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Profile of jeffAwesome

That's a wonderful idea.Have you found the audience wants to examine the cards?
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Profile of martydoesmagic
Yes, people want to handle the cards because most people have never seen blank-faced playing cards before. I have no beef with the original method, especially if you don't want to store the cards in a wallet or envelope. But if you're going to do this, you might as well end clean. I also agree with John Bannon that packet effects that end clean have a greater impact on an audience. Plus, I perform in casual situations for friends and family who are not as polite as a paying audience; they'll often ask to examine my props, or even grab them given half a chance!

I like tricks which enable a person to discover the magic by themselves, and this no-gaff approach allows for the reveal to happen without me touching the cards once they're removed from the wallet (I keep them in a small envelope in the wallet to heighten the fairness of the piece).


P.S. It is possible to hand out some of the cards when using Max Maven's method, but I feel that not being able to hand out all of the cards is suspicious.
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Profile of jeffAwesome

I'm not against the idea I was genuinely interested if you've found people wanted to see the cards. This is something I haven't ran into yet, but I do know it could be a possibility. Thank you for the idea. I think I may try this out.... with your version do they see the cards before the reveal?
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Profile of martydoesmagic
People never ask to see the cards, but I get the feeling that they want to examine them. I've also asked a few friends how they think this trick is accomplished and a popular solution to this effect is "trick cards".

I think I may try this out.... with your version do they see the cards before the reveal?

Yes, I show the envelope and let them see there is a packet of cards in it before putting it back into the wallet. After following the procedure from Mr. Maven's trick, I remove the envelope from the wallet and hand it to them to open. The cards are removed from the envelope and spread by the spectator. (I carefully manage the spectator so that the packet remains face down, this is done by using a small envelope with a traditional triangular flap that isn't sealed shut. Given this situation, most people will remove the cards like they would a birthday card or letter, which ensures the packet remains face down.) I then take the face-up card from them and display the odd back. After a suitable pause, I have them flip the three cards they hold over to reveal the blank faces.

Sometimes I use a d****e s***d envelope with the H****r W****t. This way I can have an imaginary/invisible envelope appear in the wallet. The downside? I have to remove the cards from the envelope myself given the method in play.

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Profile of AndreaMooreMagic
I've had the same issue. People wanted to see the cards as the trick is so strong. I think it's a crime not to be able to show them. What's a good excuse to brush it off?
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Profile of martydoesmagic
If someone directly asks to examine the cards and you say no, then you're dead in the water. If you want to use the gaffs, then you could switch the packet for one comprised of four blank-faced playing cards. This would give you the additional kicker of the thought-of Queen disappearing too.

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Profile of swamy
On Jan 8, 2015, BeThePlunk wrote:
I like the idea of doing B'wave with an ungaffed card. Completely examinable. 52 different set-ups. Why not just do it that way? Thoughts from folks more experienced with the effect?

Brain Wave effect by Sam Schwartz is a wonderful and intellogent packet effect using normal playing cards.
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Profile of Coolmanclyde
Has anyone got any thoughts on this set up and routine? I think I have and idea of the setup but not exactly sure. Called the ultimate/triple brainwave.

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Profile of Sixten
Hi, Mr. clyde,

You have to achieve a total of 50 posts, before you can chat about methods, etc.. When you do, additional forums will be available to you, in order to do so.

(I already sent you a pm.)

Warmest regards,
Sixten Smile
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Profile of Coolmanclyde
Ahhh whoops. Sorry to break rules. I have lurked for far too long. I'll keep contributing where I can until I get there.
Andy Moss
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Profile of Andy Moss
Something Vlad said earlier on in the thread interested me.

What about B'wave using esp cards??? Do the necessary gaffed cards already exist?

We might verbally separate the four esp symbols into two pairs.(circle/square and triangle/cross.)

First the person's thought of symbol appears in a striking fashion face up among the other three, followed by the performer then showing it to be the only red backed esp card and finally showing that the other three esp cards have all faded to blank.

