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Bill Palmer
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I ordered one of these a week or so ago. I'm hoping it arrives soon.
"The Swatter"

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My Chickasaw name is "Throws Money at Cups."

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On 2011-12-13 12:03, cava wrote:
...a KIWI from the fruit basket makes IMHO a good climax for the olives...

Re reading my post want to point out that in the cocktail/bar context here, the LEMON or LIME is better. I keep the kiwi for after dinner/dessert time Smile

...and this Roger Nicot set...looks CLASSY and WONDERFUL. Will order it soon.

I've used sometimes a "lota flask" instead of the regular flask that came with Riser / Loomis micro chop cup to have a shot at the beginning of the routine...and another (thanks lota!) at the end.

BTW, the paper napkin used to wipe the cup becomes the "ball" for the bet
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Profile of Bapu
I discovered this thread (and the new cup) literally minutes after purchasing one of the original versions (The Bar Cup) directly from Mr. Nicot on the big auction site, where I was very surprised to find it.

Mr. Nicot offered a copy of the "The Chop Cup" DVD from the L&L World’s Greatest Magic Series along with the cup, which was something I had been wanting to get eventually anyway.

He also threw in a bonus Phoenix Deck of cards in the shipment. All in all a pretty fair deal I think. In reponse I sent Mr. Nicot the following email:

Thank you very much for the quick shipping and bonus Phoenix Deck of cards. I have always used Bicycles and Bees so I'm very much looking forward to trying those out.

I'm not a big apparatus "collector". I try to buy only what I know will use. I have one of the solid brass mini "Collectors Chop Cups" by Magic Makers which I like very much, but which gets very ho-hum reviews on themagiccafe.com. As Bill Palmer wrote, "If you carry one in your jacket pocket, it will pull your jacket out of shape." He's right about that!

I've also gimmicked a couple of cups myself, including a nice Rein Zinn Becker German pewter beaker, by the simple expedient of embedding a m***** in an epoxy mix in the recessed base of the cup to which I glued light grey felt. No one has ever questioned it. The felt on the base just seems to belong there.

So the idea of shelling out my hard earned bucks for another chop cup has not been high on my list...with the exception of yours. I had stumbled on reviews of your cup on the themagiccafe.com a few months ago and I was very impressed. Everyone who has one seems to love it. When I saw yours pop up on ebay this morning I was amazed. I must have spent twenty minutes or more checking around trying to verify that it was in fact one of your cups and not a knock-off.

The cup with balls and bag, plus the dvd, and now the Phoenix Deck of cards, makes for a very nice package at a great price. Its all going into my stocking for Christmas Day. Merry Christmas to me!

After reading the description of the new version I'm afraid I am developing a lust for one of those too. Is there no end to our desires? Alas, I fear not.

If anyone is interested in the deal I got, Mr. Nicot has one more listed on the big auction site. Just search for "THE BAR CUP & DVD The World's Greatest Magic Series - Chop Cup Combo Pack".

Merry Christmas y'all.

Bapu practices law and conjuring in the Great Smoky Mountains of East Tennessee.
Bill Palmer
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My new version of the Bar Cup arrived just minutes ago. I'm very pleased with it. I was worried that the bottom would be indented so much that it would look odd. It isn't. The depression is very subtle, but will enable you to put a ball on top of the inverted cup without having to worry about it falling off. All the other features are very nice.

So I now have all three versions.

Very nice work, Roger!

(And Mark, as well)
"The Swatter"

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My Chickasaw name is "Throws Money at Cups."

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Profile of RevJohn
Thanks for all of your thoughts and reviews.

Will be picking this up at the beginning of the new year. Sounds good!

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Profile of cava
On 2011-12-17 13:12, Bill Palmer wrote:
So I now have all three versions.

Bill, just curious. Are those the other two versions:

Whitlock's "Shaken, Not Stirred" seen in http://www.clarkwirthlin.com/


Pete Biro and Joe Porper's COCKTAIL SURPRISE! http://www.stevensmagic.com/index.php?ma......D=111824

Or are you meaning previous Roger Nicot one/s ?
Roger Nicot
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Hi Cava.....

I am certain Bill is referring to the three generations of "The Bar Cup" circa 1987 to 2011. He is doing better than I am in that respect.
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Thanks Roger,

I've just found out (Cups and Balls Museum) Bill is referring to your three generations of "The Bar Cup" ... although he also has the other two I was talking about... as well as anything else that could came to my mind.

Overwhelming ! I'm speechless after a look at his collection! (Thanks Bill)
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Profile of puggo
Mine arrived this morning. I was concerned as when I ordered it, I didn't know it was shipping from the states. It arrived in a reasonable time (considering), was well packaged and is a beautiful prop.

The main routine looks very good and is well explained. The short routine is also good. The music on the DVD is dire! Mark and Paul are good instructors and fun to watch.

This really is chop cup 'plus'. I have nearly a couple of weeks before my next gig, so will enjoy working on this.

Thanks Roger (and Mark), I am very pleased with this.

