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M&M Magic
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Hello all! I came upon this program and it looks very good. Could I please get a review on it? Does it work like it says? How did it work for you? Does it work in all economic regions? Thank you!
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Profile of Mindpro
James Munton pops in here from time to time and seems quite accessible to answer questions about this. Seems many speak very highly of him and this program. Very credible.
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Profile of MT
I'm also curious what users of it think of it. I've got a bunch of marketing courses just want to see how this is helpful.
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Profile of charliecheckers
I purchased James Mutton's course last summer. To answer your question "Does it work like it says?" - that will depend on if you work like he says to. It is much like an exercise program, if you stick to the program it works. To answer your question more specifically though, you will need to have a strong show to start, as I do not recall much on show content in the course. He provides detailed and specific tips on what markets to pursue and how to land the gigs, as well as how to make the most from each one. He also includes an opportunity to ask questions directly to him for up to one year from purchase. I will also mention here that I am not a full time magician. I am a student and I book shows around my school schedule. My intent in purchasing James Mutton's course was to greatly increase my bookings, not to become a full timer. Now I book as many shows as I can handle and I will be turning shows away this summer. I owe much of that to James' for sharing (at my expense of course) his secrets. I believe anyone who has a strong show and lives in a reasonably populated area could follow James receipe and be booked solid soon enough. If you have a personality like James, you could do it in 30 days as he states he did.

P.S. Mindpro is right on. Prior to my purchase, I PM'd James and asked him to view my website to determine if my type of show would benefit from his course. He took the time to review my website and promptly got back to me with several specific reasons why his course was right for me.
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Profile of dearwiseone
M&M Magic,
His course is fantastic. Will it book you solid? No. But it will give you some strategies and ideas that can get the ball rolling..Absolutely. If you put in the work and do everything he suggests (and you have a good product and good personality), you should be able to get yourself booked solid.

James should be charging much, much more for his course, it's filled with incredibly valuable insights from a real professional. Having completed his course, and knowing what I know, I would have spent more than double his asking price and felt like I got a great return on my money.

Some advice: don't skip things over, massive action is the only way to get results! Don't just blow through the course, make sure you're taking action on the information you've already assimilated before you attempt to absorb more!

Best Wishes,
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Profile of Mindpro
Is this based on/for kids party entertainers? Or would it work for theaters and corporate entertainers?
Al Angello
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James is the owner of the magic bistro, and he posts there daily.
Al Angello The Comic Juggler/Magician
"Footprints on your ceiling are almost gone"
James Munton
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Thank you for the nice comments. I agree with almost everything you mentioned - especially about not blowing through the course and needing to take massive action yourself. No marketing course can hand bookings to you on a plate. My course requires you to do some serious self-analysis and make some major changes to how you go about things. I think of it like playing guitar. You can get into some bad habits which can be quite hard to correct. But I try to break everything down into manageable steps.

One thing I want to correct is that there is no time limit on completing the course. Yes, it is designed to read through in 30 days. But it will probably take you longer to do all the things I say. And many people go through more than once. I find people tend to race through it the first time and then go back when they realize things aren't working as they had hoped and do everything properly.

The course is designed for people like myself who are "general practitioners" and do both family and adult shows and tend to stay mainly local. This describes about 80% of full-time performers I would say. However, there are many articles that are applicable for adult-only performers.

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Profile of curtgunz
I recently took this course (End of 2011).

Here's my review. I have been meaning to do this for some time. Full disclosure: I have never met James Munton and had never really heard of him before this course. So, even though my review is pretty positive, I hope it is objective too.

BACKGROUND: I have been full time as a Clown/Magician since July 2011 (not even a year yet). When I ordered the course it was tough to come up with the money because I was really struggling to get things off the ground.

WHAT IT IS: The course is a set of instructions meant to be worked through every day. It is NOT a 3-Ring Binder you get in the mail. It is NOT an eBook you download. The daily interaction pages are not very long. That's a plus and a minus. They are easy to work through even when you are busy. The minus is that sometimes the topics are handled relativity briefly.

James does not promise to get YOU booked solid in 30 days. It is what he did to go from Zero to Booked Solid in 30-days after moving from DC to Dallas. His tips have helped me book a lot more gigs but I did not get "booked solid" in 30-days. I'd love to get more and am getting closer to my goals every day. This is not a magic bullet approach but specific steps that work (but they take hard work).

I have read (and written) marketing material in other fields. This is not warmed-over Dan Kennedy or Alex Mandossian stuff. It is specific steps for magicians and not general internet marketing stuff.

It handles very practical day-to-day issues yet emphasizes the big picture.

I tracked carefully and I earned back the cost of the program in less than a month. I counted money I earned directly from James tips, not general advice that encouraged me to do better marketing but very specific tips that got me gigs that I would not have gotten without the course.

The course is worth more than it costs (that's how I define a good value) in these ways. NOTE: I do mostly kids shows so my comments are about what I use for kids shows. Here's my partial list of items that each would make it worth the cost:

1) What James says about how to close the show so the birthday child gets a great surprise and the other kids get jealous (and wanting you at their next birthday).

2) The way James handles photos so mom and day feel they got their money's worth (and other moms and dads want to book you too).

3) Resources for where to purchase things like marketing materials, banners, customer relationship management tools, and things that have already saved me more money than the cost of the course. These are things I would have bought anyway. James' suggestions saved me money.

4) Areas to expand my market. (I've booked over $1000 in gigs that were in markets I had not served before, since taking the course).

5) Suggestions for follow-up. James' blueprint for what to say and do as you get paid and Thank You emails have helped me book extra gigs.

6) TOTTR helped me get a lot more gigs. But I'm still working on that. (I'm not going to tell you what TOTTR stands for. Yes, it is a marketing tease so you will take the course, but it is worth a lot. If you do this right you will be the number one performer in your market.)