Has this variation already been done? Is it viable in practice?
Andy Moss
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Profile of Andy Moss
"New wave" by Phil Goldstein uses esp cards but the methodology is different.

The problem may well exist in 'merging' two different shapes on the gaff.
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Profile of 252life
Hoping someone can help out...

I just (and I mean JUST) ordered B'wave, based mainly on what I've read here.
But a few minutes ago I'm browsing PM and see a "Delux" version out.
Anyone know if I'm missing anything?
Any reason to order the newer release as well?

Thanks in advance.

Look for all the world like you're counting the brain cells in his cranium.

-Theodore Annemann
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Profile of Mb217
Hey 252, I just recently saw that "Delux" version myself. Smile But they simply seem to give you some extra cards so that you can use Ks & Js, as well as Qs. Also it seems they include a few other cards for different finishes to the effect. But basically, it's the same classic trick. The higher cost simply reflects that they included a few more cards with it, for different looks to the routine.

So, basically you are not missing anything really. The trick is the same great one that I've been doing for many years with the same old set, and just recently thought to pull it out again for another whirl out there. Smile I did at times think about using other cards. I guess someone else thought of it too as a way of sorta making it new again (and for a few extra buck$), especially to budding magicians. It's worth having either-which-way, and you'll love it…Guaranteed! Smile

*And whenever you begin to want more from the basic workings of this effect, look at another brilliant+ take on it called, "Twisted Sister." Smile

In the meantime, enjoy what you got coming, that's the real gold of it! Smile

Hope that helps. Smile
*Check out my latest: Gifts From The Old Country: A Mini-Magic Book, MBs Mini-Lecture on Coin Magic, The MB Tanspo PLUS, MB's Morgan, Copper Silver INC, Double Trouble, FlySki, Crimp Change - REDUX!, and other fine magic at gumroad.com/mb217magic Smile

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Profile of 252life
Hey Mb217,
Thanks tons for the reply.
I've had a chance to try it out a few times now, and I love it.
I may end up getting the delux version just to mix it up, etc.
I used to be a packet trick snob lol. But lately, I've found a few I'm having a blast with.
This plays perfectly with the whole psi force/ influance approach, as well as a quick trick.
I need to look into Twisted Sisters as suggested also Smile
They sound like twin effects (?)

252Research Smile

Thanks again!
Look for all the world like you're counting the brain cells in his cranium.

-Theodore Annemann
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Profile of wcb39
My approach, so I can hand them out, is to immediately put them in the "special" case I carry them in, then as if I forgot, immediately say, oh I am so sorry.... I forgot to hand the cards to you first....then I pull them back out.
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Profile of 252life
On Nov 29, 2016, wcb39 wrote:
My approach, so I can hand them out, is to immediately put them in the "special" case I carry them in, then as if I forgot, immediately say, oh I am so sorry.... I forgot to hand the cards to you first....then I pull them back out.

I like that. Thanks Smile

I went ahead and ordered the deluxe version, just to mix it up for the same groups.
I got a bit cocky at the gym today, and blew it. I mistakingly laid them down reversed from the way I usually do.
That will NOT happen again lol.
I was able to save it by sliding into a CT. I think that negated the screw up pretty well.
Was like covering the sound of a BB gun with an A bomb, but oh well.

Btw, for a clean up, I was thinking of just keeping legit cards in the same pocket.
And doing the innocent "after thought" dip in and out for the s****h.

Anyway, annoys me to no end when I'm (!) the cause of the screw up.
Grrrrrr....live and learn huh?

Look for all the world like you're counting the brain cells in his cranium.

-Theodore Annemann
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Profile of 252life
But WCB39....I do have a great little envelope that came with Will to Read I'm not using...hmmmmm.

My wallets starting to look like a mini Office Depot

Look for all the world like you're counting the brain cells in his cranium.

-Theodore Annemann
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Profile of wcb39
252life. Envelopes are great too. The nice thing as you know is it looks so innocent and this is reinforced by our apology to the spectator.
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Profile of vincentmusician
I have been performing B'Wave for a few years now and have never had anyone ask to see the cards. It could be the way you present this. Cheers!
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