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What do you guys think of this version of the trick?


the patter I use for this version "this is a little card game where all you have to do is find the queen of clubs (or a joker if you're using the cards that came with the trick)... and it's pretty easy because the top card is a queen of clubs (put that card down)... and it's even easier because the bottom card is also the queen of clubs.... (put second card down)... and it really seems too simple, because the two middle cards are also the queen of clubs. but in reality, this game is harder than it seems because this is a 5 of hearts, this is a 5 of hearts, and these two are also 5 of hearts (show all cards).

I like NFW a lot... but I didn't like doing the elmsley count with the tape. I also didn't like only showing 3 of the cards face up. I would use the patter of "i've got 4 face down jokers... but watch *snap fingers* ... I can make one of them turn down.. but wait...i'm also a mentalist, and I know that you're thinking that maybe one card was face down to begin with... so I'll do it again, watch... *snap*"... show 2 face down, etc.

but I actually think the way that NFW is performed is probably a lot better. the beginning part of the trick where the cards go face down makes the transformation way more unexpected than the version I performed. is there any way that I could improve this version of the trick (i didn't come up with it btw, I saw someone post a video of it somewhere a while ago)... is there any way to get the best of both worlds?

or should I just practice NFW more? I can still do the trick without problems the vast majority of the time... I just prefer to do this other version because it's so much simpler and I don't have to use awkward patter to cover up why I don't show all 4 cards normally and I don't have to risk messing up an elmsley count.

Posted: Jun 17, 2012 10:49pm
Ok... I was just playing around with both versions of the trick for the last half hour and here's what I've come up with:

for NFW... I think it might be better just to say "i'm gonna do a 4 card trick... 3 cards are face up, one is face down". so you never even say that you have 4 jokers, or that the turned down card is a joker... you're simply saying that you have 4 cards, 3 face up, 1 face down. people will assume that the values of the card don't have anything to do with the trick... and will probably assume that the face down card is also a joker.. .but since you're never saying this, they have no reason to question or doubt you. and by the time you get near the end of the trick where all 4 cards are face down... I think person is just pretty disappointed that they just saw a crappy card trick and they couldn't care less about the fact that they never saw the face down card. then obviously you shock them with the ending.

also, I'm finding the count a lot easier to do using a bit weaker tape... I would just have to change the tape every 1 or 2 performances.

and with respect to the other version of NFW that I posted above. after I have the two cards face down on the table... then I put the 3rd and 4th card, face to face... then show point to all 4 face down cards. so here's where I make the improvement from the video: separate the two face to face cards so that the back is always showing to the spectator (and you're now staring at the two 5 of hearts, or aces, or whatever cards you're using). Then put those two cards down next to the other two (and you can drop them from a few inches and handle them in such a way to that they seem like single cards)... so that now you have 4 face down cards on the table. Now, you say "and I'm going to help you out a little bit... most people first guess that the queen of clubs is the 3rd card (which is your only gimmicked card of the 4)... so I'm going to help you out and show you that this card isn't a queen of clubs. and you flip it over very cleanly, revealing that it's a 5 of hearts. then you put that card away (and maybe replace it with a normal 5 of hearts since they'll be busy trying to decide which of the remaining 3 cards they should pick). then you can eventually get them to turn over all three cards themselves... saying stuff like "ok, one more chance to find the queen of clubs" (or you can make it a gambling game) ... so they'll be able to handle 3 of the cards... and the 4th card you can have switched out a long time ago, so maybe you're just holding it in your hand. therefore you can throw the switched out card on the table and.... YOU FINISH CLEAN!

and also... maybe it would be cool to have the 4 queens re-appear at the end somehow. for example, maybe you have one of those card boxes with a false bottom that you can hide cards under... you take your original packet out of there... then close the box so that the next time you open it, 4 queen of clubs will be face up in there. so they can examine all 8 cards in the end, and they'll be pretty dumbfounded I would guess.

I think I'm also going to change it so that the 4 queen of clubs turn into 4 random red spot cards (instead of all 5 of hearts).
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Profile of dduane

Some good ideas there. I like your vid, although you may want to loosen up your grip - looks a little suspicious. I do NFW as prescribed in the directions. I do a block count to show 4 face up at the start. Don't call attention to this - they can see that there are 4 cards. My best advice: don't use tape. Get ZIG 2-Way Glue. It is awesome. Won't harm your cards, and can be rubbed off like rubber cement.


Russell Davidson
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Profile of Russell Davidson
My patter for this eliminates the awkward count at the start to show 4 face up jokers.

I simply say I've got 4 face up jokers but remark how no-one really uses them, they normally get thrown away or ignored. Because of this, over the years the jokers have developed an inferiority complex & are shy. Then when one is face down on the first count I say "See, one is so shy he doesn't want to show his face". Of course they all become shy one at a time. It's daft but it gives a reason for them turning face down, especially the first one they never see.

