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Anyone know any good sponge ball routines? I won some from my society for getting the trick of the month and I want a good resource to start me off.
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Profile of smullins
The routine from Mark Wilson's Complete Course is a good starting point. I like the teaching there a lot. If I was to pick one, that would be it.

The World's Greatest DVD "Sponge Balls" has a bunch of great routines on it with some good teaching as well from some of the best in a business at a good price. It glosses over some sleights though and assumes little knowledge. I wouldn't pick up this DVD to learn a retention vanish but when things are pieced together it's nice to see how others have structured their routines.

There are a few good other sources such as SPONGE by Jay Noblezada which teaches a bunch of great fundamentals such as vanishes, productions and a couple simple routines.
Shawn Mullins

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Profile of Yellowcustard
The routine from Mark Wilson's Complete Course is a great one. If you don't have the book it worth getting your use a least 1 or 2 things from it.

I do a simple routine using only 2 balls and a purse frame. The main base is from Daryl.

I know if use different props but ear plugs by Sanky is a new spin on a old classic.

Enjoy your magic,

and let others enjoy it as well!
Mr. Woolery
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Patrick Page's DVD was really helpful to me when I started playing with sponges. I agree that the Mark Wilson routine is excellent. I'd love to see it on a video some time.

Alan Munro
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I learned sponges balls from reading The Mark Wilson Course and from watching Steve Dacri.
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I also found the Wilson routine wonderful for starting sponge ball magic.
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Illusionist, Illusionist consulting, product development, stage consultant, seasoned performer for over 35 years. Specializing in original effects. Highly opinionated, usually correct, and not afraid of jealous critics. I've been a puppet, a pirate, a pawn and a King. Free lance gynecologist.
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On 2012-11-08 11:08, magicians wrote:
My sponge routine

That's so cool!
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Profile of rudy-ray
I learned sponges from Steve Darci's "Spongball Toolbox"
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Profile of failed_drummer
One of my favourites is this one by Patrick Kun:
Lawrence O
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Oh, here are a few other routines

Abbott, Bill: Bill Abbott People Pleasing Magic Lecture Denny & Lee Magic Studio; These are the lecture notes from Bill Abbott's dynamite lecture. The notes are illustrated with black and white photos throughout. In these notes Bill explain his opening sponge ball routine. Aside from routines, Bill shares his thoughts on Performing Magic in a Restaurant, Creating Original Presentations, Selecting the Proper Material, Being Organized, and Volunteer and Audience Management. & Bill Abbott Performs For Kids DVD This Deluxe Edition DVD Set includes the re-edited and re-mastered original performances and explanations from the landmark DVDs Bill Abbott Performs Close-Up For Kids and Bill Abbott Performs Stand-Up For Kids plus over 75 minutes of Deluxe Edition Bonus Features. The DVD includes Sponge Balls, a classic that Bill uses as a perfect opener for kids. The Bonus section features Sponge Snack: when touring across Canada Bill performed this silent opener 110 times in 90 days! Develop an instant rapport with audiences with this humorous routine that non-verbally communicates that your show will be fun, magical and full of surprises.

Akkelian, Bedros: Art of Attraction Vol 2 DVD; Love story: Get your sponge balls out of your bottom drawer and back in your pocket, this practical routine will leave them wanting more...every time. The Art of Attraction is the division of Social Magic that concentrates on interactions between men and women.

Alan, Don: Close-Up Time ©1951 Magic Inc. It's Flashy!: Produce sponge balls, coins, etc. in a flash of light. Pretty nifty & Hugard’s Magic Monthly Vol IX N° 9 February 1952 p 894 Book Profiles by John Crimmins Jr: “ …I especially liked his flash introduction to the sponge ball routine wherein the balls actually appear from a burst of flame ” & In a Class by Himself, The Legacy of Don Alan ©1996, 2000 by Jon Racherbaumer, Published by L&L Publishing; p 43 Benson Bowl (Over): Bowl and sponge ball routine with large ball bearing climax; p 49 Benson's Visual-retention vanish: sponge ball move explained

Alibaba.com: Daseng: (marketed item) three regular size red heart shaped sponge ball with a Jumbo heart for the climax

Ammar, Michael: 3D Rabbits by Magic by Gosh ©2000. A sponge routine that includes 3 adults and 5 baby rabbits. The instructions are by Michael Ammar, and follow the pattern of his excellent "Complete Cups and Balls" book in using clear black and white photos to display all the actions. There are 4 'pages' on one 8.5x11" sheet

Anderson, George B. Magic Digest Digest Books ©1972 p 39 The Sponge Balls: a sponge multiplies in the spectator's hand, then appears under a cup in a Benson-bowl type routine

Andrews, Carl: Magic From Maui ©2003 Carl Andrews. Published by The Cairn Press, Norwich, U.K. p 85 Two Cups and Balls Table-Hopping Routine: A standing routine, no jacket required. Used as a lead-in to a sponge ball routine. Williamson's striking vanish is briefly described. p 89 Ain't No Mo': Carl's sponge ball routine using 2 one inch balls and 1 two inch sponge ball. Teaches the "pit stop" ball load technique; p 92 About Sponge Ball Magic: the importance of an in-the-hands effect. & No Jacket Required DVD Ain't No Mo - This is a perfect sponge ball routine with some great patter to boot. The effect is surprising to the spectator, the magic happens in their hands, it is just as strong for kids as it is for adults, it packs small, and the props cost almost nothing.

Anonymous: Puff the Magic Dragon ©Russia. (marketed item with ELMS) A sponge cube egg transforms into a cute baby dragon in the palm of your hand

Anverdi, Tony (Anthony DeVries): Anverdi, 50 Years of Magical Creations ©1992 by Mephisto Edition

Baker, Roy: Yell-up for Kids (manuscript) ©1977 Supreme Magic 6 pages: This was conceived as a Billiard Ball routine designed for children's shows but works even better with sponge balls. Things are never what they seem: Audience participation that gets the kids screaming with delight: Here is my set-up; First steal; Picking your assistant; The Routine: Easy routine with Fun Patter; 1st ball: from assistant elbow; Vanish ball; 2nd ball: building up to a crescendo of yelling "you have two balls"; 3rd ball: more yelling; And then there was four: more yelling; Vanish four, three, two: more yelling; Throw (vanish) last ball to assistant

Baker, Caroll: Magic on the Menu. DVD. Table-hopping/strolling magic. Includes: Sponge Bunnies 3 phase routine for any audience.

Baker, Michael: Lecture Notes The Mystery Box: a warm script and homespun. The effect is that three balls are taken from a set of nesting Gozinta boxes, they ultimately vanish, only to again be found inside the boxes. patter, which is warm and homespun. Suffice to say, the effect is that three balls are taken from a strange set of nesting boxes, they ultimately vanish, only to again be found inside the boxes. Very original

Balzerac, Frank: World Greatest Magic by the World’s Greatest Magicians: Sponge Balls. A classic routine where a ball is stolen from the pocket. Then taking a straw, Frank does a Flip stick vanish (with the ball in finger palm) and reproduces the straw (time misdirection). Then the ball appears to be blown from the straw and vanishes to get into a multiplying balls sequence. Frank gives a nice sleeve tugging misdirection tip at this stage. His Change Over Palm from thumb palm used for the multiplying balls is not very impressive until he brings the ball up. The balls are split and then placed on a spectator’s extended hands. A few great lines like “don’t stand them on their heads, they hate that” and misdirection tools “keep you eyes on mine”. One ball is false transferred and the other is picked up (adding the stolen one) asking “are you right handed or left handed”. The ball is magically made to travel: “Nice catch”. As the effect is revealed the left hand just steal the big ball from the pocket. The right hand picks one of the balls and doing the vanish pull part of the big ball out from the left thumb crotch (kind of like a variant of the pop up move), then the right hand grabs the other ball. Ask them to point at one ball and use equivoque to pocket the both balls. Drop the large ball on to the table for the “big finish”.

Baron, Harry: My Best Close-Up Trick ©1954 Lyndon Books, Radnorshire, England. Harry Baron describes two sponge ball routines that are neat and well routined, if not entirely new in concept.

Bauer, Ron: Clones From Brazil Genii magazine: the effect is an variant of Patrick Martin’s marketed effect.

Behnke, Leo. Library of Magic Volume # 9 Sponge Balls. ©1991 Magic City: 29 pages. Chapter 1: Basics Sleights: finger palm, vanish, pinch, 2 handed production
Holders: holding out; Attitude; Chapter 2: Tricks: Ball thru pocket, ball thru table, one + two, baffling balls; Chapter 3: Routines: 3 ball trick, how many? A bowl routine, chinese bowl routine. Short Bibliography (Walsh, Garcia, Magic Inc., Hugard's Modern Magic Manual).

Bennett, Douglas: Encore 3 by Michael Ammar ©1983. p 64: Silver Sponge: Sponge absorbs coins, which are then wrung out, and a spoon is logically produced

Bennett, Horace: On Your Feet ©1978 published by Jerry Mentzer. My Sponge Ball Routine.

Benson, Roy: Phoenix Magazine July 1948: the Benson Bowl & Elliott, Bruce: Classic Secrets of Magic ©1953, llustrated by Stanley Jaks, Harper & Row - Galahad Books. p 159 Chapter 12: Roy Benson's (with Don Alan) Benson Bowl routine The Benson bowl classic is usually performed with sponge balls. Is it a sponge ball effect or a one cup and balls effect…? & In a Class by Himself, The Legacy of Don Alan ©1996, 2000 by Jon Racherbaumer, Published by L&L Publishing; p 43 Benson Bowl & Benson Bowl Routine ©2005 Trickshop.com Inc. & Mendoza, John: John Mendoza - My Best Vol 2 DVD; Bowl Routine & Magic by Gosh: Life and Times of Albert Goshman by Patrick Page; includes A.G. Sponge Balls and A.G. Benson Bowl Routine & Trickshop: Benson Bowl Routine ©2005 Trickshop.com Inc. & Levent and Todd Karr: Roy Benson by Starlight ©2006 The Miracle Factory; p 24. The Benson Bowl & Roberto Giobbi: Taped Live! DVD for the 7th British symposium by Roberto Giobbi. Sponge Ball and Bowl Routine. & The Magic of Steve Dacri Vol 3 DVD; Bowl routine: combine Roy Benson’s timeless routine with some additional Dacri touches and the result is a routine you’ll always use. Sponge balls travel invisibly from the performer’s hand to underneath an inverted bowl followed by a magical surprise & Frank Garcia. World Greatest Magic by the World’s Greatest Magicians. Frank Garcia demonstrates vanishes using the wand and John Cornelius superb subtlety for the Benson bowl routine.

Bergeron, Bev: Bev Bergeron on Tape: includes 3D Rabbits,

Bernard, Bobby: Magic in Miniature ©1958 Corinda's Magic Studio; 8 page lecture notes by Bobby Bernard titled published in England. The notes consist of two sections. The first section is titled "Close Up Quickies" and includes Spooky Sponge. The second section covers some of Bobby's thoughts on performing close up as well as very brief descriptions of effects that go along with these various thoughts including purpose, impromptu, entertaining, novelty, originality, surprises, intimacy, and good taste & Apocalypse Vol 17 No 8 Aug 1994 by Harry Lorayne; p 2398 Four Hits and a Miss: quick ending or clean up for a sponge ball routine.

Bertram, Ross: Ross Bertram's Legendary Magic - Volume 1 The Welcome Mat: An introduction to Ross Bertram’s take on a performing surface for close-up magic. After witnessing a demonstration of its possibilities, we learn its diabolical secret, how to make it and how to utilize it. Then, we’re treated to performances and explanations of how to use the Welcome Mat for the Sponge Balls amongst other effects. This is where I got the inspiration for the Lawrence O’s mat. It is a soft regular mat where on the under part towards the audience is printed "You’re in for a treat, I’m the best" and on the inner part there are two small cloth pockets hanging with magnetic rubber in one of them. Before starting the close up act, the pockets are rolled up into the upper surface of the mat. Then when performing time comes (especially if it's not in a competition where I never go) the performer comes in, lets the mat unroll keeping the writing up in full view (allowing the pockets to hang behind the table's edge) as he marks a pause pretending, tongue in cheek, to check the lighting. People laugh, and he smiles because he just misdirected them by secretly installing a servante right under their noses. Each pocket is attached to the mat by two small brown cloth ribbons to be able to hang exactly at the right position. Magic and Methods of Ross Bertram ©1978 Magic Limitied - Lloyd E. Jones; p 132 The Cups and Balls: Use large cups for baby chick loads. Does not provide the entire cups and balls routine, focus is on the ending. 8 chicks are produced and placed in the pockets or in the Doctor's bag used. Some good comedy is included. Routine then goes into an audience participation section starting as a sponge ball routine but ending in baby chicks produced from the spectator's pockets; p 136 Helpful Hints: Where to get chicks, what to feed them, how to palm them, and so forth; p 137 The Chicken Story: anecdote.

Biow, Dick: The Sponge Ball King's Cups & Balls ©1994. Robinson Wizard, Inc., NY. p 1 Equipment: 4 1" sponge balls, larger sponges for load, cups, wand, table; p 2 Sleights: The Pass, the False Load, the Secret Load, Production of Ball from Wand; p 4 Preparation: setup. Performance: Performance is in 6 parts. Parts 1 and 2 may be omitted if your cups don't allow 3 balls to fit between two nested cups. Part One: Cups are shown empty with the wand as they are placed one at a time mouth down on the table. A ball is magically produced from the wand and placed under cup #1. Cup #2 is shown empty, and ball passes from under cup #1 to cup #2. Next, ball passes from cup #2 to cup #3. Ball is placed on top of inverted cup #1. A second ball is produced from the wand. One ball is placed under cup #1. A third ball is produced, and a ball is placed on top of cup #2 and cup #3. Ball on cup #2 is placed under the cup. Ball on cup #3 is placed under the cup. All three balls end up under cup #3; p 6 Part Two: The cups are now stacked. A ball vanishes from the hand, and is found to have penetrated two cups of the stack. This is repeated with a second ball. On the third try, the spectator's think they have caught on, but have not, and the third ball penetrates. p 7 Part Three: A ball is placed under each cup. Ball transfers from cup #1 to cup #2, then from cup #3 to cup #2. p 8. Part Four: One ball is pocketed. One ball is placed under cup #1, and the other under cup #2. Ball passes from cup #2 to cup #3...but there is a failure; the ball has not. It is tried again, and this time it works. The ball under cup #3 is then passed through the cup as a test. One ball is missing, so performer looks under cup 1, then 2, and finds it under cup #3. p 9. Part Five: The third ball is taken back out of the pocket. One ball is placed under each cup. Ball under cup #1 is removed and placed in the pocket, then ball under cup #2. Ball transfers from pocket to cup #1. Ball is again placed in pocket. Ball transfers to cup #3. Ball then penetrates cup #2. Another ball is removed from the pocket and is smacked through cup #2. Last ball is removed from right pocket and placed in left pocket. Last ball transfers from left pocket to under cup #2, where there are now 3 balls. Balls are placed on top of each cup. p 10. Part Six: As an anti-climax, each cup is now shown to have a large ball underneath. p 11 Selected Bibliography: list of 28 books with cups & balls/sponge ball routines compiled by Richard Robinson and Jim Sisti.

Bizzaro: http://www.emagicsupply.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=7&products_id=54: Color Changing Sponge Ball

Blackstone, Harry: Blackstone's Tricks Anyone Can Do ©1983 by Walter Gibson; p 24 Blackstone's Paper Ball Trick is a sponge ball routine with small wads of paper.

Blake, George: Master Magic. Hades Publication. 21 effects, some of them including sponges

Braude, Ben B.: The Sphinx Vol.46 N°7 p 209: The Cut and Restored Sponge: an addition to the sponge ball routine.

Bruce, Gordon. Pabular p 677. Little metal eater: False transfer a coin in the left hand take the sponge ball in the left hand, let it chew the coin (with the performer supplying the noise). The sponge has eaten the coin. Offer to repeat. Seem to take another coin from the pocket (actually the same one) and repeat the effect making mouth noises showing the sponge ball bad table manners. The noise become embarrassing and you collect another(?) coin from the pocket which you (really) drop in the left hand this time. The sponge is made to swallow the coin again, hiding it under the sponge. As the right hand goes for another coin from the right pocket. Make some burping noise and let the coin stick out from under the ball. The right hand comes with its coin, pushes the coin back under the ball, and takes away its coin as if it was the one thrown up by the ball. Apologize for the balls manners and take the coin back to your right pocket. Make some more burping noise and push the coin back under the ball as you steal 20 coins from your pocket as you explain that the sponge has eaten too much. Come to the sponge with the right hand as for taking the coin, simulate one more burp and a throwing up as your right hand releases its coins.

Buchanan, Tod: Magic 101: Sponge ball Tod Buchanan teaches basic sleights and moves, including: Fantastic routine Blast Off (Sponge Balls travel in space and back to earth), Toss, Roll-Over & Pass Vanishes, Splitting a Sponge Ball in Half, Produce Sponges from an empty coin purse, Multiplying Rabbits, The Slap & Flash Appearances…

Burger, Eugene. Mastering the Art of Magic ©2000 Kaufman and Greenberg; p 36 Sponges & Magical voyage Part 1 DVD. Items like his ultra-commercial approach to the Sponge Balls (including his "real work" on breaking them in). & Greater Magic Vol 4: Eugene Burger DVD; Sponge Balls routine as originally filmed in Joe Stevens Magic Emporium Greater Magic Video Library & World Greatest Magic by the World’s Greatest Magicians: Sponge Balls; Sponge Balls routine.

Burman, Rob: Techniques Of Life Casting Volume 1 Number 2 VHS Continuing the Vol 1 # 1 Step-by-step demonstrations on creating effects ranging from wax build-up scars, to bald caps and ghoul/zombie faces, the # 2 gets from simple applications such as wax build-up scars. Continues with the more advanced techniques of life casting, mold making, and the construction and application of prosthetic appliances and the fabrication of synthetic body parts. & Sculpting And Molding A Prosthetic Volume 1 Number 3 VHS This tape continues with the creation of an ultracal positive and then follows Rob Burman through his sculpting techniques to a finished sculpture of a prosthetic appliance. It concludes with molding the final prototype. The only thing left to do is make the foam latex appliance. & Video Guide To Foam Latex and Prosthetic Applications VHS This tape begins with Rob Burman showing all the various stages in running and casting foam latex. From there, the tape continues with the application of the foam appliance, followed by step-by-step make-up techniques used by professionals to give your character life. Every step is shown in minute detail. This allows us to make invisible “skin pockets” to hide coins or sponge balls in the neck or around the forearm, or conceal a neodium magnet on a finger for an impromptu chop cup routine. These form much better concealment pockets than band aids. Easy to find at http://www.nightmarefactory.com/rvideos.html.

Burt, Brad. All About Sponge Balls DVD This 90 minute DVD is packed with information on one of the most entertaining forms of Sleight-of-Hand available. Included: Performance of the three routines included; Palming; Squash Move; Pull Apart move; Spectator Interaction info; One-Two-Three Move and vanish; Push Vanish; Roll Vanish; Brad Burt Vanish; Using A Purse Frame; the Brad Burt Switch; Routine Explanations. Hot solid material that is really and truly reputation making.

Byrne, Mark: Twinkle Twinkle. Emotional presentation with star shaped super soft Goshman sponges and script

Capehart, Chris: Kiddin’ Around DVD; Chris performs his hilariously funny kids’ show. In that frame Chris performs and explains his Sponge Balls routine.

Carlyle, Francis: The Magic Of Francis Carlyle ©1975 by Roger Pierre, Nightmare Alley Productions; includes Sponge Balls

Carey, Chris: Do The Stuff That’s You ©Lee Jacobs Productions; Contents include Growing Sponge Ball.

Carney, John: Carneycopia by ©1991 Stephen Minch; Current Classic p 3: One ball is in left pants pocket and one ball in left thumb palm. Pass the ball behind your back into the right hand pressing it as much as possible in pinch palm. Seem to catch something with the left hand and let the hands meet as if passing the “nothing” to the right thumb and first finger. Snap the right fingers spreading the left first finger and thumb. Pause briefly. Look to the spectator as the ball is pushed into the thumb tip asking him “I want you to hold on to this”. Snap the left fingers and reveal the vanish. Reproduce the ball from the spectator’s sleeve as per Roger Klause’s sequence. False transfer the ball again. Snap the left fingers and reveal the vanish. Get the second ball from the pocket (dumping the thumb tip) and pass it to the right adding the palmed one to it. Split the ball into two balls. Set one ball in each of the palms of a spectator. With the right take the ball from his left hand and false transfer it. The right hand picks up the right ball (adding the palmed ball to make it look like one). Snap the left fingers disclosing the vanish: reveal the two balls. Start bringing the right hand ball to the spectator’s hand but stop: “this is mine”. False transfer in left palm and take the ball at left fingertips (adding the palmed one), pause and place it in the spectator’s hand which is closed into a fist. Cause the magic and reveal the vanish of the ball from the performer’s hand and let the spectator realize that he has two balls.

Cataquet, Harold: Apocalypse Vol 18 No. 7 July 1995 by Harry Lorayne; p 2531 Re-Retention Vanish: retention vanish for die, ball, sponge ball

Caveny, Mike: Magicomedy ©1981; p 45 The Benson Plunger: Variation on The Benson Bowl using toilet plunger. Routine using 3 sponge balls, bowl (plunger head) & wand (plunger handle).

Cellini: The Royal Touch A Guide to the Art of Street Conjuring. 188 page hardbound book; This Book’s tips on Street Performing are priceless and the effects are the epitome of "pure magic." Contents include Where to Work the streets, Street Performer's Workshop and Tools (including the famous Cellini Topit), How to actually perform on the street, Law of the Street, a collection of great black & white photos AND the effects and routines including Cellini Sponge Ball Routine,

Chadier, James: French Connection DVD. In the Bonus section, two of James’ moves are used: one for a color change (very brief description) and one for a secret transfer to load the spectator’s hand with two balls instead of one. The moves are definitely original.

Chapman, Frank M.: Chap’s Scrapbook #7 January 1939: "Ten Best Pocket or Bar Tricks" Contest… The master list was compiled from all entries... each of the final ten being selected on the basis of popular vote... Another point of interest: practically every entry mentioned these three tricks – SPONGE BALLS,ACROBATIC MATCHBOX and HALF DOLLAR IN BOTTLE... And close in popularity were - Chameleon Knife, Spirit Nut, Three Shell Game, Vanishing Cig. in Hank.(still a WOW trick in spite of nation-wide expose),and But let's take a look at the master list! - In order of popularity ... Sponge Balls, Chameleon Knife, Half Dollar In Bottle, Acrobatic Matchbox, Three Shell Game, Spirit Nut, Vanishing Cigarette In Handkerchief, Dime & Penny, Okito Coin Box tied with Coin thru Hank., and Squash tied with Torn & Restored Cigarette Paper.... I'll admit ... the results fooled me ... I wouldn't have had a chance ... And to prove it ... Here's my personal list of "ten best": Paper Balls Under Hats (Scrapbook #8), Dots On Matches(Genii), Cut Ribbon(Genii), Squash, Sponge Balls, Torn Cig. Paper (Scrapbook #l), Poker Chip Routine (production, vanishes, color changes and prediction climax), Cigarette Routine (rising, vanishing, thru hank, and tobacco from hand to hand) and Midget Cocktails… Latter three will eventually appear in Scrapbook ... The Sponge Balls, and Squash, have novelty climaxes…

Charles, Kirk: Live At The Jailhouse Vol 3 DVD; Kirk Charles performs his version of sponge balls (performance only)

Christopher, Milbourne: Hugard’s Magic Monthly Vol III N° 8 January 1946 p 185 Milbourne Christopher’s column: Sponge Ball idea: Push the point of a sharp pencil into an inch-round sponge ball. Put the pencil in your upper left hand vest pocket with the pointed end protruding. To begin a sponge routine, reach in with your right hand and take out the pencil. Your closed right hand hides the sponge ball. Point the other end of the pencil towards your open left hand. Empty. Change over the pointed end and ball to your left hand, taking care that the ball is not seen, and point to your open right hand. Empty, too! Take the pencil with your right hand leaving the sponge ball behind in your closed left hand. Touch the back of the left hand with the pencil and open it to disclose the sponge ball. The moves are identical with the handkerchief and wand moves prior to the production of a silk handkerchief. & Hugard’s Magic Monthly. Vol 4 N°6 November 1946 p 264: Squeeze: Several years ago Emmett Barbee, of Oklahoma City, showed me a clever coin trick. You toss a penny in the air, catch it and ask a spectator to squeeze your closed hand. When he does, you shout "Ouch!" and open your hand to show the penny bent almost in half. A twist on this is to put, apparently, a large sponge ball in your hand, really slipping in one several times smaller. Same procedure as described above, but then let the tiny ball roll out. A very good incidental bit during a sponge routine & Hugard’s Magic Monthly. Vol 5 N°6 November 1947 p 367: If you are at a cocktail party where a bowl of ice is within easy reach you can add a wonderful finish to your sponge ball routine. Secretly pick up a cube of ice and hold it concealed in your cupped right hand. Put two sponges on a table with your left hand. Ask someone to touch one. Pick up the indicated sponge with your right hand and apparently put it in your left hand. Actually drop the palmed ice cube in and palm the sponge ball. Extend your closed left hand. Ask a spectator to hold his right hand palm upwards and squeeze the sponge ball when you drop it from your hand into his. Let the ice cube fall The result is startling to say the least. Frequently spectators, in telling later what you did, insist that they held the sponge ball and that it changed into the block of ice in their own hands. Be careful that the ice doesn't drip and give its presence away when you have it palmed. If the ice is in the kitchen and you can get it without anyone noticing you have left the room, the effect is even greater. & Hugard’s Magic Monthly Vol IX No4 Sept 1951 p 837: Sponge ball routine. Four inch and a half round sponges and a silver half dollar in the performer's right trouser pocket. The magician takes out two sponges with his right hand and puts them about six inches apart on the table. "Touch one," he invites. He picks up the one the spectator touched and gives the other to the spectator to hold in his closed hand (The sponge is clipped between the index and middle fingers, the thumb lifts and bends under the palmed sponge and presses the two together so that they are lifted as one between the closed index and middle fingers and the thumb). Hocus pocus. The performer's hand is empty. The spectator has two sponges. The two sponges are put back on the table and the performer adds a third which he openly removes from his pocket (palming an extra one). "Touch two", he requests. When two are touched these are put in the spectator's hand. The third is squeezed by the magician (French Drop). It vanishes. There are now three in the spectator's hand! Repeat with two in the hand and one in the pocket. On the word "pocket" the left hand opens. Three balls roll out on the table. This move is repeated a second time (leaving the fourth sponge in the pocket). There are now three on the table. The first is apparently put in the left hand, but retained by the French Drop in the right hand. The left hand is closed as if it holds the sponge. "One." "Two." The right hand picks up the second sponge and apparently puts it in the left hand, which opens and closes just enough for such an action to take place. Actually as the right hand touches the sponge to the left hand, it clips it between the index and middle fingers and pulls it back against the palmed sponge. The fingers palm it as the thumb helps push it in place, then the index finger points at the left hand. "Three." The third sponge is picked up by the right hand and dropped in the right pocket (with the other two). The left hand is revealed to be empty. The magician offers to repeat the trick. He once more lines up three sponges on the table. He counts each as he puts it in his left hand. "How many now?", as he says this he puts his right hand suspiciously in his pocket. The left hand is opened and the four sponges are shown. Climax The performer lines up the four sponges on the table. "Touch any one of the four," he invites. The sponge touched by the spectator is put in the performer's left hand. 'Would 50 surprise you?", the magician asks with a smile. At this point the usual spectator will say that nothing would surprise him. The left hand seems to expand. Suddenly the performer opens his fingers and drops the silver half dollar on the table: “Fifty-cents!” If I'm performing for an audience which includes someone who has seen the trick before, I finish by producing a cigarette lighter or a key in place of the half dollar. If you produce the key, you can say "And now the key to the mystery." If you produce a lighter, have someone wave an unlighted cigarette over your closed fist. Open your hand, show the lighter and then light the cigarette and relax. Hugard’s Magic Monthly. Vol XI N°1 June 1953 p 5: Milbourne Christopher’s Column: Potato Head. “Sometimes I finish my sponge ball routine by producing a small potato. After the spectators have cheered, applauded or simply nodded, I take out a pocket knife and start carving the potato. First, two eyes, then a nose, finally a mouth. You guessed it. I thrust a miniature cigarette between the lips of the potato head and light up so that he can enjoy a smoke.”

Clements, Wilton S. The Sphinx Vol.39 N°5 p 121: Red or Green: a two color sponge ball routine

Cloutier, Carl: Third Hand Magic DVD Advanced techniques with Topits and Sleeving. There are several ideas involving the sponge balls which could be reworked and used in the frame of a complete routine.

Cohen, Al: Magical Mish-Mosh (And Other Tricky Trivia) ©1985, published by Al Cohen; p 12 Miscellaneous Mish Mosh: Various short suggestions for … sponge balls, etc.

Collier, L.C.: Complete Two Ball Sponge Ball Routine...That Requires Three Balls. ©2003 by Eric Woods, 9 pages. Approach the table or group with a yellow sponge ball finger palmed in the right hand. (It is usually better to select a female in the group) Using the index finger of the right hand (fig. 1.), point at this person's head and say, (in a volume lower than normal) "Oz at ober ooo?" Invariable she will say, "What?". Repeat the phrase in the same volume and she will most likely say, "I'm sorry, I didn't understand you.". You then raise your index finger as if to say... hold on. You then reach to the persons left ear and allow the sponge ball to go from the finger palm to the fingertips. As you pull the hand away (displaying the yellow ball) you say (in a higher than normal volume and crystal clear) "Ear Wax! ... Can you hear me better now?". She responds. You then say, "I thought so! You need to clean those ears out girl!" You then say, "Do you want to do a trick with me?" You then continue, "The answer would be yes." If she says anything other than yes, repeat, "The answer would be yes." Lay the yellow ball down, in front of you, to the left of center. You say, "I have one of those in my bag (or coat pocket)... mine, however, is a different color." You say, "I have one of those in my coat pocket... mine, however, is a different color." You make reference to the color difference as you transfer the ball to the left fingertips. The right fingertips picks up the yellow ball from the tabletop. Displaying the balls (palms toward the crowd) you say, "This ball (yellow) is yours and the other is mine. I am going to place my ball right here ... (the left hand lays the red ball on the table)... and I want you to hold onto your ball... (transfer the yellow ball to the left fingertips)... very tight. Can you do that for me?" Two balls (as one) are placed into the awaiting spectator's palm and the hand closed. "Now, place the other hand on the bottom and hold on tight, so nothing can get in or out." Pick up the red ball with your right hand. As you do the fake pass to the left hand, you say, "Now, I will place my ball in this hand." Turn the closed left hand palm down so it will look like the spectator's hand. "Do you have a magic word that works for you?" After the spectator gives you her favorite utterance, you say, "WOW! ... Did you feel that? ... I felt that clear up my arm!" Then, holding her hands, say, "Did yours?" She will say no and you say, "No, it is supposed to be gone!" She will argue the fact. You then say, "Are you doing another trick?' Release your grip and say, "Lets take a look." She will open her hand and be astonished to find your ball in with her's. You then say, "Hey! ... You got mine ... This girl is really good". Retrieve the yellow ball with your left fingertips. The right hand (which still has the second red ball in a finger palm) index finger and thumb retrieves the red ball as the left hand pockets the yellow ball in your. "They say you can do a trick with one of these, (turn your right hand palm up and display the two pinched red balls as one) but I always (turn the right hand palm down and begin to rum the two balls back and forth on the table) have to rub it until it slowly becomes two balls." Slowly separate the two balls (sawing). "I want you to pay close attention to this next part... because when I am done ... you will be explaining it to the rest of the group. ... Okay? ... Here we go!" You then clap your hands together and say, "You don't need to explain that part. ... That was just warming up. ... This is the part that needs the explanation." You then do the ten count. Turn your head toward the man for just an instant and then back to the group. You then say, "He doesn't say much. Does he?" Pick up the right ball between the right index finger and the second finger and say. "Let me ask you (the lady) a question. If I take this ball and place it into this (left hand) hand," False transfer. "and I take the other ... (pick up the second ball with the right fingertips. As you turn your hand into a palm up position, push both balls together at the fingertips and display them as one ball.) in my pocket". Point at the left hand asking, "Then how many does it leave in this hand?" The spectator responds. Open both hands saying, "None! ... You see we are done with that trick!"

Colombini, Aldo. Heart to Heart. The magician shows the Two of Hearts and then visually removes the two heart pips from the face, turning them into 1 ½ inches sponge hearts. He goes on to use the sponge hearts in a brief sponge ball routine which ends with the production of a jumbo heart. Includes all of the necessary sponge hearts. A smart way to introduce the props. & The Essential Aldo Colombini - Volume 3 DVD Throw In The Sponge: Balls are taken out from a card box, Aldo then delight us with “left” and “right” as well as “here” and “there” ambiguity as he does a sort of ten count. Then he goes into the sponge in the spectator’s hand using a nice variant of the pop up move. The next step is a one in the hand and one in the pocket: the ball is back. When repeating the effect: there is one ball and a half ball. Then upon repeating, the balls have vanished but there is a half dollar in his hand. & Throw In The Sponge; This easy sponge ball routine for restaurants and walk around resets automatically. Simple but direct moves with the emphasis on comedy. Two balls are produced and then the magic begins! Balls vanish, appear in spectator's hand and so on. A half ball appears to add comedy and then the climax. With comedy patter and necessary sponge balls & World Greatest Magic by the World’s Greatest Magicians: Sponge Balls Throw In The Sponge.

Conn, Doug: Conn-Juring Notes Prestidigitation, Legerdemain, & Other Unique Entertainments ©2004 Doug Conn; p 26 Rab-Bit: a quick sponge routine with two small rabbits: a small “hare” (people assume the performer is talking about a ‘hair’) is produced form the spectator’s shoulder. It jumps around the performer’s body, vanishes and reappears on spectator's shoulder. These are ‘flat’ sponge rabbits, the use of 3-d variety seeming risky for this effect: Doug, after trying many forms of bunnies, uses the little yellow (Adams) rabbits. Doug generally includes his “Spongology” into the routine & Tricks Of My Trade - The Magic of Doug Conn by Paul Cummins: Spongology - Clever "bit's 'o bizness" for the classic S.S.Adams sponge rabbits.

Cornelius, John: Creative Magic DVD: Sponge Bowl & The FISM Act. Sponge Bowl.

Crimet, Bertrand: Les Créations Magiques © by L’Académie de Magie George Proust (Paris France). L’éponge et le mur invisible

Crow, Raymonde. As the crow flies ©2003 Raymonde Crow; p 25 Lint Trap: a sponge rabbit routine, also using the Sanada gimmick.

Dacri, Steve. The Master Routines From the Close-Up and Stage Act of Steve Darci MIMC ©2002 Steve Darci, http://www.stevedarci.com p 13 Master Routine With the Sponge Bunnies: this routine is in the hands, with no need for the pockets; p 14 Optional Ending: for a large "granny" bunny, this time using a pocket; p 18 The Master Routine With the Sponge Balls: a five phase sponge ball routine using four balls, with a recommendation of using 2.5" bright colored sponges& Martian Sponge Balls & The Magic of Steve Dacri Vol 1 DVD. Sponge Bunnies: Steve’s touches make this always-popular trick play for larger audiences; Martian Sponge Balls: this is the routine that has taken Steve Dacri around the world. & Magic Secrets Video. Filmed at the Magic Circle in London and throughout England & Ireland. Includes Sponge Ball Martians Ten Count & World Greatest Magic by the World’s Greatest Magicians. Steve Dacri. & The Magic of Steve Dacri Vol 2 DVD; Exploding Bunnies: A single sponge rabbit placed into a spectator’s hand literally explodes into a bevy of bunnies when the spectator drops it onto a table. & The Magic of Steve Dacri Vol 3 DVD; Bunnies Over The Head: In this version of Slydini’s legendary trick, large sponge bunnies (and even a huge sponge ball) are made to vanish right before a seated spectator’s eyes, much to their amazement and to the amusement of everyone else in the audience who sees exactly where the objects are going; Bowl routine: combine Roy Benson’s timeless routine with some additional Dacri touches and the result is a routine you’ll always use. Sponge balls travel invisibly from the performer’s hand to underneath an inverted bowl followed by a magical surprise & Spongeball Toolbox. This toolbox contains everything you need: props, sponge balls, purse frame, and a DVD with over 2 hours of personal instruction by Steve Dacri.

Davidson, Larry. Scripted Insanity Vol 1 DVD. Sponge Larry Roundpants: We all have a sponge routine, either the bunnies or the balls. We all know they play great. Larry’s patter is just a bit risqué but it leaves them with cramped stomach muscles from laughing so hard.

De Kovas, Alexander: Schwammball DVD & Apocalypse Vol 13 No 3 March 1990 by Harry Lorayne; p 1755 Chopsticks and Sponges (Alexander De Cova): a sponge ball steal using chopsticks for use in a Benson Bowl routine.

DeMasi, Frank: My Way. Concise booklet of beginner magic. Includes: Misdirection, …, Multiplying Sponges

Dill, Dean. Intimate Miracles: the Magic Of Dean Dill Book + DVD by Tim Trono. A soft cover book and a Video bonus companion performance: 10 routines directly from the professional working repertoire of Dean Dill. Includes routines never released before. Effects include sponge balls. & Spot Light. This is Dean’s favorite effect to perform while doing walk around magic: lay audiences absolutely love it. The light from a penlight magically transforms into a sponge ball, and then the light jumps back and forth between the penlight, the ball, and the magician’s hand. What a great way to start a sponge ball routine! When you order Spotlight you receive a penlight, a special sponge ball, and detailed instructions of Deans handling. Garrett Thomas has great ideas in his DVDs to mislead the audience by secretly using a second penlight.

Dobson, Wayne: Dobson’s Choice TV Stuff Vol 1 DVD; Here is a full DVD of some of Wayne Dobson’s TV performances when he was in his prime. Wayne was a star in England and we can see why on this DVD. These are performances ONLY with no real explanations although after each effect, there is a short interview with Wayne as he discusses the hows and whys he did what he did. We learn more about performing magic from this DVD than by watching a DVD teaching us tricks. Performances include the sponge balls: there is also bonus footage of Wayne Dobson doing his act at the Royal Variety Show in London (you had to be good to get this show). We see him absolutely tear up an audience on a large stage with only a packet of cards and two sponge balls. One has to see it to believe it. Those with magical experience will be able to see these presentations and see what really makes an act a GOOD act.

Dore, Theo: The Sphinx Vol.38 N°6 p 146: Thimballs: a thimble routine with sponge balls

Dusheck, Steve: Dusheck's Close-Up Magic Dusheck Magic Series No. 5 ©1994 James M. Klein, American Magic Company, First Edition; p 64 Fruited Plain: a quick sponge ball trick with the sponge balls acting as cherries & Apocalypse Vol 15 No 7 July 1992 by Harry Lorayne; p 2095 French Fried: sponge fries vanish when pushed into the fist

Eldin, Peter: The Magic Handbook ©1985, published by Simon & Schuster. 26 One In The Pocket: Spongeball routine with wads of paper, large wad produced at end.

Elliott, Bruce: Classic Secrets of Magic ©1953, Faber & Faber.

Etherington, Graham: The Trestle Board, Special Edition by Don Potts, Official News Bulletin of the Invisible Lodge Ca 1982; p 10 Cheeky Sponge Balls: Spectator and Magician wave hand to vanish balls. Performer's ball vanishes, but spectator's doubles. This is repeated, and spectator now has three. Another transfer is tried, but this time the ball only makes it to the spectator's pocket.

Fajuri, Gabe: Sponge Ball Magic (Fun Inc.): Introduction to sponge magic written for amateur, with material for the pro.

Faré, Jean. Sponge Balls - Les Balles éponges DVD.

Farelli, Victor. Hugard’s Magic Monthly Vol IX N° 7 December 1951 p 875 Farelli London Letter. In 1928, the late G. W. Hunter showed Farelli the first set of sponge balls ever seen in London. Farelli did not know where he obtained them, but he was inclined to believe that they were sent to him, from New York, by his old friend and correspondent Max Holden. The balls used by Hunter were small ones (not over half an inch in diameter) and he had a climax that had never be seen employed by any other magician. It consisted in opening a match box, and letting about twenty or thirty tiny sponge balls 'well out' onto the table. For some inexplicable reason, at any' rate to Farelli, this made the onlookers laugh. (This part of the routine was, I fear, very bad magic as it exposed the secret, namely, that the balls were compressible!). A few weeks ago, I was shown a sponge ball a little over an inch in diameter - which, when crushed up in the conjurer's hand, suddenly changed to a small rubber rabbit. (About two inches and a half in height.) Very clever and surprising, but hardly convincing. The secret is that the rabbit folds up, and when in that condition, it looks like a ball. The method is quite obvious to a magician, and as it seemed to me that any intelligent layman could also hit upon the correct explanation, I worked out the following routine which is designed to make the spectators familiar with the appearance of the rabbit before the trick is actually performed. Requirements: A). An unprepared ball, similar in every respect to the rabbit in its folded condition. B). One "ball to rabbit". C). A duplicate rabbit. This should be treated with rubber solution so that it cannot be folded up into the form of a ball. It may be introduced under any more or less plausible pretext (such as that of a "mascot") and the spectators should be given the opportunity of handling it freely. (I shall call this the "unprepared" rabbit.) D). Place both balls in the lower outside pocket on the left of your coat, and have the rabbit on the table. Having performed any trick in which the rabbit has been used (such as getting it to "whisper" to you the name of a selected card) proceed as follows: 1. Lay the faked ball on the left side of your table and the unprepared rabbit on your right. 2. With your left hand pick up the rabbit, and place it in your right hand, the fingers of which close round it, concealing it completely from view. Slowly and deliberately, put it in your pocket on the right, and having withdrawn your hand, let everybody see that it is empty. 3. With the left hand, pick up the faked ball, and transfer it to your right. Pointing to the closed right fist with the extended left forefinger, inquire: 'Where is the ball?" 4. Should the spectator addressed point to the right hand, remark: "Sorry! The ball is in my pocket" Then, showing that the left hand is empty, remove the unprepared ball from your pocket, and toss it onto the table. 5. In the event of the spectator pointing to your left hand, show that hand empty and, having taken the unprepared ball from your pocket, throw it onto the table. 6. Now ask: 'What have I in my closed right hand?" No matter what the answer may be, secretly unfold the ball with the right fingers, and, letting the rabbit expand, observe: "Sorry! It is our little friend the rabbit!'' 7. With the left hand, pick up the ball from the table, and put it in the pocket on your left and, at the same time, drop the rabbit into the right pocket beside the unprepared one. 8. Quickly pass on to the next item in your program, but if requested to do so (not otherwise!) remove the unprepared rabbit from your pocket and pass it for examination.

Fedko, John: Magic Treasures: Compiled and Edited by Tom Clifford. 54 effects including Sponge Balls & Fedko's School of Magic, Volume 3 - Cups, Coins & Cards VHS; The video includes Sponge Ball Cup.

Fields, Eddie: The Artful Dodges of Eddie Fields by Jon Racherbaumer (editor) ©1976 Tannen Magic Inc., NY; p 73 Sponge Ball Climax: with flash paper.

Finney, Michael: Live at Lake Tahoe Vol 2 & Vol 3 DVD by L&L Publishing. Sponge Ball Routine With Watch Steal: two sponge balls, a spectator, a missing watch and laughs & World Greatest Magic by the World’s Greatest Magicians: Sponge Balls. Sponge Ball Routine With Watch Steal.

Fisher, Cody: My Bunny Daryl. Sponge rabbit routine featuring Daryl, his other brother Daryl, his sister Daryl Hanna, and his Mother. Includes for special made "By Gosh" bunnies & Squishy Balls. 3 phase sponge ball routine with comedy. Squishy balls are removed from invisible purse, jump from hand to spectator's hand, and more. With sponges, invisible purse, and commercial word for word patter. Good for table hopping & Twinkle Twinkle - Cody Strolling Sponge Routine. In the spectator's hands. 6 phase sponge star routine comes complete including 10 Super Soft Goshman Sponge Stars, word-for-word patter, jokes & gags

Fox, Karrell: Linking Ring April 1995. Vita-Ball represents an ending for a sponge ball routine. A sponge placed in a handkerchief visibly grows after being sprinkled with "vitamin B-12" & Greater Magic V1 Enlarging Sponge & Greater Magic DVD 1: Karrell Fox; Whenever in need to come up with new ideas or customized presentations, go to your library of Karrell Fox material first. Karrell's magic is simple, direct, and sprinkled with the right amount of humor. It is entertaining magic that is easily within the reach of any of us. This DVD contains eleven effects from the "Foxy One." Content includes Super Sponge.

Francis, Douglas: Spectator’s Choice. Magic Wand ©1953 by George Armstrong, London. “Rainbow Sponge Ball Routine” uses five red and four blue sponge with a green jumbo sponge ball. A handkerchief is used as table. As the performer shows two spectators how to hold the handkerchief, on red ball is body loaded on one spectator. Remove the other four red balls and toss three in the handkerchief. Now do two in the hand and one in the pocket (1), leaving the extra ball there. Repeat stealing a blue ball from the pocket and showing only two in the hand: the body loaded ball is the third (2). Repeat transferring the palmed blue ball with the second ball. Pocket the third red and steal a second blue ball: reveal two red and a blue ball (3). Repeat to show two blue and one red (4). Repeat pocketing the red finger palming the last blue as you show three blue (5). Utility Switch keeping a ball in left. Put one in the fist then the next and pocket the last. Reveal three (6). Put one in the pocket stealing the jumbo ball, false transfer the second actually transferring the jumbo, pocket the third and the palmed one. Ask how many in the left: that’s right but it’s a jumbo. Hugard’s Magic Monthly Vol XI N° 11 April 1954 p 124 Book Profiles by John Crimmins Jr.: …a first-rate presentation for the sponge balls which not only successively change color but transform into a giant ball at the end. Very good…

Fredrick, Ron: The Professional Routines of Ron Fredrick As Told to Ron Zollweg. 1982 Unikorn Magik. p 24 The Sponge Routine: Suitable for bar or restaurant work. Ron uses sponge cubes so they don't roll. Recommends smaller (3/4") cubes since audience reaction seems to be the same as with 2" sponges. Also uses a purse frame; p 32 Appendix One: Basic Sponge Vanish; p 33 Appendix Two: Handling of the Purse Frame

Fujari, Gabe (edit). Sponge ball magic DVD. In this video, a plethora of prestidigitorial techniques for sponge ball tricks are explained and then applied to a variety of high-impact tricks, making it a perfect introduction to sponge ball magic. Written for the amateur, it includes material suitable for the performing pro.

Frye, Charlie: Eccentric Magic. The Old Ball Vase. A very original ball and vase routine with sponge balls and lots of acting.

Gallo, Lou: Lou Gallo - The Underground Man by Richard Kaufman & Mark Phillips; There are 46 close-up killers in this book, clearly described and beautifully illustrated. Effects with coins naturally but also with sponge balls.

Gallo, Mike: Mike Gallo Close Up Insider Notes by Paul Richards, Sponge Ball Memories (Eddie Fetcher) Magic Of Mike Gallo Vol 1 DVD; Mike shares with us... Sponge Ball Memories. The magician performs the ball in the spectator’s hand and then offers to teach the spectator. With this sucker explanation, the spectator ends up with three balls instead of two. One ball is left in the hand and two are placed in the pocket … and the performer is left with a silver dollar. So much can be expected from Mike that this is sorely disappointing.

Ganson, Lewis: Routined Manipulation Finale ©1954 & ©1976 D.Robbins & Co., Inc; p 97 Section Six: Magic With Sponge Balls. An excellent treatise on sponge ball magic; p 99 Chapter Nine Part I. Requirements and Principles: the "invention" of sponge balls by Jesse J. Lybarger, Al Cohn, and the contribution by Joe Berg (1926). Covers the type of sponge to use, how to cut the sponge, the basic effect, and stages of performance; p 102 Part 2. Adding One Ball to Another: Four methods and placing the balls down; p 106 Part 3. Two Subtle Moves: To show three balls only (in both hands), and The Spectator Holds a Ball (multiply in spectator's hand); p 108 Part 4. Vanishes From the Hand: Five methods detailed; p 117 Part 5. A Sponge Ball Routine: with advice Do Not Make the Routine Too Long, and Build Up to a Climax. Routine combines the two in the hand and one in the pocket with multiplication in the spectator's hand; p 119 Part 6. Accessories: brief description of other tools that could be helpful in a sponge ball routine such as: rubber production fruit, sponge ball to bunny, and handkerchief pull, for examples; p 121 Part 7. Rabbit's Habits: Three routines for sponge rabbit sets & The Art of Close Up Magic Volume 1 compiled by Lewis Ganson ©1996 L&L Publishing; p 344 Sponge Ball Routine (Remo InZani); p 354 Fred Kaps Chinese Bowl; p 360 Rice Bowls and Balls (Phoa Yan Tong): Another Bowl and Sponge ball routine with rubber ball climax.

