner circle England 1093 Posts |
I just saw this new shot glass. It could be useful!
Ever spinning shot glass! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CB6yHSIn4SE |
Stefan_sny New user 6 Posts |
Sorry for the mom who's child saw this video,or uhm...sorry for the child who saw this video.
jugglestruck Inner circle Wales 1038 Posts |
Some people who I have shown this video to have bought it completely - others not so...
Pop Haydn Inner circle Los Angeles 3703 Posts |
jugglestruck Inner circle Wales 1038 Posts |
I doubt it but nice video!
ZachDavenport Inner circle Last time I posted I had one less than 1196 Posts |
On Nov 28, 2011, hackmonkey wrote: I don't think that would work (worth a try though), but maybe with something kind of like slush powder? It would have to not change the water color, but that is not to outlandish to exist.
Reality is a real killjoy.
ZachDavenport Inner circle Last time I posted I had one less than 1196 Posts |
On Apr 7, 2013, jugglestruck wrote: slush powder frosts up the water, plus he could not have taped it at the end like he did. It's actually called video editing.
Reality is a real killjoy.
jugglestruck Inner circle Wales 1038 Posts |
I feel that the verdict of video editing was reached well before the slush powder comment. My slush powder comment was made, slightly tongue in cheek, in reference to the question of how could this actually be done in real life. Apologies if this comes across as pedantic...
Pop Haydn Inner circle Los Angeles 3703 Posts |
They are using magnetized water. It is sooo obvious.
Intrepid Inner circle Silver Spring, MD 1197 Posts |
"If at first you don't succeed, try, try again" LoL! Good one ;-)
SatanicBurrito New user 56 Posts |
Pop Haydn Inner circle Los Angeles 3703 Posts |
Magnetized Water. I am not kidding:
Pakar Ilusi Inner circle 5777 Posts |
"Dreams aren't a matter of Chance but a matter of Choice." -DC-
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