What I love about this trick is that the turning down phase is suckering them in for the big magical punch in the face at the end. Packet tricks really don't come any better than NFW.
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Profile of atinczor
I use a D.M Count. I think it is the easiest count to show four jokers when in fact just using two.
It's in Daryl's Enc. Card Sleights Vol.7.
Hope it helps...
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To the 10 magicians who don't have this yet..
What are you waiting for .. Smile ...
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Profile of FightOnRon
I am one of the 10, because I do not consider my self a magician per se but a magic hobbyist. I like to learn and do tricks for myself and a few friends but I think in my senior years it helps me to stay sharp. My question about this trick is, do I have the ability? I would consider myself a low- intermediate in ability...an example is I can do color monte with no problem or anything that uses an Elmsley count (which to me is very easy to do). So, can I do this trick? Or a better question, do I have a good enough background in sleights to try this?
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Profile of todsky
On 2012-09-25 19:28, FightOnRon wrote:
I am one of the 10,,because I do not consider my self a magician per say but a magic hobbyist. I like to learn and do tricks for myself and a few friends but I think in my senior years it helps me to stay sharp. My question about this trick is,,do I have the ability. I would consider myself a low- intermediate in ability,,,,,an example is I can do color monte with no problem or anything that uses an Elmsley count (which to me is very easy to do). So,can I do this trick? Or a better question, do I have a good enough background in sleights to try this?

If you can do Color Monte and an Elmsley count you should have no trouble at all with NFW.
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Profile of magicman491
I don't use it because you can't show four face UP jokers
Russell Davidson
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On 2012-10-10 03:13, magicman491 wrote:
I don't use it because you cant show four face UP jokers

Most people don't show 4 jokers anyway as it's difficult to make the count look convincing. However, you are missing out on a very strong trick & there are a myriad of ways to avoid that initial display.
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Profile of magicman491
What do you mean they don't show the four jokers, I have the trick, don't use it though, do they just say "1 flips over, second flips over etc.?
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Profile of shakuni
Hi, you can show the four jokers. But I don't know the name of the counting technique to be used to do it. Please help me in this thread for the same: http://www.themagiccafe.com/forums/viewt......um=201&0 Thanks.
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Profile of RussoMagic.com
I love this trick as well guys.. but my thoughts are at the end.. wouldn't it be cool to switch out for (4) reg. aces to examine?

Could use a Switch-a-roo device or something... what would be the justification of putting the cards in your pocket though... hmmmm... what do you guys think?
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Profile of joseph
Put them into your Himber wallet, and ask if there are any questions.
If they ask to see the cards, you are all set.. Smile ...
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Yeah, that is an idea...
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Profile of Stanyon
Yeah, you are all set to get backtracked by the spectators. If I ever was worried about grab happy people I would just make sure that when displaying the final four Aces...the "special" remained in my hand. Hey, it's only one card...right?


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Right..That's the one they will want to look at..Don't think like a magician.. Smile ...
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It may just be old age creeping up on me but I remember when this trick first came out and a lot of people I knew at the time wouldnt buy it because of the name "NFW" time warp to now "@#$%^&* Coins" I personally never let the name make my decision to buy or not - only we, the magicians, know the name of the effect - not the laymen out there. I certainly do not approach a table and say "Now I will perform hopping halves followed by scotch and soda and then my ambitious card routine - for my final trick - I will secretly make 4 sponge balls end up in your hand while you think there are 2.'
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On 2012-10-15 06:27, joseph wrote:
Right..That's the one they will want to look at..Don't think like a magician.. Smile ...

But would not your "Himber Wallet" switch raise suspicion?

Just say'in.

aka Steve Taylor

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I take them out of it, and put em back..never been called on the wallet..
but whatever works for you is good...
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Profile of Mb217
I've never found the need for a Himber Wallet with this. I have always just showed the cards and put them away. Never had a spec question beyond that, and I think it has a lot to do with your confidence in the magic as well.

Also, I gotta agree with my friend PD here as to the name of effects, makes no difference to them as you never say what the name of an effect is while presenting it most times. Just crazy that such things make so much difference to some magicians to the point that they would speak ill of an effect and or encourage others not to buy it.

And PD, you're right that NFW is a great example of that as is this new coin DVD with the salty name. Smile For what it's worth, the coin DVD is pretty darn good if people look pass their nose on it, which I hope they do as they clearly did with NFW, which is still very much one of the very best packet tricks of all time IMHO. Smile
*Check out my latest: Gifts From The Old Country: A Mini-Magic Book, MBs Mini-Lecture on Coin Magic, The MB Tanspo PLUS, MB's Morgan, Copper Silver INC, Double Trouble, FlySki, Crimp Change - REDUX!, and other fine magic at gumroad.com/mb217magic Smile

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