Garcia, Frank. The encyclopedia of sponge ball magic, 14 pages explaining step by step how sponge magic works: Frank Garcia included in this book is own sponge ball routines, The Magic Count (the 1-10 count), Garcia's Krazee Sponges, Garcia's Perfect Sponge Ball Vanish, A Basic Routine for Beginners, Garcia's Color Change Routine, A Square and Cube Routine, and Suggestions & Lexikon der Schwammballmagie German translation of Frank Garcia’s encyclopedia & Hanson, Herman: Frank Garcia's lecture ©1958 Boston S.A.M. Assembly 8-page booklet covering Frank Garcia's lecture there. This is one of the nicest manuscripts of this type. Not only did Herman Hanson turn out an attractive booklet, but the content including sponge balls routine, is high standard Garcia magic & Frank Garcia on Sponge Balls. The book features Frank's routines, the Magic Count, Krazee Sponges, Perfect Sponge Ball vanish, Beginner's routine, Color change routine, Square and Cube routine & Video Tape Series No. 1: sponge ball routine & Stars Of Magic Volume 3 Frank Garcia’s Sponge Ball routine. & World Greatest Magic by the World’s Greatest Magicians. Frank Garcia demonstrates vanishes using the wand and the rarely shown John Cornelius’ subtlety for the Benson bowl routine & Hugard’s Magic Monthly Vol XVII N° 6 November 1959 p 64 Book Profiles by John Crimmins Jr comments on Frank Garcia’s Sponge Balls ©1958 by Gene Gordon's Magic Shop, 320 Franklin Avenue, Buffalo, N.Y. “This 14 pages booklet contains five separate routines with the popular sponge balls, plus suggestions on handling and a Garcia lesson in misdirection. Having seen Frank Garcia perform these routines, I can highly recommend them. Frank has developed these routines over a period of years and they are the last word in misdirection and entertainment. As a close-up trick, I can think of no other that has the baffling quality inherent in the sponge balls. Like Dai Vernon, everything Frank Garcia does is perfection itself, so treat yourself to some of the finest routines by getting a copy of this latest book. You'll be glad you did.”

Gardner, Martin: Over the Coffee Cups ©1949 Montandon Magic; p 12 The Fifty Sponge Balls: a quick sponge ball routine with multiple ball climax & Martin Gardner Presents. Includes sponge balls.

Garrett, Dan. Cabaret Connivery DVD; Sphere It: a commercial, concise sponge ball routine for "workers." In the astounding opening segment, a sponge ball magically appears in the magician's empty hands. The close-up and stand-up routines from Dan Garrett's working repertoire. More classic is the Pickle Trick: Gherkins (pickled cucumbers) magically multiply in the air, vanishing completely in a hat, then start a family in an unsuspecting spectator's hand. & Kid Show Connivery DVD; Martian Rabbit Legs is an hilarious multi-changing Sponge-O-Rama that requires no skill; Bonus Sponge Tips & Teasers and Ticklers: The Lecture Book p 10 a great idea of using a squeaker to let believe that both hands hold a sponge when one has already been false transferred to be compressed with the other one. on p 11 he also reveals an idea for the use of a squeaker in the frame of his (sponge) banana trick.

Garrison, (Magic) Ian: Diminishing Sponge Balls DVD. Magic Ian offers a very nice, very deceptive and rarely seen deception where the half balls become smaller and smaller as they are split from the previous half.

Geer, Brian. Heavy Hitters. Over two hours of close-up magic for the working magician. Magic that includes: sponge balls

Gillis, Brian: Lecture Notes. Sponges on Stage (with Watch Steal)

Ginn, David. Colorful Magic. Includes David’s stage sponge ball routine & Bag of Magic VHS: this is a performance only video, yet, after the 32-minute live show, there is a David Ginn television interview featuring Magic Sponge Balls & Magic They Love to See. Video. Sponge Ball Rabbit presentation for children.

Giobbi, Roberto. Taped Live! DVD for the 7th British symposium. Sponge Ball and Bowl Routine. The trick starts with a purse frame that Roberto gives for examination before producing a ball from it. Then roll split the sponge in two before doing a ten count (very good script here). A ball is then made to vanish to reappear up the sleeve. One of them is placed under the bowl, the other one is vanished and reappears under the bowl. The magician looks for a third ball and looks for it in the purse frame but only gets his wand out. The performer uses the wand to get the third ball which appears under the bowl with the other two. One of the balls is placed in the spectator’s hand, the other one in the performer’s hand and the last one goes with the first one in the spectator’s hand. The ball travels from the magician’s hand into the spectator’s hand (I think that starting with three is a mistake). Turning to the other spectator the performer claims he will do it from his hand into the bowl. The two balls are placed into his hand but it fails to travel to the bowl because another big ball of a contrasting color has already appeared under it. The spectator opens his hand which is full of 20 to 30 small balls along the two originally placed in there. Along the way Roberto explains the very good Slydini’s and Paviato’s sponge ball vanish.

Goldstein Phil & Kaufman, Richard: New Magic of Japan. 123 pages. Includes sponge ball magic.

Gordien, Henry: Greater Magic. A Practical Treatise On Modern Magic, John Northern Hilliard Edited by Carl W. Jones and Jean Hugard. Illustrations by Harlan Tarbell ©1994 Estate of Helen W. Jones; p 656 Henry Gordien Sponge Ball Routine

Goshman Albert.: Magic by Gosh: Life and Times of Albert Goshman by Patrick Page; includes A.G. Sponge Balls, Coins through the Table, and A.G. Benson Bowl Routine & Albert Goshman Live at the Kennedy DVD-R. From 1985. Performance only of… Sponge Balls & The life and times of Albert Goshman Video Nowadays most widely known as the provider of sponge balls, this video reminds us of Goshman's entire world-class close-up show including his sponge ball routine built on misdirection & Cavorting sponge balls (marketed by ELMS amongst others) & The Albert Goshman Lecture DVD. In 1985, the legendary Albert Goshman gave a performance for a group of 200 magicians in a secret London venue. By chance, a spectator had one of the first video cameras with him, and was given permission to film the show. & It’s only 1: The Magician uses three balls. Suddenly one appears in his right hand and two in his left. After allowing the audience to examine them, two balls are placed into a spectators hand, the third vanishes. The Magician now places two balls in his hand, one in his pocket. Opening his hand, there are three balls. Once more, he puts two in his left hand, one in his pocket and asks the spectator how many balls are believed to be in his hand. Regardless of the guess, he answers, "But I only have one in my hand-" then opens his hand to show a Jumbo sponge ball shaped like a 1 digit. & World Greatest Magic by the World’s Greatest Magicians. Albert Goshman & Sponge ball to square. A very nice idea often very poorly presented, thus offering a great potential & Sponge Balls Micro. 10 micro sponge balls for the big climax or something else yet to be invented & Growing Ball. The red ball turns into a large 4-inch sponge ball for a big climax & Sponge Boulder. These realistic looking sponge rocks and boulders are the best that money can buy. Suitable for clowns, magicians or comedians, the joke potential of these funny props is nearly limitless. The rock is approximately 5" across, and the boulder is approximately 11" across. & Sponge Brick. So real in appearance that we’d swear it came off the shelf at Home Depot! 3.25" wide, 7.5" long, and 2" high. Just like the real thing & Sponge Card Pips. One of each in large size. & Egg Sponge. The perfect sponge egg. Applicable to nearly any sort of routine you currently perform sponge balls with. Made to the same high standards that all Goshman products are, this egg has a smooth (non-sponge) finish, yet compresses easily & Poke Vanisher. An easy vanishing device for a super soft sponge. It can also be used for color changes or simple transformations. We are supplied with an open top vinyl cup. There is a slot on the side that will accommodate the tip of a standard pencil. When placed into the slot, the pencil allows to secretly steal the gimmick. & Excelsior Sponge Balls. 4 sponge balls and a shell. & 3 - D Rabbitt Gosh The new generation of rabbits which has brought credibility to this variant of the sponge ball. & Ding Dong from Magic by Gosh. This is not for the ladies club or the church group. Ding Dong is an X-rated, explicit sponge ball routine. Some folks find this extremely nutty & funny, but it requires to be careful the choice of audience. It's a set of four soft sponge balls, plus a surprise climax sponge with explicit masculine look. & Foam Tooth 2'' White Goshman: 2" x 2" foam tooth. & Micro Mini Sponge Balls Sizes vary between 0.5 inch, 1 inch, 1 1/2 inch, 2 inch, 2 1/2 inch.

Green, Paul. In The Trenches DVD. KB/PG is an audience tested routine with Sponge Balls, inspired by Ken Brooke. It has everything from vanishes, transpositions, and changes, all the way down to mini sponge balls.

Griffin, Gerry: Video Magic Lessons Vol 1: California Magic & Novelty. Effects include a sponge ball routine.

Gross, Henry: Pure Magic! A Primer in Sleight of Hand ©1978 Henry Gross, published by Charles Scribner's Sons; p 74 Chapter 7 Spongeball Magic; p 75 Palming; The Pass: the first essential move for sponge ball magic; p 77 The Squeeze Move: picking up one while adding one secretly (2nd essential move); p 79 The Final Vanish: a vanish of two balls using an improvised Thumb Tip type of gimmick (a hair curler); p 82 The Routine: in the spectator's hands.

Groves, David: Sponge Balls a Million. 14 pages spiral bound. Practical routine with strong ending

Guinn, Scott: Great Scott! It’s Magic! The Real World Magic Of Scott Guinn DVD. Peanut Butter and Jelly is a sponge ball routine that uses a purse frame, vanishes, hand counts, and a Sanada gimmick. Many have called this the best sponge ball routine out there.

Guastaferro, John: Second Storm A Collection of Select Card Effects ©2007 John Guastaferro; Spiral Bound or e-Book, 41 pages, 57 color pictures; Silkworm: Silk and sponge ball effect.

Hallema, Flip: Flip In Close-Up Part 1 DVD: Includes Sponge Ball Climax & The Very Best of Flip! - Volume 1 Sponge Ball Climax is actually anti-climatic with peanuts and a nut (for corny jokes) & World Greatest Magic by the World’s Greatest Magicians: Sponge Balls. The routine design and its script routine are pathetic with lots of what Ascanio used to call “anti-contrasting parenthesis” (things happening between the initial state and the final state). A demonstration on how not to confuse time misdirection with anti-contrasting parenthesis just to use great moves. There are indeed some very interesting moves in the routine like the initial body load. Flip’s false take is also very good. His complete vanish (using the rolling up against the chest) with reproduction from the pocket (to get another ball) is fabulous. The way Flips puts the ball under his nose is also great (don’t have to search for the slit). His multiplying balls sequence is fine but not the best there is. His talking lips are also a great entertaining time misdirection tool...

Hamilton, Steve: Live At Last Lecture Notes © by Steve Hamilton Silk and Sponge routine: a fabulous silk and sponge sequence

Hampton Ridge (Ed.): 25 Amazing Magic Tricks With Sponge Balls VHS

Hanson, Herman: Frank Garcia's lecture ©1958 Boston S.A.M. Assembly 8-page booklet covering Frank Garcia's lecture there. This is one of the nicest manuscripts of this type. Not only did Herman Hanson turn out an attractive booklet, but the contents --card tricks, sponge balls, and cups and balls routine- are very interesting Garcia magic.

Harlan, Dan: Packs Small Plays Big Vol 3: Kid’s Birthday Show DVD. This third DVD teaches you a complete Kid show that fits right into a briefcase. Featured routines include “Gosh Man”, a Sponge Ball routine.

Harris, Paul: Paul Harris Reveals Some of His Most Intimate Secrets ©1976, published by The Rainbow Magic Machine; p 55 The Super Bowl by Patrick Snowden: A bowl routine involving bowl, wand, four red sponge balls, one black, and one large load for the climax.

Hay, Henry: Learn Magic. The Magician's Basic Tricks Explained Step by Step in 20 Simple Lessons ©1947 Garden City, ©1949 Permabooks edition ©1975 3rd Edition. Dover Publications; Lesson 17: The Sponge Balls: The Basic Sponge Ball Move, The Routine using 4 sponge balls, two tea cups, and ending in the spectator's hand & The Amateur Magician's Handbook, Third Edition ©1950, 1972 Henry Hay; p 194 Sponge Balls: basic ideas only.

Hayden, Allan: Haydenizms ©Allan Hayden; no publish date (Circa 1974); p 15 Gozinta! Sponges from an in-n-outer boxes (the original sponge ball and Gozinta boxes routine). Full routine.

Herpick: Hugard’s Magic Monthly Vol IX N° 3 August 1951 Advertiseement p 832 Herpick’s Super Sponge – Wonderful pocket trick. A 1 ½’ sponge ball and a 25c coin. Latter dropped on table; sponge ball in hand changes into 4 quarters (sponges!). How about changing them into silver quarters? 1st into hand - 2nd into hand - 3rd into pocket – how many? Not 2, but 3 hand (sponges) and these change into a 25c coin at finish. Fits into regular sponge ball routine.

Hilliard, John Northern: Greater Magic. A Practical Treatise On Modern Magic His Manuscripts and Notes Edited by Carl W. Jones and Jean Hugard. Illustrations by Harlan Tarbell ©1994 Estate of Helen W. Jones; p 651 Sponge Balls (Al Cohen); p 652 The Fist Vanish; p 653 To Palm a Sponge Ball; p 654 A Sponge Ball Routine; p 656 Another Sponge Ball Routine (Henry Gordien); p 657 Gimmicks for Sponge Balls

Hooper, Edwin: Edwin's Magic Finale. ©1991 Edwin's Magic Arts; Chapter One: Come Closer: In-N-Out Sponge Balls

Hooser, Troy: Total Destruction Vol 2 DVD; Sponge Ball Bonus. Troy offers thumb tip adaptation and vanishes which substantially improves the vanish of the ball, for example in Roger Klause’s sponge to the spectator’s sleeve. In the same line he offers color changes. He also indicates technique to retrieve a ball from the thumb tip. Troy also adapted the Tenkai pennies to the sponge balls. His next idea uses the collar ditching for one of two balls (and naturally its combination with his Tenkai pennies adaptation). The next idea is a steal back of a ball placed into the hand as a second ball is placed there.

Howard, Max: Effective Presentations: How Tricks Become Magic (video). Max Howard, 429 Rays Road, Stone Mtn, GA 30083. 60mins. It's Magic By Gosh simple but effective sponge ball routine. Includes not just how, but why.

Hudspath, David: Amazing Magic Tricks with Sponge Balls. Royal Magic This DVD will teach you how to let a sponge ball appear by sleight of hand, with a purse frame, by tearing a sponge into two; it will also teach you several vanishes using the finger palm, the thumb palm: there is a French Drop, a retention of vision, Francis Carlisle vanish... It teaches in details how to place first a ball in the pocket, then one in the hand and the last one in the pocket before letting all three travel back to the hand. With the Spellbound move taught a performer can visibly change the color of a sponge ball; Naturally David shows how to let a sponge ball to jump from your fist into a spectator's one (with two or three balls); Finally the change of a sponge cube into two sponge balls and back is demonstrated. David’s performance is seamless, but the student better have a stop and a slow motion device on his DVD player.

Hugard, Jean: Close-up Magic ©1938 first edition Max Holden; p 35 The Four Hobos Sponge Ball. & The Modern Magic Manual Faber & Faber 1957 p 138 Sponge Ball Manipulations appears at the end of the

Imzani, Remo. The Gen Vol 13 Nbr Two June 1957 p 45 & The Art of Close Up by Lewis Ganson p 344 Chapter 14: [Remo was a pupil to Eddie Joseph] four large balls (two in the right jacket pocket and two in the upper part of the right pants pocket, two small ones and a small potato like rate, grenaille (in the lower part of the right pants pocket), a wand or a pencil. Production by plucking things from the table, loading the ball the third time and using the wand or pencil to produce it. Pick it up adding the palmed one replace it in the left hand “one tap one ball, two taps two balls” Pick up one ball false transfer in the left hand, pick up the second one, gesture: the ball in the left has joined the one in the right. Pick up with the right and actually place in left, confirm by showing the ball. Pick up again and false transfer. Claim that you will place the second ball into the pocket. Pinch it and bring it to the pants pocket where the ball is palmed with the other one and the two large balls are pinched to hide the palmed other two later. The left hand gestures toward the pocket, is shown t be now empty, and the right hand comes out of the pocket with the two visible balls (and the two finger palmed ones). The balls are tabled. Pause place a first ball in the left hand and then the second (adding one ball). Tap with the wand: three balls. Two in the hand and one in the pocket (leaving the large ball in the pocket and showing the right hand empty as it comes out of the pocket. Open the left hand: the three balls are back. Place one on the left fingers, place one in the pocket (upper part of the pocket and finger pinching one of the small balls), place the second ball in the left hand (adding the small one) which closes. Ask how many balls and answer No two and a half. Pick up the small ball, pocket a large ball clipping the second small one, ad the small ball to the one remaining on to the table and place in the left hand. Ask how many balls. No one and two halves. Take a small ball in the pocket and finger palm the small potato. The right hand comes out and slightly pinches the other small ball, false transfer into the left unloading the small potato. Pick up the large ball hiding the small one under the large one as before. Pocket them both. Ask how many balls in the hand tap with the wand. Produce the potato: climax. The small potato can be replaced by a sponge brick or rock.

Ireland Marshall, Frances: The Sponge Book ©1960 The Ireland Magic Company, Chicago, Ill. 43-page, re-edited as Marshall, Frances. The Sponge Book. ©1960 Magic, Inc. Chicago, Ill. 48 pages; p 4 Goshman's Sponge Routine: A purse frame is displayed and three sponge balls are removed from it. One ball is placed in one of the spectator's hands while the magician takes the other one. The ball vanishes from the magician's hand and the spectator now holds two. Both balls are placed back into the spectator's hand, while magician picks up third ball. Again the ball vanishes and goes to the spectator's hand; p 10 The Ghost Balls: a two in the hand, one in the pocket routine; p 11 Three Ball Trick (LL Ireland): 3 balls shown. Two in hand, one in pocket. Three are now in the hand. This is repeated. Finally the balls vanish; p 15 Big and Little Balls (L.L. Ireland): A large and small sponge ball is shown. Small ball is placed in one hand. Large ball is rubbed and becomes small. Small ball becomes large; p 17 Silver and Sponge (L.L. Ireland): nickel changes to silver dollar, which changes to sponge ball. Sponge passes through pocket, and then the ball grows. It vanishes, reappears, and grows some more; p 25 Leaping Leprechauns (Hugh Lambert): a sponge ball routine using a glass tumbler covered with newspaper and sponge balls. With a large ball climax; 29 Passe Trick (Martin Gardner): essentially a form of the 10 count; p 32 Spicy Sponges (Frank Derrick): The passe passe routine with a risqué ending using sponge bra forms; p 35 Crandall's Original Routine: uses balls, a ball to square sponge, a square sponge, and a spiral snake sponge. With Senator Crandall's dry but humorous patter; p 42 Around the Block (Senator Crandall): some short ideas for two color ball to square sponges; p 43 Favorite Sponge Routine (Gen Grant): a routine using sponges from a matchbox, a dye tube, a TT, and climaxing with a multiple ball production; p 44 Surprise Finish (Don Alan): a surprise climax for the multiplying rabbits routine; p 45 Multiball (Dr. Jaks): Uses 20 to 30 sponge cubes. Teaches a good wand misdirection & Sponge Color. 3 different color sponge balls travel one by one from the magician’s pocket to his hand, then change into a large three-colored ball. Good routine for close-up or walk around. Props include six 1-inch sponge balls (2 each in red, orange and black) and the special tri-colored 2½-inch ball. & Hugard’s Magic Monthly Vol XVIII N° 5 October 1960 p 52 Book Profiles by John Crimmins Jr comments: “Here's about all anyone will ever want to know in handling sponge balls. The introductory chapter explains how to make your own sponge balls, and other sponge rubber props. For those who are too lazy to prepare them it is subtly suggested, probably at Jay Marshall's instigation, that Ireland's will be very happy to supply the props at a small but necessary fee. The twelve routines explained run from the extremely simple to the more complex, and all are first rate. Contributors are "Senator" Crandall, L. L. Ireland, Hugh Lambert, Martin Gardner, Frank Derrick, Gen. Grant, Don Alan and Dr. Jaks. Surprises and unexpected climaxes are the strong points of most of these routines, and they offer a wide variety to choose from. In short an excellent book with a wealth of fine material. Highly recommended”

Isaacs, Aaron: Clown Noses ©2002 3 pages: Magician asks a female spectator: “Have you ever seen a clown?” As she answers, the magician removes a red sponge ball from his pocket. “You have probably noticed clowns always wear these silly little noses on their faces. What you may not realize is if you pull on one just right...it splits in two.” The magician pulls at the one ball with both hands and produces a second one at his fingertips. “Now, clown noses are very lonely beings, when you place them into a dark place, like your hand,” the magician sets one ball down and puts the other into his left hand “they get scared, and run away.” The magician shows both hands completely empty. “And they run over here and hide in my pocket.” Magician reaches into his right pocket and removes the sponge ball. “Would you hold this one for me? Hold it tight and don’t let go.“ The magician puts the ball into the spectator’s hand, then picks up the tabled one and puts it into his left hand. “I’ll take this one. Did you see it jump? Because mine is gone.” Magician shows his left hand empty. “Open your hand! “Spectator does and now has both balls in her hand. “How did you do that?”

Jaks, Dr. Multiball ©1950 1 page with 9 illustrations and sponge balls. This item doesn’t actually use balls, instead small cubes are supplied. The performer shows three small cubes and places two in his hand and one in his pocket. He asks the spectators how many are in his hand, to which the reply is "Two." Upon opening the hand three cubes tumble out; somehow the third has managed to sneak back when no one was looking. This is repeated several times and every time the third cube returns to the hand from the pocket. The finale comes with the performer placing two cubes in the spectators hand and the third into his pocket. The spectator states that he has two cubes (sometimes he may say three), but on opening his hand a fistful of cubes fly in all directions. Magic! This close up trick of Dr. Jaks will delight any audience, be it sophisticated magically or not. Beginning like the classical sponge ball trick, except that the balls are tiny. Two unusual elements are involved. One, the spectator can feel the balls growing in her clenched fist. And Two, when she opens her hand, 20 or 30 balls cascade down onto the table! Notice that one sponge ball does not become two, or two become three, but two balls multiply incredibly! Easy execution, you'll find this delightful to perform. The routine served as a base for Eugene Burger’s routine. Hugard’s Magic Monthly Vol IX N° 6 November 1951 p 860 Backstage with Frank Joglar: Dr. Jaks: Those who attended Dr. Jaks' session for the Magicians Guild were loud in their praise of his lecture. Best received trick: a production of an astonishing number of sponge squares from a spectator's hand… & Hugard’s Magic Monthly Vol X N° 1 June 1952 p 942 Book Profiles by John Crimmins Jr.: Multiball by Dr. Jaks. A one page sheet of instructions edited by Bruce Elliott with 9 illustrations by Dr. Jaks. Marketed through Holden's Magic Shops, New York & Boston. Complete with sponges. Here are the complete, detailed instructions for Dr. Jaks' novel and surprising presentation of the Sponge Ball Trick. Most of our readers saw Dr. Jaks present this baffling comedy routine at one or more of the national conventions, and now for the first time it's yours complete. Those who may not know it have a surprise in store for them, for this is not the usual sponge ball routine. In Dr. Jaks' presentation only small sponges are used which makes for unusual ease in handling. However, there's more behind it than that, for as a climax literally dozens of small sponges gush forth from the spectator's fist when he opens it for the last time. It's a grand trick replete with comedy, and is typical of the unique routines for which Dr. Jaks is so well known. Strong effect but the performer will have to search and collect the several balls that will fall on the floor (not ver prestigious after such an impressive effect: ask a young spectator to help you doiong it, actually letting him do it for you and thanking him courteously).

Jedinat, Christian: Zaubern leicht gemacht! DVD includes sponge balls (Schwammbällen)

Jensen, Jon. Professional sponge ball tricks Vol 1 and Vol 2. This series is a collection of sponge ball magic in two 30 pages booklets. Volume 1 deals mainly with the sleights: Thumb Palm, Finger Palm, the Retention Vanish, the Bounce Vanish, Two For the Price of One, the Last Second Vanish, the Instantaneous Vanish, the Underhanded Vanish, the One Fisted Vanish, the O.K. Vanish, the Wrap Around Vanish, the Push and Take Vanish, the Roll Over Vanish, the Take Away Vanish, the Impossible Sponge Ball Vanish; and several strong short effects which are often part of good routines: The Atomic Ball, The Ten Count, Into the Spectators Hand, 3-1=3, A Hand Full of Sponges, and Ghost Ball. Volume 2 contains 13 complete routines some of which use a thumb tip and include: Silk To Sponge Ball, Multiplying Sponge Balls, The Benson Bowl Routine and more.

Johnson, Roy: Second Time Around; 84 pages, hardback, includes the R.J. Sponge Ball routine (close-up).

Johnston, Johnny: Pabular Vol 6 Number 11; p 936: Cointraption is a sitting routine mixing a coin routine and sponge effects. The general effect is a sort of reverse coins through table. Four coins held under the table come up through the table-top one aat time by means of a magical trapdoor. Finally a sponge ball also comes up through the trapdoor, but grows too big to go back.

Jones, David: Beginners General Close up Lecture (VHS) Special 'Boxed Set' edition with props. After, the success of two first beginners’ videos, this was the third to complete an essential trilogy of material. The video lecture includes fairly deep teaching of the Sponge Balls. This video was recorded live at the 'Cittie Of Yorke', Pub. September 2000.

Jones, Eric: Fingertips Pt 1 A lecture by Eric Jones ©2007 by Eric Jones. Keep four sponges in the left pants pocket. Begin the routine with the left hand in the pocket as you focus on the spectator’s shoulder. With the right hand, mime the actions of removing a piece of lint from the spectators shoulder. Display it at the fingertips as you ask if he/she knows what it is you are holding. While this is happening, your left hand will grab one ball in the pocket, compressing it between the left index and middle fingers and the thumb. As the spectator answers, pull the left hand out of the pocket and allow it to fall naturally by its side. Pretend to transfer the invisible lint from the right hand to the left. Touch the fingertips of the hands together at about chest level in front of the body. Then the left hand will move forward and to the left to produce the ball. To produce, snap the right fingers and slowly release the tension on the ball at the left fingertips allowing it to expand (John Carney Carneycopia’s style): the pressure released from the left fingers and thumb should be enough to allow the sponge to expand, but maintain the enough pressure to keep the ball from falling from the fingertips. Allow the spectator to examine the sponge, as you casually show the hands free. “The way this works is you take the little ball and give it a squeeze. Sometimes you’re able to compress it small enough to make it appear as if the ball is able to vanish. But you and I know better. But if we could, we should be able to get that little ball to penetrate the fabric of my pocket and go straight through.” That patter line describes what will be taking place as you apparently make the ball invisible and push it through your pocket and show your hands otherwise empty. Perform your favorite false transfer retaining the ball in the left hand thumb palm. To briefly describe, hold the ball between the left index and middle fingers. Show the right hand palm up. Place the ball directly on the palm of the right hand while maintaining contact by the left fingers. Two actions will now happen in quick succession. The right hand will pivot palm down around the ball, shielding it from view AS the left index and middle fingers curl in, placing the ball into thumb palm. The fingers then extend, as the right hand closes around the fingers as if taking the ball. Squeeze the “ball” down in the right hand, miming the actions of compressing the ball. Slowly open the hand until only the right index finger and thumb knead the “ball”. Mime dropping the invisible nothing onto the palm up right hand. It should appear as if you put the ball in the right hand, squeezed it until it got so small that you can’t see it lying openly on the palm of the hand. The next sequence gives the appearance of taking the now invisible ball from the right hand and shown at the left, with the hands otherwise empty. In reality, a changeover palm of sorts will be executed. The hands come together, right hand palm up, left hand palm down at waist level. The ball is secretly transferred from left hand thumb palm into right hand finger palm as the hands touch under the guise of fairly taking the ball into the left hand The right hand drops to the side as the left hand rises to chest level with the index finger and thumb touching as if they still held the ball. The misdirection of showing the “ball” with the left hand will give you just enough time to drop the ball the right hand conceals in the back right pants pocket. Don’t make a move of it as showing the ball in the left hand is more than enough cover for the move, and only takes a second or two to execute. The INSTANT the ball is ditched, bring the right hand back into view AS the left hand drops to the material of the front left pants pocket and pretends to push the invisible ball through the pocket. Show the hands empty before dropping the left hand openly into the pocket and removing a ball, leaving two balls behind. Allow the effect to register and accept your applause. Your first miracle is complete.
Offer to perform the same effect again, executing another false transfer into the right hand, again retaining in the left. Knead the ball into nothingness, holding it by the right index finger and thumb. Turn the body to the right a bit, as you raise the right leg and mime the action of dropping the ball down to the right knee. Say, “It’s a trick knee…get it?? Trick knee???” Reproduce the ball from the knee with the left hand as the right hand uses that misdirection and blocking to retrieve the ball from the back pocket Fig. 4 and 5. Drop the knee and face the audience. The right hand falls by its side, concealing the ball. Draw attention away from that hand by inviting a spectator to help you for your next part of the trick. Place the ball at the tips of the left hand fingers directly onto the ball in the right hand, being careful not to flash the ball already there. Extend your left hand palm up as you ask the spectator to follow suit and open her hand. Place both balls together as one into the spectator’s hand, and close her hand for her, being careful to remove your fingers as you do. Reach over to another spectator’s shoulder and pretend to grab another bit of lint and toss it toward the spectator’s hand. Slowly have her open her hand, to reveal she now holds two balls. Hilarity ensues. Take this opportunity to reach into the left pocket and finger palm out a sponge leaving one in the pocket. Take both balls back from the spectator and display them on the palm up right hand, using the hand as a table. Ask the spectator to point to either ball. Pick up the ball that she chooses with the left index finger and thumb, taking care to not flash the ball already palmed. Quickly squeeze the left hand’s two balls together and place them into the spectator’s hand and have the spectator close the hand as you bring attention to the ball at the right. Adjust your spectator’s fist so that the thumbhole side of the fist faces the ceiling. This will create a pedestal for which to place the ball on the right hand. Instruct her to squeeze tightly as you intend to get the ball into their hand without them feeling it and without anyone seeing it. Show your hands empty and fairly remove the ball from the top of the spectator’s fist with the left hand and openly place it into your right hand. Close the right hand into a fist. Use the left hand to gently hold the spectator’s fist, to prevent her from opening the hand prematurely. Tap your fist against hers a couple of times and ask the spectator if she felt the ball go in. She will reply that she did not. Open your hand and say that you haven’t done it yet. Laymen invariably laugh at this. Use this release of tension to quickly grab the ball with the left hand and perform a false transfer back into the right hand. I personally use a thumb palm false transfer described earlier. The left hand grabs her wrist, using it to give the hand holding out something to do. Open the hand to reveal the ball has vanished from your hand and allow the spectator to open her hand to reveal two balls. “WTF!!!” is the most common reaction at this point. Take the two balls from the spectator and place the two balls and the ball you have concealed in the left thumb palm into the spectator’s hand. Once again, pretend to grab another piece of lint from a spectator and toss it toward the spectator’s fist. She opens, to reveal that she now has three little balls in her hand. The last sequence is my take on the standard two in the hand one in the pocket routine. “Now I’m going to fool you…if I haven’t done so already. We have an oath in magic that states that we can’t do the same trick for the same audience twice. I’m going to break that rule for you all. If I fool you with it the first time, I’m going to do the same trick again to give you an opportunity to catch me out. I’ll be using three balls, two hands and this pocket. Now it can be hard to follow, so I’ll split you into groups. You all watch the pocket. It’s an inanimate object, not going anywhere. You all are responsible for watching my right hand. And lastly, you all watch the balls. Here we go...” That introductory patter sets you up for the two in the hand, one in the pocket sequence that concludes this routine. Give the three balls to a spectator to hold, temporarily acting as your table. Take one ball from the spectator with the left hand and pretend to place it in your pocket. Actually, you grab the ball already in the pocket and place both balls into thumb palm before removing the hand from the pocket. As the hand exits the pocket the right hand points toward the second ball, to draw attention away from the left hand. Grab the second ball from the spectator while being careful to not expose the thumb palmed balls. Place all three balls as one into the right hand and quickly close the hand into a fist. Don’t make a move of it to draw attention to it. Show the left hand empty as you grab the last ball; place it openly into the pocket. Ask the spectators you assigned to the pocket how many balls should be there, they will say, “two”. Ask the spectators you told to watch your right hand how many balls should be in the fist, they will reply, “one”. Open your hand to reveal three balls. “By show of hands, how many people were fooled just now? Good. I’m glad to see all this hard work is paying off...” Offer to then repeat the sequence as promised. Place all three balls back onto the spectator’s hand. Take the first one and openly place it into the left pocket. When you remove the hand from the pocket, have the hand closed into a tight fist as you reach for the second ball. Grab the second ball with the index finger and thumb, keeping the rest of the left fist clenched. Pause for a beat before opening the middle, ring and pinkie fingers wide to show only one ball in the left hand. Perform your favorite vanish into the right hand retaining the ball in finger palm. Close the right hand and grab the last ball from the spectators hand, again taking care to not expose the ball concealed there. Place both balls into the pocket. Repeat the procedure of asking the spectators what balls are where. You can get a variety of responses for this as spectators will either anticipate that the same outcome has been brought about OR that you have really put the balls where you said you did. In either event play the moment up by making sure they are sure what balls are where. Regardless, open the hand to reveal that the hand is empty, leaving you in applause cue position. As an after thought, you can later reveal that the balls jumped back into the pocket, but that ending is optional. If the routine gets great applause, I tend to reveal the balls, and give them to the spectator I used as a table for her hard work. In all honesty, it takes more work to hold your hands out as a table for 2 minutes than it does to perform this routine. If you choose to allow your spectator to run away with the balls as a souvenir, here’s a line that was told to me by Randy Shine, which was originated by Earl “Presto” Johnson. “There you go, take them home and try it yourself. It won’t work for you, but you’ll have a great time trying…” Warning: If you decide to give the balls out, take care to not give them to young children. The last thing you want is a suit filed against you when the youngster tries to ingest them.
Things to make you go HMM… And there you have it. The routine can take anywhere between 5-6 solid minutes with audience reactions. There are several pros to this routine that make it especially delightful. The routine takes place without the use of a table in the traditional sense. The fact that this routine takes place “in the hands” allows you to literally perform it any time, any place for as many as 40 people. It has elements of both a close up and a stand up routine and is perfectly suited for both. Recapping on some of the individual moments that make this routine unique includes the production of the first ball and the complete vanish of the first ball. The use of the spectator’s fist as a pedestal serves a dual role in audience management. It keeps the spectator from opening their hand prematurely, and acts as a functional temporary table so that you can show the hands empty if you choose to do so.

Kaps, Fred:, Fred Kaps' Cups and Balls As taught by Fred Kaps to Trevor Lewis by Brahams Anyhony ©1995 by Anthony Brahams. p 6 Sequence One. Three balls appear under the three cups; p 9 Sequence Two. Three balls gather under the center cup; p 11 Sequence Three. Three balls go beneath the right side cup; p 12 Sequence Four. Three balls vanish and reappear under the cups; p 13. Sequence Five. The balls vanish from the left hand cup and appear under the center cup; p 15 Sequence Six. A ball appears to travel from under the middle cup to either end cup; p 17 Sequence Seven. The fake explanation leading to the loading of the four final loads & The Art of Close Up Magic Volume 1 compiled by Lewis Ganson ©1996 L&L Publishing; p 354 Fred Kaps Chinese Bowl.

Kardyro, Tony: Close-Up Deceptions ©1972 Tony Kardyro and the Royal House of Magic; 36 pages; p 13 T.K.'s Magic Dust: a sponge routine with a gag eyeball ending & Kardyro's Kolossal Kompendium of Klever and Kommercial Klose-Up The "K" Book of Magic (c)1981 by Abbot Magic Co; p 12 The Punch Ending Supreme: an ending for the Three Shell Game using two large sponge balls; p 16 Deception With Sponges: a large and small sponge ball transpose, then vanish, than change color, then split into many tiny sponges; p 17 T.K.'s Magic Dust: Another sponge ball routine. Dust multiplies into a sponge ball and eventually turns into an "eye".

Kaufman, Richard: The Collected Almanac ©1982-1992 by Richard Kaufman 398 pages. p 162 Magic trick swiping; Paul Harris' Stars of Magic; description of a sponge ball bit by Sol Stone.

Keith, Jon: Impromptu Close-Up Magic Instructional VHS. Sponge Balls Jon Keith's Special Stand-up Routine

Keller, Craig: Apocalypse Vol 5 No 8 Aug 1982 by Harry Lorayne; p 670 SPCA: Sponge Ball and Cards.

Kempsley, David: Wipe Out DVD vanish the purse frame or one of the sponge with empty hands before and after the effect (no thread, no reel...

King, Bob: Classic Stand Up Close Up features Sponge Ball Opener.

Klayder, Jim: Watch Closely (Ca 1978) Sponge ball routine

Klause, Roger: A-1 Greatest Hits DVD A-1 Magicalmedia DVD featuring one effect each from some of the top performers in the world of magic at the time. Roger Klause offered his first Sponge & Sleeve effect &.The Greater Magic Video Library Volume 12; The DVD includes Sleeve Sponge: the first version of the Repeat sponge to the spectator’s sleeve. & Encore 3 by Michael Ammar. p 73: Sponge Ball up the [spectator’s] sleeve and repeat (using thumb tip); this was the initial publication & In Concert: Roger Klause In Concert arranged by Lance Pierce ©1991 L&L Pubishing; p 25 The Sponge & Sleeve (strolling): a sponge ball completely vanishes and travels up the spectator's sleeve. The effect is repeated despite the spectator’s awareness. This handling is different than that found in Michael Ammar's Encore III. & World Greatest Magic by the World’s Greatest Magicians: Sponge Balls.

Knepper, Kenton: Kenton's Full House by Kenton Knepper DVD; Kenton's Legendary Sponge ball routine is also included on this DVD. At last we can see clearly all of the moves, subtle nuances, bold and brilliant original concepts of Kenton's so you can learn this routine easily. We know you've been waiting for years for us to do this. Now it's here. Anytime Kenton performs close-up magic for magicians and mentalists, two tricks are most asked about: Kenton's "Trick Deck/Real Deck Routine" and Kenton's "Sponge Ball Routine".. & Klose-Up And Unpublished “Sponge Balls like Never Before,” offers a fresh take on sponge balls. The balls not only multiply in spectator’s hands, but vanish. And in Knepper’s intriguing, freeform routine, sponge balls appear from almost anywhere, from a spectator’s watch, from under a mug and more, and continually appear. Knepper offers some different approaches to sponge ball handling that we all thoroughly enjoy and plan to master

Knudsen, Christian: Herzblut DVD 3: Schwamm Drüber. & Sponge Over There. Two sponges materialize from both sides of a wooden spoon, and a sponge ball routine commences. Contained in the set are 2 sponge balls, the spoon. Includes detailed instruction guide in German Language

Korem, Danny: Korem witout limits

Kosby, Ray: Wow! IT's Ray Kosby, the Video. 10 effects features Four pieces of sponge form a 4 & Impossible Close-Up Magic DVD; 1 2 3 4: Four sponge cubes are produced and placed in your fist. The fist is opened to show a giant number "4" made out of sponge. The "4" is then ripped into four separate cubes.

Kozak: The Master Routine With The Sponge Balls ©1973 by Imperial Magic Worcester, Mass.

Krumholtz, Jason: Apocalypse Vol 14 No 12 Dec 1991 by Harry Lorayne; p 2008 Crystal Clear: 3 sponge balls appear, vanish, and reappear under a glass.

Laflin, Duane: Practical Gospel Magic ©1988 Duane Laflin; p 15 Gospel Application for Sponge Balls to Spectator's Hand: Standard sponge ball routine (details are not discussed, suggests using instructions that came with sponge balls). Don't hide your faith, multiply it. & Clever sponge ball magic DVD Begins with a complete sponge ball stage act. Following the routine you learn basic sleights such as the thumb palm, mash move, and retention vanish. After that is a series of individual routines including perpetual balls, balls to pocket in color, big ball ending, sponge balls close up and in color, hop skip and jump, and double growing ball. There is also a section on special secrets, where more than you think and the four ball vanish are revealed. The DVD concludes with step by step explanation of the complete sponge ball stage act. The full sequence with all the moves! Learn about steals, getting the sponge balls wet, loading a sponge bunny into your hand right under the nose of a spectator, making balls appear in a spectator's hand, and more.

Ladshaw, Tom: Apocalypse Vol 12 No 3 March 1989 by Harry Lorayne; p 1612 A Sponge or Two: Two in the hand, one in the pocket with sponges, and no pockets are used. The sponges vanish in plain sight.

Laflin, Duane: Clever Sponge Ball Magic DVD 2006; Duane teaches a complete sponge ball act for the stage and along the way we learn the many standard techniques for sponge ball manipulations. Also taught are many sequences such as the perpetual balls, balls to pocket, big ball ending, sponge balls close up and in color, hop skip and jump, and double growing ball and more.

Lancaster, Lou: Commercial Closeup Magic ©1984 Lou Lancaster; 2nd Printing 1985; p 5: Did You Lose This? A straight-forward "in the spectator's hand" Sponge Ball routine utilizing a Purse Frame and featuring "splitting" a ball into two, the "10 count" (although not presented in a count of 10), and a vanish of the balls at the end.

Lasher, Micah: The Magic of Micah Lasher More than Fifty Tricks That Will Amaze and Delight Everyone Including You. ©1996 Micah Lasher: Published by Simon & Schuster; p 140 Sponge Balls: routine using standard 4 ball set. Balls multiply then vanish, with spectator participation; p 145 Sponge Ball Retention Vanish: sleight.

Leech, Alfred B.: Al Leech’s Legacy. ©1980, Magic Inc., Ill. p 64 Chicago Balls. The Chicago Ball Trick and a Routine: uses "sponge" multiplying balls, but may also work with Fakini's. A thorough and practical routine.

Lepage, Nicolas: Floating Gimmick; The Floating Gimmick comes complete with the gimmick, a sponge ball and an instructional DVD. Take it back and put it on your hand. Slowly, the ball begins to move and finally takes flight. It flies in the air. Make some movements around it, there is nothing to see. After some seconds, you catch the ball still in levitation to pass it around for examination. It's normal. No tape, no glue, easy to perform. It takes no more than five minutes to learn this effect. If I’m not mistaken, Jay Scott Berry had a similar gimmick to float dollar bills.

Leveridge, Mark. The Commercial Sponge Ball Routine Master Routine No. 1. Mark's commercial close up routine. Lively, swift routine with ending in the spectator’s hand & The Master Routine Series Collected Works. Over 20 years (from 1984) of routines now in one collection. Re-written and re-drawn. Includes: No.1 - The Commercial Sponge Ball Routine. & Lucky Dip. A children's sponge ball routine. A clear zip top folder has four coin purses, each with a sponge ball in it (3 yellows and one red). The children each select a closed purse, but the magician ends up with the red sponge, despite switches being able to be made up to the last moment & Master Routines #1 (on DVD L&L): The commercial sponge ball routine: this is a fast paced, surprising sequence which Mark has used for 25 years. No reset, it builds quickly and magically to a strong finish. & World Greatest Magic by the World’s Greatest Magicians. Mark Leveridge’s routine.

Levine, Harry M.: Hugard’s Magic Monthly Vol XV N°2 July 1957 p 15 Liberty Strikes Again (As performed at the Open House meeting of April 12th, 1957). In right hand pocket keep four sponge balls with fifty cent piece with liberty bell on tail side. Spirit bell where it belongs. Take out three balls, finger palming the fourth and placing three on the table. Point to each ball stating, "Eenie, Meenie and Miney, go to school." First "Eenie," pick up ball No. 1 with right fingers and put it into left hand, then "Meenie" pick up ball No. 2 with right fingers and put it into your left hand, dropping finger-palmed ball at the same time; close hand and "Miney goes home." Pick up ball No. 3 and apparently put it into your right pocket. Ask spectators, "Who went to school?" Invariably they reply: "Eenie and Meenie." As you open your left hand showing three balls say "No, Eeenie,Meenie and Miney. Watch, I'll do it again." Repeat above moves but when your right hand goes into your pocket, drop the ball and finger palm the half dollar. Ask spectators again, "Who went to school?" and, regardless of answers, show three balls in your left hand and roll them on the table. Now state that "Names are confusing, so I'll forget about names." Meanwhile, repeat moves for putting first ball into your left hand, then pick up second ball, put it into your left hand and drop the finger-palmed half dollar at the same time. Close your left hand. Pick up the third ball from the table and put it into your right hand pocket, actually leaving the first ball there. Casually flash your right hand to be empty. "How many went to school?" Invariably there are answers of "2" or "3." Say "I'll split the difference, two and a half." Release one ball from the left hand saying, "One"; release the second ball saying "Two," and, after a slight pause, "and a half" dropping the half dollar to the table. Now pick up one ball from the table and apparently place it in your left hand, actually keeping it finger-palmed in your right hand and saying, "The next day this feller went to school," and then pick up second ball saying "this one went home" and drop both balls into your right hand pocket. Pick up the half dollar with the liberty bell side up, place it on your closed left fingers, and say "The teacher rang the bell." Press the bell on the half dollar with your right index finger and with each pressing make the Spirit Bell ring. Say, "And when the bell rings everybody goes home," opening your left hand showing it to be empty. Try it and you will find the finish really "rings the bell."

Lewis, Eric: Personal Magic Vol. 1 CDROM from MagiKraft Studios; p 121 Silver & Sponges; L. L. Ireland.

Lewis, Tony L. Pips A Poppin'. Act One: The magician removes the four aces from the pack, displays them in a spread and places them on top of the deck. He explains that the pips on playing cards are actually a solid model which has been greatly compressed. After the understandably skeptical reaction from the audience, the performer offers to prove his claim. One of the aces is rubbed on the magician's left palm and when it's lifted away, a sponge spade has appeared and when the card is turned the spade pip on the card is gone! One by one, the effect is repeated with each of the three remaining aces in a variety of ways-the pips may be plucked from the card, scratched or slapped off as the magician chooses. Using the four sponge pips, the magician then performs any of his favorite sponge routines, making them jump from hand to hand, even into a spectator's closed fist! All four of the sponge pips are then placed into the magician's hand, he places his closed hand over the deck and opens his hand, quickly bringing out down onto the top of the deck. When he lifts his hand, it's seen to be empty-the sponges have disappeared! Upon turning over the top card of the deck, the Joker is seen-with the four missing pips strewn across the face! Act Two: After giving the audience sufficient time to recover, the performer removes the four deuces from the deck and spreads them showing the faces. The four cards are slapped against the palm of the magician's hand and when they're pulled away, he's holding all four sponge pips and the 2's are shown to be missing their bottom pips! Again, any of the performer's favorite sponge routines may be performed using these sponge pips. To conclude, the magician places the heart sponge pip into his left hand, then the club, diamond and spade into his pocket. He asks the audience what is left in his hand and no matter what the response, the performer opens his hand to reveal a four-inch sponge heart! Includes all of the necessary super-soft sponge pips, specially-printed Bicycle cards and detailed, 12-page instruction booklet. This effect could perfectly blend with Charlie Frye’s die matrix. (Charlie Frye’s Adventures in sleight of hand Juggling, physical control DVD).

Lewis, Trevor: ESOLC (That's Close Up) by Phil Willmarth, (editor) ©1981 Lewis and Willmarth, Published by Standridge Magic; p 51 Trevor's Benson Bowl Routine: with bowl, 4 sponges, and toy plastic dinner roll. Three sponge balls appear beneath the bowl. The balls travel from hand to bowl, and eventually the roll is discovered; p 85 Flog - A Sponge Ball Routine: A full sponge ball routine based on golf with comedy patter. Splitting a ball, in the spectator's hand, and a "FORE (4)" finish & Close Up Lecture Notes. 24 pages, paper. Covers 18 effects including his comedy Golf Sponge Ball routine

Lowe, Ryan: Gone DVD by Expert Magic; We learn how to turn a borrowed half dollar into a sponge ball and much, much more.

