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Makus Regular user 148 Posts |
Being a medicine doctor in Italy, I've heard more than once the three following urban legends (I do not know if they are restricted to Italy, or have a worldwide distribution):
1) A biker has an accident. The paramedics arrive with the ambulance, and when the helmet is removed, the head of the poor biker splits exactly in two parts; 2) Two lovers (not very young) remain interlaced during sexual intercourse, and must be brought "linked together" with an ambulance to the hospital; 3) A young man finds a beautiful girl, and after a night of love, the girl is gone and in the mirror is written with red lipstic: "Welcome in the world of Aids". ------ This last is a very old one: the first two are rather common! |
jugglestruck Inner circle Wales 1038 Posts |
It can't be THAT old.... |
Makus Regular user 148 Posts |
You are right... But probably it was the first urban legend I've heard in my life in the 80s, from a young woman who studied at the Uni! It's awasome to notice how these urban legends are told around by people who have some instructional basis and education!
jugglestruck Inner circle Wales 1038 Posts |
I hear what you're saying. Around us it is common belief in schools that teachers can't apply plasters to cuts on children as it is evidence that they touched them. The Welsh Assembly had to write an official statement saying this was not true.
bowers Inner circle Oakboro N.C. 7024 Posts |
We have a site not too far from me
called booger holler where a young girl was klled by a car.If you go there and stop at the bottom of the hill and put your car in neutral Your car will roll up the hill.And they say if you sprinkle baby powder on the trunk of the car you will see hand print's of the girl where she pushed the car up the hill. Todd |
Gumar Oz DuBar Loyal user 244 Posts |
Alligators (or crocodiles depending on the version) living in abundance in the sewer systems.
I've heard that all my life.
I write and edit text.
James FX Regular user Virginia 178 Posts |
On 2013-12-27 17:34, Gumar Oz DuBar wrote: I've heard this too, does anyone know if there's any truth to it? |
Gumar Oz DuBar Loyal user 244 Posts |
On 2014-01-01 12:29, James FX wrote: My third grade teacher, when I asked, said, "no". Don't know how legitimate or credible a source she is, but I'm inclined to agree with her.
I write and edit text.
jugglestruck Inner circle Wales 1038 Posts |
I have it on "good" authority that there is no truth to the crocodile/sewer story - I wait to be proved wrong.
George Hunter Inner circle 2044 Posts |
At every camp I attended as a boy, we were duly warned about the salt peter in the Caféteria food.
George |
jugglestruck Inner circle Wales 1038 Posts |
A friend told me a few weeks back that if a contact lens gets behind the eyeball the body will absorb it and pass it through the flesh until it finally exits the skin via a blister.
weepinwil Inner circle USA 3837 Posts |
The farting cadaver... oh wait, that isn't a legend, that is true.
"Til Death us do part!" - Weepin Willie
weepinwil Inner circle USA 3837 Posts |
On 2013-09-29 14:19, Makus wrote: I volunteer as an EMT and number 1 is fairly common, although may not be exactly in half. That's why we call motor cycle helmets brain buckets. Never had number 2 happen exactly like that but picked up a woman with a lost vibrator inside her. Since the only thing we pull out of there is babies we transported her and let the doctor figure it out.
"Til Death us do part!" - Weepin Willie
weepinwil Inner circle USA 3837 Posts |
I had a teacher that said chewing gum would make you go blind. She wore glasses so I thought she should know.
"Til Death us do part!" - Weepin Willie
Nuker New user 5 Posts |
I've heard variations of this in a number of cities in Canada and the US. Always a guy who did it though
So I heard this guy was in building X (the building changes with the city) on the 40th floor and was bragging about how the windows were shatterproof and he would run up to one and bounce off just to scare everyone. One day he tried that in front of some new interns and the window shattered outwards and he fell to his death. It always sounds plausible because you name a building, say it happened about 5-10 years ago etc. That's how these urban legends seem to work. You're never really sure and you end up checking into it online..... just in case .... |
jugglestruck Inner circle Wales 1038 Posts |
I remember hearing the window story (a long time ago) and believing it...
alergy New user Derby, UK 25 Posts |
On Sep 25, 2012, spookyone wrote: Men hiding in the backseat? News from 5th September 2014 This Really Happens... |
jugglestruck Inner circle Wales 1038 Posts |
Blimey, poor bloke, it makes you realise just how good we have got it over here.
Intrepid Inner circle Silver Spring, MD 1197 Posts |
A favorite of kids near Baltimore was "Black Aggie." On a dare a college student accepted the challenge of sitting on the statues lap at midnight. He was found dead the next day in the arms of the statute.
bbeishline New user 62 Posts |
At work some guys were recently discussing how Mr. Rogers was a military sniper before his career as Mr. Rogers, and that he always wore long sleeves to cover up the military sniper bad ass tattoos on his arms. I'd heard that before and knew it was an urban myth, and pointed them to snopes. Some of them really thought it was true.
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