Roger Nicot
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Thank YOU, Charlie! ...and have a Merry Christmas!
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Whoops.. I just lost about 4 hours working on this!

Some further thoughts -
I enjoyed the inerview with Roger, particularly in regard to the creative process & history
I received blue balls - These are very nice quality but are not a lot of good with the black bag / my black mini mat. as they are not very visible. No biggie, I'll have to order some red ones (my existing red ones are a bit worn & fluffy). I do think that a bright colour (sorry, color) such as red or yellow would be best
The cup finish / quality is excellent
The cup has a very nice weight and feel
The longer routine has some great moments which makes it unique compared to a normal cup.

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Profile of bunkyhenry
I watched the video and was amused when the performer said that "he had never let this out before"... make the lemon move a little when revealing it as it provides some misdirection. Mark expressed shock that he would "tip" this great secret.
Nevertheless a great quality cup and the recessed top is great!

Also, the tired joke about having "two balls" in front of the 7 yr. old girl was tasteless.
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Profile of sileeni
I am the performer on that dvd.
I have worked the chop cup for many years and to my knowledge, no one has talked about moving the first lemon. To you it may seem pointless but I think very carefully about everything I do. The gag about two balls is a "you can laugh because the kids don't get it" gag.
I have watched David Copperfield do the Changing Underwear routine in front of a family audience with all the gags. Is he tasteless?
Wayne Dobson perform egg bag in front of a family audience with lots of in jokes. Is he tasteless?
I could mention loads more performers...
Why don't you lighten up.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but comments like that can stop performers contributing on forums such as this.
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I'm light! That old line is still tasteless. And if my comments prevent you from contributing it's ok with me.
Andrew Zuber
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Gosh, so someone expressing their opinion will cause performers not to contribute? Interesting.

I would say if you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen.
"I'm sorry - if you were right, I would agree with you." -Robin Williams, Awakenings
Bill Palmer
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On 2011-12-29 17:38, sileeni wrote:
I am the performer on that dvd.
I have worked the chop cup for many years and to my knowledge, no one has talked about moving the first lemon. To you it may seem pointless but I think very carefully about everything I do.

It's not pointless. It's just that you evidently haven't read as much of the literature as you think you have. Many performers kick the first load. It may not be a lemon, but giving the first load a bit of a tap is not new. However, Don Alan was rather specific about why he didn't believe it was necessary.

The gag about two balls is a "you can laugh because the kids don't get it" gag.

You really think they don't get it? You are WRONG!
Don Alan had the good sense not to say it. He would let an audience member say it, then he would respond by glaring at them. The line is hackneyed and, yes, tasteless.


I have watched David Copperfield do the Changing Underwear routine in front of a family audience with all the gags. Is he tasteless?


Wayne Dobson perform egg bag in front of a family audience with lots of in jokes. Is he tasteless?


I could mention loads more performers...

Sure you could. So could I. But just because a prominent performer is tasteless at one time or another doesn't make it right. What would you do if some mother or father slapped you in front of their child for making a tasteless remark. Or suppose you were working at a restaurant, you did that line, and a regular customer went to the manager and said, "This magician insulted my daughter. I'll never darken your door again." How long do you think you would stay booked there? As far as I know YOU aren't Copperfield or Dobson.

Why don't you lighten up.

Maybe some of us feel this is important.

Did you ever hear Mike Close's lecture? Mike talks about having to clean up after magicians who insult their audiences.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but comments like that can stop performers contributing on forums such as this.

Sure they can.
"The Swatter"

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My Chickasaw name is "Throws Money at Cups."

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Why didn't Don Alan think it was necessary?
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Profile of Mobius303
The surprise of the load showing is enough of a surprise to load the cup without resorting to having the audience chase the load.

Don't run if nobody is chasing you is what he told me many years ago as a young magician in the 70's.

If you watch his routine on video you will see that he didn't need to kick the load because you still can't catch him doing anything at all.
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Profile of rmendez
I have been performing with the bar cup since October 2009 when I received one that my girlfriend had engraved for me for my birthday. I posted a review the week I received it here http://www.themagiccafe.com/forums/viewt......orum=109 Naturally, when I saw this released, I couldn't help purchasing the new ensemble from Mark Mason since it included a slightly modified bar cup, additional accessories and a DVD. It arrived in the mail the week of Christmas to my sheer delight. Mine came with canary blue working balls which are incredibly aesthetically pleasing to the eyes and touch and perfectly calibrated for use with this cup. I also experimented with RNT2 working and final load olives and found that they compliment what was already a near perfectly complete package. I can't say enough good things about this reasonably priced set. A real pleasure to own and perform with and comes highly recommended.
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Profile of Bapu
You really think they don't get it? You are WRONG!
Don Alan had the good sense not to say it. He would let an audience member say it, then he would respond by glaring at them. The line is hackneyed and, yes, tasteless.

Hear hear!
Bapu practices law and conjuring in the Great Smoky Mountains of East Tennessee.
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