Lukins, Jerry: Hugard’s Magic monthly Vol VII N° 6 p 598: The feint – Sponge balls. There are two balls in play: the performer places one in the spectator’s hand and one in his own hand. Then the performer gets a doubt, he looks at the ball in his hand, tables it, asks the spectator “excuse me, which one do your have?” The performer then takes the spectator’s ball false transfers it to the left stating “sorry that’s mine” and immediately taking the tabled ball with the right places it back in the spectator’s hand secretly adding the other ball. Jean Hugard claims that the only book in which the feint is treated as a basic principle of magic is Robert-Houdin's The Secrets of Conjuring and Magic. & Hugard’s Magic monthly Vol XVI N° 2 July 1958 p 13: Set-Up: Use four large balls, at least 1 ½ '' in diameter and three small ones about ¾ " in diameter. One of the larger balls is “vested” underneath the right side of vest or in the upper part of the right trouser pocket (tucked up at top where it rests very securely). During the routine and at the right psychological moment, carelessly drop your thumb and first finger inside the right trouser pocket and at the same time, although there is nothing in the left trouser pocket, also put your thumb in that pocket (in a sort of natural, careless gesture of resting my thumbs inside both pockets): that is when the ball is removed from the right pocket. The other three large balls are in the left coat pocket and the three small balls in the right coat pocket. You are now set. You need a table corner or any small table or even a chair. It’s advisable to have a light top or even throw a white table cloth or any light colored cloth over the table or chair so that when the balls are displayed they stand out. By the time you’re ready to perform, decide upon your "victim”: usually a girl with a pleasant disposition. You’re now ready to do the Sponge Ball Routine. Call up your assistant and have her stand to your right, in back of the table with you. Introduce what you’re about to do more or less as follow: "Ladies and gentlemen, anything I've done up to now may perhaps justify the remark that I've some skill... how clever I am, and all that sort of stuff, and that all I did was my own doing.. . and I have to stand by whatever results I may have attained. While here this evening, having a good time, and enjoying the hospitality of... I looked over this wonderful, educaated group, and I was particularly attracted to Miss... I have asked her to come up here because what we are about to do does not in any way depend upon me. It entirely depends upon Miss..." (usually get a snicker or two at this stage.) Turn to smile at her. She's wondering what you are up to... in fact, everybody is in a jolly mood and wondering what's up.. . "I think you'll agree I've chosen well," Say: “If this little thing, we're about to do goes over, please give no credit to me. It belongs entirely to Miss… You see," Then say turning to her, "what responsibility rests upon you? I am confident that I made no mistake in my choice. She has the right physique, as you will note, the proper disposition, and we all know her to be a very intelligent person, etc., etc." Now remove from your left coat pocket and, for the first time, clearly and unmistakably place two of the large sponge balls in front of her. Not having worked with her before and because it's certainly not a common object, they all look with surprise at the two balls facing them. Ask her to examine them closely, take each one in her hand and "convince this intelligent and lovely audience that they are obviously what they appear to be: two rubber sponge balls." Roll your sleeves up, show your hands unmistakably empty, and addressing to her, comment: "It won't be necessary for you to do that because you're obviously beyond suspicion, and besides you've no sleeves anyway." (the usual case with most females) Ask her to open and extend her right hand. Take it and linger over it a while holding it and scrutinize the palm making a remark about "doing palm reading on the side.'" ask her to make a fist and then comment "That's fine, I just know we're going to do alright, you’re just the right person." The sponge balls, of course, are still on the table and you ask her which one she would like you to take. She points to either one. You take it between the thumb and first finger of your right hand, place it into your left hand, and close your left hand leaving the ball there. At this point turn to her, and whether her right palm is open or closed, make some comment about keeping it wide open (she's usually closed it or half closed it anyway). As she opens her palm pick up the ball that is resting on your left palm with your right thumb and first finger, show it again clearly and "place it" in your left palm closing your left fingers over it. In reality steal it out holding it now in the right hand, using the only real "move" in the entire routine. This "move" can be described as follows: Thumb and first finger hold the ball at their tips, right hand makes gesture of placing ball into the left palm and actually rests it on the left palm. The fingers of left hand close over it. At that point the right hand leaves the left palm taking the ball at the same time. The ball is now pinched by 2nd and 3rd fingers, releasing the first finger and thumb and permitting you to point with first finger being certain that the back of the right hand is toward audience. The left hand, of course, is closed (Audley Walsh false transfer). Immediately reach with right hand for the remaining ball on the table, press both together and hold them for a second or so and "show" them as one. Place them at the roots of her outstretched hand and ask her to close her hand tightly and help her do so by closing fingers on her palm so that now it appears that you hold one ball, and she is holding the other. "Watch!" Rub the fingers of your left hand, gradually open the hand, show that the ball has vanished, and open all fingers wide apart (both hands) to show it's in neither hand. Say to her "Have you still got yours?" She acknowledges of course that she has. Ask her to show it to the rest of the audience. She opens her hand and two balls roll out. At this stage there's some surprise and usually laughter. Take advantage of this moment and place your right thumb and first finger into your right trouser pocket (left thumb going into left pocket at the same time) and remove from your right pocket the ball lodged there. Hold loosely by the fingers of your right hand. Say. "Shall we try it again?" Invariably, of course, the answer is "Yes." You can add "Wasn't that clever of her?" Now pick up "both balls with both hands, but the right hand has added the hidden ball on table and is actually holding two. Show them that you’re obviously and unmistakably holding two balls: "one" in each hand. Then place them momentarily in your left hand and immediately place the "two" balls in her right hand and again. She closes it on them and holds them tightly. (She is now holding three.) Helping her close her hand, now turn to her and whisper: "I'm going to let you in on a little secret, but please don't breathe a word of it to anyone, for if the Magician's Union ever hears about it I'll be expelled." (Of course, everybody hears what I'm "whispering.") "What really happens is I use another ball." Reach into your left coat pocket and remove the remaining large ball. Show it to her clearly and place it on the table. Pick up this ball as before and "place" it in your left hand. (Make the "move.") Then ask her to blow on your hand. "It's not absolutely necessary but the Magician's Union insists that I do it at each show." She blows on your hand, and you slowly open the fingers one at a time: the ball has gone! At this point, rest your right hand on her shoulder which gives you perfect cover in hiding the ball that's in your right hand. Also take advantage of the soft shoulder she's likely to have and all in all it's very pleasant, the atmosphere is congenial and you can enjoy it! "Have you still got the two balls?" Ask in all innocence. She replies in the affirmative and you ask her to open her hand... and out roll the three balls. Say "Shall we try it again?" and the answer is "Yes." There are now three balls in front of you and you’re holding one in your right hand... "Watch." Pick up the first one, with first finger and thumb and toss it into the left palm. Pick up the second one, but this time add the ball hidden in your right hand and say "Two" and close in on three of them. Pick up the remaining ball on the table show it clearly holding it at the tip with your first finger and thumb and say "This one goes into my pocket." Put it in your pocket leaving it there, at the same time "stealing" one of the smaller balls. Point with the first finger of your right hand to your left hand and ask "How many?" The answer is "Two." release the hold on your left hand and lay the balls down, one at a time, showing three balls. "Let's try it again". With the right hand, pick up one of the balls, at the same time adding the small one. It's a very simple thing to do because the second ball is so much smaller you can show what appears to be just one ball. Lay that "one" ball in your left hand, the smaller ball being underneath. You can keep your hand now partially open with just enough grip to hold the balls in place. The little ball is completely hidden and cannot be seen. Pick up the second ball and place it in your left hand. Now again and quite obviously you’re holding but two of the larger balls (in reality one of the small balls is completely hidden underneath those two). Close your left hand, pick up the large ball that's on the table and comment "This one goes in the pocket." Again leave it in the right coat pocket and "steal" a second small ball. "How many did you say in my hand?" The answer, of course, is "Two!" Open your 1eft.hand and out roll the two large balls and one little one and at this time I say "A little one... they gave birth!" Pick up one of the large balls in your right hand adding the little one and place them in your left hand saying, "One." Pick up the small ball on the table show it and toss it with the other (really others) in your left hand and say "This is the little one, let's say one and a half." Close in on them, pick up the remaining large ball on the table and say "And this one goes back into the pocket." Leave it in the pocket and "steal" the remaining small ball. Turn to her again and say "How many?" She says either "One and a half, or one and a little one or two." (It does not matter, of course.) Slowly open the left hand and out roll a large ball and two little ones. Say, "Ah, twins!" Turn to her and say "Do you know the story about the Big Bad Wolf and the Little Pigs? Do you remember there was one little pig". .. at this point pick up one of the small balls and toss it into my open left palm.. . "And there were two little pigs" and pick up the second small ball, but in the same tossing motion add the second small ball into the palm of your left hand, and immediately close your left hand. (you now have three little balls in your left hand.) They, of course, think there are two. "And this is the Big Bad Wolf" Now pick up the large ball, the only ball now remaining on the table, "He goes into the cave." Place it into your right pocket leaving it there, coming out of the pocket empty-handed. Make a gesture with the right hand pointing to your left hand with open fingers to show obviously that that's really the situation: nothing in your right hand. Ask "How many little pigs did you say?" She says "Two." Open your hand and three little balls roll out. Pick up one of the small balls with your right hand, toss it into my left hand and say "One little pig went to market." Pick up the second ball the same way and say "Two little pigs went to market," but in the action of placing it into the left hand "steal" the one already in your hand and immediately close the hand. Then with the thumb and first finger of the right hand pick up and show the remaining ball (the other two are enclosed by the remaining fingers of the right hand) and say "And this little pig stayed home." Go into the right coat pocket and leave all the three balls there and coming out empty-handed ask: "How many little pigs went to market?" Your assistant will probably say "Two." Turn to someone else and ask "How many would you say?" The reply is usually "Three." Then say "That's right two and three make five." Slowly open your left hand and show it completely empty, bring both hands together in a gesture of "washing" the fingertips--empty. Turn to your charming assistant and say, "Wasn't she wonderful? Just as I assured you. Just great." Give her a hand!" And join in the applause giving her all the credit for, after all, she did it all---and deserves it. And that is the theory about this entire effect: She's the magician, the talented one. She did it all and merits all the credit.

Lyle, Art: Hugard's Magic Monthly Vol XIX N° 11 July 1962 p 128 Spongeability: To retain the resilience of your sponge balls, rinse them out occasionally and keep them in an airtight tin box. Half-pound tobacco cans are ideal. (Eugene Burger suggest to rinse them with water having soap in it and to twist them in a towel but does not speak about an air tight box) Hugard's Magic Monthly Vol XX N° 1 Sept 1962 p 6: Sponge balls deteriorate if left exposed to air and light. For an air-tight, fancy container: Pour some enamel into a 4" olive jar. Replace the cap . . . swirl paint around until inside of jar is completely coated . . . drain enamel back into can. . .fini! No brush... no lather... no rub-in and no paint remover needed to clean your hands.

MacGregor, Jerry: Real World Magic ©1999 by Jerry MacGregor. Part Two: Routines: Rush Lintball by Steve Taylor: Sponge ball routine.

McMahan, Greg: Kids Think It's Funny ©SPS Publications. Four Sponge Ball Routines

Malone, Bill: Reel Magic Magazine issue 4. Thinking Man's Sponge Ball Routine & Here I Go Again! Vol 2 DVD; Thinking Man’s Sponge Ball Routine: A sponge ball routine workers can use. Bill’s performed this routine for over 25 years. His multiplying sponges at the end supplies a great illusion.

Mardo, Senor: Routined Magic ©1945 Max Holden; p 7 The Glass Mystery: 1 cup & ball routine using a single glass covered with newspaper, and 4 sponge balls; p 13 Mardo's Cups & Balls Routine: Mardo strived to eliminate extraneous moves to provide a smooth routine. Suitable for any cup set. Mardo prefers sponge rubber balls, but any can be used. Ends with the usual large loads under each cup; p 19 The Following Sleights Are Suitable For Either Sponge or Billiard Balls: Includes The Fist Drop, The Scoop, and The Pounding (a ball through the cup move) & The Cups & Balls ©1955 Magic Limited, 4064 Thirty-With Ave., Oakland 19, California. 34 pages include his sponge ball routine.

Marlo, Ed: Ed Marlo: Vol 1 Without Cards VHS by Pierre Mayer Radio Prim: Sponge Balls & Arcade dream by Jon Racherbaumer, Ed Marlo is famous for his ingenious creations with cards, but he also devoted a great deal of creativity to magic with other objects including sponge balls; p 132 Windy City Sponges: Four regular sponges, three smaller sponges, a handkerchief, and a surprise load. Splitting one to two, Genuine pass (the Ten Count), False Pass, etc. p 150 State-Street Cups and Balls: Uses sponge balls, three large loads, a wooden egg., and three metal cups. Introductory Sequence (Optical Penetration Cup Through Cup), a sponge is magically produced while the cups are stacked. Sponge ball penetrates pocket, and then each cup. The single ball multiplies to three. Balls placed under cups all move to center, then back to all three cups. Center ball travels to end, then those two to other end. Balls placed in pocket reappear in cups. Balls in pocket reappear in center cup. Balls under each cup travel to end. Balls vanish, and large loads appear under each cup. As the cups are cleaned up, an egg appears under one cup; p 160 Windy City Phase: A cups and balls "phase" using sponge balls to be used in a larger routine. Three sponges are placed in the center cup, a Three Shell Game type move is performed, and two sponges leave the center and appear under each end cup; p 162 Jam It! A "Chop Cup" type maneuver using a sponge ball and standard cup

Martin, Patrick: Clones a different routine

Martinez, Daryl. Fooler Doolers. A classic take with a design and a script that Daryl is the only one to have the secret: a superb routine. & Papa Rabbit Hits the Big Time with Companion DVD. A sponge rabbit and a little bird are magically produced. A clean transposition is followed by a comical comedy of errors expose. Mama and Papa rabbits then appear and disappear in the hands of both the magician and the spectator. For a surprising finish, a handful of baby bunnies magically appear in the spectator's tightly clenched fist & Daryl's Papa Rabbit Hits the Big Time from Fooler Doolers. & World Greatest Magic by the World’s Greatest Magicians. Daryl.

Marucci, Peter: Stonehenge Sponges To a story involving the mystery surrounding Stonehenge in England, three "stone" sponges leap from hand to hand, and from the magician's hand to the spectator's hand and, finally, they all vanish. Effective as a table-hopping sponge routine

Maxwell, Michael: Michael Maxwell's Incredible Magic...Made Easy! Vol 2 DVD Includes sponge rabbits.

Mayol, Henry. Apocalypse Vol 6 No 8 Aug 1983 ©by Harry Lorayne; p 810 Fee Fi Fo Fum: two giant sponge ball stunners & Passez l’éponge (Sponge balls book in French) + selling his colorful sponge ball routine where three small black balls travel several times from the pocket to the hand, before transforming into three balls of different colors with a diameter twice as large.

Maze, Gene:

McAllister, Bob: Cavorting Sponges. As seen in Tarbell 7. 1/2 inch sponge balls.

McBride, Jeff: World Class Manipulation Volume 1 DVD; includes Jeff’s excellent Multiplying Sponge Balls.

McComb, Billy: McCombical Stage Sponges. One trick manuscript. The routine uses four 3" and one 5" sponge and some rope.

Mendoza, John: John Mendoza - My Best Vol 2 DVD; Bowl Routine: The Mendoza version of Roy Benson’s classic routine is full of magical surprises as sponge balls vanish and reappear underneath an inverted bowl. The fun doesn’t stop there as the balls even magically appear in a spectator’s hand, leading up to a surprising and off-the-wall finish.

Mentzer, Jerry. Linking Ring February 1971 © by Jerry Mentzer & Close up cavalcade ©1973 by Jerry Mentzer. Reprint from Linkin Ring. p 115 “Something from Something” is a magical production of three balls out of one; Jerry first describe a sort of reverse shuttle pass but done as a False Take from the left palm bringing the ball between the right first and second fingers (rather than the more common false transfer); Using this sleight start with a ball visible in the left and two palmed in the right (one thumb palmed, the other finger palmed) Do the reverse Shuttle Pass keeping a ball palmed in the left which closes into a fist and push the visible ball in the left thumb crotch; the left hand squeezes out two balls; repeat taking one of the balls and pushing it in the left thumb crotch and produce the third ball p 119 Sponge Shenanigans (the routine is meant to be a sequel to the previous one) Have an additional ball in the right pocket as well as a contrasting object (a potato, an onion or possibly a sponge of contrasting color); Take one of the visible three balls with the left hand false take it in the right and allegedly place it in your pocket as the left takes the two remaining balls (adding them to the palmed one). As this is done the right hand comes out from the pocket with the fourth ball finger palmed. Reveal that the pocketed ball has joined the ones in the left hand. Ask the spectator to point at two balls. Pick them up adding the palmed one and offer to repeat in his hand. Place all three in his hand, pick up the visible one, false transfer it and pretend to place it in your pocket. Apparently rub the ball in the spectator’s elbow. Have him opening his hand and reveal three. With the right pick up one of the balls and pass it to your left adding the palmed one. Then openly place another one in the left as well. Place the third in your pocket palming the contrasting object. Open the left hand to reveal three balls which are tabled. Pick up a ball and place it in the left, pick eth second one and place it there as well adding the contrasting object. The last one goes to the pocket (and stays there). Produce first the two sponges and then, with a little suspense, the contrasting object. During this blind spot pick up the two sponges together and false transfer them to the left hand. Still with the right, take the contrasting object and pocket it (with the two sponges). Wave over your hand: everything vanished.

Mitchell, Barry: Got Cookies? An Oreo cookie is twisted open to reveal the "stuff", a white sponge ball. The stuff becomes double stuff in the spectator's hand. The double stuff becomes chocolate stuff.

Moraleta, Rani: My Two Balls Visible as performed on a TV show at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZnMws1LB69Q; the routine shows two balls placed in the left fist, one of them disappears. This ball is replaced in the left fist and both balls are now back. Then they are replaced one by one in the left fist and both vanish to reappear in the performer’s shirt breast pocket.

Murray, George: Professional 3D Multiplying Rabbits Marketed product by Nielsen Magic; Effect 1.: A mama and papa rabbit are shown. Magician takes one, and spectator takes other. The papa joins the mama in the spectator's hand. Spectator now holds both mama and papa, but when opening hand, finds an entire family of rabbits. Bunny Care: How to store and wash. Effect 2. Marvyn Roy's Rabbit Habit: Resets for table hopping (pun intended?) Effect: A "hare" is produced from the spectator's jacket. The rabbit vanishes from the hand and appears in the pocket. The magician offers to try again. Both hands are held in fists, and the spectator is asked to guess which hand holds Peter rabbit. Whichever hand is selected, magician opens hand and state's, "no, that Peter's friend, Peter is over here", opening other hand to reveal a 2nd rabbit. The magician takes one rabbit and places the other in the spectator's hand. He states that the spectator's rabbit will vanish and join his. This doesn't work, as the magician's rabbit has joined the spectator's. The magician places one rabbit in the pocket. He then makes a crease in the pocket and the rabbit comes through the pants pocket without making a hole. The rabbit is then placed into the spectator's hand along with the other rabbit. When opened, a rabbit family appears.

Murray John: Inside John Murray; ©1984 by the Author, Greenville, SC: “Sponge Ball Finale”.

Musson, Clettis: Minute Magic ©1953 Ireland Magic Co; p 19 The Amazing Paper Balls: Ashes turn into paper balls, wherein a sponge ball type routine is performed; p 22 Multiplying Paper Balls: simple sponge ball type routine

Noblezada, Jay: Sponge. 4 sponge + DVD. Beginner to pro with sponge balls Package includes the basis we need to add a sponge ball routine to your act. The teaching is eavily centered on two in the hand and one in the pocket but successfully demonstrating daring empty loads in the spectator’s hand.

Norman, Karl: Here's How ©1985 Collector's Workshop; p 22 Multiplying Rabbits: Spongeball routine for sponge rabbits. Uses 3 adults, 6 children.

Nosek, Terry: Sponge Ball Magic (Ronjo Magic). A manual on how to make sponge balls appear, disappear and multiply in your spectator's hands. Complete with beginning tricks, sleight of hand and routines. 23 pages.

O'Brien, Obie: Fetcher's Aces DVD set. DVD Two includes Sponge Rabbits

Ouellet, Apocalypse Vol 10 # 9 September 1987 by Harry Lorayne; p 1402: Gary Sponge Ball Sleight. A really great casual retention of vision false transfer with sponge balls & Close-Up Illusions. The Camirand Academy of Magic Inc. ©1990 350 pages. 61 Chapter 6: Sponge Ball Miracles: The Push-Pinch Sponge Ball Vanish; p 64 Some Reflections on Sponge Ball Routining; p 65 The Odd Man Out Routine: performed seated, involves spectator; p 67 The Flying Imp Pass: for sponge ball; p 70 HINT: Achieving Body Memory & The Very Best of Gary Ouellet Vol 1 DVD; The Sponge Balls and Banana routine. This is a clean, direct and simple sponge ball routine. Gary teaches the Flying Imp Pass and two sponge ball vanishes.

Oswald: Blue J Surprise (Marketed routine) New sponge ball routine using blue eggs and blue "J's". A blue egg is produced from thin air. The egg is then placed in the spectator’s hand, the magic moment is created and two eggs appear in the spectator’s hand. This is repeated twice until the spectator has four eggs in her hand. The four eggs are replaced in her hand and the spectator is asked if she knows what’s coming next. They suppose five. The performer asks do you know what’s coming from blue eggs? Not quite. When she opens her hand she has the four eggs and four Blue “J’s” (these Blue J’s seems to be the Binghampton (N.Y.) Rhythm and Blues band of four musicians referring to the British duo Blue Jays, an offspring of the Moody Blues). Hence the “Blue J surprise”.

Pace, Jim: Mestopholies Fire Ball Launcher. You point at something and your finger shoots a fire ball at it. Then the fire vanishes out of thin air. The product requires flash paper or cotton; it’s mounted on a pull leaving the hand empty. False transfer the sponge ball in the hand holding the Fire Ball Launcher, and shoot the ball of flame in the air: A real magic vanish.

Page, Patrick. Pabular Vol 7 Number 1 p 982 The Page Boy Speaks: to perform close-up in an after-dinner situation where there are perhaps ten people sitting around a circular table? This is almost the norm for a banquet-style function. Usually the table is cluttered up with glasses, bottles and a vase of flowers, a candleabra and lord knows what else. The first problem you come up against is the fact that you can’t do anything on the table top because the people sitting at the other side of the table are about seven feet away trying to see through a maze of glasses, bottles etc. Solution coming up. Instead of placing the sponge balls on the table top, turn three glasses mouth down on the table and use the bottoms of the glasses as a working surface. The taller the glasses the better. The logical sequel is to carry a small board, perhaps twelve by five inches and to lay that across two upturned glasses as a sort of raised table on top of the table. (Lawrence O’s idea: if the small board is stiff enough, the middle glass can be used once, half way through, to back hand load a finger palmed sponge) & Close Up Video Professional sponge ball routine & Secret Seminars of Magic Volume 1 Thumb Tip. Variation with sponge balls & Secret Seminars of Magic Volume 5. Sponge Balls. 4 Miracle Vanishes: Fake Take Sponge Ball Vanish #1, Vanish #2, Finger Pinch Vanish #3, Vanish #4; Benson Bowl Routine, Blow Up, Tips on Sponge Balls, Jump, Multi-ball Production, Repeat Ball Production (2 versions), Color Changing Sponge, Balls from Mouth, Balls from Mouth with Color Change, Color Change with Dye Tube, Ball to Silk, Patrick Page Professional Sponge Ball Routine (All the patter, tips and finesse that Pat's used for years!). Splitting One Ball into Two Balls, Vanished Ball Appears in Spectator's Hand, The Ten Count, One in Hand, One in Pocket, Vanish of the Balls, Alternative Finale with Three Balls, Sponge Ball to Coin, Sponge Finesse, Split, An Impromptu Hold Out, Three Ball Production, From a Purse Frame, With a Thumb Tip, From a Chop Cup, Chop Hat Routine, Balls Through Table Under Hat & Secret Seminars of Magic Volume 9. Variation in sponge.

Parrish, Robert: Great Tricks Revisited, Thoughts on Classics ©1995 David Meyer, Magic Book edited by Phil Willmarth; p 54 Well of Invisibility: A routine for the Japanese Box, using a silk, sponge, and rubber ball.

Patrick Smith, Samuel: Big Red Nose A Great Christmas Routine: Rudy starts as a blue-nosed reindeer. The kids object, so you magically turn his nose red. You like it better the other way, but when you try to change it back, the color vanishes from the reindeer's nose! Children howl as the red nose ends up on the performer.

Paul, Johnny. Greater Magic video Library Vol 15 The Johnny Paul / Jim Ryan routine.

Pierce, Lance: The World-Famous Bowl Routine ©2007 Sponge! Is added as a special Bonus. It is professional and commercial routine. Only on the surface does this routine appear standard; the meticulous detail and choreography that is Lance Pierrce’s trademark make this a closer.

Pilling, Ryan. Little Gray Hare. The Magician brings attention to the hair hanging above your face. As you pluck out a single hair, it instantly pops into view at your fingertips in the form of a small bunny rabbit. "Oh look! I have a little gray hair!" The included routine has you producing three bunnies at your fingertips, then having all three vanish... entirely! With no added gimmicks or difficult moves. Plus extra ideas and jokes to incorporate these bunnies into your regular sponge ball routine.

Porper, Joe: Dye Tube – Porper; This expertly made gimmick will allow you to change the color of a sponge ball with ease. Perfectly machined and balanced to fit the hand of any performer.

Priest, Chris: Protons Christ Priest, "The Millennium British Champion of Close-Up Magic" releases his sponge ball routine. Protons gives the audience a non-stop roller coaster ride of amazing magic from start to finish. The routine begins with the performer showing both hands empty, only to pluck a colored ball from the spectators hand! This fast paced routine jam packed with visual mind-boggling magic, grows to an awesome climax which your audience will talk about for a long time to come. The DVD features live performances of Christ performing the Protons routine for real audiences so that we can witness first-hand the reactions we would receive when performing the routine. Everything is here, the performance, the presentation, with detailed teaching instructions, its a magical masterpiece

Proust, Georges. Les meilleurs tours psy de l’Académie de magie. A sponge ball is made to fly thanks to a large Fin Jon loop.

Revelle & Andree, Raise Your Glasses, "50 Tricks with a Bottemless Tumbler" Supreme Magic Publication; p 3. Transponge, Dried Egg, Magical Change, Milk Silks, Trapped; p 4. Silk 'n Sponge, Colour Sympathy, Card 'n Silk, Rice 'n Silk

Ray, Eddy: 30 Tricks & Tips with Magic Sponge Ball. Magic Makers Inc. & Magic with Sponge Balls. Here's everything we need to start learning magic with sponge balls. We get a professional set of 4 red balls with an instructional DVD that teaches tricks and sleights.

Redford, Patrick G: Diapason. Not just mentalism or tricks, but full performance pieces. Includes Anathematize (sponge balls from hell); Lead On! (explanation on how all magic works).

Reneaux, James: Hugard’s Magic Monthly Vol X N° 10 March 1953 p 1052 A fine turnout greeted James Reneaux at the Prince George Hotel, Feb. 19th, when he gave his "Tricks of the Trade" le c t you r e for the Magicians' Guild. The slight, blond manager of Abbott's New York shop offered a complete routine as he would have presented it to a lay audience, then he explained his methods trick by trick. Offstage records filled in during the first part with music. His opener: producing a large rubber sponge from a puff of smoke then, under cover of a hanky, changing the sponge into a glass of liquid.

Rogers, Mike: The Complete Mike Rogers A Collection of the Original Material of Mike Rogers, plus various contributions from magical friends ©1975 Magic, Inc. p 69 Mike Rogers Sponge Rabbits: nice routine. & Multiplying Bunnies marketed effect
Single Sheet manuscript with props: Two rabbits are shown on the table, a papa and mama. Mama is placed in one hand, while papa is placed in the pocket. Papa joins mama in the hand. Next, the spectator holds mama, and papa is placed into the pocket. Again, papa joins mama. Finally, the spectator holds both mama and papa and when the hand is opened, an entire family pops out.

Roman, Fernando: Apocalypse Vol 5 No 7 July 1982 by Harry Lorayne. p 649 Easy Ramsey (Jonathan Townsend): coin and cylinder routine simplified. Does not use "stack of coins"; p 654 Sponge Chop: instant appearance of a sponge ball.

Romaric: Impact VHS PAL : Trompe l'oeil. Romaric’s sponge ball toutine. Romaric is a magician of German origin fully integrated in France (fluent in the three languages: English, German and French). The balls appear, disappear, change places… or color, according to the performer’s inspiration. There is not one dead moment in the routine.

Ronjo: Take My Word For It. Every word a laugh! These sponge words bring laughs to any sponge ball routine. As you deliver a punch line, make a word appear from nowhere. Or pull a word out of your hat, shoe or even ear! Exchange a word for a ball. Give a spectator a ball to hold. When their hand is opened, they are surprised to find that the ball has become a word and the word sets up in your punch line. If you love sponge routines, these sponge words will instantly expand your routines in an explosion of new ideas. Even if you've never used sponge balls before, this will get you started on a terrific new way to delight your audiences. Includes 17 hilarious sponge words and letters, complete instructions and suggestions for many routines. Sponge words included: Time, Went, What, Why, Yes, No, Balls, Nothing, Something, Stop, More, Now, Left, Right, It, Sh, and Y & Go Go Gone. A very unique sponge routine! You show three sponges in the shape of the word "GO". You place one of the "GO" sponges in the hand of a spectator and one in your own hand. When the spectator says "Go", your sponge vanishes. The spectator opens his or her hand to reveal not one, but two "GO" sponges! They close their hand around the two sponges as you pick up the third "GO". Yours magically vanishes, joining the other two in the spectator's closed hand. When their hand is opened, they now have three "GO" sponges! Finally, you give all three sponges to another spectator, who closes his or her hands around them. You tell them, "They're gone!" The spectator, who still feels the sponges in their hand, thinks you're wrong, until they open their hand and are amazed to discover that the "GO" sponges are, indeed gone, and they are holding the sponge word "GONE"! Comes complete with 4 "GO" sponges, 1 "GONE" sponge and detailed instruction & Gozinta Boxes and Sponge Balls (Parabox) 2 boxes are exactly the same size but at any given time, either box will fit inside the other and conversely. As the boxes are opened, sponge balls appear from the empty boxes. Put a ball back inside each box and you have one ball left over. Take the remaining ball in your hand and it grows to be three times the original size. A comparable routine was created in te 1970s by Allan Hayden.

Rosenthal, Harvey: Close Up Sampler Part One ©1976. This rare booklet by a true creator contains 16 pages of close up magic including sponge balls.

Rothbart, Dr L. The Bat by Lloyd E. Jones February 1949 # 62 p 455 Surprise sponge climax. The idea is secretly palm about twenty very small sponge balls from the right pocket and hold them with the second third and little finger. Place then the three visible normal sponge balls one by one into the spectator’s outstretched palm. Have him close his hand. Then take hold of that wrist with your left and place your right hand (containing the tiny balls), beside his hand palm up. Count to three. At each count you brush or stroke his fist. At three (when he has been told to open his hand, you stroke harder and suddenly open your fingers at the moment he open his. The effect is created that the mass of tiny colourful balls are bursting out of his hand. Bold but very deceptive sort of open Han Ping Chien. & Frank M. Chapman: Chap’s Scrapbook Vol 2 #19 January 1940 p 2: Dr. Rothbart, Secretary of the Circle of Hungarian Amateur Magicians, Budapest, has contributed several very interesting and original items to "Scrapbook". This one, his latest, is typical of the manner in which he make's use of the element of surprise in climaxing most of his pet effects.(You will enjoy using this.) At the conclusion of a routine with the sponge balls, the performer offers to "Do it once more". He tosses three balls on the table, then picks them up, one by one, and places them into the outstretched hand of a spectator. "It's just a matter of simple arithmetic", he says. "Merely multiplication!" When the spectator opens his hand, upon request, he is- amazed to find that it is filled to overflowing with tiny balls of various colors! Since laughter and surprise are so closely allied, it is quite natural that this Unexpected climax should result in good, hearty laughs. While the performer claims it is "merely multiplication", we quickly realize that it is merely misdirection. We have heard it many times,(but once more will do no harm) that" it is'nt the what, but the how that counts" - and "the means is secondary to the end". Again, that is true in this instance. The means (or what the performer does) is not nearly so important as the end, the result (or the how spectators are bewildered - and entertained.) You will, of course, require a number of tiny sponge balls, in addition to those you use in your regular routine. It is suggested that these tiny balls be cut from various color material.(The five-&-dime stores carry rubber toys, and bath accessory items, which employ several colors In the one item.) These small balls should be about a half inch in diameter. Carry about twenty of them, assorted, in your side pocket. Conclude your routine with an effect wherein the spectator has attention directed toward himself. This affords ample opportunity for you to get the entire lot of tiny balls palmed in your right hand - all pressed tightly together, and held in place by the 2nd,3rd, and little fingers. Now - following the final effect in your routine, pick up three sponge balls, one at a time, and put them on outstretched palm of spectator. Have him close hand. Then - take hold of that wrist, with your left hand, and place your right hand (containing tiny balls) beside his hand palm up; count "three": each time you count, you brush, or stroke, his fist; at "three"(when he has been told to open his hand)you stroke harder – and suddenly open your fingers at the moment he opens his. The effect is created that the mass of tiny, colored balls is bursting out of his hand! Very important, of course, is the perfect timing in the opening of your hand at the instant he opens his. Please try this! You'll be delighted with the results.

Safuto, Joe: Apocalypse Vol 7 No 4 April 1984 by Harry Lorayne; p 909 Sponge Away: sponge ball acquitment

Salinas, Ben: Encyclopedia of Sponge Ball Magic. 2 1/2 hour comprehensive DVD collection of sponge ball moves and routines is undoubtedly one of the most serious learning resources. It covers: The Jacket Lapel Move; Let's Have Some Elbow Room; The Mayfair Mountebank ver. 1; The Mayfair Mountebank ver. 2; Under the Jacket Move & Vanishes: The 'Garcia' Master Move; The 'Clipped' Vanish; The 'Exercise' Vanish; The One, Two, Three Vanish; Now You See It, Now You Don't; Two to Nothing; Quick Vanish; The 'O.K.' Vanish; The Roll Down Animated Vanish; The 'Bold' Vanish; The 'Bluff' Vanish; Another 'Bluff' Vanish; The Pretended Place Vanish; The 'Toss' Vanish; The 'Squeeze' Vanish; The 'Pretended Take' Vanish; Nip & Tuck No Skill Vanish; The 'Hook' Vanish; The 'Impossible Challenge' Vanish; The 'Back Palm' Vanish; The 'Deliberate' Vanish; Mike Tannen's 'Fork' Move; Mike Tannen's 'In' Move; The 'Gaff' Vanish; Up to My Neck in Sponges; Routines: The Magic '10' Count; The Magic '10' Count 4 Plus; Frank Garcia's Magic '10' Count; The Slow Motion Transposition & Impromptu: Derek Dingle's Undercover Move; Spur of the Moment Routine; Short & Sweet; The Slick Routine; My Routine, by George; Simply Commercial; The 'Drop' Ploy; 'Hanky Panky'; 'Sometimes'; Jimmy Reneaux's Idea; Veil of Darkness; Veil of Darkness (Improved Version); The 'Sacrosanct' Routine; Head to Head; Bob Elliot's Razzle Dazzler; Father Cyprian's Spongeball Routine; The Grand Finale; The Big Secret 'Hidden Factor'; Bill Surprise & Bonus Material: Classic Palm; Roll Down Vanish; Pen Cap Production; Two Finger Vanish; Thumb Palm Vanish; Pinch Production; Thumb Palm Vanish (2nd Variation); The Spring Production

Samelson, Peter: Apocalypse Vol 9 No 8 Aug 1986 by Harry Lorayne; p 853 Thimble Opening: single thimble production and vanish sequence with a close up pad performed standing. The close up pad is shown front and back and the hands seen empty. A thimble appears in the middle of the pad. Performer now does some various thimble moves (not described) and finally the thimble vanishes again. The pad is displayed once more, and a thimble is produced from underneath the pad; p 951 Cigarette from Thimble: next part of Peter's Thimble Opening. 1239 Routine Finale: ending from previously published Thimble and Cigarette portions. Routine continues with a matchbox, and moves into a sponge ball production so you can continue with a sponge ball routine & Theatrical Close-Up ©1984 Magical Publications p 35 Sponge Ball Snacks; Samelson’s Sensational Sponge Ball Surprise.

Sanada, Toyosane: Sponge ball gimmick. & Sanada Gimmick Routines. This DVD explains a basic usage and nine routines by SANADA and GINJIRO. Included are: One Ball Routine, Balls, Phenix Spoon, Metamorphic Spoon, Chinese Escape, Inside the Box, B.C.G.(Ball and Clear Glass), G.P.S.(Ginjiro's Peek with Sanada

Sankey Jay: Earplugs (video). In an attempt to give meaning to the sponge balls, Jay is selling huge ear plugs. One added advantage of these is that they can be placed vertically and they don’t roll all over the place anymore. The sponges delivered don’t exist in soft sponges. Jay teaches how to perform: The Retention Vanish, The Upsidedown Retention Vanish, The False Transfer, The False Take, The Acquitment, The Nothing Transfer, The Pop-Up Move, The Double Steal, The Backdoor Steal, The Banana Split, The Roll Around Split, The Ten Count, The Hard of Hearing Opener, and The Jumbo Load Techniques. There is also 4 full routines, including: The Shotgun Production Sequence, Likes Attract, Four On The Floor, and The Pick Pocket.

Sawa, Dr. Dr Sawa’s Library Of Magic by Richard Kaufman

Scarne, John: Scarne's Magic Tricks ©1951 by John Scarne, Crown Publishers, Inc. p 242 Reproducing Sponges: a very simple sponge routine - one multiplies to two and then to three in the spectator's hand

Schneider, Al: The Al Schneider Technique - Volume 1 Sponge ball & Handkerchief Vanish

Schindler, George: Entertainment First notes In these notes George shares his lifetime of knowledge as he performs and teaches the routines he has used throughout his career. George is an outstanding performer, author, ventriloquist, comedian and public speaker as well as being the past National President and Dean of the Society of American Magicians. “Entertainment First!” is the title of his lectures and the theme to everything he does. We can thus learn his clean and direct Sponge Ball Routine. & Entertainment First DVD; George Schindler has more than 50 years of professional experience as a magician and entertainer. On this DVD he shares his lifetime of knowledge as he performs and teaches the routines he has used throughout his career as an outstanding performer, author, ventriloquist, comedian and public speaker. Entertainment First is the title of his lectures and the theme to everything he does. It includes his Sponge Ball Routine.

Schulien, Matt: The Magic of Matt Schulien by Philip Willmarth includes Sponge Rabbits.

Scott Berry, Jay. Jay Scott Berry Total Eclipse DVD. The Eclipse Tip has long been one of magic's most useful but unknown tools. It has changed the way a standard thumb tip is used. Here is a full two hour session with Jay Scott Berry on DVD showing you all the work with the Eclipse Tip. This is great "stand up" material that you can do right up close, right under their nose. It's like doing stage magic effects with silks, ribbons, sponge balls, etc. in a close up situation. & FS2 Gimmick. Marketed item. Comes complete with gimmick, holder and instructions for basic handling techniques and the Color Warp routine. With this device, we can show your hands empty and instantly produce a sponge ball. Then, simply with a wave of your hand, the ball changes color. It is freely displayed, even examined, yet, we can immediately change it back again and then vanish it at the fingertips. & The Power of Two DVD Featuring the FS/2 Gimmick; The Immaculate Transformation: An instant transformation of a sponge ball into a silk. You scan take the sponge ball directly from the spectator's hand and, without any false moves, cause it to transform into a silk scarf; Color Warp: Reach into the air, cupping one hand to create a hole in space. Then, reach into the clearly empty hole and pull out a sponge ball. This is shown and, with the wave of a hand, changes to another color. Another wave and it changes back. Finally, just as mysteriously the ball vanishes & Immaculate Transformation: Another effect from Jay Scott Berry, an instantaneous sponge ball to silk transformation. Imagine being able to take a red sponge ball from a spectator's hands, show it freely, and, in the blink of an eye, change it into a red silk.

Shute, Merlyn: Nits 'N Bits. Includes Three-Two-One-Half sponge ball routine with a surprise ending.

Skinner, Michael. The Legendary Repertoire of Michael Skinner - Volume 3. Produced by Houdini Picture Corporation. This is not a studio production and it contains a lot of performances only. In addition to the main DVD which contains 56 routines, including his sponge bunnies and sponge ball routines, there is a second DVD that contains a live lecture and performance.

Simon, Bill: Sleightly Sensational ©1953 Louis Tannen publication; p 28 Sponge Surprise is with two balls and plenty of little balls finish for a sponge ball routine & Hugard’s Magic Monthly Vol XI N° 7 December 1953 p 82: Book Profiles by John Crimmins Jr: Sleightly Sensational by Bill Simon “…I might add that in addition to the 10 card effects described, you'll also find 3 fine close-up tricks with sponge balls, a ring, and coins… In the miscellaneous section is a short but very deceptive routine called "Sponge Surprise."”

Sisti, Jim (editor): The Magic Menu The First Five Years (or Years 1 Through 5 as reprinted) ©1990 - 1995 Jim Sisti; Metempirical Magic ©1998 hardback bound version published by L&L Publishing; March/April 1991, Issue 4 p 35 Spot the Dot (Chris Hurlbert): spectator's card is found with the aid of "Spot the Dot", a sponge ball. Card ends up with a red spot on it; January/February 1993, Issue 15 p 167 Secret Support (Stuart Bowie): two ideas for sponge ball holders; March/April 1993, Issue 16 p 177 Sponge Ball Vanisheroo (David Oliver): sponge ball vanish using body language and misdirection; November/December 1993, Issue 20 - A Special Bill Malone Issue p 223 Utility Sponge Ball Switch (David Mirto): can be used as a color change & The Magic Menu The International Journal for Professional Restaurant and Bar Magicians Years Six through Ten; Issues 31 through 60; September 1995 through August 2000 ©2001 Jim Sisti, Published by L&L Publishing Issue 31 Sept/Oct 1995 p 355 Cabaret Connivery video by Dan Garrett: (review) "exceptionally commercial magic"; Sphere-It! sponge balls, Professor's Daydream, etc. Issue 51 January/February 1999 p 592 Sponge Ball Routine (Tim Spinosa): uses four sponges and one 3" rabbit sponge

Slydini, Tony: Hugard’s Magic Monthly Vol X N° 1 June 1952 p 949 mentions Slydini and his Pupil Norman Nagle offering a sponge ball sequence at the S.A.M. convention in Boston & Ganson, Lewis The magic of Slydini ©1960 by Harry Stanley, London, England Chapter 7, "Sponge Ball Magic," 14 page & Hugard’s Magic Monthly Vol XVIII N° 7 January-February 1961 p 76 Book Profiles by John Crimmins Jr comments on The magic of Slydini ©1960 by Harry Stanley, London, England. “Slydini's ‘Sponge Ball Magic’ is a magnificent routine. Different from the usual presentation, it's tremendously entertaining and mystifying, and has the added advantage that it is suitable for a large audience rather than being just a close-up trick. Some 52 photo illustrations embellish this chapter alone…” & The magic of Slydini … and more by Karl Fulves p 54. The purse frame. Search for the frame in the right back pants pocket (palming three sponges), rotate the chest for the left to take the frame from the left pocket, the right depositing three balls in the laps. Take out the frame and handle it flashing both hands empty. Relax listening to the purse frame, then lean forward to let the spectator listening with the right as the left hand steals two balls. Relax back bringing the hands together. Right hand snaps the purse open, flashes its palm and takes the first sponge ball out. Table the sponge, pause, look intot the purse and take out the second sponge. Start replacing the frame in the right back pans pocket, bringing the left hand to the lap where the third ball is taken: bring the frame back into view, and take out the third ball. Table the purse frame. Claiming you only need two drop one of the balls in the frame lapping it. Table the frame aside to the right and let the spectator examine the balls. Ask which one he prefers relax bringing the chest back dragging the right to the lap, stealing a ball. Ask him to point at one and take the other one, before placing the left one (with the palmed one) into his hand. False transfer the sponge, lapping it. Make a gesture towards his hand and reveal the vanish: have him open his hand for the two balls to fall out. Relax the chest dragging the right hand into the lap. Load the three balls in the spectator’s hand. After searching as in the beginning of the routine, produce the third ball from the purse. False transfer it and let the spectator open his hand. Relax collecting the fourth sponge in the left hand. Place one in the right and one in the left. Add the left hand one to the right hand one, then take the third adding the palmed one and add them into the right as one. Look in the purse frame for an additional one. Look in your pockets. Seem not to find it (stealing the small balls). “I bet you it’s gone already”. Let the spectator open his hand revealing four balls. Take two and place them in the spectator’s hand adding the small ones. Take up the other two for taking them away. Seem to realize something and look at them, explain the male female thing and state that you did a mistake by putting a male and a female in the spectator’s hand. Have him open it. & Slydini’s paper balls in a hat was initially done with sponge balls. & As I Recall Tony Slydini (2 DVD Set) - Disc 1 Slydini’s sponge ball routine performed by Bill Brunelle Disc 2: Paper ball to hat. & Best of Slydini and More. Magic with … sponges, and more & The Annotated Magic Of Slydini by Lewis Ganson Anotations by Slydini as dictated to Dr Gene Matsuura ©2001 by L&L Publishing p 105. Slydini added his way of using the Imp-Pass which he had not released when Lewis Ganson published the first edition (It came out with “Encores”)

Smith, Chuck: What If? ©2001 lecture notes. Includes Multiplying Rabbits (sponge).

Snoberg, Richard: Just for Laughs. Book on clowning. Routines include Sponge Ball Surprise

Snider Harry E. (Caligari): Hugard’s Magic Monthly Vol VI N° 10 March 1949 p 520 Day Light Savings Sponge Ball Routine: Four sponge balls are lying on a table. The magician picks up one and puts it in his closed left hand. He picks up a second ball and places it in the closed hand of a spectator. Again he takes a ball and puts it with the first in his own closed left hand. The fourth ball he places with the second in the spectator's hand. All four are then discovered in the spectator's hand-the magician's hand is empty. It is most important that each time you place a ball(s) in the spectator's fist you look at him and catch his eye as you say, "And one ball for you."

Sondermeyer, Michael: Apocalypse Vol 14 No 10 Oct 1991 by Harry Lorayne; p 1986 In and Out and Loaded: an in the hands Gozinta box routine with a sponge ball production.

Spade, Rod. Ladybugd. Ladybugd is a different and exciting venture in sponge magic. It creates an emotion that far surpasses basic sponge balls and even leaps further than sponge bunnies. There's been an immediate affinity for ladybugs ever since we were little children, and that's what makes Ladybugd the perfect icebreaker for any close-up act.

