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Profile of CarpetShark
This may sound crazy, but being new here allows one a certain leeway in 'stupid questions' Smile I'm having a little trouble hanging onto an English penny when in Down's Palm, even the Classic Palm, as the edges are smooth. Is it possible/practical to somehow roughen up the edge of a coin without making a mess of it ? Are there any other methods of increasing friction of smooth edged coins ?

The likely answer is no, suck it up and learn to deal with smooth coins! Then again, if I don't ask, I'll never know for sure Smile
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Landrum, S.C. by way of Chicago
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Profile of Stanyon
David Roth sells a rosin...there is violin rosin...if you can find a small packet of Bowler's rosin, applied to the edge of the coin (sparingly).

aka Steve Taylor

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Spokane, WA
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Profile of Atom3339
Try some hand lotion, my friend. And keep practising.

Occupy Your Dream
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Profile of CarpetShark
Thanks for the help Stanyon, Atom, always appreciate the assistance. I have heard/read of a number of hand products,but not touching up the edges of smooth coins with rosin;brilliant idea !

Atom, your answer is what I expected to hear, but as stated, you never now till you ask. For the experience I picked up a very fine file, then tried hand-milling on both a previously milled edge - worn smooth over time, and an English penny. Results were not too bad, although I would certainly not use these for much except building up the calluses Smile

While on this subject, another newb-question: is it possible to restore some of a coin's milled edges by cleaning any gunk stuck in there ? If so, what would you recommend as a cleaning procedure, e.g. boiling, sonic bath, chemical process ?

Thanks for reading
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Spokane, WA
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Profile of Atom3339
Carpet, What happens after you handle coins with edges for quite awhile, it gets much easier to handle coins without edges. You're going to a lot of trouble now that you won't need to in a few weeks. Roth suggests rosin for the edges but that's mainly for handling multiple coins; for example, four coins in CP you're going to release one at a time. I learned palming with dollars, which made handling half dollar-sized coins a cinch.

Hand lotion helps. I actually use Bath And Body Works Body Lotion in a tube; various scents available. It moisturizes your hands and gives you a little stickiness too. Use a LITTLE bit---gives me the same grip as the rosin.

Hope that helps!

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