1) The material is great but I want to be fair and give you a realistic picture. There is not a lot of material compared to some other courses. The daily format keeps it short and pithy. But, that comes at a cost. There is not a whole lot of material. He hits high points and sets you in the right direction. Not every aspect is explained in the detail that I am used to from these types of tools.

2) I took the course during one of James' busy periods and sometimes I'd have to wait a couple of days for a reply to my comments. He is very personal with the comments and interaction but it is not going to be as fast as an autoresponder, form email, or note from an office assistant.

BOTTOM LINE: I made my money back in a short time. That's all I would have needed to know before I took this. I have more money now than I did before taking the course directly because of things James taught.

Also, the ideas continue to make me money. Over the next year I will make MANY times more than the cost of the program directly from things I am doing now that I would not be doing if I had not purchased the program.

This course makes good business sense because you will have more money in your pocket.
Click for Free Resources for Performers

YouTube channel specifically for family & kids show magicians. Click -- You need to subscribe.
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Profile of MrHyde
Great review.
If you want to see a short video that shows screenshots etc
visit. Http://

There is a special price on for a few more days

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Profile of MT
Mr Hyde. When is the last day of the deal?

Since you're promoting it, what have you personally gotten out of the marketing course. Just curious.
Al Kazam the Magic Man
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MT asked: what have you personally gotten out of the marketing course. Just curious.

Probably money, as he is a re-seller of the product. Smile Mr. Hyde does not do kids shows anymore.
Magic guy in Perth Australia
Sam Sandler
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Yes it expires on March 222nd at least that is what the website says!

I don't own the course matter of fact I don't own any of the marketing courses but this one has been given some really good reviews and comes highly recommended and like any marketing course it all comes down to how hard YOU are willing to work.

sam sandler- America's only full-time DEAF Illusionist
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Profile of MrHyde
On 2012-03-19 12:26, MT wrote:
Mr Hyde. When is the last day of the deal?

Since you're promoting it, what have you personally gotten out of the marketing course. Just curious.


Yeah, the deal is still on, probably for another week.

I've hardly been home in the last few days near my desktop
to actually change the "last day" date OR remove the link.
(And that may stay there for a few days more. Back on a plane
in half an hour, Sydney to Cairns.3 days work at a corporate event
then fly to Fiji, get on a Princess Ship and cruise back to Sydney.

But still managing to process the sales "on the road".
The last sale went through when I was in Bali for the day
having dinner just down the road from where the 5 terrorists
were shot on Sunday night. Yikes.

I actually help promote very few products from other people.
Sometimes for a small commission, sometimes because they are friends.
In this case both.

No I don't do kids shows any more, or even family style shows.
But, I know it's good and great value and that's why I help James market it.

Yes, I got a few things out of the course. A couple of useful tools.
I also think James is dynamic and quite motivating
and if you want to get ahead in this game
start hanging out with dynamic and motivating people
rather than armchair experts.

I've not heard of anyone who has not recieved
far more than $150 value from this innovative course.

James Munton
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Timothy Hyde is THE MAN and my absolute first choice to do a joint venture with.

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Profile of Marqus
I hope Timothy keeps the special up until tomorrow as I'm seriously considering getting this tonight even though I DON"T do kid or family shows.

I think it may be adaptable to dinner parties & corporate.

James Munton
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Yes, I cover all that in the course too.

I think Timothy is still swanning around the South China Sea on a cruise so I am sure the offer will be good for a few more days!
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Profile of magicmaninsd
I took James' course a few months back. Here's the thing, you don't have to do kid shows in order to benefit from this course. I do kid shows and corporate and private party events. James' course shows you different techniques for each market.

Now, here is where James' course is different from all the other courses. If you ask a question he will make sure you're in the right place in the course and if you're not he will "politely" tell you to go back and finish the steps before. This happened to me. I wanted to move forward and get to all the meat and potatoes parts about booking shows. He reeled me back and now I appreciate it.

James gives you a 1) solid foundation on which a real business in entertainment is based and 2) the tools to go out and make business for yourself.

It is a great course and after I was done I bought his instant author package and instead of shleping goodie bags all over town every weekend I print books for $1 each and sell them for $5 each and make an extra $50-$100 per kid show!

The course has paid for itself many times as has his author book. I am in debt to James Munton!

Josh London
David Thiel
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Profile of David Thiel
I have to say that I'm intrigued enough to take the I AM taking the course.

James told me that my websites were awful, that I wasn't telling my clients the right things and that my 20+ years as a full time performer were both a big advantage and a huge disadvantage. He's a real charmer. Smile But you know something? Maybe he's right.

As performers we design our own acts, our own costumes, our scripting, our marketing materials, our websites, or sales materials our own EVERYTHING. Who knows it all? Not me. Good advice is as valuable as gold. If it saves time...GREAT. If it lands me more bookings...GREATER.

I've managed to perform full-time for over 20 years precisely because I welcome help and advice from people who know more than I do. So what's a hundred and fifty bucks compared to maybe learning valuable techniques that can land even more shows? I'll make the investment back the first time I'm booked. So where's the risk?

The course has good reviews from people I respect, James is credible in his And who doesn't want more bookings?

Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Except bears. Bears will kill you.

My books are here:
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Profile of magicmaninsd
David, you won't regret it. James is perfectly right in saying that having 20 years experience is both good and bad. I recently asked for a review of my newly designed kid show website on the Café here and a lot of people didn't like the site. But here's the thing, it worked and continues to pull better than my old site.

James' course will be very upfront and honest and let you know if it's working or not. You'll be able to stop thinking like a magician and start thinking like a party planner. He is a solid guy and it was a pleasure doing business with him.

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