Stevenson, Al: Hugard's Magic Monthly Vol XIX N° 10 June 1962 p 116 A Basic Sponge Ball Routine. 1) Ball from Nowhere: Prepare by putting three sponge balls in an outside jacket pocket. Bend your right arm up. At the crotch of the elbow, place a fourth sponge, and fold part of your sleeve over the ball. If this is done properly, the ball cannot be seen. Straighten your tie or finger your coat lapel with your right hand thus making the bent position of your arm seem natural. As you patter, bend the other arm up and show both palms to the spectators. Prove your hands are empty by showing them back and front. With your right hand, pull up the left sleeve by grasping it at the crotch of the elbow. Call attention to the left cuff pointing out that there is nothing up that sleeve. Release the left sleeve. Bring your left hand over and pull up the right sleeve in the same manner as you have just done with the left. As left hand pulls up right sleeve, obtain the hidden sponge. Bring your hands together rather quickly, palm to palm, with the ball concealed between them. Rub your palms together as if there were nothing. between them and ask someone to blow on your hands. Then, slowly, separate them to show the ball that has appeared from nowhere. While spectators are examining your "ball from nowhere," steal another sponge from your pocket. When you take back the first sponge, do so with the empty hand. Work the concealed sponge to the fingertips, bring your hands together pressing the two sponges against each other and appear to twist the ball just returned to you. Separate your hands and show that one ball has become two. 2) Flight Through Space: Put both sponges on the table. Pick up one sponge with right hand, holding it just below the tips of right fingers and thumb. Hold left palm open. Place sponge and fingertips of right hand into left palm; close left fingers around right fingers and sponge. Remove right fingers, still holding sponge and, immediately, pick up second ball from the table with the same hand squeezing the two balls together, and showing them as one ball. Your left hand must remain closed as if holding a ball. Your right hand now places the double sponge in spectator's hand and spectator is helped to close his hand tightly. Tell spectator that the ball in your hand is going to make an invisible flight through space and join the ball he has. Open your left hand, show the sponge has gone, and then ask the spectator to open his hand. He will be amazed to find he has two sponges instead of one. 3) One and One Makes Three: Ask the spectator to place the two sponges on the table. As he is doing this, steal and conceal another sponge in your right hand. With right hand holding the concealed sponge, pick up one of the sponges from the table (adding it to the concealed one) then, immediately, pick up the other sponge. You now have three pressed together in your right hand. Put the three in the spectator's hand as you tell him he cannot add and ask him how much is one sponge and one sponge. He will say "two," and be very much surprised when he opens his hand to find three sponges. If he isn't, you've done it badly. Practice some more. 4) The Strange Subtraction: Put the three sponges on the table. As you talk, steal the fourth from your pocket, and keep it concealed in your right hand, which should hang at your side. Tell the spectator that he not only can't add-he can't subtract! Hold open your left palm. With right hand, pick up one of the sponges on the table adding it to the concealed one; place both together in your left palm and close your left hand. As you do this, say: "If I take one sponge and put it in my left hand.. ." Stop talking, pick up one sponge from the table with right hand and put it in left hand and continue.. . "and then another in my left hand . . ." Now, pick up the last sponge with right hand and place hand and sponge in right pocket ". . . and I put one in my pocket-how many are left in my hand?" The spectator will say "two" and be surprised when you open your left hand and he sees three. Your right hand is at your side with the sponge it apparently dropped in the pocket still concealed in it. Repeat the above and again the spectator will find three sponges in your hand instead of two. 5) The Climax: After the repeat, you should have three sponges on the table and one concealed in your right hand. You now say, "Take all three of the sponges.. ." With your right hand, pick up the three sponges from the table adding them to the one concealed in that hand. Press the bunch of sponges tightly held together into the spectator's hand, help him to curl his fingers around them, and ask him to hold them securely. Ask him if he knows how many he now has. He should say "three." Tell him that, if he concentrates, he can feel something growing in his hand and -after a second or two- ask him to open his hand slowly. He will find that he has four sponges instead of three. The routine you have just read is a very basic one; yet, you may be sure that when it is properly presented it goes over well. As any sponge worker can tell you, sponges fascinate laymen and for this reason magic dealers carry several books on the subject. Learning a sponge routine, even a basic one may not come easy, but the efforts are rewarding. Try it!

Stone, David: David Stone Lecture Video (VHS) International Magic; the lecture begins with a 10 minute presentation of a commercial close up magic show. It includes classic routines with Sponge Balls amongst them. & The Real Secrets of Magic Vol 1 DVD 2007 includes David’s strolling Sponge Ball routine.

Stone, Sol. Quick and Casual Close-Up DVD. Elusive Sponge: A short sponge ball routine: The first move is what would be nowadays called an Al Schneider vanish. The second move enables to collect an extra ball from the outer part of the sleeve with an interesting sleeve move. Francis Carlisle vanish. A unexplained very smart one hand secret addition of a third ball to two already visible together. The explanation of Francis Carlisle’s move makes it very simple to learn it thoroughly.

Strange, Scott: Oddballs DVD ©2010 by Deceptions Magic & Novelties. New color, sizes or shape changes. Very visual.

Sutz Ian [aka Magic-Ian]: Diminishing sponge ball ©1983. 3" sponge is visibly and without cover cleaved and split into two 2" balls. One 2" ball is then split into two 1", then two 1/2" balls. There are two finale's: one where the 1/2" ball changes back to the 3', or can be combined with ball to bunny or ball to square which allows you to change all the visible balls 2", 1" and 2 1/" visibly into the square or bunny. Includes 5 sponge balls

Switon, Pierre: Base de la Prestidigitation, Close-up © by L’Académie de Magie George Proust (Paris – France): All ou need to know by a seasoned professional worker. Choice of balls (soft, super-soft, color and diameter). Thumb Palm Vanish. Finger Vanish. Retention of Vision Vanish ; followed by a few sequences putting this knowledge into practice.

Tarbell, Harlan Tarbell Course in Magic Volume 1 ©1927 Lesson 8 p 157 Cups And Balls: Routine uses three paper coffee cups and sponge rubber balls. Ends with large load revelation; p 163 Three Wandering Sponge Balls: standard sponge ball routine; p 170 Four Traveling Balls: sponge ball routine with hat. Volume 2 Lesson 21: Magic With Wands p 63 Edward's Magnetic Wand: A silk is touched by a wand and clings to the wand. Sponge balls do likewise. Three cards selected from a deck of card are pulled out by the "magnetic" wand. Volume 7 (by Harrry Lorayne) ©1972 Tannen's, D. Robbins p 365 Bob McAllister's Cavorting Sponge Balls: matrix type effect

Tarr, Bill. Now you see it, now you don’t ©1976. p 148 Basic Sponge Ball Vanish: during a transfer; p 149 Fist Vanish: while pushed into fist; p 150 Mini Sponge Ball Routine: in the spectator's hand

Tong, Dan: Dan Tong Finally DVD. Sponge Balls is using just two visible balls

Thompson, J.G. Jr.: My Best The Best Tricks from the best brains in magic, edited by J.G. Thompson Jr. ©1945/1959 D.Robbins & Co., Inc. p 182 Peter Rabbit Goes to Town! (Robert A. Nelson): sponge rabbit presentation

Thompson, Johnny: World Greatest Magic by the World’s Greatest Magicians: Sponge Balls. With his take on the Benson Bowl routine.

Tremaine, Jon. Commercial Close-Up Vol: # 2 Videos. JT (sitting) Sponge Ball Routine: An opening with the Gozinta Boxes, the ball vanishing (lapping) reappears inside the reversed box. As the boxes are placed aside, collect the additional ball back from the lap (would be better to table them and use Slydini’s Imp-Pass). The right hand takes a purse frame out and passes it to the left to be able to take the third ball out. Pocket the frame stealing the fourth ball. The routine takes then Douglas Francis’ turn of two in the hand and one in the pocket but instead of going for balls of different colors it goes for smaller sponge balls, and a purse frame are combined for several minutes of commercial entertainment and a couple of smiles. The design of the routine is fine and, even if John Tremaine’s lapping vanish is arguable, there are a few nice subtleties in the routine (like the picking up of the first ball at the beginning of the two in the hand sequence). The production of the large load from the lady’s sleeve is a good idea and the “it’s still warm” a great line. & World Greatest Magic by the World’s Greatest Magicians: Sponge Balls. The same sitting routine.

Trickshop: How Many? bound or e-book. The "Two in the Hand, One in the Pocket" routine fully explained with over two dozen photos and two basic moves. 9 pages. Booklet with set of 1" Goshman sponge balls & Benson Bowl Routine ©2005 Trickshop.com Inc.

Tucker, Stephen. Pandora's Box video/DVD. A spongeball routine based on noses and 1/2 spongeballs from one the very creative minds in magic. & Apocalypse Vol 14 No 4 April 1991 by Harry Lorayne: Stephen Tucker Issue; p 1910 Sponge Away: fast sponge ball effect.

Turcotte, Dan: Sponge Ball Magic Full Routine with Detailed Instructions ©2004 PDF e-book; Techniques and timing explained in detail. A clean way to load an extra ball into a spectators hand; Three ball counting trick with refined pointers; Master splitting a sponge ball in half techniques; "Shuttle pass" and multiple ball productions; Ball from spectator's ear

Vallarino, Jean Pierre: Balles éponges. Magic Inov. The video includes loading and ditching technique as well as color changing moves, and offers 6 routines. The demos are not exceptional but the explanations are: space management, justifications for the moves and all the little details which make the illusions credible with all the body language to reinforce it.

Vernon, Dai: The ten count.

Wakeman, Randy: The Randy Wakeman Video Vol 3. 90 minutes of close up including sponge balls.

Walsh, Audley V. The Sphinx Vol. 35 N°10 p 285 Sponge Ball Manipulation & Sponge ball manipulations. ©1940 by Audley Walsh (Police officer and a collector of gambling device), ©1947 Lou Tannen and ©1975 by D. Robbins & Co., Inc. 32 pages: p 3 Sponge Ball Manipulation by Audley V. Walsh; The Finger Palm or Finger Pinch; p 4 The Finger Pinch with Two Balls; Pick Up; p 5 Ring the Bell: apparently showing the right hand empty, with a Thimble Move; p 6 Sleeving and Lapeling: body loading of a ball; nowadays lapeling requires a different misdirection than the proposed one but can create a surprise for it is rarely used (possibly complimenting him on his suit and turning him towards the audience to disengage your hand from under the lapel); The Big Bad Wolf and the Three Little Pigs: full routine using 4 large balls, 3 small balls, and a TT. Secretly lapel a ball (lapeling). One ball changes to two twice in the spectator's hand, then two to three (collecting back the lapelled ball). Ends with a two in the hand one in the pocket sequence bringing in the small balls to patter on the Three Little Pigs story ending with empty hands and claiming that the big wolf probably had something to do with that; p 9 Time Marches Onward or "The Lone Ranger Rides Again": Uses a bevy of colored sponges - 2 Large Red, 1 Large Green, 2 Small Red, Large Yellow, White, and Colored, and one Small Yellow. A full routine to a story of the Rose family how they meet, have kids, how he gets drunk and cheats on his wife and how the Lone Ranger comes in to fix everything leaving Msrs Rose with a new baby (a very off the beaten path routine: patter could be brought up to date with more “in the spectator’s hand” interaction); p 12 Impromptu Introduction of Sponge Balls for the Table Worker: This is intended for the stroller who is able to sit at the spectator's table as an introduction to the sponge balls and to wet their appetite. A sponge ball is produced from a dinner roll, then is passed through the table twice, split into two balls, and one ball turns into two in the spectator's hand; p 13 The Enlarging Sponge Ball: making a growing ball; p 14 Further Ideas: Color change gimmick, sponge balls to lemon or hankerchief, etc. [here end the 1940 and 1947 editions: the following pages come only with the D Robbins edition] p 17 The Master Routine With The Sponge Balls by Kozak p 18 Introduction; The Routine: Uses 4 standard sponge balls (Kozak uses 1.5" balls) and a purse frame. Can be performed seated or standing. The start: Ball produced from frame, then split into two, then ten count has ball transfer from one hand to the other. The routine continues from here with lots of spectator interaction; p 23 The Three Wandering Sponge Balls. From Tarbell Course In Magic (Lesson 8 p 163: Ball Tricks). Three 1” balls are shown; two are placed one at a time in the spectator's hand and the last one is vanished to end up in the spectator’s hand. Then two are placed in the performer’s hand and the last one is placed in his pocket, the ball comes back. This is repeated three times but, on the last time, all the balls vanish; p 29 Alternate Ending: a dozen small sponge balls are produced in Dr Jaks style (not very convenient for restaurant work); p 30 The Four Traveling Balls (also from Tarbell Lesson 8 p 170): Four sponge balls travel mysteriously under a borrowed hat and an attempt at repeating the trick ends up with a surprise finale.

Wayne, Doc: The Art of Public Squeeking. Who gives a Squeek? You do! Funny 48-page book makes the Squeeker the most popular comedy prank in a sponge ball routine. A section for magicians, clowns, and mimes (or anyone who wants to squeek like one) includes routines for Three Sponge Monte, The Squeeker Pull (your hands are left squeeky clean).

Webster, Martin: Lucky Dip Marketed effect. In a number of different and entertaining ways the three young helpers are given the opportunity to select a purse with a sponge ball in it from a folder: only one of them has an orange sponge ball in it, the others are yellow. The purse which will be left at the end is the one the magician must have. With all the purses distributed, the time has come to open them to see the color of the ball inside. But before each child opens their purse, they get the chance to swap it with any of the others, including the magician's. They can change as often as they like until eventually they are happy. However, despite the complete freedom of choice, when the children open their purses, they each remove a yellow ball, while the magician discovers the orange ball in the one left to him.

Weiner, Irv: Hugard’s Magic Monthly Vol IX N° 10 March 1952 p 908 and 913: Book Profiles by John Crimmins Jr: From Irv Weiner's Studio of Magic in Boston comes four new tricks in manuscript form with necessary gimmicks. "Irv's Sponge Ball Routine," is a hard one to top. & Hugard’s Magic Monthly Vol XI N° 5 Ocober 1953 p 61: Irv Weiner's " Soft Dice " It's new. it's different, it's a knockout! Here is entertainment, plus! A swell patter story and a fine routine using special noiseless (rubber) dice. Entertaining story covers a wide variety (typical Weiner) of transpositions, color changes, double dice, and a surprising production of miniature "Ace" dice as a climax. If you like the sponge ball effect, this is your meat. Hugard’s Magic Monthly Vol XI N° 6 November 1953 p 64 Book Profiles by John Crimmins Jr: All who like the sponge ball trick will appreciate the novelty of this latest Weiner release. A most entertaining story is woven around these "soft dice," which in fact are sponge rubber ones. As the performer tosses them out on the table they change color, become stuck together, and finally transform into 7 miniature "ace" dice for a surprising climax. The effect is unusual, the handling neat, and the possibilities with the rubber dice are unlimited. This is a winner! Highly recommended to all who like close-up magic, or who can use an unusual night club or bar trick.

White, Joe: Linking Ring August 1993 Sponge Net. Sponge ball routine with an Irish flavor. Uses plastic bag to catch cascade of sponges from spectator's hand

Willane: Complete Methods for Miracles (edited by Rae Hammond). Magnificently illustrated manual of manipulation and general magic from greats including Edward Victor, N'Gai, Gus Southall, Edward G. Brown, Peter Warlock, Fabian and Willane. Includes sponge ball routines

Williams, Geoff: Miracles For Mortals Vol 2 DVD; Hairballs: a multi-phase, 2-ball sponge ball routine loaded with magic and designed to keep the spectator from opening their hand early (and spoiling the surprise finish).

Willmarth, Phil (editor): Trevor Lewis: ESOLC (That's Close Up) ©1981 Lewis and Willmarth, Published by Standridge Magic; p 51 Tervor's Benson Bowl Routine: with bowl, 4 sponges, and toy plastic dinner roll. Three sponge balls appear beneath the bowl. The balls travel from hand to bowl, and eventually the roll is discovered; p 85 Flog - A Sponge Ball Routine: A full sponge ball routine based on golf with comedy patter. Splitting a ball, in the spectator's hand, and a "FORE (4)" finish

Wilson, Gregory: On the Spot Volume 2 DVD Sponge Napkin routine.

Wilson, Mark. Mark Wilson's Complete Course in Magic Co-author Walter Gibson; contributors Don Wayne, Larry Anderson Fr. Jim Blantz, Earl Nelson, Tom O'Lenick, Peter Pit, David Roth, Brick Tilley, Alan Wakeling, U.F. Grant ©1975, 1988 Mark Wilson, Ottenheimer Publishers, Inc., for Courage Books p 393 Sponge Sorcery: an excellent multi-phase sponge ball routine shows off many sponge ball moves and use of the spectator

Wilson, R. Paul. R. Paul Wilson on DVD - The Restaurant Act. DVD. From a silk a sponge ball is produced and so begins a direct and entertaining sponge ball routine which ends with the magic happening in the spectator's hands. The effect may move towards cups and balls or chop cup or bowl routine or towards turned wood egg cup types : 2” or 3" sponge ball vase (Tall or short top). This is the classic with the shell but instead of a shiny red wooden ball, the ball is a sponge ball. (There are a few routines done to fool the ones in the know using the classical prop). http://www.mymagic.com/mi/index.html

Wong, Alan: Sponge Magic Mushroom. Marketed item. The mushrooms are big enough with a white foot and a red head with white spots. Comes with two sponge magic mushrooms and accessories: Dimension Approximately 2' x 2' (5.08cm x 5.08cm). Sponge Banana. Marketed item. These bananas look realistic enough for stage magic. Dimensions Approximately 7' x 1 1/4' (17.78cm x 3.175cm) Sponge Egg. Marketed item. Sponge egg without the skin finish offered with the Goshman egg. Egg Dimensions Approximately 2 1/2' x 1 1/2' (6.35cm x 3.81cm) Sponge Eggs. Marketed item. One egg multiples into four. Spectator chooses any one and it turns into a small sponge duck. Sponge Ice Cream Cone. Marketed item. Turn one ice cream cone to two ice cream cones. A great finish for any sponge prop act, the foam ice cream cones are definitely a crowd-pleaser. Comes with two foam ice cream cones. Dimensions Approximately 6.5' x 2.5' (16.51cm x 6.35cm) Sponge Eyeball. Marketed item. With these sponge eyeballs you will be able to create many different kinds of 'eye-popping' effects. Some of you may choose the creepy crawly route. Others have chosen to go the comedy route, as professional magician Steve Marshall has been known to do from time to time. This routine contains more than a few corny (or possibly cornea) jokes. This package comes with a set of four hand painted sponge eyeballs and 5 page instruction booklet. Sponge Sushi. Marketed item. As the magician tells a story about the new dehydrated space food he or she shows a white silk in the right hand while the left hand is shown empty. The silk is pushed into the fist and turns into a piece of sushi. Finally the (sponge) sushi multiples into two pieces. Comes with two pieces of fairly realistic hand made sponge pieces of sushi, white silk, and thumb tip.

Yan Tong, Phoa: The Art of Close Up Magic Volume 1 compiled by Lewis Ganson ©1996 L&L Publishing; p 360 Rice Bowls and Balls: Another Bowl and Sponge ball routine with rubber ball climax.

Yedid, Meir: Apocalypse Vol 3 No 3 March 1980; p 316 Sponge Balls 1) Color Transposition 2) Production: production is for platform presentation.
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Oh, here are a few other routines

Abbott, Bill: Bill Abbott People Pleasing Magic Lecture Denny & Lee Magic Studio; These are the lecture notes from Bill Abbott's dynamite lecture. The notes are illustrated with black and white photos throughout. In these notes Bill explain his opening sponge ball routine. Aside from routines, Bill shares his thoughts on Performing Magic in a Restaurant, Creating Original Presentations, Selecting the Proper Material, Being Organized, and Volunteer and Audience Management. & Bill Abbott Performs For Kids DVD This Deluxe Edition DVD Set includes the re-edited and re-mastered original performances and explanations from the landmark DVDs Bill Abbott Performs Close-Up For Kids and Bill Abbott Performs Stand-Up For Kids plus over 75 minutes of Deluxe Edition Bonus Features. The DVD includes Sponge Balls, a classic that Bill uses as a perfect opener for kids. The Bonus section features Sponge Snack: when touring across Canada Bill performed this silent opener 110 times in 90 days! Develop an instant rapport with audiences with this humorous routine that non-verbally communicates that your show will be fun, magical and full of surprises.

Akkelian, Bedros: Art of Attraction Vol 2 DVD; Love story: Get your sponge balls out of your bottom drawer and back in your pocket, this practical routine will leave them wanting more...every time. The Art of Attraction is the division of Social Magic that concentrates on interactions between men and women.

Alan, Don: Close-Up Time ©1951 Magic Inc. It's Flashy!: Produce sponge balls, coins, etc. in a flash of light. Pretty nifty & Hugard’s Magic Monthly Vol IX N° 9 February 1952 p 894 Book Profiles by John Crimmins Jr: “ …I especially liked his flash introduction to the sponge ball routine wherein the balls actually appear from a burst of flame ” & In a Class by Himself, The Legacy of Don Alan ©1996, 2000 by Jon Racherbaumer, Published by L&L Publishing; p 43 Benson Bowl (Over): Bowl and sponge ball routine with large ball bearing climax; p 49 Benson's Visual-retention vanish: sponge ball move explained

Alibaba.com: Daseng: (marketed item) three regular size red heart shaped sponge ball with a Jumbo heart for the climax

Ammar, Michael: 3D Rabbits by Magic by Gosh ©2000. A sponge routine that includes 3 adults and 5 baby rabbits. The instructions are by Michael Ammar, and follow the pattern of his excellent "Complete Cups and Balls" book in using clear black and white photos to display all the actions. There are 4 'pages' on one 8.5x11" sheet

Anderson, George B. Magic Digest Digest Books ©1972 p 39 The Sponge Balls: a sponge multiplies in the spectator's hand, then appears under a cup in a Benson-bowl type routine

Andrews, Carl: Magic From Maui ©2003 Carl Andrews. Published by The Cairn Press, Norwich, U.K. p 85 Two Cups and Balls Table-Hopping Routine: A standing routine, no jacket required. Used as a lead-in to a sponge ball routine. Williamson's striking vanish is briefly described. p 89 Ain't No Mo': Carl's sponge ball routine using 2 one inch balls and 1 two inch sponge ball. Teaches the "pit stop" ball load technique; p 92 About Sponge Ball Magic: the importance of an in-the-hands effect. & No Jacket Required DVD Ain't No Mo - This is a perfect sponge ball routine with some great patter to boot. The effect is surprising to the spectator, the magic happens in their hands, it is just as strong for kids as it is for adults, it packs small, and the props cost almost nothing.

Anonymous: Puff the Magic Dragon ©Russia. (marketed item with ELMS) A sponge cube egg transforms into a cute baby dragon in the palm of your hand

Anverdi, Tony (Anthony DeVries): Anverdi, 50 Years of Magical Creations ©1992 by Mephisto Edition

Baker, Roy: Yell-up for Kids (manuscript) ©1977 Supreme Magic 6 pages: This was conceived as a Billiard Ball routine designed for children's shows but works even better with sponge balls. Things are never what they seem: Audience participation that gets the kids screaming with delight: Here is my set-up; First steal; Picking your assistant; The Routine: Easy routine with Fun Patter; 1st ball: from assistant elbow; Vanish ball; 2nd ball: building up to a crescendo of yelling "you have two balls"; 3rd ball: more yelling; And then there was four: more yelling; Vanish four, three, two: more yelling; Throw (vanish) last ball to assistant

Baker, Caroll: Magic on the Menu. DVD. Table-hopping/strolling magic. Includes: Sponge Bunnies 3 phase routine for any audience.

Baker, Michael: Lecture Notes The Mystery Box: a warm script and homespun. The effect is that three balls are taken from a set of nesting Gozinta boxes, they ultimately vanish, only to again be found inside the boxes. patter, which is warm and homespun. Suffice to say, the effect is that three balls are taken from a strange set of nesting boxes, they ultimately vanish, only to again be found inside the boxes. Very original

Balzerac, Frank: World Greatest Magic by the World’s Greatest Magicians: Sponge Balls. A classic routine where a ball is stolen from the pocket. Then taking a straw, Frank does a Flip stick vanish (with the ball in finger palm) and reproduces the straw (time misdirection). Then the ball appears to be blown from the straw and vanishes to get into a multiplying balls sequence. Frank gives a nice sleeve tugging misdirection tip at this stage. His Change Over Palm from thumb palm used for the multiplying balls is not very impressive until he brings the ball up. The balls are split and then placed on a spectator’s extended hands. A few great lines like “don’t stand them on their heads, they hate that” and misdirection tools “keep you eyes on mine”. One ball is false transferred and the other is picked up (adding the stolen one) asking “are you right handed or left handed”. The ball is magically made to travel: “Nice catch”. As the effect is revealed the left hand just steal the big ball from the pocket. The right hand picks one of the balls and doing the vanish pull part of the big ball out from the left thumb crotch (kind of like a variant of the pop up move), then the right hand grabs the other ball. Ask them to point at one ball and use equivoque to pocket the both balls. Drop the large ball on to the table for the “big finish”.

Baron, Harry: My Best Close-Up Trick ©1954 Lyndon Books, Radnorshire, England. Harry Baron describes two sponge ball routines that are neat and well routined, if not entirely new in concept.

Bauer, Ron: Clones From Brazil Genii magazine: the effect is an variant of Patrick Martin’s marketed effect.

Behnke, Leo. Library of Magic Volume # 9 Sponge Balls. ©1991 Magic City: 29 pages. Chapter 1: Basics Sleights: finger palm, vanish, pinch, 2 handed production
Holders: holding out; Attitude; Chapter 2: Tricks: Ball thru pocket, ball thru table, one + two, baffling balls; Chapter 3: Routines: 3 ball trick, how many? A bowl routine, chinese bowl routine. Short Bibliography (Walsh, Garcia, Magic Inc., Hugard's Modern Magic Manual).

Bennett, Douglas: Encore 3 by Michael Ammar ©1983. p 64: Silver Sponge: Sponge absorbs coins, which are then wrung out, and a spoon is logically produced

Bennett, Horace: On Your Feet ©1978 published by Jerry Mentzer. My Sponge Ball Routine.

Benson, Roy: Phoenix Magazine July 1948: the Benson Bowl & Elliott, Bruce: Classic Secrets of Magic ©1953, llustrated by Stanley Jaks, Harper & Row - Galahad Books. p 159 Chapter 12: Roy Benson's (with Don Alan) Benson Bowl routine The Benson bowl classic is usually performed with sponge balls. Is it a sponge ball effect or a one cup and balls effect…? & In a Class by Himself, The Legacy of Don Alan ©1996, 2000 by Jon Racherbaumer, Published by L&L Publishing; p 43 Benson Bowl & Benson Bowl Routine ©2005 Trickshop.com Inc. & Mendoza, John: John Mendoza - My Best Vol 2 DVD; Bowl Routine & Magic by Gosh: Life and Times of Albert Goshman by Patrick Page; includes A.G. Sponge Balls and A.G. Benson Bowl Routine & Trickshop: Benson Bowl Routine ©2005 Trickshop.com Inc. & Levent and Todd Karr: Roy Benson by Starlight ©2006 The Miracle Factory; p 24. The Benson Bowl & Roberto Giobbi: Taped Live! DVD for the 7th British symposium by Roberto Giobbi. Sponge Ball and Bowl Routine. & The Magic of Steve Dacri Vol 3 DVD; Bowl routine: combine Roy Benson’s timeless routine with some additional Dacri touches and the result is a routine you’ll always use. Sponge balls travel invisibly from the performer’s hand to underneath an inverted bowl followed by a magical surprise & Frank Garcia. World Greatest Magic by the World’s Greatest Magicians. Frank Garcia demonstrates vanishes using the wand and John Cornelius superb subtlety for the Benson bowl routine.

Bergeron, Bev: Bev Bergeron on Tape: includes 3D Rabbits,

Bernard, Bobby: Magic in Miniature ©1958 Corinda's Magic Studio; 8 page lecture notes by Bobby Bernard titled published in England. The notes consist of two sections. The first section is titled "Close Up Quickies" and includes Spooky Sponge. The second section covers some of Bobby's thoughts on performing close up as well as very brief descriptions of effects that go along with these various thoughts including purpose, impromptu, entertaining, novelty, originality, surprises, intimacy, and good taste & Apocalypse Vol 17 No 8 Aug 1994 by Harry Lorayne; p 2398 Four Hits and a Miss: quick ending or clean up for a sponge ball routine.

Bertram, Ross: Ross Bertram's Legendary Magic - Volume 1 The Welcome Mat: An introduction to Ross Bertram’s take on a performing surface for close-up magic. After witnessing a demonstration of its possibilities, we learn its diabolical secret, how to make it and how to utilize it. Then, we’re treated to performances and explanations of how to use the Welcome Mat for the Sponge Balls amongst other effects. This is where I got the inspiration for the Lawrence O’s mat. It is a soft regular mat where on the under part towards the audience is printed "You’re in for a treat, I’m the best" and on the inner part there are two small cloth pockets hanging with magnetic rubber in one of them. Before starting the close up act, the pockets are rolled up into the upper surface of the mat. Then when performing time comes (especially if it's not in a competition where I never go) the performer comes in, lets the mat unroll keeping the writing up in full view (allowing the pockets to hang behind the table's edge) as he marks a pause pretending, tongue in cheek, to check the lighting. People laugh, and he smiles because he just misdirected them by secretly installing a servante right under their noses. Each pocket is attached to the mat by two small brown cloth ribbons to be able to hang exactly at the right position. Magic and Methods of Ross Bertram ©1978 Magic Limitied - Lloyd E. Jones; p 132 The Cups and Balls: Use large cups for baby chick loads. Does not provide the entire cups and balls routine, focus is on the ending. 8 chicks are produced and placed in the pockets or in the Doctor's bag used. Some good comedy is included. Routine then goes into an audience participation section starting as a sponge ball routine but ending in baby chicks produced from the spectator's pockets; p 136 Helpful Hints: Where to get chicks, what to feed them, how to palm them, and so forth; p 137 The Chicken Story: anecdote.

Biow, Dick: The Sponge Ball King's Cups & Balls ©1994. Robinson Wizard, Inc., NY. p 1 Equipment: 4 1" sponge balls, larger sponges for load, cups, wand, table; p 2 Sleights: The Pass, the False Load, the Secret Load, Production of Ball from Wand; p 4 Preparation: setup. Performance: Performance is in 6 parts. Parts 1 and 2 may be omitted if your cups don't allow 3 balls to fit between two nested cups. Part One: Cups are shown empty with the wand as they are placed one at a time mouth down on the table. A ball is magically produced from the wand and placed under cup #1. Cup #2 is shown empty, and ball passes from under cup #1 to cup #2. Next, ball passes from cup #2 to cup #3. Ball is placed on top of inverted cup #1. A second ball is produced from the wand. One ball is placed under cup #1. A third ball is produced, and a ball is placed on top of cup #2 and cup #3. Ball on cup #2 is placed under the cup. Ball on cup #3 is placed under the cup. All three balls end up under cup #3; p 6 Part Two: The cups are now stacked. A ball vanishes from the hand, and is found to have penetrated two cups of the stack. This is repeated with a second ball. On the third try, the spectator's think they have caught on, but have not, and the third ball penetrates. p 7 Part Three: A ball is placed under each cup. Ball transfers from cup #1 to cup #2, then from cup #3 to cup #2. p 8. Part Four: One ball is pocketed. One ball is placed under cup #1, and the other under cup #2. Ball passes from cup #2 to cup #3...but there is a failure; the ball has not. It is tried again, and this time it works. The ball under cup #3 is then passed through the cup as a test. One ball is missing, so performer looks under cup 1, then 2, and finds it under cup #3. p 9. Part Five: The third ball is taken back out of the pocket. One ball is placed under each cup. Ball under cup #1 is removed and placed in the pocket, then ball under cup #2. Ball transfers from pocket to cup #1. Ball is again placed in pocket. Ball transfers to cup #3. Ball then penetrates cup #2. Another ball is removed from the pocket and is smacked through cup #2. Last ball is removed from right pocket and placed in left pocket. Last ball transfers from left pocket to under cup #2, where there are now 3 balls. Balls are placed on top of each cup. p 10. Part Six: As an anti-climax, each cup is now shown to have a large ball underneath. p 11 Selected Bibliography: list of 28 books with cups & balls/sponge ball routines compiled by Richard Robinson and Jim Sisti.

Bizzaro: http://www.emagicsupply.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=7&products_id=54: Color Changing Sponge Ball

Blackstone, Harry: Blackstone's Tricks Anyone Can Do ©1983 by Walter Gibson; p 24 Blackstone's Paper Ball Trick is a sponge ball routine with small wads of paper.

Blake, George: Master Magic. Hades Publication. 21 effects, some of them including sponges

Braude, Ben B.: The Sphinx Vol.46 N°7 p 209: The Cut and Restored Sponge: an addition to the sponge ball routine.

Bruce, Gordon. Pabular p 677. Little metal eater: False transfer a coin in the left hand take the sponge ball in the left hand, let it chew the coin (with the performer supplying the noise). The sponge has eaten the coin. Offer to repeat. Seem to take another coin from the pocket (actually the same one) and repeat the effect making mouth noises showing the sponge ball bad table manners. The noise become embarrassing and you collect another(?) coin from the pocket which you (really) drop in the left hand this time. The sponge is made to swallow the coin again, hiding it under the sponge. As the right hand goes for another coin from the right pocket. Make some burping noise and let the coin stick out from under the ball. The right hand comes with its coin, pushes the coin back under the ball, and takes away its coin as if it was the one thrown up by the ball. Apologize for the balls manners and take the coin back to your right pocket. Make some more burping noise and push the coin back under the ball as you steal 20 coins from your pocket as you explain that the sponge has eaten too much. Come to the sponge with the right hand as for taking the coin, simulate one more burp and a throwing up as your right hand releases its coins.

Buchanan, Tod: Magic 101: Sponge ball Tod Buchanan teaches basic sleights and moves, including: Fantastic routine Blast Off (Sponge Balls travel in space and back to earth), Toss, Roll-Over & Pass Vanishes, Splitting a Sponge Ball in Half, Produce Sponges from an empty coin purse, Multiplying Rabbits, The Slap & Flash Appearances…

Burger, Eugene. Mastering the Art of Magic ©2000 Kaufman and Greenberg; p 36 Sponges & Magical voyage Part 1 DVD. Items like his ultra-commercial approach to the Sponge Balls (including his "real work" on breaking them in). & Greater Magic Vol 4: Eugene Burger DVD; Sponge Balls routine as originally filmed in Joe Stevens Magic Emporium Greater Magic Video Library & World Greatest Magic by the World’s Greatest Magicians: Sponge Balls; Sponge Balls routine.

Burman, Rob: Techniques Of Life Casting Volume 1 Number 2 VHS Continuing the Vol 1 # 1 Step-by-step demonstrations on creating effects ranging from wax build-up scars, to bald caps and ghoul/zombie faces, the # 2 gets from simple applications such as wax build-up scars. Continues with the more advanced techniques of life casting, mold making, and the construction and application of prosthetic appliances and the fabrication of synthetic body parts. & Sculpting And Molding A Prosthetic Volume 1 Number 3 VHS This tape continues with the creation of an ultracal positive and then follows Rob Burman through his sculpting techniques to a finished sculpture of a prosthetic appliance. It concludes with molding the final prototype. The only thing left to do is make the foam latex appliance. & Video Guide To Foam Latex and Prosthetic Applications VHS This tape begins with Rob Burman showing all the various stages in running and casting foam latex. From there, the tape continues with the application of the foam appliance, followed by step-by-step make-up techniques used by professionals to give your character life. Every step is shown in minute detail. This allows us to make invisible “skin pockets” to hide coins or sponge balls in the neck or around the forearm, or conceal a neodium magnet on a finger for an impromptu chop cup routine. These form much better concealment pockets than band aids. Easy to find at http://www.nightmarefactory.com/rvideos.html.

Burt, Brad. All About Sponge Balls DVD This 90 minute DVD is packed with information on one of the most entertaining forms of Sleight-of-Hand available. Included: Performance of the three routines included; Palming; Squash Move; Pull Apart move; Spectator Interaction info; One-Two-Three Move and vanish; Push Vanish; Roll Vanish; Brad Burt Vanish; Using A Purse Frame; the Brad Burt Switch; Routine Explanations. Hot solid material that is really and truly reputation making.

Byrne, Mark: Twinkle Twinkle. Emotional presentation with star shaped super soft Goshman sponges and script

Capehart, Chris: Kiddin’ Around DVD; Chris performs his hilariously funny kids’ show. In that frame Chris performs and explains his Sponge Balls routine.

Carlyle, Francis: The Magic Of Francis Carlyle ©1975 by Roger Pierre, Nightmare Alley Productions; includes Sponge Balls

Carey, Chris: Do The Stuff That’s You ©Lee Jacobs Productions; Contents include Growing Sponge Ball.

Carney, John: Carneycopia by ©1991 Stephen Minch; Current Classic p 3: One ball is in left pants pocket and one ball in left thumb palm. Pass the ball behind your back into the right hand pressing it as much as possible in pinch palm. Seem to catch something with the left hand and let the hands meet as if passing the “nothing” to the right thumb and first finger. Snap the right fingers spreading the left first finger and thumb. Pause briefly. Look to the spectator as the ball is pushed into the thumb tip asking him “I want you to hold on to this”. Snap the left fingers and reveal the vanish. Reproduce the ball from the spectator’s sleeve as per Roger Klause’s sequence. False transfer the ball again. Snap the left fingers and reveal the vanish. Get the second ball from the pocket (dumping the thumb tip) and pass it to the right adding the palmed one to it. Split the ball into two balls. Set one ball in each of the palms of a spectator. With the right take the ball from his left hand and false transfer it. The right hand picks up the right ball (adding the palmed ball to make it look like one). Snap the left fingers disclosing the vanish: reveal the two balls. Start bringing the right hand ball to the spectator’s hand but stop: “this is mine”. False transfer in left palm and take the ball at left fingertips (adding the palmed one), pause and place it in the spectator’s hand which is closed into a fist. Cause the magic and reveal the vanish of the ball from the performer’s hand and let the spectator realize that he has two balls.

Cataquet, Harold: Apocalypse Vol 18 No. 7 July 1995 by Harry Lorayne; p 2531 Re-Retention Vanish: retention vanish for die, ball, sponge ball

Caveny, Mike: Magicomedy ©1981; p 45 The Benson Plunger: Variation on The Benson Bowl using toilet plunger. Routine using 3 sponge balls, bowl (plunger head) & wand (plunger handle).

Cellini: The Royal Touch A Guide to the Art of Street Conjuring. 188 page hardbound book; This Book’s tips on Street Performing are priceless and the effects are the epitome of "pure magic." Contents include Where to Work the streets, Street Performer's Workshop and Tools (including the famous Cellini Topit), How to actually perform on the street, Law of the Street, a collection of great black & white photos AND the effects and routines including Cellini Sponge Ball Routine,

Chadier, James: French Connection DVD. In the Bonus section, two of James’ moves are used: one for a color change (very brief description) and one for a secret transfer to load the spectator’s hand with two balls instead of one. The moves are definitely original.

Chapman, Frank M.: Chap’s Scrapbook #7 January 1939: "Ten Best Pocket or Bar Tricks" Contest… The master list was compiled from all entries... each of the final ten being selected on the basis of popular vote... Another point of interest: practically every entry mentioned these three tricks – SPONGE BALLS,ACROBATIC MATCHBOX and HALF DOLLAR IN BOTTLE... And close in popularity were - Chameleon Knife, Spirit Nut, Three Shell Game, Vanishing Cig. in Hank.(still a WOW trick in spite of nation-wide expose),and But let's take a look at the master list! - In order of popularity ... Sponge Balls, Chameleon Knife, Half Dollar In Bottle, Acrobatic Matchbox, Three Shell Game, Spirit Nut, Vanishing Cigarette In Handkerchief, Dime & Penny, Okito Coin Box tied with Coin thru Hank., and Squash tied with Torn & Restored Cigarette Paper.... I'll admit ... the results fooled me ... I wouldn't have had a chance ... And to prove it ... Here's my personal list of "ten best": Paper Balls Under Hats (Scrapbook #8), Dots On Matches(Genii), Cut Ribbon(Genii), Squash, Sponge Balls, Torn Cig. Paper (Scrapbook #l), Poker Chip Routine (production, vanishes, color changes and prediction climax), Cigarette Routine (rising, vanishing, thru hank, and tobacco from hand to hand) and Midget Cocktails… Latter three will eventually appear in Scrapbook ... The Sponge Balls, and Squash, have novelty climaxes…

Charles, Kirk: Live At The Jailhouse Vol 3 DVD; Kirk Charles performs his version of sponge balls (performance only)

Christopher, Milbourne: Hugard’s Magic Monthly Vol III N° 8 January 1946 p 185 Milbourne Christopher’s column: Sponge Ball idea: Push the point of a sharp pencil into an inch-round sponge ball. Put the pencil in your upper left hand vest pocket with the pointed end protruding. To begin a sponge routine, reach in with your right hand and take out the pencil. Your closed right hand hides the sponge ball. Point the other end of the pencil towards your open left hand. Empty. Change over the pointed end and ball to your left hand, taking care that the ball is not seen, and point to your open right hand. Empty, too! Take the pencil with your right hand leaving the sponge ball behind in your closed left hand. Touch the back of the left hand with the pencil and open it to disclose the sponge ball. The moves are identical with the handkerchief and wand moves prior to the production of a silk handkerchief. & Hugard’s Magic Monthly. Vol 4 N°6 November 1946 p 264: Squeeze: Several years ago Emmett Barbee, of Oklahoma City, showed me a clever coin trick. You toss a penny in the air, catch it and ask a spectator to squeeze your closed hand. When he does, you shout "Ouch!" and open your hand to show the penny bent almost in half. A twist on this is to put, apparently, a large sponge ball in your hand, really slipping in one several times smaller. Same procedure as described above, but then let the tiny ball roll out. A very good incidental bit during a sponge routine & Hugard’s Magic Monthly. Vol 5 N°6 November 1947 p 367: If you are at a cocktail party where a bowl of ice is within easy reach you can add a wonderful finish to your sponge ball routine. Secretly pick up a cube of ice and hold it concealed in your cupped right hand. Put two sponges on a table with your left hand. Ask someone to touch one. Pick up the indicated sponge with your right hand and apparently put it in your left hand. Actually drop the palmed ice cube in and palm the sponge ball. Extend your closed left hand. Ask a spectator to hold his right hand palm upwards and squeeze the sponge ball when you drop it from your hand into his. Let the ice cube fall The result is startling to say the least. Frequently spectators, in telling later what you did, insist that they held the sponge ball and that it changed into the block of ice in their own hands. Be careful that the ice doesn't drip and give its presence away when you have it palmed. If the ice is in the kitchen and you can get it without anyone noticing you have left the room, the effect is even greater. & Hugard’s Magic Monthly Vol IX No4 Sept 1951 p 837: Sponge ball routine. Four inch and a half round sponges and a silver half dollar in the performer's right trouser pocket. The magician takes out two sponges with his right hand and puts them about six inches apart on the table. "Touch one," he invites. He picks up the one the spectator touched and gives the other to the spectator to hold in his closed hand (The sponge is clipped between the index and middle fingers, the thumb lifts and bends under the palmed sponge and presses the two together so that they are lifted as one between the closed index and middle fingers and the thumb). Hocus pocus. The performer's hand is empty. The spectator has two sponges. The two sponges are put back on the table and the performer adds a third which he openly removes from his pocket (palming an extra one). "Touch two", he requests. When two are touched these are put in the spectator's hand. The third is squeezed by the magician (French Drop). It vanishes. There are now three in the spectator's hand! Repeat with two in the hand and one in the pocket. On the word "pocket" the left hand opens. Three balls roll out on the table. This move is repeated a second time (leaving the fourth sponge in the pocket). There are now three on the table. The first is apparently put in the left hand, but retained by the French Drop in the right hand. The left hand is closed as if it holds the sponge. "One." "Two." The right hand picks up the second sponge and apparently puts it in the left hand, which opens and closes just enough for such an action to take place. Actually as the right hand touches the sponge to the left hand, it clips it between the index and middle fingers and pulls it back against the palmed sponge. The fingers palm it as the thumb helps push it in place, then the index finger points at the left hand. "Three." The third sponge is picked up by the right hand and dropped in the right pocket (with the other two). The left hand is revealed to be empty. The magician offers to repeat the trick. He once more lines up three sponges on the table. He counts each as he puts it in his left hand. "How many now?", as he says this he puts his right hand suspiciously in his pocket. The left hand is opened and the four sponges are shown. Climax The performer lines up the four sponges on the table. "Touch any one of the four," he invites. The sponge touched by the spectator is put in the performer's left hand. 'Would 50 surprise you?", the magician asks with a smile. At this point the usual spectator will say that nothing would surprise him. The left hand seems to expand. Suddenly the performer opens his fingers and drops the silver half dollar on the table: “Fifty-cents!” If I'm performing for an audience which includes someone who has seen the trick before, I finish by producing a cigarette lighter or a key in place of the half dollar. If you produce the key, you can say "And now the key to the mystery." If you produce a lighter, have someone wave an unlighted cigarette over your closed fist. Open your hand, show the lighter and then light the cigarette and relax. Hugard’s Magic Monthly. Vol XI N°1 June 1953 p 5: Milbourne Christopher’s Column: Potato Head. “Sometimes I finish my sponge ball routine by producing a small potato. After the spectators have cheered, applauded or simply nodded, I take out a pocket knife and start carving the potato. First, two eyes, then a nose, finally a mouth. You guessed it. I thrust a miniature cigarette between the lips of the potato head and light up so that he can enjoy a smoke.”

Clements, Wilton S. The Sphinx Vol.39 N°5 p 121: Red or Green: a two color sponge ball routine

Cloutier, Carl: Third Hand Magic DVD Advanced techniques with Topits and Sleeving. There are several ideas involving the sponge balls which could be reworked and used in the frame of a complete routine.

Cohen, Al: Magical Mish-Mosh (And Other Tricky Trivia) ©1985, published by Al Cohen; p 12 Miscellaneous Mish Mosh: Various short suggestions for … sponge balls, etc.

Collier, L.C.: Complete Two Ball Sponge Ball Routine...That Requires Three Balls. ©2003 by Eric Woods, 9 pages. Approach the table or group with a yellow sponge ball finger palmed in the right hand. (It is usually better to select a female in the group) Using the index finger of the right hand (fig. 1.), point at this person's head and say, (in a volume lower than normal) "Oz at ober ooo?" Invariable she will say, "What?". Repeat the phrase in the same volume and she will most likely say, "I'm sorry, I didn't understand you.". You then raise your index finger as if to say... hold on. You then reach to the persons left ear and allow the sponge ball to go from the finger palm to the fingertips. As you pull the hand away (displaying the yellow ball) you say (in a higher than normal volume and crystal clear) "Ear Wax! ... Can you hear me better now?". She responds. You then say, "I thought so! You need to clean those ears out girl!" You then say, "Do you want to do a trick with me?" You then continue, "The answer would be yes." If she says anything other than yes, repeat, "The answer would be yes." Lay the yellow ball down, in front of you, to the left of center. You say, "I have one of those in my bag (or coat pocket)... mine, however, is a different color." You say, "I have one of those in my coat pocket... mine, however, is a different color." You make reference to the color difference as you transfer the ball to the left fingertips. The right fingertips picks up the yellow ball from the tabletop. Displaying the balls (palms toward the crowd) you say, "This ball (yellow) is yours and the other is mine. I am going to place my ball right here ... (the left hand lays the red ball on the table)... and I want you to hold onto your ball... (transfer the yellow ball to the left fingertips)... very tight. Can you do that for me?" Two balls (as one) are placed into the awaiting spectator's palm and the hand closed. "Now, place the other hand on the bottom and hold on tight, so nothing can get in or out." Pick up the red ball with your right hand. As you do the fake pass to the left hand, you say, "Now, I will place my ball in this hand." Turn the closed left hand palm down so it will look like the spectator's hand. "Do you have a magic word that works for you?" After the spectator gives you her favorite utterance, you say, "WOW! ... Did you feel that? ... I felt that clear up my arm!" Then, holding her hands, say, "Did yours?" She will say no and you say, "No, it is supposed to be gone!" She will argue the fact. You then say, "Are you doing another trick?' Release your grip and say, "Lets take a look." She will open her hand and be astonished to find your ball in with her's. You then say, "Hey! ... You got mine ... This girl is really good". Retrieve the yellow ball with your left fingertips. The right hand (which still has the second red ball in a finger palm) index finger and thumb retrieves the red ball as the left hand pockets the yellow ball in your. "They say you can do a trick with one of these, (turn your right hand palm up and display the two pinched red balls as one) but I always (turn the right hand palm down and begin to rum the two balls back and forth on the table) have to rub it until it slowly becomes two balls." Slowly separate the two balls (sawing). "I want you to pay close attention to this next part... because when I am done ... you will be explaining it to the rest of the group. ... Okay? ... Here we go!" You then clap your hands together and say, "You don't need to explain that part. ... That was just warming up. ... This is the part that needs the explanation." You then do the ten count. Turn your head toward the man for just an instant and then back to the group. You then say, "He doesn't say much. Does he?" Pick up the right ball between the right index finger and the second finger and say. "Let me ask you (the lady) a question. If I take this ball and place it into this (left hand) hand," False transfer. "and I take the other ... (pick up the second ball with the right fingertips. As you turn your hand into a palm up position, push both balls together at the fingertips and display them as one ball.) in my pocket". Point at the left hand asking, "Then how many does it leave in this hand?" The spectator responds. Open both hands saying, "None! ... You see we are done with that trick!"

Colombini, Aldo. Heart to Heart. The magician shows the Two of Hearts and then visually removes the two heart pips from the face, turning them into 1 ½ inches sponge hearts. He goes on to use the sponge hearts in a brief sponge ball routine which ends with the production of a jumbo heart. Includes all of the necessary sponge hearts. A smart way to introduce the props. & The Essential Aldo Colombini - Volume 3 DVD Throw In The Sponge: Balls are taken out from a card box, Aldo then delight us with “left” and “right” as well as “here” and “there” ambiguity as he does a sort of ten count. Then he goes into the sponge in the spectator’s hand using a nice variant of the pop up move. The next step is a one in the hand and one in the pocket: the ball is back. When repeating the effect: there is one ball and a half ball. Then upon repeating, the balls have vanished but there is a half dollar in his hand. & Throw In The Sponge; This easy sponge ball routine for restaurants and walk around resets automatically. Simple but direct moves with the emphasis on comedy. Two balls are produced and then the magic begins! Balls vanish, appear in spectator's hand and so on. A half ball appears to add comedy and then the climax. With comedy patter and necessary sponge balls & World Greatest Magic by the World’s Greatest Magicians: Sponge Balls Throw In The Sponge.

Conn, Doug: Conn-Juring Notes Prestidigitation, Legerdemain, & Other Unique Entertainments ©2004 Doug Conn; p 26 Rab-Bit: a quick sponge routine with two small rabbits: a small “hare” (people assume the performer is talking about a ‘hair’) is produced form the spectator’s shoulder. It jumps around the performer’s body, vanishes and reappears on spectator's shoulder. These are ‘flat’ sponge rabbits, the use of 3-d variety seeming risky for this effect: Doug, after trying many forms of bunnies, uses the little yellow (Adams) rabbits. Doug generally includes his “Spongology” into the routine & Tricks Of My Trade - The Magic of Doug Conn by Paul Cummins: Spongology - Clever "bit's 'o bizness" for the classic S.S.Adams sponge rabbits.

Cornelius, John: Creative Magic DVD: Sponge Bowl & The FISM Act. Sponge Bowl.

Crimet, Bertrand: Les Créations Magiques © by L’Académie de Magie George Proust (Paris France). L’éponge et le mur invisible

Crow, Raymonde. As the crow flies ©2003 Raymonde Crow; p 25 Lint Trap: a sponge rabbit routine, also using the Sanada gimmick.
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Dacri, Steve. The Master Routines From the Close-Up and Stage Act of Steve Darci MIMC ©2002 Steve Darci, http://www.stevedarci.com p 13 Master Routine With the Sponge Bunnies: this routine is in the hands, with no need for the pockets; p 14 Optional Ending: for a large "granny" bunny, this time using a pocket; p 18 The Master Routine With the Sponge Balls: a five phase sponge ball routine using four balls, with a recommendation of using 2.5" bright colored sponges& Martian Sponge Balls & The Magic of Steve Dacri Vol 1 DVD. Sponge Bunnies: Steve’s touches make this always-popular trick play for larger audiences; Martian Sponge Balls: this is the routine that has taken Steve Dacri around the world. & Magic Secrets Video. Filmed at the Magic Circle in London and throughout England & Ireland. Includes Sponge Ball Martians Ten Count & World Greatest Magic by the World’s Greatest Magicians. Steve Dacri. & The Magic of Steve Dacri Vol 2 DVD; Exploding Bunnies: A single sponge rabbit placed into a spectator’s hand literally explodes into a bevy of bunnies when the spectator drops it onto a table. & The Magic of Steve Dacri Vol 3 DVD; Bunnies Over The Head: In this version of Slydini’s legendary trick, large sponge bunnies (and even a huge sponge ball) are made to vanish right before a seated spectator’s eyes, much to their amazement and to the amusement of everyone else in the audience who sees exactly where the objects are going; Bowl routine: combine Roy Benson’s timeless routine with some additional Dacri touches and the result is a routine you’ll always use. Sponge balls travel invisibly from the performer’s hand to underneath an inverted bowl followed by a magical surprise & Spongeball Toolbox. This toolbox contains everything you need: props, sponge balls, purse frame, and a DVD with over 2 hours of personal instruction by Steve Dacri.

Davidson, Larry. Scripted Insanity Vol 1 DVD. Sponge Larry Roundpants: We all have a sponge routine, either the bunnies or the balls. We all know they play great. Larry’s patter is just a bit risqué but it leaves them with cramped stomach muscles from laughing so hard.

De Kovas, Alexander: Schwammball DVD & Apocalypse Vol 13 No 3 March 1990 by Harry Lorayne; p 1755 Chopsticks and Sponges (Alexander De Cova): a sponge ball steal using chopsticks for use in a Benson Bowl routine.

DeMasi, Frank: My Way. Concise booklet of beginner magic. Includes: Misdirection, …, Multiplying Sponges

Dill, Dean. Intimate Miracles: the Magic Of Dean Dill Book + DVD by Tim Trono. A soft cover book and a Video bonus companion performance: 10 routines directly from the professional working repertoire of Dean Dill. Includes routines never released before. Effects include sponge balls. & Spot Light. This is Dean’s favorite effect to perform while doing walk around magic: lay audiences absolutely love it. The light from a penlight magically transforms into a sponge ball, and then the light jumps back and forth between the penlight, the ball, and the magician’s hand. What a great way to start a sponge ball routine! When you order Spotlight you receive a penlight, a special sponge ball, and detailed instructions of Deans handling. Garrett Thomas has great ideas in his DVDs to mislead the audience by secretly using a second penlight.

Dobson, Wayne: Dobson’s Choice TV Stuff Vol 1 DVD; Here is a full DVD of some of Wayne Dobson’s TV performances when he was in his prime. Wayne was a star in England and we can see why on this DVD. These are performances ONLY with no real explanations although after each effect, there is a short interview with Wayne as he discusses the hows and whys he did what he did. We learn more about performing magic from this DVD than by watching a DVD teaching us tricks. Performances include the sponge balls: there is also bonus footage of Wayne Dobson doing his act at the Royal Variety Show in London (you had to be good to get this show). We see him absolutely tear up an audience on a large stage with only a packet of cards and two sponge balls. One has to see it to believe it. Those with magical experience will be able to see these presentations and see what really makes an act a GOOD act.

Dore, Theo: The Sphinx Vol.38 N°6 p 146: Thimballs: a thimble routine with sponge balls

Dusheck, Steve: Dusheck's Close-Up Magic Dusheck Magic Series No. 5 ©1994 James M. Klein, American Magic Company, First Edition; p 64 Fruited Plain: a quick sponge ball trick with the sponge balls acting as cherries & Apocalypse Vol 15 No 7 July 1992 by Harry Lorayne; p 2095 French Fried: sponge fries vanish when pushed into the fist

Eldin, Peter: The Magic Handbook ©1985, published by Simon & Schuster. 26 One In The Pocket: Spongeball routine with wads of paper, large wad produced at end.

Elliott, Bruce: Classic Secrets of Magic ©1953, Faber & Faber.

Etherington, Graham: The Trestle Board, Special Edition by Don Potts, Official News Bulletin of the Invisible Lodge Ca 1982; p 10 Cheeky Sponge Balls: Spectator and Magician wave hand to vanish balls. Performer's ball vanishes, but spectator's doubles. This is repeated, and spectator now has three. Another transfer is tried, but this time the ball only makes it to the spectator's pocket.

Fajuri, Gabe: Sponge Ball Magic (Fun Inc.): Introduction to sponge magic written for amateur, with material for the pro.

Faré, Jean. Sponge Balls - Les Balles éponges DVD.

Farelli, Victor. Hugard’s Magic Monthly Vol IX N° 7 December 1951 p 875 Farelli London Letter. In 1928, the late G. W. Hunter showed Farelli the first set of sponge balls ever seen in London. Farelli did not know where he obtained them, but he was inclined to believe that they were sent to him, from New York, by his old friend and correspondent Max Holden. The balls used by Hunter were small ones (not over half an inch in diameter) and he had a climax that had never be seen employed by any other magician. It consisted in opening a match box, and letting about twenty or thirty tiny sponge balls 'well out' onto the table. For some inexplicable reason, at any' rate to Farelli, this made the onlookers laugh. (This part of the routine was, I fear, very bad magic as it exposed the secret, namely, that the balls were compressible!). A few weeks ago, I was shown a sponge ball a little over an inch in diameter - which, when crushed up in the conjurer's hand, suddenly changed to a small rubber rabbit. (About two inches and a half in height.) Very clever and surprising, but hardly convincing. The secret is that the rabbit folds up, and when in that condition, it looks like a ball. The method is quite obvious to a magician, and as it seemed to me that any intelligent layman could also hit upon the correct explanation, I worked out the following routine which is designed to make the spectators familiar with the appearance of the rabbit before the trick is actually performed. Requirements: A). An unprepared ball, similar in every respect to the rabbit in its folded condition. B). One "ball to rabbit". C). A duplicate rabbit. This should be treated with rubber solution so that it cannot be folded up into the form of a ball. It may be introduced under any more or less plausible pretext (such as that of a "mascot") and the spectators should be given the opportunity of handling it freely. (I shall call this the "unprepared" rabbit.) D). Place both balls in the lower outside pocket on the left of your coat, and have the rabbit on the table. Having performed any trick in which the rabbit has been used (such as getting it to "whisper" to you the name of a selected card) proceed as follows: 1. Lay the faked ball on the left side of your table and the unprepared rabbit on your right. 2. With your left hand pick up the rabbit, and place it in your right hand, the fingers of which close round it, concealing it completely from view. Slowly and deliberately, put it in your pocket on the right, and having withdrawn your hand, let everybody see that it is empty. 3. With the left hand, pick up the faked ball, and transfer it to your right. Pointing to the closed right fist with the extended left forefinger, inquire: 'Where is the ball?" 4. Should the spectator addressed point to the right hand, remark: "Sorry! The ball is in my pocket" Then, showing that the left hand is empty, remove the unprepared ball from your pocket, and toss it onto the table. 5. In the event of the spectator pointing to your left hand, show that hand empty and, having taken the unprepared ball from your pocket, throw it onto the table. 6. Now ask: 'What have I in my closed right hand?" No matter what the answer may be, secretly unfold the ball with the right fingers, and, letting the rabbit expand, observe: "Sorry! It is our little friend the rabbit!'' 7. With the left hand, pick up the ball from the table, and put it in the pocket on your left and, at the same time, drop the rabbit into the right pocket beside the unprepared one. 8. Quickly pass on to the next item in your program, but if requested to do so (not otherwise!) remove the unprepared rabbit from your pocket and pass it for examination.

Fedko, John: Magic Treasures: Compiled and Edited by Tom Clifford. 54 effects including Sponge Balls & Fedko's School of Magic, Volume 3 - Cups, Coins & Cards VHS; The video includes Sponge Ball Cup.

Fields, Eddie: The Artful Dodges of Eddie Fields by Jon Racherbaumer (editor) ©1976 Tannen Magic Inc., NY; p 73 Sponge Ball Climax: with flash paper.

Finney, Michael: Live at Lake Tahoe Vol 2 & Vol 3 DVD by L&L Publishing. Sponge Ball Routine With Watch Steal: two sponge balls, a spectator, a missing watch and laughs & World Greatest Magic by the World’s Greatest Magicians: Sponge Balls. Sponge Ball Routine With Watch Steal.

Fisher, Cody: My Bunny Daryl. Sponge rabbit routine featuring Daryl, his other brother Daryl, his sister Daryl Hanna, and his Mother. Includes for special made "By Gosh" bunnies & Squishy Balls. 3 phase sponge ball routine with comedy. Squishy balls are removed from invisible purse, jump from hand to spectator's hand, and more. With sponges, invisible purse, and commercial word for word patter. Good for table hopping & Twinkle Twinkle - Cody Strolling Sponge Routine. In the spectator's hands. 6 phase sponge star routine comes complete including 10 Super Soft Goshman Sponge Stars, word-for-word patter, jokes & gags

Fox, Karrell: Linking Ring April 1995. Vita-Ball represents an ending for a sponge ball routine. A sponge placed in a handkerchief visibly grows after being sprinkled with "vitamin B-12" & Greater Magic V1 Enlarging Sponge & Greater Magic DVD 1: Karrell Fox; Whenever in need to come up with new ideas or customized presentations, go to your library of Karrell Fox material first. Karrell's magic is simple, direct, and sprinkled with the right amount of humor. It is entertaining magic that is easily within the reach of any of us. This DVD contains eleven effects from the "Foxy One." Content includes Super Sponge.

Francis, Douglas: Spectator’s Choice. Magic Wand ©1953 by George Armstrong, London. “Rainbow Sponge Ball Routine” uses five red and four blue sponge with a green jumbo sponge ball. A handkerchief is used as table. As the performer shows two spectators how to hold the handkerchief, on red ball is body loaded on one spectator. Remove the other four red balls and toss three in the handkerchief. Now do two in the hand and one in the pocket (1), leaving the extra ball there. Repeat stealing a blue ball from the pocket and showing only two in the hand: the body loaded ball is the third (2). Repeat transferring the palmed blue ball with the second ball. Pocket the third red and steal a second blue ball: reveal two red and a blue ball (3). Repeat to show two blue and one red (4). Repeat pocketing the red finger palming the last blue as you show three blue (5). Utility Switch keeping a ball in left. Put one in the fist then the next and pocket the last. Reveal three (6). Put one in the pocket stealing the jumbo ball, false transfer the second actually transferring the jumbo, pocket the third and the palmed one. Ask how many in the left: that’s right but it’s a jumbo. Hugard’s Magic Monthly Vol XI N° 11 April 1954 p 124 Book Profiles by John Crimmins Jr.: …a first-rate presentation for the sponge balls which not only successively change color but transform into a giant ball at the end. Very good…

Fredrick, Ron: The Professional Routines of Ron Fredrick As Told to Ron Zollweg. 1982 Unikorn Magik. p 24 The Sponge Routine: Suitable for bar or restaurant work. Ron uses sponge cubes so they don't roll. Recommends smaller (3/4") cubes since audience reaction seems to be the same as with 2" sponges. Also uses a purse frame; p 32 Appendix One: Basic Sponge Vanish; p 33 Appendix Two: Handling of the Purse Frame

Fujari, Gabe (edit). Sponge ball magic DVD. In this video, a plethora of prestidigitorial techniques for sponge ball tricks are explained and then applied to a variety of high-impact tricks, making it a perfect introduction to sponge ball magic. Written for the amateur, it includes material suitable for the performing pro.

Frye, Charlie: Eccentric Magic. The Old Ball Vase. A very original ball and vase routine with sponge balls and lots of acting.

Gallo, Lou: Lou Gallo - The Underground Man by Richard Kaufman & Mark Phillips; There are 46 close-up killers in this book, clearly described and beautifully illustrated. Effects with coins naturally but also with sponge balls.

Gallo, Mike: Mike Gallo Close Up Insider Notes by Paul Richards, Sponge Ball Memories (Eddie Fetcher) Magic Of Mike Gallo Vol 1 DVD; Mike shares with us... Sponge Ball Memories. The magician performs the ball in the spectator’s hand and then offers to teach the spectator. With this sucker explanation, the spectator ends up with three balls instead of two. One ball is left in the hand and two are placed in the pocket … and the performer is left with a silver dollar. So much can be expected from Mike that this is sorely disappointing.

Ganson, Lewis: Routined Manipulation Finale ©1954 & ©1976 D.Robbins & Co., Inc; p 97 Section Six: Magic With Sponge Balls. An excellent treatise on sponge ball magic; p 99 Chapter Nine Part I. Requirements and Principles: the "invention" of sponge balls by Jesse J. Lybarger, Al Cohn, and the contribution by Joe Berg (1926). Covers the type of sponge to use, how to cut the sponge, the basic effect, and stages of performance; p 102 Part 2. Adding One Ball to Another: Four methods and placing the balls down; p 106 Part 3. Two Subtle Moves: To show three balls only (in both hands), and The Spectator Holds a Ball (multiply in spectator's hand); p 108 Part 4. Vanishes From the Hand: Five methods detailed; p 117 Part 5. A Sponge Ball Routine: with advice Do Not Make the Routine Too Long, and Build Up to a Climax. Routine combines the two in the hand and one in the pocket with multiplication in the spectator's hand; p 119 Part 6. Accessories: brief description of other tools that could be helpful in a sponge ball routine such as: rubber production fruit, sponge ball to bunny, and handkerchief pull, for examples; p 121 Part 7. Rabbit's Habits: Three routines for sponge rabbit sets & The Art of Close Up Magic Volume 1 compiled by Lewis Ganson ©1996 L&L Publishing; p 344 Sponge Ball Routine (Remo InZani); p 354 Fred Kaps Chinese Bowl; p 360 Rice Bowls and Balls (Phoa Yan Tong): Another Bowl and Sponge ball routine with rubber ball climax.

Garcia, Frank. The encyclopedia of sponge ball magic, 14 pages explaining step by step how sponge magic works: Frank Garcia included in this book is own sponge ball routines, The Magic Count (the 1-10 count), Garcia's Krazee Sponges, Garcia's Perfect Sponge Ball Vanish, A Basic Routine for Beginners, Garcia's Color Change Routine, A Square and Cube Routine, and Suggestions & Lexikon der Schwammballmagie German translation of Frank Garcia’s encyclopedia & Hanson, Herman: Frank Garcia's lecture ©1958 Boston S.A.M. Assembly 8-page booklet covering Frank Garcia's lecture there. This is one of the nicest manuscripts of this type. Not only did Herman Hanson turn out an attractive booklet, but the content including sponge balls routine, is high standard Garcia magic & Frank Garcia on Sponge Balls. The book features Frank's routines, the Magic Count, Krazee Sponges, Perfect Sponge Ball vanish, Beginner's routine, Color change routine, Square and Cube routine & Video Tape Series No. 1: sponge ball routine & Stars Of Magic Volume 3 Frank Garcia’s Sponge Ball routine. & World Greatest Magic by the World’s Greatest Magicians. Frank Garcia demonstrates vanishes using the wand and the rarely shown John Cornelius’ subtlety for the Benson bowl routine & Hugard’s Magic Monthly Vol XVII N° 6 November 1959 p 64 Book Profiles by John Crimmins Jr comments on Frank Garcia’s Sponge Balls ©1958 by Gene Gordon's Magic Shop, 320 Franklin Avenue, Buffalo, N.Y. “This 14 pages booklet contains five separate routines with the popular sponge balls, plus suggestions on handling and a Garcia lesson in misdirection. Having seen Frank Garcia perform these routines, I can highly recommend them. Frank has developed these routines over a period of years and they are the last word in misdirection and entertainment. As a close-up trick, I can think of no other that has the baffling quality inherent in the sponge balls. Like Dai Vernon, everything Frank Garcia does is perfection itself, so treat yourself to some of the finest routines by getting a copy of this latest book. You'll be glad you did.”

Gardner, Martin: Over the Coffee Cups ©1949 Montandon Magic; p 12 The Fifty Sponge Balls: a quick sponge ball routine with multiple ball climax & Martin Gardner Presents. Includes sponge balls.

Garrett, Dan. Cabaret Connivery DVD; Sphere It: a commercial, concise sponge ball routine for "workers." In the astounding opening segment, a sponge ball magically appears in the magician's empty hands. The close-up and stand-up routines from Dan Garrett's working repertoire. More classic is the Pickle Trick: Gherkins (pickled cucumbers) magically multiply in the air, vanishing completely in a hat, then start a family in an unsuspecting spectator's hand. & Kid Show Connivery DVD; Martian Rabbit Legs is an hilarious multi-changing Sponge-O-Rama that requires no skill; Bonus Sponge Tips & Teasers and Ticklers: The Lecture Book p 10 a great idea of using a squeaker to let believe that both hands hold a sponge when one has already been false transferred to be compressed with the other one. on p 11 he also reveals an idea for the use of a squeaker in the frame of his (sponge) banana trick.

Garrison, (Magic) Ian: Diminishing Sponge Balls DVD. Magic Ian offers a very nice, very deceptive and rarely seen deception where the half balls become smaller and smaller as they are split from the previous half.

Geer, Brian. Heavy Hitters. Over two hours of close-up magic for the working magician. Magic that includes: sponge balls

Gillis, Brian: Lecture Notes. Sponges on Stage (with Watch Steal)

Ginn, David. Colorful Magic. Includes David’s stage sponge ball routine & Bag of Magic VHS: this is a performance only video, yet, after the 32-minute live show, there is a David Ginn television interview featuring Magic Sponge Balls & Magic They Love to See. Video. Sponge Ball Rabbit presentation for children.

Giobbi, Roberto. Taped Live! DVD for the 7th British symposium. Sponge Ball and Bowl Routine. The trick starts with a purse frame that Roberto gives for examination before producing a ball from it. Then roll split the sponge in two before doing a ten count (very good script here). A ball is then made to vanish to reappear up the sleeve. One of them is placed under the bowl, the other one is vanished and reappears under the bowl. The magician looks for a third ball and looks for it in the purse frame but only gets his wand out. The performer uses the wand to get the third ball which appears under the bowl with the other two. One of the balls is placed in the spectator’s hand, the other one in the performer’s hand and the last one goes with the first one in the spectator’s hand. The ball travels from the magician’s hand into the spectator’s hand (I think that starting with three is a mistake). Turning to the other spectator the performer claims he will do it from his hand into the bowl. The two balls are placed into his hand but it fails to travel to the bowl because another big ball of a contrasting color has already appeared under it. The spectator opens his hand which is full of 20 to 30 small balls along the two originally placed in there. Along the way Roberto explains the very good Slydini’s and Paviato’s sponge ball vanish.

Goldstein Phil & Kaufman, Richard: New Magic of Japan. 123 pages. Includes sponge ball magic.

Gordien, Henry: Greater Magic. A Practical Treatise On Modern Magic, John Northern Hilliard Edited by Carl W. Jones and Jean Hugard. Illustrations by Harlan Tarbell ©1994 Estate of Helen W. Jones; p 656 Henry Gordien Sponge Ball Routine

Goshman Albert.: Magic by Gosh: Life and Times of Albert Goshman by Patrick Page; includes A.G. Sponge Balls, Coins through the Table, and A.G. Benson Bowl Routine & Albert Goshman Live at the Kennedy DVD-R. From 1985. Performance only of… Sponge Balls & The life and times of Albert Goshman Video Nowadays most widely known as the provider of sponge balls, this video reminds us of Goshman's entire world-class close-up show including his sponge ball routine built on misdirection & Cavorting sponge balls (marketed by ELMS amongst others) & The Albert Goshman Lecture DVD. In 1985, the legendary Albert Goshman gave a performance for a group of 200 magicians in a secret London venue. By chance, a spectator had one of the first video cameras with him, and was given permission to film the show. & It’s only 1: The Magician uses three balls. Suddenly one appears in his right hand and two in his left. After allowing the audience to examine them, two balls are placed into a spectators hand, the third vanishes. The Magician now places two balls in his hand, one in his pocket. Opening his hand, there are three balls. Once more, he puts two in his left hand, one in his pocket and asks the spectator how many balls are believed to be in his hand. Regardless of the guess, he answers, "But I only have one in my hand-" then opens his hand to show a Jumbo sponge ball shaped like a 1 digit. & World Greatest Magic by the World’s Greatest Magicians. Albert Goshman & Sponge ball to square. A very nice idea often very poorly presented, thus offering a great potential & Sponge Balls Micro. 10 micro sponge balls for the big climax or something else yet to be invented & Growing Ball. The red ball turns into a large 4-inch sponge ball for a big climax & Sponge Boulder. These realistic looking sponge rocks and boulders are the best that money can buy. Suitable for clowns, magicians or comedians, the joke potential of these funny props is nearly limitless. The rock is approximately 5" across, and the boulder is approximately 11" across. & Sponge Brick. So real in appearance that we’d swear it came off the shelf at Home Depot! 3.25" wide, 7.5" long, and 2" high. Just like the real thing & Sponge Card Pips. One of each in large size. & Egg Sponge. The perfect sponge egg. Applicable to nearly any sort of routine you currently perform sponge balls with. Made to the same high standards that all Goshman products are, this egg has a smooth (non-sponge) finish, yet compresses easily & Poke Vanisher. An easy vanishing device for a super soft sponge. It can also be used for color changes or simple transformations. We are supplied with an open top vinyl cup. There is a slot on the side that will accommodate the tip of a standard pencil. When placed into the slot, the pencil allows to secretly steal the gimmick. & Excelsior Sponge Balls. 4 sponge balls and a shell. & 3 - D Rabbitt Gosh The new generation of rabbits which has brought credibility to this variant of the sponge ball. & Ding Dong from Magic by Gosh. This is not for the ladies club or the church group. Ding Dong is an X-rated, explicit sponge ball routine. Some folks find this extremely nutty & funny, but it requires to be careful the choice of audience. It's a set of four soft sponge balls, plus a surprise climax sponge with explicit masculine look. & Foam Tooth 2'' White Goshman: 2" x 2" foam tooth. & Micro Mini Sponge Balls Sizes vary between 0.5 inch, 1 inch, 1 1/2 inch, 2 inch, 2 1/2 inch.

Green, Paul. In The Trenches DVD. KB/PG is an audience tested routine with Sponge Balls, inspired by Ken Brooke. It has everything from vanishes, transpositions, and changes, all the way down to mini sponge balls.

Griffin, Gerry: Video Magic Lessons Vol 1: California Magic & Novelty. Effects include a sponge ball routine.

Gross, Henry: Pure Magic! A Primer in Sleight of Hand ©1978 Henry Gross, published by Charles Scribner's Sons; p 74 Chapter 7 Spongeball Magic; p 75 Palming; The Pass: the first essential move for sponge ball magic; p 77 The Squeeze Move: picking up one while adding one secretly (2nd essential move); p 79 The Final Vanish: a vanish of two balls using an improvised Thumb Tip type of gimmick (a hair curler); p 82 The Routine: in the spectator's hands.

Groves, David: Sponge Balls a Million. 14 pages spiral bound. Practical routine with strong ending

Guinn, Scott: Great Scott! It’s Magic! The Real World Magic Of Scott Guinn DVD. Peanut Butter and Jelly is a sponge ball routine that uses a purse frame, vanishes, hand counts, and a Sanada gimmick. Many have called this the best sponge ball routine out there.

Guastaferro, John: Second Storm A Collection of Select Card Effects ©2007 John Guastaferro; Spiral Bound or e-Book, 41 pages, 57 color pictures; Silkworm: Silk and sponge ball effect.

Hallema, Flip: Flip In Close-Up Part 1 DVD: Includes Sponge Ball Climax & The Very Best of Flip! - Volume 1 Sponge Ball Climax is actually anti-climatic with peanuts and a nut (for corny jokes) & World Greatest Magic by the World’s Greatest Magicians: Sponge Balls. The routine design and its script routine are pathetic with lots of what Ascanio used to call “anti-contrasting parenthesis” (things happening between the initial state and the final state). A demonstration on how not to confuse time misdirection with anti-contrasting parenthesis just to use great moves. There are indeed some very interesting moves in the routine like the initial body load. Flip’s false take is also very good. His complete vanish (using the rolling up against the chest) with reproduction from the pocket (to get another ball) is fabulous. The way Flips puts the ball under his nose is also great (don’t have to search for the slit). His multiplying balls sequence is fine but not the best there is. His talking lips are also a great entertaining time misdirection tool...

Hamilton, Steve: Live At Last Lecture Notes © by Steve Hamilton Silk and Sponge routine: a fabulous silk and sponge sequence

Hampton Ridge (Ed.): 25 Amazing Magic Tricks With Sponge Balls VHS

Hanson, Herman: Frank Garcia's lecture ©1958 Boston S.A.M. Assembly 8-page booklet covering Frank Garcia's lecture there. This is one of the nicest manuscripts of this type. Not only did Herman Hanson turn out an attractive booklet, but the contents --card tricks, sponge balls, and cups and balls routine- are very interesting Garcia magic.

Harlan, Dan: Packs Small Plays Big Vol 3: Kid’s Birthday Show DVD. This third DVD teaches you a complete Kid show that fits right into a briefcase. Featured routines include “Gosh Man”, a Sponge Ball routine.

Harris, Paul: Paul Harris Reveals Some of His Most Intimate Secrets ©1976, published by The Rainbow Magic Machine; p 55 The Super Bowl by Patrick Snowden: A bowl routine involving bowl, wand, four red sponge balls, one black, and one large load for the climax.

Hay, Henry: Learn Magic. The Magician's Basic Tricks Explained Step by Step in 20 Simple Lessons ©1947 Garden City, ©1949 Permabooks edition ©1975 3rd Edition. Dover Publications; Lesson 17: The Sponge Balls: The Basic Sponge Ball Move, The Routine using 4 sponge balls, two tea cups, and ending in the spectator's hand & The Amateur Magician's Handbook, Third Edition ©1950, 1972 Henry Hay; p 194 Sponge Balls: basic ideas only.

Hayden, Allan: Haydenizms ©Allan Hayden; no publish date (Circa 1974); p 15 Gozinta! Sponges from an in-n-outer boxes (the original sponge ball and Gozinta boxes routine). Full routine.

Herpick: Hugard’s Magic Monthly Vol IX N° 3 August 1951 Advertiseement p 832 Herpick’s Super Sponge – Wonderful pocket trick. A 1 ½’ sponge ball and a 25c coin. Latter dropped on table; sponge ball in hand changes into 4 quarters (sponges!). How about changing them into silver quarters? 1st into hand - 2nd into hand - 3rd into pocket – how many? Not 2, but 3 hand (sponges) and these change into a 25c coin at finish. Fits into regular sponge ball routine.

Hilliard, John Northern: Greater Magic. A Practical Treatise On Modern Magic His Manuscripts and Notes Edited by Carl W. Jones and Jean Hugard. Illustrations by Harlan Tarbell ©1994 Estate of Helen W. Jones; p 651 Sponge Balls (Al Cohen); p 652 The Fist Vanish; p 653 To Palm a Sponge Ball; p 654 A Sponge Ball Routine; p 656 Another Sponge Ball Routine (Henry Gordien); p 657 Gimmicks for Sponge Balls

Hooper, Edwin: Edwin's Magic Finale. ©1991 Edwin's Magic Arts; Chapter One: Come Closer: In-N-Out Sponge Balls

Hooser, Troy: Total Destruction Vol 2 DVD; Sponge Ball Bonus. Troy offers thumb tip adaptation and vanishes which substantially improves the vanish of the ball, for example in Roger Klause’s sponge to the spectator’s sleeve. In the same line he offers color changes. He also indicates technique to retrieve a ball from the thumb tip. Troy also adapted the Tenkai pennies to the sponge balls. His next idea uses the collar ditching for one of two balls (and naturally its combination with his Tenkai pennies adaptation). The next idea is a steal back of a ball placed into the hand as a second ball is placed there.

Howard, Max: Effective Presentations: How Tricks Become Magic (video). Max Howard, 429 Rays Road, Stone Mtn, GA 30083. 60mins. It's Magic By Gosh simple but effective sponge ball routine. Includes not just how, but why.

Hudspath, David: Amazing Magic Tricks with Sponge Balls. Royal Magic This DVD will teach you how to let a sponge ball appear by sleight of hand, with a purse frame, by tearing a sponge into two; it will also teach you several vanishes using the finger palm, the thumb palm: there is a French Drop, a retention of vision, Francis Carlisle vanish... It teaches in details how to place first a ball in the pocket, then one in the hand and the last one in the pocket before letting all three travel back to the hand. With the Spellbound move taught a performer can visibly change the color of a sponge ball; Naturally David shows how to let a sponge ball to jump from your fist into a spectator's one (with two or three balls); Finally the change of a sponge cube into two sponge balls and back is demonstrated. David’s performance is seamless, but the student better have a stop and a slow motion device on his DVD player.

Hugard, Jean: Close-up Magic ©1938 first edition Max Holden; p 35 The Four Hobos Sponge Ball. & The Modern Magic Manual Faber & Faber 1957 p 138 Sponge Ball Manipulations appears at the end of the

Imzani, Remo. The Gen Vol 13 Nbr Two June 1957 p 45 & The Art of Close Up by Lewis Ganson p 344 Chapter 14: [Remo was a pupil to Eddie Joseph] four large balls (two in the right jacket pocket and two in the upper part of the right pants pocket, two small ones and a small potato like rate, grenaille (in the lower part of the right pants pocket), a wand or a pencil. Production by plucking things from the table, loading the ball the third time and using the wand or pencil to produce it. Pick it up adding the palmed one replace it in the left hand “one tap one ball, two taps two balls” Pick up one ball false transfer in the left hand, pick up the second one, gesture: the ball in the left has joined the one in the right. Pick up with the right and actually place in left, confirm by showing the ball. Pick up again and false transfer. Claim that you will place the second ball into the pocket. Pinch it and bring it to the pants pocket where the ball is palmed with the other one and the two large balls are pinched to hide the palmed other two later. The left hand gestures toward the pocket, is shown t be now empty, and the right hand comes out of the pocket with the two visible balls (and the two finger palmed ones). The balls are tabled. Pause place a first ball in the left hand and then the second (adding one ball). Tap with the wand: three balls. Two in the hand and one in the pocket (leaving the large ball in the pocket and showing the right hand empty as it comes out of the pocket. Open the left hand: the three balls are back. Place one on the left fingers, place one in the pocket (upper part of the pocket and finger pinching one of the small balls), place the second ball in the left hand (adding the small one) which closes. Ask how many balls and answer No two and a half. Pick up the small ball, pocket a large ball clipping the second small one, ad the small ball to the one remaining on to the table and place in the left hand. Ask how many balls. No one and two halves. Take a small ball in the pocket and finger palm the small potato. The right hand comes out and slightly pinches the other small ball, false transfer into the left unloading the small potato. Pick up the large ball hiding the small one under the large one as before. Pocket them both. Ask how many balls in the hand tap with the wand. Produce the potato: climax. The small potato can be replaced by a sponge brick or rock.

Ireland Marshall, Frances: The Sponge Book ©1960 The Ireland Magic Company, Chicago, Ill. 43-page, re-edited as Marshall, Frances. The Sponge Book. ©1960 Magic, Inc. Chicago, Ill. 48 pages; p 4 Goshman's Sponge Routine: A purse frame is displayed and three sponge balls are removed from it. One ball is placed in one of the spectator's hands while the magician takes the other one. The ball vanishes from the magician's hand and the spectator now holds two. Both balls are placed back into the spectator's hand, while magician picks up third ball. Again the ball vanishes and goes to the spectator's hand; p 10 The Ghost Balls: a two in the hand, one in the pocket routine; p 11 Three Ball Trick (LL Ireland): 3 balls shown. Two in hand, one in pocket. Three are now in the hand. This is repeated. Finally the balls vanish; p 15 Big and Little Balls (L.L. Ireland): A large and small sponge ball is shown. Small ball is placed in one hand. Large ball is rubbed and becomes small. Small ball becomes large; p 17 Silver and Sponge (L.L. Ireland): nickel changes to silver dollar, which changes to sponge ball. Sponge passes through pocket, and then the ball grows. It vanishes, reappears, and grows some more; p 25 Leaping Leprechauns (Hugh Lambert): a sponge ball routine using a glass tumbler covered with newspaper and sponge balls. With a large ball climax; 29 Passe Trick (Martin Gardner): essentially a form of the 10 count; p 32 Spicy Sponges (Frank Derrick): The passe passe routine with a risqué ending using sponge bra forms; p 35 Crandall's Original Routine: uses balls, a ball to square sponge, a square sponge, and a spiral snake sponge. With Senator Crandall's dry but humorous patter; p 42 Around the Block (Senator Crandall): some short ideas for two color ball to square sponges; p 43 Favorite Sponge Routine (Gen Grant): a routine using sponges from a matchbox, a dye tube, a TT, and climaxing with a multiple ball production; p 44 Surprise Finish (Don Alan): a surprise climax for the multiplying rabbits routine; p 45 Multiball (Dr. Jaks): Uses 20 to 30 sponge cubes. Teaches a good wand misdirection & Sponge Color. 3 different color sponge balls travel one by one from the magician’s pocket to his hand, then change into a large three-colored ball. Good routine for close-up or walk around. Props include six 1-inch sponge balls (2 each in red, orange and black) and the special tri-colored 2½-inch ball. & Hugard’s Magic Monthly Vol XVIII N° 5 October 1960 p 52 Book Profiles by John Crimmins Jr comments: “Here's about all anyone will ever want to know in handling sponge balls. The introductory chapter explains how to make your own sponge balls, and other sponge rubber props. For those who are too lazy to prepare them it is subtly suggested, probably at Jay Marshall's instigation, that Ireland's will be very happy to supply the props at a small but necessary fee. The twelve routines explained run from the extremely simple to the more complex, and all are first rate. Contributors are "Senator" Crandall, L. L. Ireland, Hugh Lambert, Martin Gardner, Frank Derrick, Gen. Grant, Don Alan and Dr. Jaks. Surprises and unexpected climaxes are the strong points of most of these routines, and they offer a wide variety to choose from. In short an excellent book with a wealth of fine material. Highly recommended”

Isaacs, Aaron: Clown Noses ©2002 3 pages: Magician asks a female spectator: “Have you ever seen a clown?” As she answers, the magician removes a red sponge ball from his pocket. “You have probably noticed clowns always wear these silly little noses on their faces. What you may not realize is if you pull on one just right...it splits in two.” The magician pulls at the one ball with both hands and produces a second one at his fingertips. “Now, clown noses are very lonely beings, when you place them into a dark place, like your hand,” the magician sets one ball down and puts the other into his left hand “they get scared, and run away.” The magician shows both hands completely empty. “And they run over here and hide in my pocket.” Magician reaches into his right pocket and removes the sponge ball. “Would you hold this one for me? Hold it tight and don’t let go.“ The magician puts the ball into the spectator’s hand, then picks up the tabled one and puts it into his left hand. “I’ll take this one. Did you see it jump? Because mine is gone.” Magician shows his left hand empty. “Open your hand! “Spectator does and now has both balls in her hand. “How did you do that?”

Jaks, Dr. Multiball ©1950 1 page with 9 illustrations and sponge balls. This item doesn’t actually use balls, instead small cubes are supplied. The performer shows three small cubes and places two in his hand and one in his pocket. He asks the spectators how many are in his hand, to which the reply is "Two." Upon opening the hand three cubes tumble out; somehow the third has managed to sneak back when no one was looking. This is repeated several times and every time the third cube returns to the hand from the pocket. The finale comes with the performer placing two cubes in the spectators hand and the third into his pocket. The spectator states that he has two cubes (sometimes he may say three), but on opening his hand a fistful of cubes fly in all directions. Magic! This close up trick of Dr. Jaks will delight any audience, be it sophisticated magically or not. Beginning like the classical sponge ball trick, except that the balls are tiny. Two unusual elements are involved. One, the spectator can feel the balls growing in her clenched fist. And Two, when she opens her hand, 20 or 30 balls cascade down onto the table! Notice that one sponge ball does not become two, or two become three, but two balls multiply incredibly! Easy execution, you'll find this delightful to perform. The routine served as a base for Eugene Burger’s routine. Hugard’s Magic Monthly Vol IX N° 6 November 1951 p 860 Backstage with Frank Joglar: Dr. Jaks: Those who attended Dr. Jaks' session for the Magicians Guild were loud in their praise of his lecture. Best received trick: a production of an astonishing number of sponge squares from a spectator's hand… & Hugard’s Magic Monthly Vol X N° 1 June 1952 p 942 Book Profiles by John Crimmins Jr.: Multiball by Dr. Jaks. A one page sheet of instructions edited by Bruce Elliott with 9 illustrations by Dr. Jaks. Marketed through Holden's Magic Shops, New York & Boston. Complete with sponges. Here are the complete, detailed instructions for Dr. Jaks' novel and surprising presentation of the Sponge Ball Trick. Most of our readers saw Dr. Jaks present this baffling comedy routine at one or more of the national conventions, and now for the first time it's yours complete. Those who may not know it have a surprise in store for them, for this is not the usual sponge ball routine. In Dr. Jaks' presentation only small sponges are used which makes for unusual ease in handling. However, there's more behind it than that, for as a climax literally dozens of small sponges gush forth from the spectator's fist when he opens it for the last time. It's a grand trick replete with comedy, and is typical of the unique routines for which Dr. Jaks is so well known. Strong effect but the performer will have to search and collect the several balls that will fall on the floor (not ver prestigious after such an impressive effect: ask a young spectator to help you doiong it, actually letting him do it for you and thanking him courteously).

Jedinat, Christian: Zaubern leicht gemacht! DVD includes sponge balls (Schwammbällen)

Jensen, Jon. Professional sponge ball tricks Vol 1 and Vol 2. This series is a collection of sponge ball magic in two 30 pages booklets. Volume 1 deals mainly with the sleights: Thumb Palm, Finger Palm, the Retention Vanish, the Bounce Vanish, Two For the Price of One, the Last Second Vanish, the Instantaneous Vanish, the Underhanded Vanish, the One Fisted Vanish, the O.K. Vanish, the Wrap Around Vanish, the Push and Take Vanish, the Roll Over Vanish, the Take Away Vanish, the Impossible Sponge Ball Vanish; and several strong short effects which are often part of good routines: The Atomic Ball, The Ten Count, Into the Spectators Hand, 3-1=3, A Hand Full of Sponges, and Ghost Ball. Volume 2 contains 13 complete routines some of which use a thumb tip and include: Silk To Sponge Ball, Multiplying Sponge Balls, The Benson Bowl Routine and more.

Johnson, Roy: Second Time Around; 84 pages, hardback, includes the R.J. Sponge Ball routine (close-up).

Johnston, Johnny: Pabular Vol 6 Number 11; p 936: Cointraption is a sitting routine mixing a coin routine and sponge effects. The general effect is a sort of reverse coins through table. Four coins held under the table come up through the table-top one aat time by means of a magical trapdoor. Finally a sponge ball also comes up through the trapdoor, but grows too big to go back.

Jones, David: Beginners General Close up Lecture (VHS) Special 'Boxed Set' edition with props. After, the success of two first beginners’ videos, this was the third to complete an essential trilogy of material. The video lecture includes fairly deep teaching of the Sponge Balls. This video was recorded live at the 'Cittie Of Yorke', Pub. September 2000.

Jones, Eric: Fingertips Pt 1 A lecture by Eric Jones ©2007 by Eric Jones. Keep four sponges in the left pants pocket. Begin the routine with the left hand in the pocket as you focus on the spectator’s shoulder. With the right hand, mime the actions of removing a piece of lint from the spectators shoulder. Display it at the fingertips as you ask if he/she knows what it is you are holding. While this is happening, your left hand will grab one ball in the pocket, compressing it between the left index and middle fingers and the thumb. As the spectator answers, pull the left hand out of the pocket and allow it to fall naturally by its side. Pretend to transfer the invisible lint from the right hand to the left. Touch the fingertips of the hands together at about chest level in front of the body. Then the left hand will move forward and to the left to produce the ball. To produce, snap the right fingers and slowly release the tension on the ball at the left fingertips allowing it to expand (John Carney Carneycopia’s style): the pressure released from the left fingers and thumb should be enough to allow the sponge to expand, but maintain the enough pressure to keep the ball from falling from the fingertips. Allow the spectator to examine the sponge, as you casually show the hands free. “The way this works is you take the little ball and give it a squeeze. Sometimes you’re able to compress it small enough to make it appear as if the ball is able to vanish. But you and I know better. But if we could, we should be able to get that little ball to penetrate the fabric of my pocket and go straight through.” That patter line describes what will be taking place as you apparently make the ball invisible and push it through your pocket and show your hands otherwise empty. Perform your favorite false transfer retaining the ball in the left hand thumb palm. To briefly describe, hold the ball between the left index and middle fingers. Show the right hand palm up. Place the ball directly on the palm of the right hand while maintaining contact by the left fingers. Two actions will now happen in quick succession. The right hand will pivot palm down around the ball, shielding it from view AS the left index and middle fingers curl in, placing the ball into thumb palm. The fingers then extend, as the right hand closes around the fingers as if taking the ball. Squeeze the “ball” down in the right hand, miming the actions of compressing the ball. Slowly open the hand until only the right index finger and thumb knead the “ball”. Mime dropping the invisible nothing onto the palm up right hand. It should appear as if you put the ball in the right hand, squeezed it until it got so small that you can’t see it lying openly on the palm of the hand. The next sequence gives the appearance of taking the now invisible ball from the right hand and shown at the left, with the hands otherwise empty. In reality, a changeover palm of sorts will be executed. The hands come together, right hand palm up, left hand palm down at waist level. The ball is secretly transferred from left hand thumb palm into right hand finger palm as the hands touch under the guise of fairly taking the ball into the left hand The right hand drops to the side as the left hand rises to chest level with the index finger and thumb touching as if they still held the ball. The misdirection of showing the “ball” with the left hand will give you just enough time to drop the ball the right hand conceals in the back right pants pocket. Don’t make a move of it as showing the ball in the left hand is more than enough cover for the move, and only takes a second or two to execute. The INSTANT the ball is ditched, bring the right hand back into view AS the left hand drops to the material of the front left pants pocket and pretends to push the invisible ball through the pocket. Show the hands empty before dropping the left hand openly into the pocket and removing a ball, leaving two balls behind. Allow the effect to register and accept your applause. Your first miracle is complete.
Offer to perform the same effect again, executing another false transfer into the right hand, again retaining in the left. Knead the ball into nothingness, holding it by the right index finger and thumb. Turn the body to the right a bit, as you raise the right leg and mime the action of dropping the ball down to the right knee. Say, “It’s a trick knee…get it?? Trick knee???” Reproduce the ball from the knee with the left hand as the right hand uses that misdirection and blocking to retrieve the ball from the back pocket Fig. 4 and 5. Drop the knee and face the audience. The right hand falls by its side, concealing the ball. Draw attention away from that hand by inviting a spectator to help you for your next part of the trick. Place the ball at the tips of the left hand fingers directly onto the ball in the right hand, being careful not to flash the ball already there. Extend your left hand palm up as you ask the spectator to follow suit and open her hand. Place both balls together as one into the spectator’s hand, and close her hand for her, being careful to remove your fingers as you do. Reach over to another spectator’s shoulder and pretend to grab another bit of lint and toss it toward the spectator’s hand. Slowly have her open her hand, to reveal she now holds two balls. Hilarity ensues. Take this opportunity to reach into the left pocket and finger palm out a sponge leaving one in the pocket. Take both balls back from the spectator and display them on the palm up right hand, using the hand as a table. Ask the spectator to point to either ball. Pick up the ball that she chooses with the left index finger and thumb, taking care to not flash the ball already palmed. Quickly squeeze the left hand’s two balls together and place them into the spectator’s hand and have the spectator close the hand as you bring attention to the ball at the right. Adjust your spectator’s fist so that the thumbhole side of the fist faces the ceiling. This will create a pedestal for which to place the ball on the right hand. Instruct her to squeeze tightly as you intend to get the ball into their hand without them feeling it and without anyone seeing it. Show your hands empty and fairly remove the ball from the top of the spectator’s fist with the left hand and openly place it into your right hand. Close the right hand into a fist. Use the left hand to gently hold the spectator’s fist, to prevent her from opening the hand prematurely. Tap your fist against hers a couple of times and ask the spectator if she felt the ball go in. She will reply that she did not. Open your hand and say that you haven’t done it yet. Laymen invariably laugh at this. Use this release of tension to quickly grab the ball with the left hand and perform a false transfer back into the right hand. I personally use a thumb palm false transfer described earlier. The left hand grabs her wrist, using it to give the hand holding out something to do. Open the hand to reveal the ball has vanished from your hand and allow the spectator to open her hand to reveal two balls. “WTF!!!” is the most common reaction at this point. Take the two balls from the spectator and place the two balls and the ball you have concealed in the left thumb palm into the spectator’s hand. Once again, pretend to grab another piece of lint from a spectator and toss it toward the spectator’s fist. She opens, to reveal that she now has three little balls in her hand. The last sequence is my take on the standard two in the hand one in the pocket routine. “Now I’m going to fool you…if I haven’t done so already. We have an oath in magic that states that we can’t do the same trick for the same audience twice. I’m going to break that rule for you all. If I fool you with it the first time, I’m going to do the same trick again to give you an opportunity to catch me out. I’ll be using three balls, two hands and this pocket. Now it can be hard to follow, so I’ll split you into groups. You all watch the pocket. It’s an inanimate object, not going anywhere. You all are responsible for watching my right hand. And lastly, you all watch the balls. Here we go...” That introductory patter sets you up for the two in the hand, one in the pocket sequence that concludes this routine. Give the three balls to a spectator to hold, temporarily acting as your table. Take one ball from the spectator with the left hand and pretend to place it in your pocket. Actually, you grab the ball already in the pocket and place both balls into thumb palm before removing the hand from the pocket. As the hand exits the pocket the right hand points toward the second ball, to draw attention away from the left hand. Grab the second ball from the spectator while being careful to not expose the thumb palmed balls. Place all three balls as one into the right hand and quickly close the hand into a fist. Don’t make a move of it to draw attention to it. Show the left hand empty as you grab the last ball; place it openly into the pocket. Ask the spectators you assigned to the pocket how many balls should be there, they will say, “two”. Ask the spectators you told to watch your right hand how many balls should be in the fist, they will reply, “one”. Open your hand to reveal three balls. “By show of hands, how many people were fooled just now? Good. I’m glad to see all this hard work is paying off...” Offer to then repeat the sequence as promised. Place all three balls back onto the spectator’s hand. Take the first one and openly place it into the left pocket. When you remove the hand from the pocket, have the hand closed into a tight fist as you reach for the second ball. Grab the second ball with the index finger and thumb, keeping the rest of the left fist clenched. Pause for a beat before opening the middle, ring and pinkie fingers wide to show only one ball in the left hand. Perform your favorite vanish into the right hand retaining the ball in finger palm. Close the right hand and grab the last ball from the spectators hand, again taking care to not expose the ball concealed there. Place both balls into the pocket. Repeat the procedure of asking the spectators what balls are where. You can get a variety of responses for this as spectators will either anticipate that the same outcome has been brought about OR that you have really put the balls where you said you did. In either event play the moment up by making sure they are sure what balls are where. Regardless, open the hand to reveal that the hand is empty, leaving you in applause cue position. As an after thought, you can later reveal that the balls jumped back into the pocket, but that ending is optional. If the routine gets great applause, I tend to reveal the balls, and give them to the spectator I used as a table for her hard work. In all honesty, it takes more work to hold your hands out as a table for 2 minutes than it does to perform this routine. If you choose to allow your spectator to run away with the balls as a souvenir, here’s a line that was told to me by Randy Shine, which was originated by Earl “Presto” Johnson. “There you go, take them home and try it yourself. It won’t work for you, but you’ll have a great time trying…” Warning: If you decide to give the balls out, take care to not give them to young children. The last thing you want is a suit filed against you when the youngster tries to ingest them.
Things to make you go HMM… And there you have it. The routine can take anywhere between 5-6 solid minutes with audience reactions. There are several pros to this routine that make it especially delightful. The routine takes place without the use of a table in the traditional sense. The fact that this routine takes place “in the hands” allows you to literally perform it any time, any place for as many as 40 people. It has elements of both a close up and a stand up routine and is perfectly suited for both. Recapping on some of the individual moments that make this routine unique includes the production of the first ball and the complete vanish of the first ball. The use of the spectator’s fist as a pedestal serves a dual role in audience management. It keeps the spectator from opening their hand prematurely, and acts as a functional temporary table so that you can show the hands empty if you choose to do so.

Kaps, Fred:, Fred Kaps' Cups and Balls As taught by Fred Kaps to Trevor Lewis by Brahams Anyhony ©1995 by Anthony Brahams. p 6 Sequence One. Three balls appear under the three cups; p 9 Sequence Two. Three balls gather under the center cup; p 11 Sequence Three. Three balls go beneath the right side cup; p 12 Sequence Four. Three balls vanish and reappear under the cups; p 13. Sequence Five. The balls vanish from the left hand cup and appear under the center cup; p 15 Sequence Six. A ball appears to travel from under the middle cup to either end cup; p 17 Sequence Seven. The fake explanation leading to the loading of the four final loads & The Art of Close Up Magic Volume 1 compiled by Lewis Ganson ©1996 L&L Publishing; p 354 Fred Kaps Chinese Bowl.

Kardyro, Tony: Close-Up Deceptions ©1972 Tony Kardyro and the Royal House of Magic; 36 pages; p 13 T.K.'s Magic Dust: a sponge routine with a gag eyeball ending & Kardyro's Kolossal Kompendium of Klever and Kommercial Klose-Up The "K" Book of Magic (c)1981 by Abbot Magic Co; p 12 The Punch Ending Supreme: an ending for the Three Shell Game using two large sponge balls; p 16 Deception With Sponges: a large and small sponge ball transpose, then vanish, than change color, then split into many tiny sponges; p 17 T.K.'s Magic Dust: Another sponge ball routine. Dust multiplies into a sponge ball and eventually turns into an "eye".

Kaufman, Richard: The Collected Almanac ©1982-1992 by Richard Kaufman 398 pages. p 162 Magic trick swiping; Paul Harris' Stars of Magic; description of a sponge ball bit by Sol Stone.

Keith, Jon: Impromptu Close-Up Magic Instructional VHS. Sponge Balls Jon Keith's Special Stand-up Routine

Keller, Craig: Apocalypse Vol 5 No 8 Aug 1982 by Harry Lorayne; p 670 SPCA: Sponge Ball and Cards.

Kempsley, David: Wipe Out DVD vanish the purse frame or one of the sponge with empty hands before and after the effect (no thread, no reel...

King, Bob: Classic Stand Up Close Up features Sponge Ball Opener.

Klayder, Jim: Watch Closely (Ca 1978) Sponge ball routine

Klause, Roger: A-1 Greatest Hits DVD A-1 Magicalmedia DVD featuring one effect each from some of the top performers in the world of magic at the time. Roger Klause offered his first Sponge & Sleeve effect &.The Greater Magic Video Library Volume 12; The DVD includes Sleeve Sponge: the first version of the Repeat sponge to the spectator’s sleeve. & Encore 3 by Michael Ammar. p 73: Sponge Ball up the [spectator’s] sleeve and repeat (using thumb tip); this was the initial publication & In Concert: Roger Klause In Concert arranged by Lance Pierce ©1991 L&L Pubishing; p 25 The Sponge & Sleeve (strolling): a sponge ball completely vanishes and travels up the spectator's sleeve. The effect is repeated despite the spectator’s awareness. This handling is different than that found in Michael Ammar's Encore III. & World Greatest Magic by the World’s Greatest Magicians: Sponge Balls.

Knepper, Kenton: Kenton's Full House by Kenton Knepper DVD; Kenton's Legendary Sponge ball routine is also included on this DVD. At last we can see clearly all of the moves, subtle nuances, bold and brilliant original concepts of Kenton's so you can learn this routine easily. We know you've been waiting for years for us to do this. Now it's here. Anytime Kenton performs close-up magic for magicians and mentalists, two tricks are most asked about: Kenton's "Trick Deck/Real Deck Routine" and Kenton's "Sponge Ball Routine".. & Klose-Up And Unpublished “Sponge Balls like Never Before,” offers a fresh take on sponge balls. The balls not only multiply in spectator’s hands, but vanish. And in Knepper’s intriguing, freeform routine, sponge balls appear from almost anywhere, from a spectator’s watch, from under a mug and more, and continually appear. Knepper offers some different approaches to sponge ball handling that we all thoroughly enjoy and plan to master

Knudsen, Christian: Herzblut DVD 3: Schwamm Drüber. & Sponge Over There. Two sponges materialize from both sides of a wooden spoon, and a sponge ball routine commences. Contained in the set are 2 sponge balls, the spoon. Includes detailed instruction guide in German Language

Korem, Danny: Korem witout limits

Kosby, Ray: Wow! IT's Ray Kosby, the Video. 10 effects features Four pieces of sponge form a 4 & Impossible Close-Up Magic DVD; 1 2 3 4: Four sponge cubes are produced and placed in your fist. The fist is opened to show a giant number "4" made out of sponge. The "4" is then ripped into four separate cubes.

Kozak: The Master Routine With The Sponge Balls ©1973 by Imperial Magic Worcester, Mass.

Krumholtz, Jason: Apocalypse Vol 14 No 12 Dec 1991 by Harry Lorayne; p 2008 Crystal Clear: 3 sponge balls appear, vanish, and reappear under a glass.

Laflin, Duane: Practical Gospel Magic ©1988 Duane Laflin; p 15 Gospel Application for Sponge Balls to Spectator's Hand: Standard sponge ball routine (details are not discussed, suggests using instructions that came with sponge balls). Don't hide your faith, multiply it. & Clever sponge ball magic DVD Begins with a complete sponge ball stage act. Following the routine you learn basic sleights such as the thumb palm, mash move, and retention vanish. After that is a series of individual routines including perpetual balls, balls to pocket in color, big ball ending, sponge balls close up and in color, hop skip and jump, and double growing ball. There is also a section on special secrets, where more than you think and the four ball vanish are revealed. The DVD concludes with step by step explanation of the complete sponge ball stage act. The full sequence with all the moves! Learn about steals, getting the sponge balls wet, loading a sponge bunny into your hand right under the nose of a spectator, making balls appear in a spectator's hand, and more.

Ladshaw, Tom: Apocalypse Vol 12 No 3 March 1989 by Harry Lorayne; p 1612 A Sponge or Two: Two in the hand, one in the pocket with sponges, and no pockets are used. The sponges vanish in plain sight.

Laflin, Duane: Clever Sponge Ball Magic DVD 2006; Duane teaches a complete sponge ball act for the stage and along the way we learn the many standard techniques for sponge ball manipulations. Also taught are many sequences such as the perpetual balls, balls to pocket, big ball ending, sponge balls close up and in color, hop skip and jump, and double growing ball and more.

Lancaster, Lou: Commercial Closeup Magic ©1984 Lou Lancaster; 2nd Printing 1985; p 5: Did You Lose This? A straight-forward "in the spectator's hand" Sponge Ball routine utilizing a Purse Frame and featuring "splitting" a ball into two, the "10 count" (although not presented in a count of 10), and a vanish of the balls at the end.

Lasher, Micah: The Magic of Micah Lasher More than Fifty Tricks That Will Amaze and Delight Everyone Including You. ©1996 Micah Lasher: Published by Simon & Schuster; p 140 Sponge Balls: routine using standard 4 ball set. Balls multiply then vanish, with spectator participation; p 145 Sponge Ball Retention Vanish: sleight.

Leech, Alfred B.: Al Leech’s Legacy. ©1980, Magic Inc., Ill. p 64 Chicago Balls. The Chicago Ball Trick and a Routine: uses "sponge" multiplying balls, but may also work with Fakini's. A thorough and practical routine.

Lepage, Nicolas: Floating Gimmick; The Floating Gimmick comes complete with the gimmick, a sponge ball and an instructional DVD. Take it back and put it on your hand. Slowly, the ball begins to move and finally takes flight. It flies in the air. Make some movements around it, there is nothing to see. After some seconds, you catch the ball still in levitation to pass it around for examination. It's normal. No tape, no glue, easy to perform. It takes no more than five minutes to learn this effect. If I’m not mistaken, Jay Scott Berry had a similar gimmick to float dollar bills.

Leveridge, Mark. The Commercial Sponge Ball Routine Master Routine No. 1. Mark's commercial close up routine. Lively, swift routine with ending in the spectator’s hand & The Master Routine Series Collected Works. Over 20 years (from 1984) of routines now in one collection. Re-written and re-drawn. Includes: No.1 - The Commercial Sponge Ball Routine. & Lucky Dip. A children's sponge ball routine. A clear zip top folder has four coin purses, each with a sponge ball in it (3 yellows and one red). The children each select a closed purse, but the magician ends up with the red sponge, despite switches being able to be made up to the last moment & Master Routines #1 (on DVD L&L): The commercial sponge ball routine: this is a fast paced, surprising sequence which Mark has used for 25 years. No reset, it builds quickly and magically to a strong finish. & World Greatest Magic by the World’s Greatest Magicians. Mark Leveridge’s routine.

Levine, Harry M.: Hugard’s Magic Monthly Vol XV N°2 July 1957 p 15 Liberty Strikes Again (As performed at the Open House meeting of April 12th, 1957). In right hand pocket keep four sponge balls with fifty cent piece with liberty bell on tail side. Spirit bell where it belongs. Take out three balls, finger palming the fourth and placing three on the table. Point to each ball stating, "Eenie, Meenie and Miney, go to school." First "Eenie," pick up ball No. 1 with right fingers and put it into left hand, then "Meenie" pick up ball No. 2 with right fingers and put it into your left hand, dropping finger-palmed ball at the same time; close hand and "Miney goes home." Pick up ball No. 3 and apparently put it into your right pocket. Ask spectators, "Who went to school?" Invariably they reply: "Eenie and Meenie." As you open your left hand showing three balls say "No, Eeenie,Meenie and Miney. Watch, I'll do it again." Repeat above moves but when your right hand goes into your pocket, drop the ball and finger palm the half dollar. Ask spectators again, "Who went to school?" and, regardless of answers, show three balls in your left hand and roll them on the table. Now state that "Names are confusing, so I'll forget about names." Meanwhile, repeat moves for putting first ball into your left hand, then pick up second ball, put it into your left hand and drop the finger-palmed half dollar at the same time. Close your left hand. Pick up the third ball from the table and put it into your right hand pocket, actually leaving the first ball there. Casually flash your right hand to be empty. "How many went to school?" Invariably there are answers of "2" or "3." Say "I'll split the difference, two and a half." Release one ball from the left hand saying, "One"; release the second ball saying "Two," and, after a slight pause, "and a half" dropping the half dollar to the table. Now pick up one ball from the table and apparently place it in your left hand, actually keeping it finger-palmed in your right hand and saying, "The next day this feller went to school," and then pick up second ball saying "this one went home" and drop both balls into your right hand pocket. Pick up the half dollar with the liberty bell side up, place it on your closed left fingers, and say "The teacher rang the bell." Press the bell on the half dollar with your right index finger and with each pressing make the Spirit Bell ring. Say, "And when the bell rings everybody goes home," opening your left hand showing it to be empty. Try it and you will find the finish really "rings the bell."

Lewis, Eric: Personal Magic Vol. 1 CDROM from MagiKraft Studios; p 121 Silver & Sponges; L. L. Ireland.

Lewis, Tony L. Pips A Poppin'. Act One: The magician removes the four aces from the pack, displays them in a spread and places them on top of the deck. He explains that the pips on playing cards are actually a solid model which has been greatly compressed. After the understandably skeptical reaction from the audience, the performer offers to prove his claim. One of the aces is rubbed on the magician's left palm and when it's lifted away, a sponge spade has appeared and when the card is turned the spade pip on the card is gone! One by one, the effect is repeated with each of the three remaining aces in a variety of ways-the pips may be plucked from the card, scratched or slapped off as the magician chooses. Using the four sponge pips, the magician then performs any of his favorite sponge routines, making them jump from hand to hand, even into a spectator's closed fist! All four of the sponge pips are then placed into the magician's hand, he places his closed hand over the deck and opens his hand, quickly bringing out down onto the top of the deck. When he lifts his hand, it's seen to be empty-the sponges have disappeared! Upon turning over the top card of the deck, the Joker is seen-with the four missing pips strewn across the face! Act Two: After giving the audience sufficient time to recover, the performer removes the four deuces from the deck and spreads them showing the faces. The four cards are slapped against the palm of the magician's hand and when they're pulled away, he's holding all four sponge pips and the 2's are shown to be missing their bottom pips! Again, any of the performer's favorite sponge routines may be performed using these sponge pips. To conclude, the magician places the heart sponge pip into his left hand, then the club, diamond and spade into his pocket. He asks the audience what is left in his hand and no matter what the response, the performer opens his hand to reveal a four-inch sponge heart! Includes all of the necessary super-soft sponge pips, specially-printed Bicycle cards and detailed, 12-page instruction booklet. This effect could perfectly blend with Charlie Frye’s die matrix. (Charlie Frye’s Adventures in sleight of hand Juggling, physical control DVD).

Lewis, Trevor: ESOLC (That's Close Up) by Phil Willmarth, (editor) ©1981 Lewis and Willmarth, Published by Standridge Magic; p 51 Trevor's Benson Bowl Routine: with bowl, 4 sponges, and toy plastic dinner roll. Three sponge balls appear beneath the bowl. The balls travel from hand to bowl, and eventually the roll is discovered; p 85 Flog - A Sponge Ball Routine: A full sponge ball routine based on golf with comedy patter. Splitting a ball, in the spectator's hand, and a "FORE (4)" finish & Close Up Lecture Notes. 24 pages, paper. Covers 18 effects including his comedy Golf Sponge Ball routine

Lowe, Ryan: Gone DVD by Expert Magic; We learn how to turn a borrowed half dollar into a sponge ball and much, much more.

Lukins, Jerry: Hugard’s Magic monthly Vol VII N° 6 p 598: The feint – Sponge balls. There are two balls in play: the performer places one in the spectator’s hand and one in his own hand. Then the performer gets a doubt, he looks at the ball in his hand, tables it, asks the spectator “excuse me, which one do your have?” The performer then takes the spectator’s ball false transfers it to the left stating “sorry that’s mine” and immediately taking the tabled ball with the right places it back in the spectator’s hand secretly adding the other ball. Jean Hugard claims that the only book in which the feint is treated as a basic principle of magic is Robert-Houdin's The Secrets of Conjuring and Magic. & Hugard’s Magic monthly Vol XVI N° 2 July 1958 p 13: Set-Up: Use four large balls, at least 1 ½ '' in diameter and three small ones about ¾ " in diameter. One of the larger balls is “vested” underneath the right side of vest or in the upper part of the right trouser pocket (tucked up at top where it rests very securely). During the routine and at the right psychological moment, carelessly drop your thumb and first finger inside the right trouser pocket and at the same time, although there is nothing in the left trouser pocket, also put your thumb in that pocket (in a sort of natural, careless gesture of resting my thumbs inside both pockets): that is when the ball is removed from the right pocket. The other three large balls are in the left coat pocket and the three small balls in the right coat pocket. You are now set. You need a table corner or any small table or even a chair. It’s advisable to have a light top or even throw a white table cloth or any light colored cloth over the table or chair so that when the balls are displayed they stand out. By the time you’re ready to perform, decide upon your "victim”: usually a girl with a pleasant disposition. You’re now ready to do the Sponge Ball Routine. Call up your assistant and have her stand to your right, in back of the table with you. Introduce what you’re about to do more or less as follow: "Ladies and gentlemen, anything I've done up to now may perhaps justify the remark that I've some skill... how clever I am, and all that sort of stuff, and that all I did was my own doing.. . and I have to stand by whatever results I may have attained. While here this evening, having a good time, and enjoying the hospitality of... I looked over this wonderful, educaated group, and I was particularly attracted to Miss... I have asked her to come up here because what we are about to do does not in any way depend upon me. It entirely depends upon Miss..." (usually get a snicker or two at this stage.) Turn to smile at her. She's wondering what you are up to... in fact, everybody is in a jolly mood and wondering what's up.. . "I think you'll agree I've chosen well," Say: “If this little thing, we're about to do goes over, please give no credit to me. It belongs entirely to Miss… You see," Then say turning to her, "what responsibility rests upon you? I am confident that I made no mistake in my choice. She has the right physique, as you will note, the proper disposition, and we all know her to be a very intelligent person, etc., etc." Now remove from your left coat pocket and, for the first time, clearly and unmistakably place two of the large sponge balls in front of her. Not having worked with her before and because it's certainly not a common object, they all look with surprise at the two balls facing them. Ask her to examine them closely, take each one in her hand and "convince this intelligent and lovely audience that they are obviously what they appear to be: two rubber sponge balls." Roll your sleeves up, show your hands unmistakably empty, and addressing to her, comment: "It won't be necessary for you to do that because you're obviously beyond suspicion, and besides you've no sleeves anyway." (the usual case with most females) Ask her to open and extend her right hand. Take it and linger over it a while holding it and scrutinize the palm making a remark about "doing palm reading on the side.'" ask her to make a fist and then comment "That's fine, I just know we're going to do alright, you’re just the right person." The sponge balls, of course, are still on the table and you ask her which one she would like you to take. She points to either one. You take it between the thumb and first finger of your right hand, place it into your left hand, and close your left hand leaving the ball there. At this point turn to her, and whether her right palm is open or closed, make some comment about keeping it wide open (she's usually closed it or half closed it anyway). As she opens her palm pick up the ball that is resting on your left palm with your right thumb and first finger, show it again clearly and "place it" in your left palm closing your left fingers over it. In reality steal it out holding it now in the right hand, using the only real "move" in the entire routine. This "move" can be described as follows: Thumb and first finger hold the ball at their tips, right hand makes gesture of placing ball into the left palm and actually rests it on the left palm. The fingers of left hand close over it. At that point the right hand leaves the left palm taking the ball at the same time. The ball is now pinched by 2nd and 3rd fingers, releasing the first finger and thumb and permitting you to point with first finger being certain that the back of the right hand is toward audience. The left hand, of course, is closed (Audley Walsh false transfer). Immediately reach with right hand for the remaining ball on the table, press both together and hold them for a second or so and "show" them as one. Place them at the roots of her outstretched hand and ask her to close her hand tightly and help her do so by closing fingers on her palm so that now it appears that you hold one ball, and she is holding the other. "Watch!" Rub the fingers of your left hand, gradually open the hand, show that the ball has vanished, and open all fingers wide apart (both hands) to show it's in neither hand. Say to her "Have you still got yours?" She acknowledges of course that she has. Ask her to show it to the rest of the audience. She opens her hand and two balls roll out. At this stage there's some surprise and usually laughter. Take advantage of this moment and place your right thumb and first finger into your right trouser pocket (left thumb going into left pocket at the same time) and remove from your right pocket the ball lodged there. Hold loosely by the fingers of your right hand. Say. "Shall we try it again?" Invariably, of course, the answer is "Yes." You can add "Wasn't that clever of her?" Now pick up "both balls with both hands, but the right hand has added the hidden ball on table and is actually holding two. Show them that you’re obviously and unmistakably holding two balls: "one" in each hand. Then place them momentarily in your left hand and immediately place the "two" balls in her right hand and again. She closes it on them and holds them tightly. (She is now holding three.) Helping her close her hand, now turn to her and whisper: "I'm going to let you in on a little secret, but please don't breathe a word of it to anyone, for if the Magician's Union ever hears about it I'll be expelled." (Of course, everybody hears what I'm "whispering.") "What really happens is I use another ball." Reach into your left coat pocket and remove the remaining large ball. Show it to her clearly and place it on the table. Pick up this ball as before and "place" it in your left hand. (Make the "move.") Then ask her to blow on your hand. "It's not absolutely necessary but the Magician's Union insists that I do it at each show." She blows on your hand, and you slowly open the fingers one at a time: the ball has gone! At this point, rest your right hand on her shoulder which gives you perfect cover in hiding the ball that's in your right hand. Also take advantage of the soft shoulder she's likely to have and all in all it's very pleasant, the atmosphere is congenial and you can enjoy it! "Have you still got the two balls?" Ask in all innocence. She replies in the affirmative and you ask her to open her hand... and out roll the three balls. Say "Shall we try it again?" and the answer is "Yes." There are now three balls in front of you and you’re holding one in your right hand... "Watch." Pick up the first one, with first finger and thumb and toss it into the left palm. Pick up the second one, but this time add the ball hidden in your right hand and say "Two" and close in on three of them. Pick up the remaining ball on the table show it clearly holding it at the tip with your first finger and thumb and say "This one goes into my pocket." Put it in your pocket leaving it there, at the same time "stealing" one of the smaller balls. Point with the first finger of your right hand to your left hand and ask "How many?" The answer is "Two." release the hold on your left hand and lay the balls down, one at a time, showing three balls. "Let's try it again". With the right hand, pick up one of the balls, at the same time adding the small one. It's a very simple thing to do because the second ball is so much smaller you can show what appears to be just one ball. Lay that "one" ball in your left hand, the smaller ball being underneath. You can keep your hand now partially open with just enough grip to hold the balls in place. The little ball is completely hidden and cannot be seen. Pick up the second ball and place it in your left hand. Now again and quite obviously you’re holding but two of the larger balls (in reality one of the small balls is completely hidden underneath those two). Close your left hand, pick up the large ball that's on the table and comment "This one goes in the pocket." Again leave it in the right coat pocket and "steal" a second small ball. "How many did you say in my hand?" The answer, of course, is "Two!" Open your 1eft.hand and out roll the two large balls and one little one and at this time I say "A little one... they gave birth!" Pick up one of the large balls in your right hand adding the little one and place them in your left hand saying, "One." Pick up the small ball on the table show it and toss it with the other (really others) in your left hand and say "This is the little one, let's say one and a half." Close in on them, pick up the remaining large ball on the table and say "And this one goes back into the pocket." Leave it in the pocket and "steal" the remaining small ball. Turn to her again and say "How many?" She says either "One and a half, or one and a little one or two." (It does not matter, of course.) Slowly open the left hand and out roll a large ball and two little ones. Say, "Ah, twins!" Turn to her and say "Do you know the story about the Big Bad Wolf and the Little Pigs? Do you remember there was one little pig". .. at this point pick up one of the small balls and toss it into my open left palm.. . "And there were two little pigs" and pick up the second small ball, but in the same tossing motion add the second small ball into the palm of your left hand, and immediately close your left hand. (you now have three little balls in your left hand.) They, of course, think there are two. "And this is the Big Bad Wolf" Now pick up the large ball, the only ball now remaining on the table, "He goes into the cave." Place it into your right pocket leaving it there, coming out of the pocket empty-handed. Make a gesture with the right hand pointing to your left hand with open fingers to show obviously that that's really the situation: nothing in your right hand. Ask "How many little pigs did you say?" She says "Two." Open your hand and three little balls roll out. Pick up one of the small balls with your right hand, toss it into my left hand and say "One little pig went to market." Pick up the second ball the same way and say "Two little pigs went to market," but in the action of placing it into the left hand "steal" the one already in your hand and immediately close the hand. Then with the thumb and first finger of the right hand pick up and show the remaining ball (the other two are enclosed by the remaining fingers of the right hand) and say "And this little pig stayed home." Go into the right coat pocket and leave all the three balls there and coming out empty-handed ask: "How many little pigs went to market?" Your assistant will probably say "Two." Turn to someone else and ask "How many would you say?" The reply is usually "Three." Then say "That's right two and three make five." Slowly open your left hand and show it completely empty, bring both hands together in a gesture of "washing" the fingertips--empty. Turn to your charming assistant and say, "Wasn't she wonderful? Just as I assured you. Just great." Give her a hand!" And join in the applause giving her all the credit for, after all, she did it all---and deserves it. And that is the theory about this entire effect: She's the magician, the talented one. She did it all and merits all the credit.

Lyle, Art: Hugard's Magic Monthly Vol XIX N° 11 July 1962 p 128 Spongeability: To retain the resilience of your sponge balls, rinse them out occasionally and keep them in an airtight tin box. Half-pound tobacco cans are ideal. (Eugene Burger suggest to rinse them with water having soap in it and to twist them in a towel but does not speak about an air tight box) Hugard's Magic Monthly Vol XX N° 1 Sept 1962 p 6: Sponge balls deteriorate if left exposed to air and light. For an air-tight, fancy container: Pour some enamel into a 4" olive jar. Replace the cap . . . swirl paint around until inside of jar is completely coated . . . drain enamel back into can. . .fini! No brush... no lather... no rub-in and no paint remover needed to clean your hands.

MacGregor, Jerry: Real World Magic ©1999 by Jerry MacGregor. Part Two: Routines: Rush Lintball by Steve Taylor: Sponge ball routine.

McMahan, Greg: Kids Think It's Funny ©SPS Publications. Four Sponge Ball Routines

Malone, Bill: Reel Magic Magazine issue 4. Thinking Man's Sponge Ball Routine & Here I Go Again! Vol 2 DVD; Thinking Man’s Sponge Ball Routine: A sponge ball routine workers can use. Bill’s performed this routine for over 25 years. His multiplying sponges at the end supplies a great illusion.

Mardo, Senor: Routined Magic ©1945 Max Holden; p 7 The Glass Mystery: 1 cup & ball routine using a single glass covered with newspaper, and 4 sponge balls; p 13 Mardo's Cups & Balls Routine: Mardo strived to eliminate extraneous moves to provide a smooth routine. Suitable for any cup set. Mardo prefers sponge rubber balls, but any can be used. Ends with the usual large loads under each cup; p 19 The Following Sleights Are Suitable For Either Sponge or Billiard Balls: Includes The Fist Drop, The Scoop, and The Pounding (a ball through the cup move) & The Cups & Balls ©1955 Magic Limited, 4064 Thirty-With Ave., Oakland 19, California. 34 pages include his sponge ball routine.

Marlo, Ed: Ed Marlo: Vol 1 Without Cards VHS by Pierre Mayer Radio Prim: Sponge Balls & Arcade dream by Jon Racherbaumer, Ed Marlo is famous for his ingenious creations with cards, but he also devoted a great deal of creativity to magic with other objects including sponge balls; p 132 Windy City Sponges: Four regular sponges, three smaller sponges, a handkerchief, and a surprise load. Splitting one to two, Genuine pass (the Ten Count), False Pass, etc. p 150 State-Street Cups and Balls: Uses sponge balls, three large loads, a wooden egg., and three metal cups. Introductory Sequence (Optical Penetration Cup Through Cup), a sponge is magically produced while the cups are stacked. Sponge ball penetrates pocket, and then each cup. The single ball multiplies to three. Balls placed under cups all move to center, then back to all three cups. Center ball travels to end, then those two to other end. Balls placed in pocket reappear in cups. Balls in pocket reappear in center cup. Balls under each cup travel to end. Balls vanish, and large loads appear under each cup. As the cups are cleaned up, an egg appears under one cup; p 160 Windy City Phase: A cups and balls "phase" using sponge balls to be used in a larger routine. Three sponges are placed in the center cup, a Three Shell Game type move is performed, and two sponges leave the center and appear under each end cup; p 162 Jam It! A "Chop Cup" type maneuver using a sponge ball and standard cup

Martin, Patrick: Clones a different routine

Martinez, Daryl. Fooler Doolers. A classic take with a design and a script that Daryl is the only one to have the secret: a superb routine. & Papa Rabbit Hits the Big Time with Companion DVD. A sponge rabbit and a little bird are magically produced. A clean transposition is followed by a comical comedy of errors expose. Mama and Papa rabbits then appear and disappear in the hands of both the magician and the spectator. For a surprising finish, a handful of baby bunnies magically appear in the spectator's tightly clenched fist & Daryl's Papa Rabbit Hits the Big Time from Fooler Doolers. & World Greatest Magic by the World’s Greatest Magicians. Daryl.

Marucci, Peter: Stonehenge Sponges To a story involving the mystery surrounding Stonehenge in England, three "stone" sponges leap from hand to hand, and from the magician's hand to the spectator's hand and, finally, they all vanish. Effective as a table-hopping sponge routine

Maxwell, Michael: Michael Maxwell's Incredible Magic...Made Easy! Vol 2 DVD Includes sponge rabbits.

Mayol, Henry. Apocalypse Vol 6 No 8 Aug 1983 ©by Harry Lorayne; p 810 Fee Fi Fo Fum: two giant sponge ball stunners & Passez l’éponge (Sponge balls book in French) + selling his colorful sponge ball routine where three small black balls travel several times from the pocket to the hand, before transforming into three balls of different colors with a diameter twice as large.

Maze, Gene:

McAllister, Bob: Cavorting Sponges. As seen in Tarbell 7. 1/2 inch sponge balls.

McBride, Jeff: World Class Manipulation Volume 1 DVD; includes Jeff’s excellent Multiplying Sponge Balls.

McComb, Billy: McCombical Stage Sponges. One trick manuscript. The routine uses four 3" and one 5" sponge and some rope.

Mendoza, John: John Mendoza - My Best Vol 2 DVD; Bowl Routine: The Mendoza version of Roy Benson’s classic routine is full of magical surprises as sponge balls vanish and reappear underneath an inverted bowl. The fun doesn’t stop there as the balls even magically appear in a spectator’s hand, leading up to a surprising and off-the-wall finish.

Mentzer, Jerry. Linking Ring February 1971 © by Jerry Mentzer & Close up cavalcade ©1973 by Jerry Mentzer. Reprint from Linkin Ring. p 115 “Something from Something” is a magical production of three balls out of one; Jerry first describe a sort of reverse shuttle pass but done as a False Take from the left palm bringing the ball between the right first and second fingers (rather than the more common false transfer); Using this sleight start with a ball visible in the left and two palmed in the right (one thumb palmed, the other finger palmed) Do the reverse Shuttle Pass keeping a ball palmed in the left which closes into a fist and push the visible ball in the left thumb crotch; the left hand squeezes out two balls; repeat taking one of the balls and pushing it in the left thumb crotch and produce the third ball p 119 Sponge Shenanigans (the routine is meant to be a sequel to the previous one) Have an additional ball in the right pocket as well as a contrasting object (a potato, an onion or possibly a sponge of contrasting color); Take one of the visible three balls with the left hand false take it in the right and allegedly place it in your pocket as the left takes the two remaining balls (adding them to the palmed one). As this is done the right hand comes out from the pocket with the fourth ball finger palmed. Reveal that the pocketed ball has joined the ones in the left hand. Ask the spectator to point at two balls. Pick them up adding the palmed one and offer to repeat in his hand. Place all three in his hand, pick up the visible one, false transfer it and pretend to place it in your pocket. Apparently rub the ball in the spectator’s elbow. Have him opening his hand and reveal three. With the right pick up one of the balls and pass it to your left adding the palmed one. Then openly place another one in the left as well. Place the third in your pocket palming the contrasting object. Open the left hand to reveal three balls which are tabled. Pick up a ball and place it in the left, pick eth second one and place it there as well adding the contrasting object. The last one goes to the pocket (and stays there). Produce first the two sponges and then, with a little suspense, the contrasting object. During this blind spot pick up the two sponges together and false transfer them to the left hand. Still with the right, take the contrasting object and pocket it (with the two sponges). Wave over your hand: everything vanished.

Mitchell, Barry: Got Cookies? An Oreo cookie is twisted open to reveal the "stuff", a white sponge ball. The stuff becomes double stuff in the spectator's hand. The double stuff becomes chocolate stuff.

Moraleta, Rani: My Two Balls Visible as performed on a TV show at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZnMws1LB69Q; the routine shows two balls placed in the left fist, one of them disappears. This ball is replaced in the left fist and both balls are now back. Then they are replaced one by one in the left fist and both vanish to reappear in the performer’s shirt breast pocket.

Murray, George: Professional 3D Multiplying Rabbits Marketed product by Nielsen Magic; Effect 1.: A mama and papa rabbit are shown. Magician takes one, and spectator takes other. The papa joins the mama in the spectator's hand. Spectator now holds both mama and papa, but when opening hand, finds an entire family of rabbits. Bunny Care: How to store and wash. Effect 2. Marvyn Roy's Rabbit Habit: Resets for table hopping (pun intended?) Effect: A "hare" is produced from the spectator's jacket. The rabbit vanishes from the hand and appears in the pocket. The magician offers to try again. Both hands are held in fists, and the spectator is asked to guess which hand holds Peter rabbit. Whichever hand is selected, magician opens hand and state's, "no, that Peter's friend, Peter is over here", opening other hand to reveal a 2nd rabbit. The magician takes one rabbit and places the other in the spectator's hand. He states that the spectator's rabbit will vanish and join his. This doesn't work, as the magician's rabbit has joined the spectator's. The magician places one rabbit in the pocket. He then makes a crease in the pocket and the rabbit comes through the pants pocket without making a hole. The rabbit is then placed into the spectator's hand along with the other rabbit. When opened, a rabbit family appears.

Murray John: Inside John Murray; ©1984 by the Author, Greenville, SC: “Sponge Ball Finale”.

Musson, Clettis: Minute Magic ©1953 Ireland Magic Co; p 19 The Amazing Paper Balls: Ashes turn into paper balls, wherein a sponge ball type routine is performed; p 22 Multiplying Paper Balls: simple sponge ball type routine

Noblezada, Jay: Sponge. 4 sponge + DVD. Beginner to pro with sponge balls Package includes the basis we need to add a sponge ball routine to your act. The teaching is eavily centered on two in the hand and one in the pocket but successfully demonstrating daring empty loads in the spectator’s hand.

Norman, Karl: Here's How ©1985 Collector's Workshop; p 22 Multiplying Rabbits: Spongeball routine for sponge rabbits. Uses 3 adults, 6 children.

Nosek, Terry: Sponge Ball Magic (Ronjo Magic). A manual on how to make sponge balls appear, disappear and multiply in your spectator's hands. Complete with beginning tricks, sleight of hand and routines. 23 pages.

O'Brien, Obie: Fetcher's Aces DVD set. DVD Two includes Sponge Rabbits

Ouellet, Apocalypse Vol 10 # 9 September 1987 by Harry Lorayne; p 1402: Gary Sponge Ball Sleight. A really great casual retention of vision false transfer with sponge balls & Close-Up Illusions. The Camirand Academy of Magic Inc. ©1990 350 pages. 61 Chapter 6: Sponge Ball Miracles: The Push-Pinch Sponge Ball Vanish; p 64 Some Reflections on Sponge Ball Routining; p 65 The Odd Man Out Routine: performed seated, involves spectator; p 67 The Flying Imp Pass: for sponge ball; p 70 HINT: Achieving Body Memory & The Very Best of Gary Ouellet Vol 1 DVD; The Sponge Balls and Banana routine. This is a clean, direct and simple sponge ball routine. Gary teaches the Flying Imp Pass and two sponge ball vanishes.

Oswald: Blue J Surprise (Marketed routine) New sponge ball routine using blue eggs and blue "J's". A blue egg is produced from thin air. The egg is then placed in the spectator’s hand, the magic moment is created and two eggs appear in the spectator’s hand. This is repeated twice until the spectator has four eggs in her hand. The four eggs are replaced in her hand and the spectator is asked if she knows what’s coming next. They suppose five. The performer asks do you know what’s coming from blue eggs? Not quite. When she opens her hand she has the four eggs and four Blue “J’s” (these Blue J’s seems to be the Binghampton (N.Y.) Rhythm and Blues band of four musicians referring to the British duo Blue Jays, an offspring of the Moody Blues). Hence the “Blue J surprise”.

Pace, Jim: Mestopholies Fire Ball Launcher. You point at something and your finger shoots a fire ball at it. Then the fire vanishes out of thin air. The product requires flash paper or cotton; it’s mounted on a pull leaving the hand empty. False transfer the sponge ball in the hand holding the Fire Ball Launcher, and shoot the ball of flame in the air: A real magic vanish.

Page, Patrick. Pabular Vol 7 Number 1 p 982 The Page Boy Speaks: to perform close-up in an after-dinner situation where there are perhaps ten people sitting around a circular table? This is almost the norm for a banquet-style function. Usually the table is cluttered up with glasses, bottles and a vase of flowers, a candleabra and lord knows what else. The first problem you come up against is the fact that you can’t do anything on the table top because the people sitting at the other side of the table are about seven feet away trying to see through a maze of glasses, bottles etc. Solution coming up. Instead of placing the sponge balls on the table top, turn three glasses mouth down on the table and use the bottoms of the glasses as a working surface. The taller the glasses the better. The logical sequel is to carry a small board, perhaps twelve by five inches and to lay that across two upturned glasses as a sort of raised table on top of the table. (Lawrence O’s idea: if the small board is stiff enough, the middle glass can be used once, half way through, to back hand load a finger palmed sponge) & Close Up Video Professional sponge ball routine & Secret Seminars of Magic Volume 1 Thumb Tip. Variation with sponge balls & Secret Seminars of Magic Volume 5. Sponge Balls. 4 Miracle Vanishes: Fake Take Sponge Ball Vanish #1, Vanish #2, Finger Pinch Vanish #3, Vanish #4; Benson Bowl Routine, Blow Up, Tips on Sponge Balls, Jump, Multi-ball Production, Repeat Ball Production (2 versions), Color Changing Sponge, Balls from Mouth, Balls from Mouth with Color Change, Color Change with Dye Tube, Ball to Silk, Patrick Page Professional Sponge Ball Routine (All the patter, tips and finesse that Pat's used for years!). Splitting One Ball into Two Balls, Vanished Ball Appears in Spectator's Hand, The Ten Count, One in Hand, One in Pocket, Vanish of the Balls, Alternative Finale with Three Balls, Sponge Ball to Coin, Sponge Finesse, Split, An Impromptu Hold Out, Three Ball Production, From a Purse Frame, With a Thumb Tip, From a Chop Cup, Chop Hat Routine, Balls Through Table Under Hat & Secret Seminars of Magic Volume 9. Variation in sponge.

Parrish, Robert: Great Tricks Revisited, Thoughts on Classics ©1995 David Meyer, Magic Book edited by Phil Willmarth; p 54 Well of Invisibility: A routine for the Japanese Box, using a silk, sponge, and rubber ball.

Patrick Smith, Samuel: Big Red Nose A Great Christmas Routine: Rudy starts as a blue-nosed reindeer. The kids object, so you magically turn his nose red. You like it better the other way, but when you try to change it back, the color vanishes from the reindeer's nose! Children howl as the red nose ends up on the performer.

Paul, Johnny. Greater Magic video Library Vol 15 The Johnny Paul / Jim Ryan routine.

Pierce, Lance: The World-Famous Bowl Routine ©2007 Sponge! Is added as a special Bonus. It is professional and commercial routine. Only on the surface does this routine appear standard; the meticulous detail and choreography that is Lance Pierrce’s trademark make this a closer.

Pilling, Ryan. Little Gray Hare. The Magician brings attention to the hair hanging above your face. As you pluck out a single hair, it instantly pops into view at your fingertips in the form of a small bunny rabbit. "Oh look! I have a little gray hair!" The included routine has you producing three bunnies at your fingertips, then having all three vanish... entirely! With no added gimmicks or difficult moves. Plus extra ideas and jokes to incorporate these bunnies into your regular sponge ball routine.

Porper, Joe: Dye Tube – Porper; This expertly made gimmick will allow you to change the color of a sponge ball with ease. Perfectly machined and balanced to fit the hand of any performer.

Priest, Chris: Protons Christ Priest, "The Millennium British Champion of Close-Up Magic" releases his sponge ball routine. Protons gives the audience a non-stop roller coaster ride of amazing magic from start to finish. The routine begins with the performer showing both hands empty, only to pluck a colored ball from the spectators hand! This fast paced routine jam packed with visual mind-boggling magic, grows to an awesome climax which your audience will talk about for a long time to come. The DVD features live performances of Christ performing the Protons routine for real audiences so that we can witness first-hand the reactions we would receive when performing the routine. Everything is here, the performance, the presentation, with detailed teaching instructions, its a magical masterpiece

Proust, Georges. Les meilleurs tours psy de l’Académie de magie. A sponge ball is made to fly thanks to a large Fin Jon loop.

Revelle & Andree, Raise Your Glasses, "50 Tricks with a Bottemless Tumbler" Supreme Magic Publication; p 3. Transponge, Dried Egg, Magical Change, Milk Silks, Trapped; p 4. Silk 'n Sponge, Colour Sympathy, Card 'n Silk, Rice 'n Silk

Ray, Eddy: 30 Tricks & Tips with Magic Sponge Ball. Magic Makers Inc. & Magic with Sponge Balls. Here's everything we need to start learning magic with sponge balls. We get a professional set of 4 red balls with an instructional DVD that teaches tricks and sleights.

Redford, Patrick G: Diapason. Not just mentalism or tricks, but full performance pieces. Includes Anathematize (sponge balls from hell); Lead On! (explanation on how all magic works).

Reneaux, James: Hugard’s Magic Monthly Vol X N° 10 March 1953 p 1052 A fine turnout greeted James Reneaux at the Prince George Hotel, Feb. 19th, when he gave his "Tricks of the Trade" le c t you r e for the Magicians' Guild. The slight, blond manager of Abbott's New York shop offered a complete routine as he would have presented it to a lay audience, then he explained his methods trick by trick. Offstage records filled in during the first part with music. His opener: producing a large rubber sponge from a puff of smoke then, under cover of a hanky, changing the sponge into a glass of liquid.

Rogers, Mike: The Complete Mike Rogers A Collection of the Original Material of Mike Rogers, plus various contributions from magical friends ©1975 Magic, Inc. p 69 Mike Rogers Sponge Rabbits: nice routine. & Multiplying Bunnies marketed effect
Single Sheet manuscript with props: Two rabbits are shown on the table, a papa and mama. Mama is placed in one hand, while papa is placed in the pocket. Papa joins mama in the hand. Next, the spectator holds mama, and papa is placed into the pocket. Again, papa joins mama. Finally, the spectator holds both mama and papa and when the hand is opened, an entire family pops out.

Roman, Fernando: Apocalypse Vol 5 No 7 July 1982 by Harry Lorayne. p 649 Easy Ramsey (Jonathan Townsend): coin and cylinder routine simplified. Does not use "stack of coins"; p 654 Sponge Chop: instant appearance of a sponge ball.

Romaric: Impact VHS PAL : Trompe l'oeil. Romaric’s sponge ball toutine. Romaric is a magician of German origin fully integrated in France (fluent in the three languages: English, German and French). The balls appear, disappear, change places… or color, according to the performer’s inspiration. There is not one dead moment in the routine.

Ronjo: Take My Word For It. Every word a laugh! These sponge words bring laughs to any sponge ball routine. As you deliver a punch line, make a word appear from nowhere. Or pull a word out of your hat, shoe or even ear! Exchange a word for a ball. Give a spectator a ball to hold. When their hand is opened, they are surprised to find that the ball has become a word and the word sets up in your punch line. If you love sponge routines, these sponge words will instantly expand your routines in an explosion of new ideas. Even if you've never used sponge balls before, this will get you started on a terrific new way to delight your audiences. Includes 17 hilarious sponge words and letters, complete instructions and suggestions for many routines. Sponge words included: Time, Went, What, Why, Yes, No, Balls, Nothing, Something, Stop, More, Now, Left, Right, It, Sh, and Y & Go Go Gone. A very unique sponge routine! You show three sponges in the shape of the word "GO". You place one of the "GO" sponges in the hand of a spectator and one in your own hand. When the spectator says "Go", your sponge vanishes. The spectator opens his or her hand to reveal not one, but two "GO" sponges! They close their hand around the two sponges as you pick up the third "GO". Yours magically vanishes, joining the other two in the spectator's closed hand. When their hand is opened, they now have three "GO" sponges! Finally, you give all three sponges to another spectator, who closes his or her hands around them. You tell them, "They're gone!" The spectator, who still feels the sponges in their hand, thinks you're wrong, until they open their hand and are amazed to discover that the "GO" sponges are, indeed gone, and they are holding the sponge word "GONE"! Comes complete with 4 "GO" sponges, 1 "GONE" sponge and detailed instruction & Gozinta Boxes and Sponge Balls (Parabox) 2 boxes are exactly the same size but at any given time, either box will fit inside the other and conversely. As the boxes are opened, sponge balls appear from the empty boxes. Put a ball back inside each box and you have one ball left over. Take the remaining ball in your hand and it grows to be three times the original size. A comparable routine was created in the 1970s by Allan Hayden.

Rosenthal, Harvey: Close Up Sampler Part One ©1976. This rare booklet by a true creator contains 16 pages of close up magic including sponge balls.

Rothbart, Dr L. The Bat by Lloyd E. Jones February 1949 # 62 p 455 Surprise sponge climax. The idea is secretly palm about twenty very small sponge balls from the right pocket and hold them with the second third and little finger. Place then the three visible normal sponge balls one by one into the spectator’s outstretched palm. Have him close his hand. Then take hold of that wrist with your left and place your right hand (containing the tiny balls), beside his hand palm up. Count to three. At each count you brush or stroke his fist. At three (when he has been told to open his hand, you stroke harder and suddenly open your fingers at the moment he open his. The effect is created that the mass of tiny colourful balls are bursting out of his hand. Bold but very deceptive sort of open Han Ping Chien. & Frank M. Chapman: Chap’s Scrapbook Vol 2 #19 January 1940 p 2: Dr. Rothbart, Secretary of the Circle of Hungarian Amateur Magicians, Budapest, has contributed several very interesting and original items to "Scrapbook". This one, his latest, is typical of the manner in which he make's use of the element of surprise in climaxing most of his pet effects.(You will enjoy using this.) At the conclusion of a routine with the sponge balls, the performer offers to "Do it once more". He tosses three balls on the table, then picks them up, one by one, and places them into the outstretched hand of a spectator. "It's just a matter of simple arithmetic", he says. "Merely multiplication!" When the spectator opens his hand, upon request, he is- amazed to find that it is filled to overflowing with tiny balls of various colors! Since laughter and surprise are so closely allied, it is quite natural that this Unexpected climax should result in good, hearty laughs. While the performer claims it is "merely multiplication", we quickly realize that it is merely misdirection. We have heard it many times,(but once more will do no harm) that" it is'nt the what, but the how that counts" - and "the means is secondary to the end". Again, that is true in this instance. The means (or what the performer does) is not nearly so important as the end, the result (or the how spectators are bewildered - and entertained.) You will, of course, require a number of tiny sponge balls, in addition to those you use in your regular routine. It is suggested that these tiny balls be cut from various color material.(The five-&-dime stores carry rubber toys, and bath accessory items, which employ several colors In the one item.) These small balls should be about a half inch in diameter. Carry about twenty of them, assorted, in your side pocket. Conclude your routine with an effect wherein the spectator has attention directed toward himself. This affords ample opportunity for you to get the entire lot of tiny balls palmed in your right hand - all pressed tightly together, and held in place by the 2nd,3rd, and little fingers. Now - following the final effect in your routine, pick up three sponge balls, one at a time, and put them on outstretched palm of spectator. Have him close hand. Then - take hold of that wrist, with your left hand, and place your right hand (containing tiny balls) beside his hand palm up; count "three": each time you count, you brush, or stroke, his fist; at "three"(when he has been told to open his hand)you stroke harder – and suddenly open your fingers at the moment he opens his. The effect is created that the mass of tiny, colored balls is bursting out of his hand! Very important, of course, is the perfect timing in the opening of your hand at the instant he opens his. Please try this! You'll be delighted with the results.

Safuto, Joe: Apocalypse Vol 7 No 4 April 1984 by Harry Lorayne; p 909 Sponge Away: sponge ball acquitment

Salinas, Ben: Encyclopedia of Sponge Ball Magic. 2 1/2 hour comprehensive DVD collection of sponge ball moves and routines is undoubtedly one of the most serious learning resources. It covers: The Jacket Lapel Move; Let's Have Some Elbow Room; The Mayfair Mountebank ver. 1; The Mayfair Mountebank ver. 2; Under the Jacket Move & Vanishes: The 'Garcia' Master Move; The 'Clipped' Vanish; The 'Exercise' Vanish; The One, Two, Three Vanish; Now You See It, Now You Don't; Two to Nothing; Quick Vanish; The 'O.K.' Vanish; The Roll Down Animated Vanish; The 'Bold' Vanish; The 'Bluff' Vanish; Another 'Bluff' Vanish; The Pretended Place Vanish; The 'Toss' Vanish; The 'Squeeze' Vanish; The 'Pretended Take' Vanish; Nip & Tuck No Skill Vanish; The 'Hook' Vanish; The 'Impossible Challenge' Vanish; The 'Back Palm' Vanish; The 'Deliberate' Vanish; Mike Tannen's 'Fork' Move; Mike Tannen's 'In' Move; The 'Gaff' Vanish; Up to My Neck in Sponges; Routines: The Magic '10' Count; The Magic '10' Count 4 Plus; Frank Garcia's Magic '10' Count; The Slow Motion Transposition & Impromptu: Derek Dingle's Undercover Move; Spur of the Moment Routine; Short & Sweet; The Slick Routine; My Routine, by George; Simply Commercial; The 'Drop' Ploy; 'Hanky Panky'; 'Sometimes'; Jimmy Reneaux's Idea; Veil of Darkness; Veil of Darkness (Improved Version); The 'Sacrosanct' Routine; Head to Head; Bob Elliot's Razzle Dazzler; Father Cyprian's Spongeball Routine; The Grand Finale; The Big Secret 'Hidden Factor'; Bill Surprise & Bonus Material: Classic Palm; Roll Down Vanish; Pen Cap Production; Two Finger Vanish; Thumb Palm Vanish; Pinch Production; Thumb Palm Vanish (2nd Variation); The Spring Production

Samelson, Peter: Apocalypse Vol 9 No 8 Aug 1986 by Harry Lorayne; p 853 Thimble Opening: single thimble production and vanish sequence with a close up pad performed standing. The close up pad is shown front and back and the hands seen empty. A thimble appears in the middle of the pad. Performer now does some various thimble moves (not described) and finally the thimble vanishes again. The pad is displayed once more, and a thimble is produced from underneath the pad; p 951 Cigarette from Thimble: next part of Peter's Thimble Opening. 1239 Routine Finale: ending from previously published Thimble and Cigarette portions. Routine continues with a matchbox, and moves into a sponge ball production so you can continue with a sponge ball routine & Theatrical Close-Up ©1984 Magical Publications p 35 Sponge Ball Snacks; Samelson’s Sensational Sponge Ball Surprise.

Sanada, Toyosane: Sponge ball gimmick. & Sanada Gimmick Routines. This DVD explains a basic usage and nine routines by SANADA and GINJIRO. Included are: One Ball Routine, Balls, Phenix Spoon, Metamorphic Spoon, Chinese Escape, Inside the Box, B.C.G.(Ball and Clear Glass), G.P.S.(Ginjiro's Peek with Sanada

Sankey Jay: Earplugs (video). In an attempt to give meaning to the sponge balls, Jay is selling huge ear plugs. One added advantage of these is that they can be placed vertically and they don’t roll all over the place anymore. The sponges delivered don’t exist in soft sponges. Jay teaches how to perform: The Retention Vanish, The Upsidedown Retention Vanish, The False Transfer, The False Take, The Acquitment, The Nothing Transfer, The Pop-Up Move, The Double Steal, The Backdoor Steal, The Banana Split, The Roll Around Split, The Ten Count, The Hard of Hearing Opener, and The Jumbo Load Techniques. There is also 4 full routines, including: The Shotgun Production Sequence, Likes Attract, Four On The Floor, and The Pick Pocket.

Sawa, Dr. Dr Sawa’s Library Of Magic by Richard Kaufman

Scarne, John: Scarne's Magic Tricks ©1951 by John Scarne, Crown Publishers, Inc. p 242 Reproducing Sponges: a very simple sponge routine - one multiplies to two and then to three in the spectator's hand

Schneider, Al: The Al Schneider Technique - Volume 1 Sponge ball & Handkerchief Vanish

Schindler, George: Entertainment First notes In these notes George shares his lifetime of knowledge as he performs and teaches the routines he has used throughout his career. George is an outstanding performer, author, ventriloquist, comedian and public speaker as well as being the past National President and Dean of the Society of American Magicians. “Entertainment First!” is the title of his lectures and the theme to everything he does. We can thus learn his clean and direct Sponge Ball Routine. & Entertainment First DVD; George Schindler has more than 50 years of professional experience as a magician and entertainer. On this DVD he shares his lifetime of knowledge as he performs and teaches the routines he has used throughout his career as an outstanding performer, author, ventriloquist, comedian and public speaker. Entertainment First is the title of his lectures and the theme to everything he does. It includes his Sponge Ball Routine.

Schulien, Matt: The Magic of Matt Schulien by Philip Willmarth includes Sponge Rabbits.

Scott Berry, Jay. Jay Scott Berry Total Eclipse DVD. The Eclipse Tip has long been one of magic's most useful but unknown tools. It has changed the way a standard thumb tip is used. Here is a full two hour session with Jay Scott Berry on DVD showing you all the work with the Eclipse Tip. This is great "stand up" material that you can do right up close, right under their nose. It's like doing stage magic effects with silks, ribbons, sponge balls, etc. in a close up situation. & FS2 Gimmick. Marketed item. Comes complete with gimmick, holder and instructions for basic handling techniques and the Color Warp routine. With this device, we can show your hands empty and instantly produce a sponge ball. Then, simply with a wave of your hand, the ball changes color. It is freely displayed, even examined, yet, we can immediately change it back again and then vanish it at the fingertips. & The Power of Two DVD Featuring the FS/2 Gimmick; The Immaculate Transformation: An instant transformation of a sponge ball into a silk. You scan take the sponge ball directly from the spectator's hand and, without any false moves, cause it to transform into a silk scarf; Color Warp: Reach into the air, cupping one hand to create a hole in space. Then, reach into the clearly empty hole and pull out a sponge ball. This is shown and, with the wave of a hand, changes to another color. Another wave and it changes back. Finally, just as mysteriously the ball vanishes & Immaculate Transformation: Another effect from Jay Scott Berry, an instantaneous sponge ball to silk transformation. Imagine being able to take a red sponge ball from a spectator's hands, show it freely, and, in the blink of an eye, change it into a red silk.

Shute, Merlyn: Nits 'N Bits. Includes Three-Two-One-Half sponge ball routine with a surprise ending.

Skinner, Michael. The Legendary Repertoire of Michael Skinner - Volume 3. Produced by Houdini Picture Corporation. This is not a studio production and it contains a lot of performances only. In addition to the main DVD which contains 56 routines, including his sponge bunnies and sponge ball routines, there is a second DVD that contains a live lecture and performance.

Simon, Bill: Sleightly Sensational ©1953 Louis Tannen publication; p 28 Sponge Surprise is with two balls and plenty of little balls finish for a sponge ball routine & Hugard’s Magic Monthly Vol XI N° 7 December 1953 p 82: Book Profiles by John Crimmins Jr: Sleightly Sensational by Bill Simon “…I might add that in addition to the 10 card effects described, you'll also find 3 fine close-up tricks with sponge balls, a ring, and coins… In the miscellaneous section is a short but very deceptive routine called "Sponge Surprise."”

Sisti, Jim (editor): The Magic Menu The First Five Years (or Years 1 Through 5 as reprinted) ©1990 - 1995 Jim Sisti; Metempirical Magic ©1998 hardback bound version published by L&L Publishing; March/April 1991, Issue 4 p 35 Spot the Dot (Chris Hurlbert): spectator's card is found with the aid of "Spot the Dot", a sponge ball. Card ends up with a red spot on it; January/February 1993, Issue 15 p 167 Secret Support (Stuart Bowie): two ideas for sponge ball holders; March/April 1993, Issue 16 p 177 Sponge Ball Vanisheroo (David Oliver): sponge ball vanish using body language and misdirection; November/December 1993, Issue 20 - A Special Bill Malone Issue p 223 Utility Sponge Ball Switch (David Mirto): can be used as a color change & The Magic Menu The International Journal for Professional Restaurant and Bar Magicians Years Six through Ten; Issues 31 through 60; September 1995 through August 2000 ©2001 Jim Sisti, Published by L&L Publishing Issue 31 Sept/Oct 1995 p 355 Cabaret Connivery video by Dan Garrett: (review) "exceptionally commercial magic"; Sphere-It! sponge balls, Professor's Daydream, etc. Issue 51 January/February 1999 p 592 Sponge Ball Routine (Tim Spinosa): uses four sponges and one 3" rabbit sponge

Slydini, Tony: Hugard’s Magic Monthly Vol X N° 1 June 1952 p 949 mentions Slydini and his Pupil Norman Nagle offering a sponge ball sequence at the S.A.M. convention in Boston & Ganson, Lewis The magic of Slydini ©1960 by Harry Stanley, London, England Chapter 7, "Sponge Ball Magic," 14 page & Hugard’s Magic Monthly Vol XVIII N° 7 January-February 1961 p 76 Book Profiles by John Crimmins Jr comments on The magic of Slydini ©1960 by Harry Stanley, London, England. “Slydini's ‘Sponge Ball Magic’ is a magnificent routine. Different from the usual presentation, it's tremendously entertaining and mystifying, and has the added advantage that it is suitable for a large audience rather than being just a close-up trick. Some 52 photo illustrations embellish this chapter alone…” & The magic of Slydini … and more by Karl Fulves p 54. The purse frame. Search for the frame in the right back pants pocket (palming three sponges), rotate the chest for the left to take the frame from the left pocket, the right depositing three balls in the laps. Take out the frame and handle it flashing both hands empty. Relax listening to the purse frame, then lean forward to let the spectator listening with the right as the left hand steals two balls. Relax back bringing the hands together. Right hand snaps the purse open, flashes its palm and takes the first sponge ball out. Table the sponge, pause, look intot the purse and take out the second sponge. Start replacing the frame in the right back pans pocket, bringing the left hand to the lap where the third ball is taken: bring the frame back into view, and take out the third ball. Table the purse frame. Claiming you only need two drop one of the balls in the frame lapping it. Table the frame aside to the right and let the spectator examine the balls. Ask which one he prefers relax bringing the chest back dragging the right to the lap, stealing a ball. Ask him to point at one and take the other one, before placing the left one (with the palmed one) into his hand. False transfer the sponge, lapping it. Make a gesture towards his hand and reveal the vanish: have him open his hand for the two balls to fall out. Relax the chest dragging the right hand into the lap. Load the three balls in the spectator’s hand. After searching as in the beginning of the routine, produce the third ball from the purse. False transfer it and let the spectator open his hand. Relax collecting the fourth sponge in the left hand. Place one in the right and one in the left. Add the left hand one to the right hand one, then take the third adding the palmed one and add them into the right as one. Look in the purse frame for an additional one. Look in your pockets. Seem not to find it (stealing the small balls). “I bet you it’s gone already”. Let the spectator open his hand revealing four balls. Take two and place them in the spectator’s hand adding the small ones. Take up the other two for taking them away. Seem to realize something and look at them, explain the male female thing and state that you did a mistake by putting a male and a female in the spectator’s hand. Have him open it. & Slydini’s paper balls in a hat was initially done with sponge balls. & As I Recall Tony Slydini (2 DVD Set) - Disc 1 Slydini’s sponge ball routine performed by Bill Brunelle Disc 2: Paper ball to hat. & Best of Slydini and More. Magic with … sponges, and more & The Annotated Magic Of Slydini by Lewis Ganson Anotations by Slydini as dictated to Dr Gene Matsuura ©2001 by L&L Publishing p 105. Slydini added his way of using the Imp-Pass which he had not released when Lewis Ganson published the first edition (It came out with “Encores”)

Smith, Chuck: What If? ©2001 lecture notes. Includes Multiplying Rabbits (sponge).

Snoberg, Richard: Just for Laughs. Book on clowning. Routines include Sponge Ball Surprise

Snider Harry E. (Caligari): Hugard’s Magic Monthly Vol VI N° 10 March 1949 p 520 Day Light Savings Sponge Ball Routine: Four sponge balls are lying on a table. The magician picks up one and puts it in his closed left hand. He picks up a second ball and places it in the closed hand of a spectator. Again he takes a ball and puts it with the first in his own closed left hand. The fourth ball he places with the second in the spectator's hand. All four are then discovered in the spectator's hand-the magician's hand is empty. It is most important that each time you place a ball(s) in the spectator's fist you look at him and catch his eye as you say, "And one ball for you."

Sondermeyer, Michael: Apocalypse Vol 14 No 10 Oct 1991 by Harry Lorayne; p 1986 In and Out and Loaded: an in the hands Gozinta box routine with a sponge ball production.

Spade, Rod. Ladybugd. Ladybugd is a different and exciting venture in sponge magic. It creates an emotion that far surpasses basic sponge balls and even leaps further than sponge bunnies. There's been an immediate affinity for ladybugs ever since we were little children, and that's what makes Ladybugd the perfect icebreaker for any close-up act.

Stevenson, Al: Hugard's Magic Monthly Vol XIX N° 10 June 1962 p 116 A Basic Sponge Ball Routine. 1) Ball from Nowhere: Prepare by putting three sponge balls in an outside jacket pocket. Bend your right arm up. At the crotch of the elbow, place a fourth sponge, and fold part of your sleeve over the ball. If this is done properly, the ball cannot be seen. Straighten your tie or finger your coat lapel with your right hand thus making the bent position of your arm seem natural. As you patter, bend the other arm up and show both palms to the spectators. Prove your hands are empty by showing them back and front. With your right hand, pull up the left sleeve by grasping it at the crotch of the elbow. Call attention to the left cuff pointing out that there is nothing up that sleeve. Release the left sleeve. Bring your left hand over and pull up the right sleeve in the same manner as you have just done with the left. As left hand pulls up right sleeve, obtain the hidden sponge. Bring your hands together rather quickly, palm to palm, with the ball concealed between them. Rub your palms together as if there were nothing. between them and ask someone to blow on your hands. Then, slowly, separate them to show the ball that has appeared from nowhere. While spectators are examining your "ball from nowhere," steal another sponge from your pocket. When you take back the first sponge, do so with the empty hand. Work the concealed sponge to the fingertips, bring your hands together pressing the two sponges against each other and appear to twist the ball just returned to you. Separate your hands and show that one ball has become two. 2) Flight Through Space: Put both sponges on the table. Pick up one sponge with right hand, holding it just below the tips of right fingers and thumb. Hold left palm open. Place sponge and fingertips of right hand into left palm; close left fingers around right fingers and sponge. Remove right fingers, still holding sponge and, immediately, pick up second ball from the table with the same hand squeezing the two balls together, and showing them as one ball. Your left hand must remain closed as if holding a ball. Your right hand now places the double sponge in spectator's hand and spectator is helped to close his hand tightly. Tell spectator that the ball in your hand is going to make an invisible flight through space and join the ball he has. Open your left hand, show the sponge has gone, and then ask the spectator to open his hand. He will be amazed to find he has two sponges instead of one. 3) One and One Makes Three: Ask the spectator to place the two sponges on the table. As he is doing this, steal and conceal another sponge in your right hand. With right hand holding the concealed sponge, pick up one of the sponges from the table (adding it to the concealed one) then, immediately, pick up the other sponge. You now have three pressed together in your right hand. Put the three in the spectator's hand as you tell him he cannot add and ask him how much is one sponge and one sponge. He will say "two," and be very much surprised when he opens his hand to find three sponges. If he isn't, you've done it badly. Practice some more. 4) The Strange Subtraction: Put the three sponges on the table. As you talk, steal the fourth from your pocket, and keep it concealed in your right hand, which should hang at your side. Tell the spectator that he not only can't add-he can't subtract! Hold open your left palm. With right hand, pick up one of the sponges on the table adding it to the concealed one; place both together in your left palm and close your left hand. As you do this, say: "If I take one sponge and put it in my left hand.. ." Stop talking, pick up one sponge from the table with right hand and put it in left hand and continue.. . "and then another in my left hand . . ." Now, pick up the last sponge with right hand and place hand and sponge in right pocket ". . . and I put one in my pocket-how many are left in my hand?" The spectator will say "two" and be surprised when you open your left hand and he sees three. Your right hand is at your side with the sponge it apparently dropped in the pocket still concealed in it. Repeat the above and again the spectator will find three sponges in your hand instead of two. 5) The Climax: After the repeat, you should have three sponges on the table and one concealed in your right hand. You now say, "Take all three of the sponges.. ." With your right hand, pick up the three sponges from the table adding them to the one concealed in that hand. Press the bunch of sponges tightly held together into the spectator's hand, help him to curl his fingers around them, and ask him to hold them securely. Ask him if he knows how many he now has. He should say "three." Tell him that, if he concentrates, he can feel something growing in his hand and -after a second or two- ask him to open his hand slowly. He will find that he has four sponges instead of three. The routine you have just read is a very basic one; yet, you may be sure that when it is properly presented it goes over well. As any sponge worker can tell you, sponges fascinate laymen and for this reason magic dealers carry several books on the subject. Learning a sponge routine, even a basic one may not come easy, but the efforts are rewarding. Try it!

Stone, David: David Stone Lecture Video (VHS) International Magic; the lecture begins with a 10 minute presentation of a commercial close up magic show. It includes classic routines with Sponge Balls amongst them. & The Real Secrets of Magic Vol 1 DVD 2007 includes David’s strolling Sponge Ball routine.

Stone, Sol. Quick and Casual Close-Up DVD. Elusive Sponge: A short sponge ball routine: The first move is what would be nowadays called an Al Schneider vanish. The second move enables to collect an extra ball from the outer part of the sleeve with an interesting sleeve move. Francis Carlisle vanish. A unexplained very smart one hand secret addition of a third ball to two already visible together. The explanation of Francis Carlisle’s move makes it very simple to learn it thoroughly.

Strange, Scott: Oddballs DVD ©2010 by Deceptions Magic & Novelties. New color, sizes or shape changes. Very visual.

Sutz Ian [aka Magic-Ian]: Diminishing sponge ball ©1983. 3" sponge is visibly and without cover cleaved and split into two 2" balls. One 2" ball is then split into two 1", then two 1/2" balls. There are two finale's: one where the 1/2" ball changes back to the 3', or can be combined with ball to bunny or ball to square which allows you to change all the visible balls 2", 1" and 2 1/" visibly into the square or bunny. Includes 5 sponge balls

Switon, Pierre: Base de la Prestidigitation, Close-up © by L’Académie de Magie George Proust (Paris – France): All ou need to know by a seasoned professional worker. Choice of balls (soft, super-soft, color and diameter). Thumb Palm Vanish. Finger Vanish. Retention of Vision Vanish ; followed by a few sequences putting this knowledge into practice.

Tarbell, Harlan Tarbell Course in Magic Volume 1 ©1927 Lesson 8 p 157 Cups And Balls: Routine uses three paper coffee cups and sponge rubber balls. Ends with large load revelation; p 163 Three Wandering Sponge Balls: standard sponge ball routine; p 170 Four Traveling Balls: sponge ball routine with hat. Volume 2 Lesson 21: Magic With Wands p 63 Edward's Magnetic Wand: A silk is touched by a wand and clings to the wand. Sponge balls do likewise. Three cards selected from a deck of card are pulled out by the "magnetic" wand. Volume 7 (by Harrry Lorayne) ©1972 Tannen's, D. Robbins p 365 Bob McAllister's Cavorting Sponge Balls: matrix type effect

Tarr, Bill. Now you see it, now you don’t ©1976. p 148 Basic Sponge Ball Vanish: during a transfer; p 149 Fist Vanish: while pushed into fist; p 150 Mini Sponge Ball Routine: in the spectator's hand

Tong, Dan: Dan Tong Finally DVD. Sponge Balls is using just two visible balls

Thompson, J.G. Jr.: My Best The Best Tricks from the best brains in magic, edited by J.G. Thompson Jr. ©1945/1959 D.Robbins & Co., Inc. p 182 Peter Rabbit Goes to Town! (Robert A. Nelson): sponge rabbit presentation

Thompson, Johnny: World Greatest Magic by the World’s Greatest Magicians: Sponge Balls. With his take on the Benson Bowl routine.

Tremaine, Jon. Commercial Close-Up Vol: # 2 Videos. JT (sitting) Sponge Ball Routine: An opening with the Gozinta Boxes, the ball vanishing (lapping) reappears inside the reversed box. As the boxes are placed aside, collect the additional ball back from the lap (would be better to table them and use Slydini’s Imp-Pass). The right hand takes a purse frame out and passes it to the left to be able to take the third ball out. Pocket the frame stealing the fourth ball. The routine takes then Douglas Francis’ turn of two in the hand and one in the pocket but instead of going for balls of different colors it goes for smaller sponge balls, and a purse frame are combined for several minutes of commercial entertainment and a couple of smiles. The design of the routine is fine and, even if John Tremaine’s lapping vanish is arguable, there are a few nice subtleties in the routine (like the picking up of the first ball at the beginning of the two in the hand sequence). The production of the large load from the lady’s sleeve is a good idea and the “it’s still warm” a great line. & World Greatest Magic by the World’s Greatest Magicians: Sponge Balls. The same sitting routine.

Trickshop: How Many? bound or e-book. The "Two in the Hand, One in the Pocket" routine fully explained with over two dozen photos and two basic moves. 9 pages. Booklet with set of 1" Goshman sponge balls & Benson Bowl Routine ©2005 Trickshop.com Inc.

Tucker, Stephen. Pandora's Box video/DVD. A spongeball routine based on noses and 1/2 spongeballs from one the very creative minds in magic. & Apocalypse Vol 14 No 4 April 1991 by Harry Lorayne: Stephen Tucker Issue; p 1910 Sponge Away: fast sponge ball effect.

Turcotte, Dan: Sponge Ball Magic Full Routine with Detailed Instructions ©2004 PDF e-book; Techniques and timing explained in detail. A clean way to load an extra ball into a spectators hand; Three ball counting trick with refined pointers; Master splitting a sponge ball in half techniques; "Shuttle pass" and multiple ball productions; Ball from spectator's ear

Vallarino, Jean Pierre: Balles éponges. Magic Inov. The video includes loading and ditching technique as well as color changing moves, and offers 6 routines. The demos are not exceptional but the explanations are: space management, justifications for the moves and all the little details which make the illusions credible with all the body language to reinforce it.

Vernon, Dai: The ten count.

Wakeman, Randy: The Randy Wakeman Video Vol 3. 90 minutes of close up including sponge balls.

Walsh, Audley V. The Sphinx Vol. 35 N°10 p 285 Sponge Ball Manipulation & Sponge ball manipulations. ©1940 by Audley Walsh (Police officer and a collector of gambling device), ©1947 Lou Tannen and ©1975 by D. Robbins & Co., Inc. 32 pages: p 3 Sponge Ball Manipulation by Audley V. Walsh; The Finger Palm or Finger Pinch; p 4 The Finger Pinch with Two Balls; Pick Up; p 5 Ring the Bell: apparently showing the right hand empty, with a Thimble Move; p 6 Sleeving and Lapeling: body loading of a ball; nowadays lapeling requires a different misdirection than the proposed one but can create a surprise for it is rarely used (possibly complimenting him on his suit and turning him towards the audience to disengage your hand from under the lapel); The Big Bad Wolf and the Three Little Pigs: full routine using 4 large balls, 3 small balls, and a TT. Secretly lapel a ball (lapeling). One ball changes to two twice in the spectator's hand, then two to three (collecting back the lapelled ball). Ends with a two in the hand one in the pocket sequence bringing in the small balls to patter on the Three Little Pigs story ending with empty hands and claiming that the big wolf probably had something to do with that; p 9 Time Marches Onward or "The Lone Ranger Rides Again": Uses a bevy of colored sponges - 2 Large Red, 1 Large Green, 2 Small Red, Large Yellow, White, and Colored, and one Small Yellow. A full routine to a story of the Rose family how they meet, have kids, how he gets drunk and cheats on his wife and how the Lone Ranger comes in to fix everything leaving Msrs Rose with a new baby (a very off the beaten path routine: patter could be brought up to date with more “in the spectator’s hand” interaction); p 12 Impromptu Introduction of Sponge Balls for the Table Worker: This is intended for the stroller who is able to sit at the spectator's table as an introduction to the sponge balls and to wet their appetite. A sponge ball is produced from a dinner roll, then is passed through the table twice, split into two balls, and one ball turns into two in the spectator's hand; p 13 The Enlarging Sponge Ball: making a growing ball; p 14 Further Ideas: Color change gimmick, sponge balls to lemon or hankerchief, etc. [here end the 1940 and 1947 editions: the following pages come only with the D Robbins edition] p 17 The Master Routine With The Sponge Balls by Kozak p 18 Introduction; The Routine: Uses 4 standard sponge balls (Kozak uses 1.5" balls) and a purse frame. Can be performed seated or standing. The start: Ball produced from frame, then split into two, then ten count has ball transfer from one hand to the other. The routine continues from here with lots of spectator interaction; p 23 The Three Wandering Sponge Balls. From Tarbell Course In Magic (Lesson 8 p 163: Ball Tricks). Three 1” balls are shown; two are placed one at a time in the spectator's hand and the last one is vanished to end up in the spectator’s hand. Then two are placed in the performer’s hand and the last one is placed in his pocket, the ball comes back. This is repeated three times but, on the last time, all the balls vanish; p 29 Alternate Ending: a dozen small sponge balls are produced in Dr Jaks style (not very convenient for restaurant work); p 30 The Four Traveling Balls (also from Tarbell Lesson 8 p 170): Four sponge balls travel mysteriously under a borrowed hat and an attempt at repeating the trick ends up with a surprise finale.

Wayne, Doc: The Art of Public Squeeking. Who gives a Squeek? You do! Funny 48-page book makes the Squeeker the most popular comedy prank in a sponge ball routine. A section for magicians, clowns, and mimes (or anyone who wants to squeek like one) includes routines for Three Sponge Monte, The Squeeker Pull (your hands are left squeeky clean).

Webster, Martin: Lucky Dip Marketed effect. In a number of different and entertaining ways the three young helpers are given the opportunity to select a purse with a sponge ball in it from a folder: only one of them has an orange sponge ball in it, the others are yellow. The purse which will be left at the end is the one the magician must have. With all the purses distributed, the time has come to open them to see the color of the ball inside. But before each child opens their purse, they get the chance to swap it with any of the others, including the magician's. They can change as often as they like until eventually they are happy. However, despite the complete freedom of choice, when the children open their purses, they each remove a yellow ball, while the magician discovers the orange ball in the one left to him.

Weiner, Irv: Hugard’s Magic Monthly Vol IX N° 10 March 1952 p 908 and 913: Book Profiles by John Crimmins Jr: From Irv Weiner's Studio of Magic in Boston comes four new tricks in manuscript form with necessary gimmicks. "Irv's Sponge Ball Routine," is a hard one to top. & Hugard’s Magic Monthly Vol XI N° 5 Ocober 1953 p 61: Irv Weiner's " Soft Dice " It's new. it's different, it's a knockout! Here is entertainment, plus! A swell patter story and a fine routine using special noiseless (rubber) dice. Entertaining story covers a wide variety (typical Weiner) of transpositions, color changes, double dice, and a surprising production of miniature "Ace" dice as a climax. If you like the sponge ball effect, this is your meat. Hugard’s Magic Monthly Vol XI N° 6 November 1953 p 64 Book Profiles by John Crimmins Jr: All who like the sponge ball trick will appreciate the novelty of this latest Weiner release. A most entertaining story is woven around these "soft dice," which in fact are sponge rubber ones. As the performer tosses them out on the table they change color, become stuck together, and finally transform into 7 miniature "ace" dice for a surprising climax. The effect is unusual, the handling neat, and the possibilities with the rubber dice are unlimited. This is a winner! Highly recommended to all who like close-up magic, or who can use an unusual night club or bar trick.

White, Joe: Linking Ring August 1993 Sponge Net. Sponge ball routine with an Irish flavor. Uses plastic bag to catch cascade of sponges from spectator's hand

Willane: Complete Methods for Miracles (edited by Rae Hammond). Magnificently illustrated manual of manipulation and general magic from greats including Edward Victor, N'Gai, Gus Southall, Edward G. Brown, Peter Warlock, Fabian and Willane. Includes sponge ball routines

Williams, Geoff: Miracles For Mortals Vol 2 DVD; Hairballs: a multi-phase, 2-ball sponge ball routine loaded with magic and designed to keep the spectator from opening their hand early (and spoiling the surprise finish).

Willmarth, Phil (editor): Trevor Lewis: ESOLC (That's Close Up) ©1981 Lewis and Willmarth, Published by Standridge Magic; p 51 Tervor's Benson Bowl Routine: with bowl, 4 sponges, and toy plastic dinner roll. Three sponge balls appear beneath the bowl. The balls travel from hand to bowl, and eventually the roll is discovered; p 85 Flog - A Sponge Ball Routine: A full sponge ball routine based on golf with comedy patter. Splitting a ball, in the spectator's hand, and a "FORE (4)" finish

Wilson, Gregory: On the Spot Volume 2 DVD Sponge Napkin routine.

Wilson, Mark. Mark Wilson's Complete Course in Magic Co-author Walter Gibson; contributors Don Wayne, Larry Anderson Fr. Jim Blantz, Earl Nelson, Tom O'Lenick, Peter Pit, David Roth, Brick Tilley, Alan Wakeling, U.F. Grant ©1975, 1988 Mark Wilson, Ottenheimer Publishers, Inc., for Courage Books p 393 Sponge Sorcery: an excellent multi-phase sponge ball routine shows off many sponge ball moves and use of the spectator

Wilson, R. Paul. R. Paul Wilson on DVD - The Restaurant Act. DVD. From a silk a sponge ball is produced and so begins a direct and entertaining sponge ball routine which ends with the magic happening in the spectator's hands. The effect may move towards cups and balls or chop cup or bowl routine or towards turned wood egg cup types : 2” or 3" sponge ball vase (Tall or short top). This is the classic with the shell but instead of a shiny red wooden ball, the ball is a sponge ball. (There are a few routines done to fool the ones in the know using the classical prop). http://www.mymagic.com/mi/index.html

Wong, Alan: Sponge Magic Mushroom. Marketed item. The mushrooms are big enough with a white foot and a red head with white spots. Comes with two sponge magic mushrooms and accessories: Dimension Approximately 2' x 2' (5.08cm x 5.08cm). Sponge Banana. Marketed item. These bananas look realistic enough for stage magic. Dimensions Approximately 7' x 1 1/4' (17.78cm x 3.175cm) Sponge Egg. Marketed item. Sponge egg without the skin finish offered with the Goshman egg. Egg Dimensions Approximately 2 1/2' x 1 1/2' (6.35cm x 3.81cm) Sponge Eggs. Marketed item. One egg multiples into four. Spectator chooses any one and it turns into a small sponge duck. Sponge Ice Cream Cone. Marketed item. Turn one ice cream cone to two ice cream cones. A great finish for any sponge prop act, the foam ice cream cones are definitely a crowd-pleaser. Comes with two foam ice cream cones. Dimensions Approximately 6.5' x 2.5' (16.51cm x 6.35cm) Sponge Eyeball. Marketed item. With these sponge eyeballs you will be able to create many different kinds of 'eye-popping' effects. Some of you may choose the creepy crawly route. Others have chosen to go the comedy route, as professional magician Steve Marshall has been known to do from time to time. This routine contains more than a few corny (or possibly cornea) jokes. This package comes with a set of four hand painted sponge eyeballs and 5 page instruction booklet. Sponge Sushi. Marketed item. As the magician tells a story about the new dehydrated space food he or she shows a white silk in the right hand while the left hand is shown empty. The silk is pushed into the fist and turns into a piece of sushi. Finally the (sponge) sushi multiples into two pieces. Comes with two pieces of fairly realistic hand made sponge pieces of sushi, white silk, and thumb tip.

Yan Tong, Phoa: The Art of Close Up Magic Volume 1 compiled by Lewis Ganson ©1996 L&L Publishing; p 360 Rice Bowls and Balls: Another Bowl and Sponge ball routine with rubber ball climax.

Yedid, Meir: Apocalypse Vol 3 No 3 March 1980; p 316 Sponge Balls 1) Color Transposition 2) Production: production is for platform presentation.
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Dacri, Steve. The Master Routines From the Close-Up and Stage Act of Steve Darci MIMC ©2002 Steve Darci, http://www.stevedarci.com p 13 Master Routine With the Sponge Bunnies: this routine is in the hands, with no need for the pockets; p 14 Optional Ending: for a large "granny" bunny, this time using a pocket; p 18 The Master Routine With the Sponge Balls: a five phase sponge ball routine using four balls, with a recommendation of using 2.5" bright colored sponges& Martian Sponge Balls & The Magic of Steve Dacri Vol 1 DVD. Sponge Bunnies: Steve’s touches make this always-popular trick play for larger audiences; Martian Sponge Balls: this is the routine that has taken Steve Dacri around the world. & Magic Secrets Video. Filmed at the Magic Circle in London and throughout England & Ireland. Includes Sponge Ball Martians Ten Count & World Greatest Magic by the World’s Greatest Magicians. Steve Dacri. & The Magic of Steve Dacri Vol 2 DVD; Exploding Bunnies: A single sponge rabbit placed into a spectator’s hand literally explodes into a bevy of bunnies when the spectator drops it onto a table. & The Magic of Steve Dacri Vol 3 DVD; Bunnies Over The Head: In this version of Slydini’s legendary trick, large sponge bunnies (and even a huge sponge ball) are made to vanish right before a seated spectator’s eyes, much to their amazement and to the amusement of everyone else in the audience who sees exactly where the objects are going; Bowl routine: combine Roy Benson’s timeless routine with some additional Dacri touches and the result is a routine you’ll always use. Sponge balls travel invisibly from the performer’s hand to underneath an inverted bowl followed by a magical surprise & Spongeball Toolbox. This toolbox contains everything you need: props, sponge balls, purse frame, and a DVD with over 2 hours of personal instruction by Steve Dacri.

Davidson, Larry. Scripted Insanity Vol 1 DVD. Sponge Larry Roundpants: We all have a sponge routine, either the bunnies or the balls. We all know they play great. Larry’s patter is just a bit risqué but it leaves them with cramped stomach muscles from laughing so hard.

De Kovas, Alexander: Schwammball DVD & Apocalypse Vol 13 No 3 March 1990 by Harry Lorayne; p 1755 Chopsticks and Sponges (Alexander De Cova): a sponge ball steal using chopsticks for use in a Benson Bowl routine.

DeMasi, Frank: My Way. Concise booklet of beginner magic. Includes: Misdirection, …, Multiplying Sponges

Dill, Dean. Intimate Miracles: the Magic Of Dean Dill Book + DVD by Tim Trono. A soft cover book and a Video bonus companion performance: 10 routines directly from the professional working repertoire of Dean Dill. Includes routines never released before. Effects include sponge balls. & Spot Light. This is Dean’s favorite effect to perform while doing walk around magic: lay audiences absolutely love it. The light from a penlight magically transforms into a sponge ball, and then the light jumps back and forth between the penlight, the ball, and the magician’s hand. What a great way to start a sponge ball routine! When you order Spotlight you receive a penlight, a special sponge ball, and detailed instructions of Deans handling. Garrett Thomas has great ideas in his DVDs to mislead the audience by secretly using a second penlight.

Dobson, Wayne: Dobson’s Choice TV Stuff Vol 1 DVD; Here is a full DVD of some of Wayne Dobson’s TV performances when he was in his prime. Wayne was a star in England and we can see why on this DVD. These are performances ONLY with no real explanations although after each effect, there is a short interview with Wayne as he discusses the hows and whys he did what he did. We learn more about performing magic from this DVD than by watching a DVD teaching us tricks. Performances include the sponge balls: there is also bonus footage of Wayne Dobson doing his act at the Royal Variety Show in London (you had to be good to get this show). We see him absolutely tear up an audience on a large stage with only a packet of cards and two sponge balls. One has to see it to believe it. Those with magical experience will be able to see these presentations and see what really makes an act a GOOD act.

Dore, Theo: The Sphinx Vol.38 N°6 p 146: Thimballs: a thimble routine with sponge balls

Dusheck, Steve: Dusheck's Close-Up Magic Dusheck Magic Series No. 5 ©1994 James M. Klein, American Magic Company, First Edition; p 64 Fruited Plain: a quick sponge ball trick with the sponge balls acting as cherries & Apocalypse Vol 15 No 7 July 1992 by Harry Lorayne; p 2095 French Fried: sponge fries vanish when pushed into the fist

Eldin, Peter: The Magic Handbook ©1985, published by Simon & Schuster. 26 One In The Pocket: Spongeball routine with wads of paper, large wad produced at end.

Elliott, Bruce: Classic Secrets of Magic ©1953, Faber & Faber.

Etherington, Graham: The Trestle Board, Special Edition by Don Potts, Official News Bulletin of the Invisible Lodge Ca 1982; p 10 Cheeky Sponge Balls: Spectator and Magician wave hand to vanish balls. Performer's ball vanishes, but spectator's doubles. This is repeated, and spectator now has three. Another transfer is tried, but this time the ball only makes it to the spectator's pocket.

Fajuri, Gabe: Sponge Ball Magic (Fun Inc.): Introduction to sponge magic written for amateur, with material for the pro.

Faré, Jean. Sponge Balls - Les Balles éponges DVD.

Farelli, Victor. Hugard’s Magic Monthly Vol IX N° 7 December 1951 p 875 Farelli London Letter. In 1928, the late G. W. Hunter showed Farelli the first set of sponge balls ever seen in London. Farelli did not know where he obtained them, but he was inclined to believe that they were sent to him, from New York, by his old friend and correspondent Max Holden. The balls used by Hunter were small ones (not over half an inch in diameter) and he had a climax that had never be seen employed by any other magician. It consisted in opening a match box, and letting about twenty or thirty tiny sponge balls 'well out' onto the table. For some inexplicable reason, at any' rate to Farelli, this made the onlookers laugh. (This part of the routine was, I fear, very bad magic as it exposed the secret, namely, that the balls were compressible!). A few weeks ago, I was shown a sponge ball a little over an inch in diameter - which, when crushed up in the conjurer's hand, suddenly changed to a small rubber rabbit. (About two inches and a half in height.) Very clever and surprising, but hardly convincing. The secret is that the rabbit folds up, and when in that condition, it looks like a ball. The method is quite obvious to a magician, and as it seemed to me that any intelligent layman could also hit upon the correct explanation, I worked out the following routine which is designed to make the spectators familiar with the appearance of the rabbit before the trick is actually performed. Requirements: A). An unprepared ball, similar in every respect to the rabbit in its folded condition. B). One "ball to rabbit". C). A duplicate rabbit. This should be treated with rubber solution so that it cannot be folded up into the form of a ball. It may be introduced under any more or less plausible pretext (such as that of a "mascot") and the spectators should be given the opportunity of handling it freely. (I shall call this the "unprepared" rabbit.) D). Place both balls in the lower outside pocket on the left of your coat, and have the rabbit on the table. Having performed any trick in which the rabbit has been used (such as getting it to "whisper" to you the name of a selected card) proceed as follows: 1. Lay the faked ball on the left side of your table and the unprepared rabbit on your right. 2. With your left hand pick up the rabbit, and place it in your right hand, the fingers of which close round it, concealing it completely from view. Slowly and deliberately, put it in your pocket on the right, and having withdrawn your hand, let everybody see that it is empty. 3. With the left hand, pick up the faked ball, and transfer it to your right. Pointing to the closed right fist with the extended left forefinger, inquire: 'Where is the ball?" 4. Should the spectator addressed point to the right hand, remark: "Sorry! The ball is in my pocket" Then, showing that the left hand is empty, remove the unprepared ball from your pocket, and toss it onto the table. 5. In the event of the spectator pointing to your left hand, show that hand empty and, having taken the unprepared ball from your pocket, throw it onto the table. 6. Now ask: 'What have I in my closed right hand?" No matter what the answer may be, secretly unfold the ball with the right fingers, and, letting the rabbit expand, observe: "Sorry! It is our little friend the rabbit!'' 7. With the left hand, pick up the ball from the table, and put it in the pocket on your left and, at the same time, drop the rabbit into the right pocket beside the unprepared one. 8. Quickly pass on to the next item in your program, but if requested to do so (not otherwise!) remove the unprepared rabbit from your pocket and pass it for examination.

Fedko, John: Magic Treasures: Compiled and Edited by Tom Clifford. 54 effects including Sponge Balls & Fedko's School of Magic, Volume 3 - Cups, Coins & Cards VHS; The video includes Sponge Ball Cup.

Fields, Eddie: The Artful Dodges of Eddie Fields by Jon Racherbaumer (editor) ©1976 Tannen Magic Inc., NY; p 73 Sponge Ball Climax: with flash paper.

Finney, Michael: Live at Lake Tahoe Vol 2 & Vol 3 DVD by L&L Publishing. Sponge Ball Routine With Watch Steal: two sponge balls, a spectator, a missing watch and laughs & World Greatest Magic by the World’s Greatest Magicians: Sponge Balls. Sponge Ball Routine With Watch Steal.

Fisher, Cody: My Bunny Daryl. Sponge rabbit routine featuring Daryl, his other brother Daryl, his sister Daryl Hanna, and his Mother. Includes for special made "By Gosh" bunnies & Squishy Balls. 3 phase sponge ball routine with comedy. Squishy balls are removed from invisible purse, jump from hand to spectator's hand, and more. With sponges, invisible purse, and commercial word for word patter. Good for table hopping & Twinkle Twinkle - Cody Strolling Sponge Routine. In the spectator's hands. 6 phase sponge star routine comes complete including 10 Super Soft Goshman Sponge Stars, word-for-word patter, jokes & gags

Fox, Karrell: Linking Ring April 1995. Vita-Ball represents an ending for a sponge ball routine. A sponge placed in a handkerchief visibly grows after being sprinkled with "vitamin B-12" & Greater Magic V1 Enlarging Sponge & Greater Magic DVD 1: Karrell Fox; Whenever in need to come up with new ideas or customized presentations, go to your library of Karrell Fox material first. Karrell's magic is simple, direct, and sprinkled with the right amount of humor. It is entertaining magic that is easily within the reach of any of us. This DVD contains eleven effects from the "Foxy One." Content includes Super Sponge.

Francis, Douglas: Spectator’s Choice. Magic Wand ©1953 by George Armstrong, London. “Rainbow Sponge Ball Routine” uses five red and four blue sponge with a green jumbo sponge ball. A handkerchief is used as table. As the performer shows two spectators how to hold the handkerchief, on red ball is body loaded on one spectator. Remove the other four red balls and toss three in the handkerchief. Now do two in the hand and one in the pocket (1), leaving the extra ball there. Repeat stealing a blue ball from the pocket and showing only two in the hand: the body loaded ball is the third (2). Repeat transferring the palmed blue ball with the second ball. Pocket the third red and steal a second blue ball: reveal two red and a blue ball (3). Repeat to show two blue and one red (4). Repeat pocketing the red finger palming the last blue as you show three blue (5). Utility Switch keeping a ball in left. Put one in the fist then the next and pocket the last. Reveal three (6). Put one in the pocket stealing the jumbo ball, false transfer the second actually transferring the jumbo, pocket the third and the palmed one. Ask how many in the left: that’s right but it’s a jumbo. Hugard’s Magic Monthly Vol XI N° 11 April 1954 p 124 Book Profiles by John Crimmins Jr.: …a first-rate presentation for the sponge balls which not only successively change color but transform into a giant ball at the end. Very good…

Fredrick, Ron: The Professional Routines of Ron Fredrick As Told to Ron Zollweg. 1982 Unikorn Magik. p 24 The Sponge Routine: Suitable for bar or restaurant work. Ron uses sponge cubes so they don't roll. Recommends smaller (3/4") cubes since audience reaction seems to be the same as with 2" sponges. Also uses a purse frame; p 32 Appendix One: Basic Sponge Vanish; p 33 Appendix Two: Handling of the Purse Frame

Fujari, Gabe (edit). Sponge ball magic DVD. In this video, a plethora of prestidigitorial techniques for sponge ball tricks are explained and then applied to a variety of high-impact tricks, making it a perfect introduction to sponge ball magic. Written for the amateur, it includes material suitable for the performing pro.

Frye, Charlie: Eccentric Magic. The Old Ball Vase. A very original ball and vase routine with sponge balls and lots of acting.

Gallo, Lou: Lou Gallo - The Underground Man by Richard Kaufman & Mark Phillips; There are 46 close-up killers in this book, clearly described and beautifully illustrated. Effects with coins naturally but also with sponge balls.

Gallo, Mike: Mike Gallo Close Up Insider Notes by Paul Richards, Sponge Ball Memories (Eddie Fetcher) Magic Of Mike Gallo Vol 1 DVD; Mike shares with us... Sponge Ball Memories. The magician performs the ball in the spectator’s hand and then offers to teach the spectator. With this sucker explanation, the spectator ends up with three balls instead of two. One ball is left in the hand and two are placed in the pocket … and the performer is left with a silver dollar. So much can be expected from Mike that this is sorely disappointing.

Ganson, Lewis: Routined Manipulation Finale ©1954 & ©1976 D.Robbins & Co., Inc; p 97 Section Six: Magic With Sponge Balls. An excellent treatise on sponge ball magic; p 99 Chapter Nine Part I. Requirements and Principles: the "invention" of sponge balls by Jesse J. Lybarger, Al Cohn, and the contribution by Joe Berg (1926). Covers the type of sponge to use, how to cut the sponge, the basic effect, and stages of performance; p 102 Part 2. Adding One Ball to Another: Four methods and placing the balls down; p 106 Part 3. Two Subtle Moves: To show three balls only (in both hands), and The Spectator Holds a Ball (multiply in spectator's hand); p 108 Part 4. Vanishes From the Hand: Five methods detailed; p 117 Part 5. A Sponge Ball Routine: with advice Do Not Make the Routine Too Long, and Build Up to a Climax. Routine combines the two in the hand and one in the pocket with multiplication in the spectator's hand; p 119 Part 6. Accessories: brief description of other tools that could be helpful in a sponge ball routine such as: rubber production fruit, sponge ball to bunny, and handkerchief pull, for examples; p 121 Part 7. Rabbit's Habits: Three routines for sponge rabbit sets & The Art of Close Up Magic Volume 1 compiled by Lewis Ganson ©1996 L&L Publishing; p 344 Sponge Ball Routine (Remo InZani); p 354 Fred Kaps Chinese Bowl; p 360 Rice Bowls and Balls (Phoa Yan Tong): Another Bowl and Sponge ball routine with rubber ball climax.

Garcia, Frank. The encyclopedia of sponge ball magic, 14 pages explaining step by step how sponge magic works: Frank Garcia included in this book is own sponge ball routines, The Magic Count (the 1-10 count), Garcia's Krazee Sponges, Garcia's Perfect Sponge Ball Vanish, A Basic Routine for Beginners, Garcia's Color Change Routine, A Square and Cube Routine, and Suggestions & Lexikon der Schwammballmagie German translation of Frank Garcia’s encyclopedia & Hanson, Herman: Frank Garcia's lecture ©1958 Boston S.A.M. Assembly 8-page booklet covering Frank Garcia's lecture there. This is one of the nicest manuscripts of this type. Not only did Herman Hanson turn out an attractive booklet, but the content including sponge balls routine, is high standard Garcia magic & Frank Garcia on Sponge Balls. The book features Frank's routines, the Magic Count, Krazee Sponges, Perfect Sponge Ball vanish, Beginner's routine, Color change routine, Square and Cube routine & Video Tape Series No. 1: sponge ball routine & Stars Of Magic Volume 3 Frank Garcia’s Sponge Ball routine. & World Greatest Magic by the World’s Greatest Magicians. Frank Garcia demonstrates vanishes using the wand and the rarely shown John Cornelius’ subtlety for the Benson bowl routine & Hugard’s Magic Monthly Vol XVII N° 6 November 1959 p 64 Book Profiles by John Crimmins Jr comments on Frank Garcia’s Sponge Balls ©1958 by Gene Gordon's Magic Shop, 320 Franklin Avenue, Buffalo, N.Y. “This 14 pages booklet contains five separate routines with the popular sponge balls, plus suggestions on handling and a Garcia lesson in misdirection. Having seen Frank Garcia perform these routines, I can highly recommend them. Frank has developed these routines over a period of years and they are the last word in misdirection and entertainment. As a close-up trick, I can think of no other that has the baffling quality inherent in the sponge balls. Like Dai Vernon, everything Frank Garcia does is perfection itself, so treat yourself to some of the finest routines by getting a copy of this latest book. You'll be glad you did.”

Gardner, Martin: Over the Coffee Cups ©1949 Montandon Magic; p 12 The Fifty Sponge Balls: a quick sponge ball routine with multiple ball climax & Martin Gardner Presents. Includes sponge balls.

Garrett, Dan. Cabaret Connivery DVD; Sphere It: a commercial, concise sponge ball routine for "workers." In the astounding opening segment, a sponge ball magically appears in the magician's empty hands. The close-up and stand-up routines from Dan Garrett's working repertoire. More classic is the Pickle Trick: Gherkins (pickled cucumbers) magically multiply in the air, vanishing completely in a hat, then start a family in an unsuspecting spectator's hand. & Kid Show Connivery DVD; Martian Rabbit Legs is an hilarious multi-changing Sponge-O-Rama that requires no skill; Bonus Sponge Tips & Teasers and Ticklers: The Lecture Book p 10 a great idea of using a squeaker to let believe that both hands hold a sponge when one has already been false transferred to be compressed with the other one. on p 11 he also reveals an idea for the use of a squeaker in the frame of his (sponge) banana trick.

Garrison, (Magic) Ian: Diminishing Sponge Balls DVD. Magic Ian offers a very nice, very deceptive and rarely seen deception where the half balls become smaller and smaller as they are split from the previous half.

Geer, Brian. Heavy Hitters. Over two hours of close-up magic for the working magician. Magic that includes: sponge balls

Gillis, Brian: Lecture Notes. Sponges on Stage (with Watch Steal)

Ginn, David. Colorful Magic. Includes David’s stage sponge ball routine & Bag of Magic VHS: this is a performance only video, yet, after the 32-minute live show, there is a David Ginn television interview featuring Magic Sponge Balls & Magic They Love to See. Video. Sponge Ball Rabbit presentation for children.

Giobbi, Roberto. Taped Live! DVD for the 7th British symposium. Sponge Ball and Bowl Routine. The trick starts with a purse frame that Roberto gives for examination before producing a ball from it. Then roll split the sponge in two before doing a ten count (very good script here). A ball is then made to vanish to reappear up the sleeve. One of them is placed under the bowl, the other one is vanished and reappears under the bowl. The magician looks for a third ball and looks for it in the purse frame but only gets his wand out. The performer uses the wand to get the third ball which appears under the bowl with the other two. One of the balls is placed in the spectator’s hand, the other one in the performer’s hand and the last one goes with the first one in the spectator’s hand. The ball travels from the magician’s hand into the spectator’s hand (I think that starting with three is a mistake). Turning to the other spectator the performer claims he will do it from his hand into the bowl. The two balls are placed into his hand but it fails to travel to the bowl because another big ball of a contrasting color has already appeared under it. The spectator opens his hand which is full of 20 to 30 small balls along the two originally placed in there. Along the way Roberto explains the very good Slydini’s and Paviato’s sponge ball vanish.

Goldstein Phil & Kaufman, Richard: New Magic of Japan. 123 pages. Includes sponge ball magic.

Gordien, Henry: Greater Magic. A Practical Treatise On Modern Magic, John Northern Hilliard Edited by Carl W. Jones and Jean Hugard. Illustrations by Harlan Tarbell ©1994 Estate of Helen W. Jones; p 656 Henry Gordien Sponge Ball Routine

Goshman Albert.: Magic by Gosh: Life and Times of Albert Goshman by Patrick Page; includes A.G. Sponge Balls, Coins through the Table, and A.G. Benson Bowl Routine & Albert Goshman Live at the Kennedy DVD-R. From 1985. Performance only of… Sponge Balls & The life and times of Albert Goshman Video Nowadays most widely known as the provider of sponge balls, this video reminds us of Goshman's entire world-class close-up show including his sponge ball routine built on misdirection & Cavorting sponge balls (marketed by ELMS amongst others) & The Albert Goshman Lecture DVD. In 1985, the legendary Albert Goshman gave a performance for a group of 200 magicians in a secret London venue. By chance, a spectator had one of the first video cameras with him, and was given permission to film the show. & It’s only 1: The Magician uses three balls. Suddenly one appears in his right hand and two in his left. After allowing the audience to examine them, two balls are placed into a spectators hand, the third vanishes. The Magician now places two balls in his hand, one in his pocket. Opening his hand, there are three balls. Once more, he puts two in his left hand, one in his pocket and asks the spectator how many balls are believed to be in his hand. Regardless of the guess, he answers, "But I only have one in my hand-" then opens his hand to show a Jumbo sponge ball shaped like a 1 digit. & World Greatest Magic by the World’s Greatest Magicians. Albert Goshman & Sponge ball to square. A very nice idea often very poorly presented, thus offering a great potential & Sponge Balls Micro. 10 micro sponge balls for the big climax or something else yet to be invented & Growing Ball. The red ball turns into a large 4-inch sponge ball for a big climax & Sponge Boulder. These realistic looking sponge rocks and boulders are the best that money can buy. Suitable for clowns, magicians or comedians, the joke potential of these funny props is nearly limitless. The rock is approximately 5" across, and the boulder is approximately 11" across. & Sponge Brick. So real in appearance that we’d swear it came off the shelf at Home Depot! 3.25" wide, 7.5" long, and 2" high. Just like the real thing & Sponge Card Pips. One of each in large size. & Egg Sponge. The perfect sponge egg. Applicable to nearly any sort of routine you currently perform sponge balls with. Made to the same high standards that all Goshman products are, this egg has a smooth (non-sponge) finish, yet compresses easily & Poke Vanisher. An easy vanishing device for a super soft sponge. It can also be used for color changes or simple transformations. We are supplied with an open top vinyl cup. There is a slot on the side that will accommodate the tip of a standard pencil. When placed into the slot, the pencil allows to secretly steal the gimmick. & Excelsior Sponge Balls. 4 sponge balls and a shell. & 3 - D Rabbitt Gosh The new generation of rabbits which has brought credibility to this variant of the sponge ball. & Ding Dong from Magic by Gosh. This is not for the ladies club or the church group. Ding Dong is an X-rated, explicit sponge ball routine. Some folks find this extremely nutty & funny, but it requires to be careful the choice of audience. It's a set of four soft sponge balls, plus a surprise climax sponge with explicit masculine look. & Foam Tooth 2'' White Goshman: 2" x 2" foam tooth. & Micro Mini Sponge Balls Sizes vary between 0.5 inch, 1 inch, 1 1/2 inch, 2 inch, 2 1/2 inch.

Green, Paul. In The Trenches DVD. KB/PG is an audience tested routine with Sponge Balls, inspired by Ken Brooke. It has everything from vanishes, transpositions, and changes, all the way down to mini sponge balls.

Griffin, Gerry: Video Magic Lessons Vol 1: California Magic & Novelty. Effects include a sponge ball routine.

Gross, Henry: Pure Magic! A Primer in Sleight of Hand ©1978 Henry Gross, published by Charles Scribner's Sons; p 74 Chapter 7 Spongeball Magic; p 75 Palming; The Pass: the first essential move for sponge ball magic; p 77 The Squeeze Move: picking up one while adding one secretly (2nd essential move); p 79 The Final Vanish: a vanish of two balls using an improvised Thumb Tip type of gimmick (a hair curler); p 82 The Routine: in the spectator's hands.

Groves, David: Sponge Balls a Million. 14 pages spiral bound. Practical routine with strong ending

Guinn, Scott: Great Scott! It’s Magic! The Real World Magic Of Scott Guinn DVD. Peanut Butter and Jelly is a sponge ball routine that uses a purse frame, vanishes, hand counts, and a Sanada gimmick. Many have called this the best sponge ball routine out there.

Guastaferro, John: Second Storm A Collection of Select Card Effects ©2007 John Guastaferro; Spiral Bound or e-Book, 41 pages, 57 color pictures; Silkworm: Silk and sponge ball effect.
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Hallema, Flip: Flip In Close-Up Part 1 DVD: Includes Sponge Ball Climax & The Very Best of Flip! - Volume 1 Sponge Ball Climax is actually anti-climatic with peanuts and a nut (for corny jokes) & World Greatest Magic by the World’s Greatest Magicians: Sponge Balls. The routine design and its script routine are pathetic with lots of what Ascanio used to call “anti-contrasting parenthesis” (things happening between the initial state and the final state). A demonstration on how not to confuse time misdirection with anti-contrasting parenthesis just to use great moves. There are indeed some very interesting moves in the routine like the initial body load. Flip’s false take is also very good. His complete vanish (using the rolling up against the chest) with reproduction from the pocket (to get another ball) is fabulous. The way Flips puts the ball under his nose is also great (don’t have to search for the slit). His multiplying balls sequence is fine but not the best there is. His talking lips are also a great entertaining time misdirection tool...

Hamilton, Steve: Live At Last Lecture Notes © by Steve Hamilton Silk and Sponge routine: a fabulous silk and sponge sequence

Hampton Ridge (Ed.): 25 Amazing Magic Tricks With Sponge Balls VHS

Hanson, Herman: Frank Garcia's lecture ©1958 Boston S.A.M. Assembly 8-page booklet covering Frank Garcia's lecture there. This is one of the nicest manuscripts of this type. Not only did Herman Hanson turn out an attractive booklet, but the contents --card tricks, sponge balls, and cups and balls routine- are very interesting Garcia magic.

Harlan, Dan: Packs Small Plays Big Vol 3: Kid’s Birthday Show DVD. This third DVD teaches you a complete Kid show that fits right into a briefcase. Featured routines include “Gosh Man”, a Sponge Ball routine.

Harris, Paul: Paul Harris Reveals Some of His Most Intimate Secrets ©1976, published by The Rainbow Magic Machine; p 55 The Super Bowl by Patrick Snowden: A bowl routine involving bowl, wand, four red sponge balls, one black, and one large load for the climax.

Hay, Henry: Learn Magic. The Magician's Basic Tricks Explained Step by Step in 20 Simple Lessons ©1947 Garden City, ©1949 Permabooks edition ©1975 3rd Edition. Dover Publications; Lesson 17: The Sponge Balls: The Basic Sponge Ball Move, The Routine using 4 sponge balls, two tea cups, and ending in the spectator's hand & The Amateur Magician's Handbook, Third Edition ©1950, 1972 Henry Hay; p 194 Sponge Balls: basic ideas only.

Hayden, Allan: Haydenizms ©Allan Hayden; no publish date (Circa 1974); p 15 Gozinta! Sponges from an in-n-outer boxes (the original sponge ball and Gozinta boxes routine). Full routine.

Herpick: Hugard’s Magic Monthly Vol IX N° 3 August 1951 Advertiseement p 832 Herpick’s Super Sponge – Wonderful pocket trick. A 1 ½’ sponge ball and a 25c coin. Latter dropped on table; sponge ball in hand changes into 4 quarters (sponges!). How about changing them into silver quarters? 1st into hand - 2nd into hand - 3rd into pocket – how many? Not 2, but 3 hand (sponges) and these change into a 25c coin at finish. Fits into regular sponge ball routine.

Hilliard, John Northern: Greater Magic. A Practical Treatise On Modern Magic His Manuscripts and Notes Edited by Carl W. Jones and Jean Hugard. Illustrations by Harlan Tarbell ©1994 Estate of Helen W. Jones; p 651 Sponge Balls (Al Cohen); p 652 The Fist Vanish; p 653 To Palm a Sponge Ball; p 654 A Sponge Ball Routine; p 656 Another Sponge Ball Routine (Henry Gordien); p 657 Gimmicks for Sponge Balls

Hooper, Edwin: Edwin's Magic Finale. ©1991 Edwin's Magic Arts; Chapter One: Come Closer: In-N-Out Sponge Balls

Hooser, Troy: Total Destruction Vol 2 DVD; Sponge Ball Bonus. Troy offers thumb tip adaptation and vanishes which substantially improves the vanish of the ball, for example in Roger Klause’s sponge to the spectator’s sleeve. In the same line he offers color changes. He also indicates technique to retrieve a ball from the thumb tip. Troy also adapted the Tenkai pennies to the sponge balls. His next idea uses the collar ditching for one of two balls (and naturally its combination with his Tenkai pennies adaptation). The next idea is a steal back of a ball placed into the hand as a second ball is placed there.

Howard, Max: Effective Presentations: How Tricks Become Magic (video). Max Howard, 429 Rays Road, Stone Mtn, GA 30083. 60mins. It's Magic By Gosh simple but effective sponge ball routine. Includes not just how, but why.

Hudspath, David: Amazing Magic Tricks with Sponge Balls. Royal Magic This DVD will teach you how to let a sponge ball appear by sleight of hand, with a purse frame, by tearing a sponge into two; it will also teach you several vanishes using the finger palm, the thumb palm: there is a French Drop, a retention of vision, Francis Carlisle vanish... It teaches in details how to place first a ball in the pocket, then one in the hand and the last one in the pocket before letting all three travel back to the hand. With the Spellbound move taught a performer can visibly change the color of a sponge ball; Naturally David shows how to let a sponge ball to jump from your fist into a spectator's one (with two or three balls); Finally the change of a sponge cube into two sponge balls and back is demonstrated. David’s performance is seamless, but the student better have a stop and a slow motion device on his DVD player.

Hugard, Jean: Close-up Magic ©1938 first edition Max Holden; p 35 The Four Hobos Sponge Ball. & The Modern Magic Manual Faber & Faber 1957 p 138 Sponge Ball Manipulations appears at the end of the

Imzani, Remo. The Gen Vol 13 Nbr Two June 1957 p 45 & The Art of Close Up by Lewis Ganson p 344 Chapter 14: [Remo was a pupil to Eddie Joseph] four large balls (two in the right jacket pocket and two in the upper part of the right pants pocket, two small ones and a small potato like rate, grenaille (in the lower part of the right pants pocket), a wand or a pencil. Production by plucking things from the table, loading the ball the third time and using the wand or pencil to produce it. Pick it up adding the palmed one replace it in the left hand “one tap one ball, two taps two balls” Pick up one ball false transfer in the left hand, pick up the second one, gesture: the ball in the left has joined the one in the right. Pick up with the right and actually place in left, confirm by showing the ball. Pick up again and false transfer. Claim that you will place the second ball into the pocket. Pinch it and bring it to the pants pocket where the ball is palmed with the other one and the two large balls are pinched to hide the palmed other two later. The left hand gestures toward the pocket, is shown t be now empty, and the right hand comes out of the pocket with the two visible balls (and the two finger palmed ones). The balls are tabled. Pause place a first ball in the left hand and then the second (adding one ball). Tap with the wand: three balls. Two in the hand and one in the pocket (leaving the large ball in the pocket and showing the right hand empty as it comes out of the pocket. Open the left hand: the three balls are back. Place one on the left fingers, place one in the pocket (upper part of the pocket and finger pinching one of the small balls), place the second ball in the left hand (adding the small one) which closes. Ask how many balls and answer No two and a half. Pick up the small ball, pocket a large ball clipping the second small one, ad the small ball to the one remaining on to the table and place in the left hand. Ask how many balls. No one and two halves. Take a small ball in the pocket and finger palm the small potato. The right hand comes out and slightly pinches the other small ball, false transfer into the left unloading the small potato. Pick up the large ball hiding the small one under the large one as before. Pocket them both. Ask how many balls in the hand tap with the wand. Produce the potato: climax. The small potato can be replaced by a sponge brick or rock.

Ireland Marshall, Frances: The Sponge Book ©1960 The Ireland Magic Company, Chicago, Ill. 43-page, re-edited as Marshall, Frances. The Sponge Book. ©1960 Magic, Inc. Chicago, Ill. 48 pages; p 4 Goshman's Sponge Routine: A purse frame is displayed and three sponge balls are removed from it. One ball is placed in one of the spectator's hands while the magician takes the other one. The ball vanishes from the magician's hand and the spectator now holds two. Both balls are placed back into the spectator's hand, while magician picks up third ball. Again the ball vanishes and goes to the spectator's hand; p 10 The Ghost Balls: a two in the hand, one in the pocket routine; p 11 Three Ball Trick (LL Ireland): 3 balls shown. Two in hand, one in pocket. Three are now in the hand. This is repeated. Finally the balls vanish; p 15 Big and Little Balls (L.L. Ireland): A large and small sponge ball is shown. Small ball is placed in one hand. Large ball is rubbed and becomes small. Small ball becomes large; p 17 Silver and Sponge (L.L. Ireland): nickel changes to silver dollar, which changes to sponge ball. Sponge passes through pocket, and then the ball grows. It vanishes, reappears, and grows some more; p 25 Leaping Leprechauns (Hugh Lambert): a sponge ball routine using a glass tumbler covered with newspaper and sponge balls. With a large ball climax; 29 Passe Trick (Martin Gardner): essentially a form of the 10 count; p 32 Spicy Sponges (Frank Derrick): The passe passe routine with a risqué ending using sponge bra forms; p 35 Crandall's Original Routine: uses balls, a ball to square sponge, a square sponge, and a spiral snake sponge. With Senator Crandall's dry but humorous patter; p 42 Around the Block (Senator Crandall): some short ideas for two color ball to square sponges; p 43 Favorite Sponge Routine (Gen Grant): a routine using sponges from a matchbox, a dye tube, a TT, and climaxing with a multiple ball production; p 44 Surprise Finish (Don Alan): a surprise climax for the multiplying rabbits routine; p 45 Multiball (Dr. Jaks): Uses 20 to 30 sponge cubes. Teaches a good wand misdirection & Sponge Color. 3 different color sponge balls travel one by one from the magician’s pocket to his hand, then change into a large three-colored ball. Good routine for close-up or walk around. Props include six 1-inch sponge balls (2 each in red, orange and black) and the special tri-colored 2½-inch ball. & Hugard’s Magic Monthly Vol XVIII N° 5 October 1960 p 52 Book Profiles by John Crimmins Jr comments: “Here's about all anyone will ever want to know in handling sponge balls. The introductory chapter explains how to make your own sponge balls, and other sponge rubber props. For those who are too lazy to prepare them it is subtly suggested, probably at Jay Marshall's instigation, that Ireland's will be very happy to supply the props at a small but necessary fee. The twelve routines explained run from the extremely simple to the more complex, and all are first rate. Contributors are "Senator" Crandall, L. L. Ireland, Hugh Lambert, Martin Gardner, Frank Derrick, Gen. Grant, Don Alan and Dr. Jaks. Surprises and unexpected climaxes are the strong points of most of these routines, and they offer a wide variety to choose from. In short an excellent book with a wealth of fine material. Highly recommended”

Isaacs, Aaron: Clown Noses ©2002 3 pages: Magician asks a female spectator: “Have you ever seen a clown?” As she answers, the magician removes a red sponge ball from his pocket. “You have probably noticed clowns always wear these silly little noses on their faces. What you may not realize is if you pull on one just right...it splits in two.” The magician pulls at the one ball with both hands and produces a second one at his fingertips. “Now, clown noses are very lonely beings, when you place them into a dark place, like your hand,” the magician sets one ball down and puts the other into his left hand “they get scared, and run away.” The magician shows both hands completely empty. “And they run over here and hide in my pocket.” Magician reaches into his right pocket and removes the sponge ball. “Would you hold this one for me? Hold it tight and don’t let go.“ The magician puts the ball into the spectator’s hand, then picks up the tabled one and puts it into his left hand. “I’ll take this one. Did you see it jump? Because mine is gone.” Magician shows his left hand empty. “Open your hand! “Spectator does and now has both balls in her hand. “How did you do that?”

Jaks, Dr. Multiball ©1950 1 page with 9 illustrations and sponge balls. This item doesn’t actually use balls, instead small cubes are supplied. The performer shows three small cubes and places two in his hand and one in his pocket. He asks the spectators how many are in his hand, to which the reply is "Two." Upon opening the hand three cubes tumble out; somehow the third has managed to sneak back when no one was looking. This is repeated several times and every time the third cube returns to the hand from the pocket. The finale comes with the performer placing two cubes in the spectators hand and the third into his pocket. The spectator states that he has two cubes (sometimes he may say three), but on opening his hand a fistful of cubes fly in all directions. Magic! This close up trick of Dr. Jaks will delight any audience, be it sophisticated magically or not. Beginning like the classical sponge ball trick, except that the balls are tiny. Two unusual elements are involved. One, the spectator can feel the balls growing in her clenched fist. And Two, when she opens her hand, 20 or 30 balls cascade down onto the table! Notice that one sponge ball does not become two, or two become three, but two balls multiply incredibly! Easy execution, you'll find this delightful to perform. The routine served as a base for Eugene Burger’s routine. Hugard’s Magic Monthly Vol IX N° 6 November 1951 p 860 Backstage with Frank Joglar: Dr. Jaks: Those who attended Dr. Jaks' session for the Magicians Guild were loud in their praise of his lecture. Best received trick: a production of an astonishing number of sponge squares from a spectator's hand… & Hugard’s Magic Monthly Vol X N° 1 June 1952 p 942 Book Profiles by John Crimmins Jr.: Multiball by Dr. Jaks. A one page sheet of instructions edited by Bruce Elliott with 9 illustrations by Dr. Jaks. Marketed through Holden's Magic Shops, New York & Boston. Complete with sponges. Here are the complete, detailed instructions for Dr. Jaks' novel and surprising presentation of the Sponge Ball Trick. Most of our readers saw Dr. Jaks present this baffling comedy routine at one or more of the national conventions, and now for the first time it's yours complete. Those who may not know it have a surprise in store for them, for this is not the usual sponge ball routine. In Dr. Jaks' presentation only small sponges are used which makes for unusual ease in handling. However, there's more behind it than that, for as a climax literally dozens of small sponges gush forth from the spectator's fist when he opens it for the last time. It's a grand trick replete with comedy, and is typical of the unique routines for which Dr. Jaks is so well known. Strong effect but the performer will have to search and collect the several balls that will fall on the floor (not ver prestigious after such an impressive effect: ask a young spectator to help you doiong it, actually letting him do it for you and thanking him courteously).

Jedinat, Christian: Zaubern leicht gemacht! DVD includes sponge balls (Schwammbällen)

Jensen, Jon. Professional sponge ball tricks Vol 1 and Vol 2. This series is a collection of sponge ball magic in two 30 pages booklets. Volume 1 deals mainly with the sleights: Thumb Palm, Finger Palm, the Retention Vanish, the Bounce Vanish, Two For the Price of One, the Last Second Vanish, the Instantaneous Vanish, the Underhanded Vanish, the One Fisted Vanish, the O.K. Vanish, the Wrap Around Vanish, the Push and Take Vanish, the Roll Over Vanish, the Take Away Vanish, the Impossible Sponge Ball Vanish; and several strong short effects which are often part of good routines: The Atomic Ball, The Ten Count, Into the Spectators Hand, 3-1=3, A Hand Full of Sponges, and Ghost Ball. Volume 2 contains 13 complete routines some of which use a thumb tip and include: Silk To Sponge Ball, Multiplying Sponge Balls, The Benson Bowl Routine and more.

Johnson, Roy: Second Time Around; 84 pages, hardback, includes the R.J. Sponge Ball routine (close-up).

Johnston, Johnny: Pabular Vol 6 Number 11; p 936: Cointraption is a sitting routine mixing a coin routine and sponge effects. The general effect is a sort of reverse coins through table. Four coins held under the table come up through the table-top one aat time by means of a magical trapdoor. Finally a sponge ball also comes up through the trapdoor, but grows too big to go back.

Jones, David: Beginners General Close up Lecture (VHS) Special 'Boxed Set' edition with props. After, the success of two first beginners’ videos, this was the third to complete an essential trilogy of material. The video lecture includes fairly deep teaching of the Sponge Balls. This video was recorded live at the 'Cittie Of Yorke', Pub. September 2000.

Jones, Eric: Fingertips Pt 1 A lecture by Eric Jones ©2007 by Eric Jones. Keep four sponges in the left pants pocket. Begin the routine with the left hand in the pocket as you focus on the spectator’s shoulder. With the right hand, mime the actions of removing a piece of lint from the spectators shoulder. Display it at the fingertips as you ask if he/she knows what it is you are holding. While this is happening, your left hand will grab one ball in the pocket, compressing it between the left index and middle fingers and the thumb. As the spectator answers, pull the left hand out of the pocket and allow it to fall naturally by its side. Pretend to transfer the invisible lint from the right hand to the left. Touch the fingertips of the hands together at about chest level in front of the body. Then the left hand will move forward and to the left to produce the ball. To produce, snap the right fingers and slowly release the tension on the ball at the left fingertips allowing it to expand (John Carney Carneycopia’s style): the pressure released from the left fingers and thumb should be enough to allow the sponge to expand, but maintain the enough pressure to keep the ball from falling from the fingertips. Allow the spectator to examine the sponge, as you casually show the hands free. “The way this works is you take the little ball and give it a squeeze. Sometimes you’re able to compress it small enough to make it appear as if the ball is able to vanish. But you and I know better. But if we could, we should be able to get that little ball to penetrate the fabric of my pocket and go straight through.” That patter line describes what will be taking place as you apparently make the ball invisible and push it through your pocket and show your hands otherwise empty. Perform your favorite false transfer retaining the ball in the left hand thumb palm. To briefly describe, hold the ball between the left index and middle fingers. Show the right hand palm up. Place the ball directly on the palm of the right hand while maintaining contact by the left fingers. Two actions will now happen in quick succession. The right hand will pivot palm down around the ball, shielding it from view AS the left index and middle fingers curl in, placing the ball into thumb palm. The fingers then extend, as the right hand closes around the fingers as if taking the ball. Squeeze the “ball” down in the right hand, miming the actions of compressing the ball. Slowly open the hand until only the right index finger and thumb knead the “ball”. Mime dropping the invisible nothing onto the palm up right hand. It should appear as if you put the ball in the right hand, squeezed it until it got so small that you can’t see it lying openly on the palm of the hand. The next sequence gives the appearance of taking the now invisible ball from the right hand and shown at the left, with the hands otherwise empty. In reality, a changeover palm of sorts will be executed. The hands come together, right hand palm up, left hand palm down at waist level. The ball is secretly transferred from left hand thumb palm into right hand finger palm as the hands touch under the guise of fairly taking the ball into the left hand The right hand drops to the side as the left hand rises to chest level with the index finger and thumb touching as if they still held the ball. The misdirection of showing the “ball” with the left hand will give you just enough time to drop the ball the right hand conceals in the back right pants pocket. Don’t make a move of it as showing the ball in the left hand is more than enough cover for the move, and only takes a second or two to execute. The INSTANT the ball is ditched, bring the right hand back into view AS the left hand drops to the material of the front left pants pocket and pretends to push the invisible ball through the pocket. Show the hands empty before dropping the left hand openly into the pocket and removing a ball, leaving two balls behind. Allow the effect to register and accept your applause. Your first miracle is complete.
Offer to perform the same effect again, executing another false transfer into the right hand, again retaining in the left. Knead the ball into nothingness, holding it by the right index finger and thumb. Turn the body to the right a bit, as you raise the right leg and mime the action of dropping the ball down to the right knee. Say, “It’s a trick knee…get it?? Trick knee???” Reproduce the ball from the knee with the left hand as the right hand uses that misdirection and blocking to retrieve the ball from the back pocket Fig. 4 and 5. Drop the knee and face the audience. The right hand falls by its side, concealing the ball. Draw attention away from that hand by inviting a spectator to help you for your next part of the trick. Place the ball at the tips of the left hand fingers directly onto the ball in the right hand, being careful not to flash the ball already there. Extend your left hand palm up as you ask the spectator to follow suit and open her hand. Place both balls together as one into the spectator’s hand, and close her hand for her, being careful to remove your fingers as you do. Reach over to another spectator’s shoulder and pretend to grab another bit of lint and toss it toward the spectator’s hand. Slowly have her open her hand, to reveal she now holds two balls. Hilarity ensues. Take this opportunity to reach into the left pocket and finger palm out a sponge leaving one in the pocket. Take both balls back from the spectator and display them on the palm up right hand, using the hand as a table. Ask the spectator to point to either ball. Pick up the ball that she chooses with the left index finger and thumb, taking care to not flash the ball already palmed. Quickly squeeze the left hand’s two balls together and place them into the spectator’s hand and have the spectator close the hand as you bring attention to the ball at the right. Adjust your spectator’s fist so that the thumbhole side of the fist faces the ceiling. This will create a pedestal for which to place the ball on the right hand. Instruct her to squeeze tightly as you intend to get the ball into their hand without them feeling it and without anyone seeing it. Show your hands empty and fairly remove the ball from the top of the spectator’s fist with the left hand and openly place it into your right hand. Close the right hand into a fist. Use the left hand to gently hold the spectator’s fist, to prevent her from opening the hand prematurely. Tap your fist against hers a couple of times and ask the spectator if she felt the ball go in. She will reply that she did not. Open your hand and say that you haven’t done it yet. Laymen invariably laugh at this. Use this release of tension to quickly grab the ball with the left hand and perform a false transfer back into the right hand. I personally use a thumb palm false transfer described earlier. The left hand grabs her wrist, using it to give the hand holding out something to do. Open the hand to reveal the ball has vanished from your hand and allow the spectator to open her hand to reveal two balls. “WTF!!!” is the most common reaction at this point. Take the two balls from the spectator and place the two balls and the ball you have concealed in the left thumb palm into the spectator’s hand. Once again, pretend to grab another piece of lint from a spectator and toss it toward the spectator’s fist. She opens, to reveal that she now has three little balls in her hand. The last sequence is my take on the standard two in the hand one in the pocket routine. “Now I’m going to fool you…if I haven’t done so already. We have an oath in magic that states that we can’t do the same trick for the same audience twice. I’m going to break that rule for you all. If I fool you with it the first time, I’m going to do the same trick again to give you an opportunity to catch me out. I’ll be using three balls, two hands and this pocket. Now it can be hard to follow, so I’ll split you into groups. You all watch the pocket. It’s an inanimate object, not going anywhere. You all are responsible for watching my right hand. And lastly, you all watch the balls. Here we go...” That introductory patter sets you up for the two in the hand, one in the pocket sequence that concludes this routine. Give the three balls to a spectator to hold, temporarily acting as your table. Take one ball from the spectator with the left hand and pretend to place it in your pocket. Actually, you grab the ball already in the pocket and place both balls into thumb palm before removing the hand from the pocket. As the hand exits the pocket the right hand points toward the second ball, to draw attention away from the left hand. Grab the second ball from the spectator while being careful to not expose the thumb palmed balls. Place all three balls as one into the right hand and quickly close the hand into a fist. Don’t make a move of it to draw attention to it. Show the left hand empty as you grab the last ball; place it openly into the pocket. Ask the spectators you assigned to the pocket how many balls should be there, they will say, “two”. Ask the spectators you told to watch your right hand how many balls should be in the fist, they will reply, “one”. Open your hand to reveal three balls. “By show of hands, how many people were fooled just now? Good. I’m glad to see all this hard work is paying off...” Offer to then repeat the sequence as promised. Place all three balls back onto the spectator’s hand. Take the first one and openly place it into the left pocket. When you remove the hand from the pocket, have the hand closed into a tight fist as you reach for the second ball. Grab the second ball with the index finger and thumb, keeping the rest of the left fist clenched. Pause for a beat before opening the middle, ring and pinkie fingers wide to show only one ball in the left hand. Perform your favorite vanish into the right hand retaining the ball in finger palm. Close the right hand and grab the last ball from the spectators hand, again taking care to not expose the ball concealed there. Place both balls into the pocket. Repeat the procedure of asking the spectators what balls are where. You can get a variety of responses for this as spectators will either anticipate that the same outcome has been brought about OR that you have really put the balls where you said you did. In either event play the moment up by making sure they are sure what balls are where. Regardless, open the hand to reveal that the hand is empty, leaving you in applause cue position. As an after thought, you can later reveal that the balls jumped back into the pocket, but that ending is optional. If the routine gets great applause, I tend to reveal the balls, and give them to the spectator I used as a table for her hard work. In all honesty, it takes more work to hold your hands out as a table for 2 minutes than it does to perform this routine. If you choose to allow your spectator to run away with the balls as a souvenir, here’s a line that was told to me by Randy Shine, which was originated by Earl “Presto” Johnson. “There you go, take them home and try it yourself. It won’t work for you, but you’ll have a great time trying…” Warning: If you decide to give the balls out, take care to not give them to young children. The last thing you want is a suit filed against you when the youngster tries to ingest them.
Things to make you go HMM… And there you have it. The routine can take anywhere between 5-6 solid minutes with audience reactions. There are several pros to this routine that make it especially delightful. The routine takes place without the use of a table in the traditional sense. The fact that this routine takes place “in the hands” allows you to literally perform it any time, any place for as many as 40 people. It has elements of both a close up and a stand up routine and is perfectly suited for both. Recapping on some of the individual moments that make this routine unique includes the production of the first ball and the complete vanish of the first ball. The use of the spectator’s fist as a pedestal serves a dual role in audience management. It keeps the spectator from opening their hand prematurely, and acts as a functional temporary table so that you can show the hands empty if you choose to do so.

Kaps, Fred:, Fred Kaps' Cups and Balls As taught by Fred Kaps to Trevor Lewis by Brahams Anyhony ©1995 by Anthony Brahams. p 6 Sequence One. Three balls appear under the three cups; p 9 Sequence Two. Three balls gather under the center cup; p 11 Sequence Three. Three balls go beneath the right side cup; p 12 Sequence Four. Three balls vanish and reappear under the cups; p 13. Sequence Five. The balls vanish from the left hand cup and appear under the center cup; p 15 Sequence Six. A ball appears to travel from under the middle cup to either end cup; p 17 Sequence Seven. The fake explanation leading to the loading of the four final loads & The Art of Close Up Magic Volume 1 compiled by Lewis Ganson ©1996 L&L Publishing; p 354 Fred Kaps Chinese Bowl.

Kardyro, Tony: Close-Up Deceptions ©1972 Tony Kardyro and the Royal House of Magic; 36 pages; p 13 T.K.'s Magic Dust: a sponge routine with a gag eyeball ending & Kardyro's Kolossal Kompendium of Klever and Kommercial Klose-Up The "K" Book of Magic (c)1981 by Abbot Magic Co; p 12 The Punch Ending Supreme: an ending for the Three Shell Game using two large sponge balls; p 16 Deception With Sponges: a large and small sponge ball transpose, then vanish, than change color, then split into many tiny sponges; p 17 T.K.'s Magic Dust: Another sponge ball routine. Dust multiplies into a sponge ball and eventually turns into an "eye".

Kaufman, Richard: The Collected Almanac ©1982-1992 by Richard Kaufman 398 pages. p 162 Magic trick swiping; Paul Harris' Stars of Magic; description of a sponge ball bit by Sol Stone.

Keith, Jon: Impromptu Close-Up Magic Instructional VHS. Sponge Balls Jon Keith's Special Stand-up Routine

Keller, Craig: Apocalypse Vol 5 No 8 Aug 1982 by Harry Lorayne; p 670 SPCA: Sponge Ball and Cards.

Kempsley, David: Wipe Out DVD vanish the purse frame or one of the sponge with empty hands before and after the effect (no thread, no reel...

King, Bob: Classic Stand Up Close Up features Sponge Ball Opener.

Klayder, Jim: Watch Closely (Ca 1978) Sponge ball routine

Klause, Roger: A-1 Greatest Hits DVD A-1 Magicalmedia DVD featuring one effect each from some of the top performers in the world of magic at the time. Roger Klause offered his first Sponge & Sleeve effect &.The Greater Magic Video Library Volume 12; The DVD includes Sleeve Sponge: the first version of the Repeat sponge to the spectator’s sleeve. & Encore 3 by Michael Ammar. p 73: Sponge Ball up the [spectator’s] sleeve and repeat (using thumb tip); this was the initial publication & In Concert: Roger Klause In Concert arranged by Lance Pierce ©1991 L&L Pubishing; p 25 The Sponge & Sleeve (strolling): a sponge ball completely vanishes and travels up the spectator's sleeve. The effect is repeated despite the spectator’s awareness. This handling is different than that found in Michael Ammar's Encore III. & World Greatest Magic by the World’s Greatest Magicians: Sponge Balls.

Knepper, Kenton: Kenton's Full House by Kenton Knepper DVD; Kenton's Legendary Sponge ball routine is also included on this DVD. At last we can see clearly all of the moves, subtle nuances, bold and brilliant original concepts of Kenton's so you can learn this routine easily. We know you've been waiting for years for us to do this. Now it's here. Anytime Kenton performs close-up magic for magicians and mentalists, two tricks are most asked about: Kenton's "Trick Deck/Real Deck Routine" and Kenton's "Sponge Ball Routine".. & Klose-Up And Unpublished “Sponge Balls like Never Before,” offers a fresh take on sponge balls. The balls not only multiply in spectator’s hands, but vanish. And in Knepper’s intriguing, freeform routine, sponge balls appear from almost anywhere, from a spectator’s watch, from under a mug and more, and continually appear. Knepper offers some different approaches to sponge ball handling that we all thoroughly enjoy and plan to master

Knudsen, Christian: Herzblut DVD 3: Schwamm Drüber. & Sponge Over There. Two sponges materialize from both sides of a wooden spoon, and a sponge ball routine commences. Contained in the set are 2 sponge balls, the spoon. Includes detailed instruction guide in German Language

Korem, Danny: Korem witout limits

Kosby, Ray: Wow! IT's Ray Kosby, the Video. 10 effects features Four pieces of sponge form a 4 & Impossible Close-Up Magic DVD; 1 2 3 4: Four sponge cubes are produced and placed in your fist. The fist is opened to show a giant number "4" made out of sponge. The "4" is then ripped into four separate cubes.

Kozak: The Master Routine With The Sponge Balls ©1973 by Imperial Magic Worcester, Mass.

Krumholtz, Jason: Apocalypse Vol 14 No 12 Dec 1991 by Harry Lorayne; p 2008 Crystal Clear: 3 sponge balls appear, vanish, and reappear under a glass.

Laflin, Duane: Practical Gospel Magic ©1988 Duane Laflin; p 15 Gospel Application for Sponge Balls to Spectator's Hand: Standard sponge ball routine (details are not discussed, suggests using instructions that came with sponge balls). Don't hide your faith, multiply it. & Clever sponge ball magic DVD Begins with a complete sponge ball stage act. Following the routine you learn basic sleights such as the thumb palm, mash move, and retention vanish. After that is a series of individual routines including perpetual balls, balls to pocket in color, big ball ending, sponge balls close up and in color, hop skip and jump, and double growing ball. There is also a section on special secrets, where more than you think and the four ball vanish are revealed. The DVD concludes with step by step explanation of the complete sponge ball stage act. The full sequence with all the moves! Learn about steals, getting the sponge balls wet, loading a sponge bunny into your hand right under the nose of a spectator, making balls appear in a spectator's hand, and more.

Ladshaw, Tom: Apocalypse Vol 12 No 3 March 1989 by Harry Lorayne; p 1612 A Sponge or Two: Two in the hand, one in the pocket with sponges, and no pockets are used. The sponges vanish in plain sight.

Laflin, Duane: Clever Sponge Ball Magic DVD 2006; Duane teaches a complete sponge ball act for the stage and along the way we learn the many standard techniques for sponge ball manipulations. Also taught are many sequences such as the perpetual balls, balls to pocket, big ball ending, sponge balls close up and in color, hop skip and jump, and double growing ball and more.

Lancaster, Lou: Commercial Closeup Magic ©1984 Lou Lancaster; 2nd Printing 1985; p 5: Did You Lose This? A straight-forward "in the spectator's hand" Sponge Ball routine utilizing a Purse Frame and featuring "splitting" a ball into two, the "10 count" (although not presented in a count of 10), and a vanish of the balls at the end.

Lasher, Micah: The Magic of Micah Lasher More than Fifty Tricks That Will Amaze and Delight Everyone Including You. ©1996 Micah Lasher: Published by Simon & Schuster; p 140 Sponge Balls: routine using standard 4 ball set. Balls multiply then vanish, with spectator participation; p 145 Sponge Ball Retention Vanish: sleight.

Leech, Alfred B.: Al Leech’s Legacy. ©1980, Magic Inc., Ill. p 64 Chicago Balls. The Chicago Ball Trick and a Routine: uses "sponge" multiplying balls, but may also work with Fakini's. A thorough and practical routine.

Lepage, Nicolas: Floating Gimmick; The Floating Gimmick comes complete with the gimmick, a sponge ball and an instructional DVD. Take it back and put it on your hand. Slowly, the ball begins to move and finally takes flight. It flies in the air. Make some movements around it, there is nothing to see. After some seconds, you catch the ball still in levitation to pass it around for examination. It's normal. No tape, no glue, easy to perform. It takes no more than five minutes to learn this effect. If I’m not mistaken, Jay Scott Berry had a similar gimmick to float dollar bills.

Leveridge, Mark. The Commercial Sponge Ball Routine Master Routine No. 1. Mark's commercial close up routine. Lively, swift routine with ending in the spectator’s hand & The Master Routine Series Collected Works. Over 20 years (from 1984) of routines now in one collection. Re-written and re-drawn. Includes: No.1 - The Commercial Sponge Ball Routine. & Lucky Dip. A children's sponge ball routine. A clear zip top folder has four coin purses, each with a sponge ball in it (3 yellows and one red). The children each select a closed purse, but the magician ends up with the red sponge, despite switches being able to be made up to the last moment & Master Routines #1 (on DVD L&L): The commercial sponge ball routine: this is a fast paced, surprising sequence which Mark has used for 25 years. No reset, it builds quickly and magically to a strong finish. & World Greatest Magic by the World’s Greatest Magicians. Mark Leveridge’s routine.

Levine, Harry M.: Hugard’s Magic Monthly Vol XV N°2 July 1957 p 15 Liberty Strikes Again (As performed at the Open House meeting of April 12th, 1957). In right hand pocket keep four sponge balls with fifty cent piece with liberty bell on tail side. Spirit bell where it belongs. Take out three balls, finger palming the fourth and placing three on the table. Point to each ball stating, "Eenie, Meenie and Miney, go to school." First "Eenie," pick up ball No. 1 with right fingers and put it into left hand, then "Meenie" pick up ball No. 2 with right fingers and put it into your left hand, dropping finger-palmed ball at the same time; close hand and "Miney goes home." Pick up ball No. 3 and apparently put it into your right pocket. Ask spectators, "Who went to school?" Invariably they reply: "Eenie and Meenie." As you open your left hand showing three balls say "No, Eeenie,Meenie and Miney. Watch, I'll do it again." Repeat above moves but when your right hand goes into your pocket, drop the ball and finger palm the half dollar. Ask spectators again, "Who went to school?" and, regardless of answers, show three balls in your left hand and roll them on the table. Now state that "Names are confusing, so I'll forget about names." Meanwhile, repeat moves for putting first ball into your left hand, then pick up second ball, put it into your left hand and drop the finger-palmed half dollar at the same time. Close your left hand. Pick up the third ball from the table and put it into your right hand pocket, actually leaving the first ball there. Casually flash your right hand to be empty. "How many went to school?" Invariably there are answers of "2" or "3." Say "I'll split the difference, two and a half." Release one ball from the left hand saying, "One"; release the second ball saying "Two," and, after a slight pause, "and a half" dropping the half dollar to the table. Now pick up one ball from the table and apparently place it in your left hand, actually keeping it finger-palmed in your right hand and saying, "The next day this feller went to school," and then pick up second ball saying "this one went home" and drop both balls into your right hand pocket. Pick up the half dollar with the liberty bell side up, place it on your closed left fingers, and say "The teacher rang the bell." Press the bell on the half dollar with your right index finger and with each pressing make the Spirit Bell ring. Say, "And when the bell rings everybody goes home," opening your left hand showing it to be empty. Try it and you will find the finish really "rings the bell."

Lewis, Eric: Personal Magic Vol. 1 CDROM from MagiKraft Studios; p 121 Silver & Sponges; L. L. Ireland.

Lewis, Tony L. Pips A Poppin'. Act One: The magician removes the four aces from the pack, displays them in a spread and places them on top of the deck. He explains that the pips on playing cards are actually a solid model which has been greatly compressed. After the understandably skeptical reaction from the audience, the performer offers to prove his claim. One of the aces is rubbed on the magician's left palm and when it's lifted away, a sponge spade has appeared and when the card is turned the spade pip on the card is gone! One by one, the effect is repeated with each of the three remaining aces in a variety of ways-the pips may be plucked from the card, scratched or slapped off as the magician chooses. Using the four sponge pips, the magician then performs any of his favorite sponge routines, making them jump from hand to hand, even into a spectator's closed fist! All four of the sponge pips are then placed into the magician's hand, he places his closed hand over the deck and opens his hand, quickly bringing out down onto the top of the deck. When he lifts his hand, it's seen to be empty-the sponges have disappeared! Upon turning over the top card of the deck, the Joker is seen-with the four missing pips strewn across the face! Act Two: After giving the audience sufficient time to recover, the performer removes the four deuces from the deck and spreads them showing the faces. The four cards are slapped against the palm of the magician's hand and when they're pulled away, he's holding all four sponge pips and the 2's are shown to be missing their bottom pips! Again, any of the performer's favorite sponge routines may be performed using these sponge pips. To conclude, the magician places the heart sponge pip into his left hand, then the club, diamond and spade into his pocket. He asks the audience what is left in his hand and no matter what the response, the performer opens his hand to reveal a four-inch sponge heart! Includes all of the necessary super-soft sponge pips, specially-printed Bicycle cards and detailed, 12-page instruction booklet. This effect could perfectly blend with Charlie Frye’s die matrix. (Charlie Frye’s Adventures in sleight of hand Juggling, physical control DVD).

Lewis, Trevor: ESOLC (That's Close Up) by Phil Willmarth, (editor) ©1981 Lewis and Willmarth, Published by Standridge Magic; p 51 Trevor's Benson Bowl Routine: with bowl, 4 sponges, and toy plastic dinner roll. Three sponge balls appear beneath the bowl. The balls travel from hand to bowl, and eventually the roll is discovered; p 85 Flog - A Sponge Ball Routine: A full sponge ball routine based on golf with comedy patter. Splitting a ball, in the spectator's hand, and a "FORE (4)" finish & Close Up Lecture Notes. 24 pages, paper. Covers 18 effects including his comedy Golf Sponge Ball routine

Lowe, Ryan: Gone DVD by Expert Magic; We learn how to turn a borrowed half dollar into a sponge ball and much, much more.

Lukins, Jerry: Hugard’s Magic monthly Vol VII N° 6 p 598: The feint – Sponge balls. There are two balls in play: the performer places one in the spectator’s hand and one in his own hand. Then the performer gets a doubt, he looks at the ball in his hand, tables it, asks the spectator “excuse me, which one do your have?” The performer then takes the spectator’s ball false transfers it to the left stating “sorry that’s mine” and immediately taking the tabled ball with the right places it back in the spectator’s hand secretly adding the other ball. Jean Hugard claims that the only book in which the feint is treated as a basic principle of magic is Robert-Houdin's The Secrets of Conjuring and Magic. & Hugard’s Magic monthly Vol XVI N° 2 July 1958 p 13: Set-Up: Use four large balls, at least 1 ½ '' in diameter and three small ones about ¾ " in diameter. One of the larger balls is “vested” underneath the right side of vest or in the upper part of the right trouser pocket (tucked up at top where it rests very securely). During the routine and at the right psychological moment, carelessly drop your thumb and first finger inside the right trouser pocket and at the same time, although there is nothing in the left trouser pocket, also put your thumb in that pocket (in a sort of natural, careless gesture of resting my thumbs inside both pockets): that is when the ball is removed from the right pocket. The other three large balls are in the left coat pocket and the three small balls in the right coat pocket. You are now set. You need a table corner or any small table or even a chair. It’s advisable to have a light top or even throw a white table cloth or any light colored cloth over the table or chair so that when the balls are displayed they stand out. By the time you’re ready to perform, decide upon your "victim”: usually a girl with a pleasant disposition. You’re now ready to do the Sponge Ball Routine. Call up your assistant and have her stand to your right, in back of the table with you. Introduce what you’re about to do more or less as follow: "Ladies and gentlemen, anything I've done up to now may perhaps justify the remark that I've some skill... how clever I am, and all that sort of stuff, and that all I did was my own doing.. . and I have to stand by whatever results I may have attained. While here this evening, having a good time, and enjoying the hospitality of... I looked over this wonderful, educaated group, and I was particularly attracted to Miss... I have asked her to come up here because what we are about to do does not in any way depend upon me. It entirely depends upon Miss..." (usually get a snicker or two at this stage.) Turn to smile at her. She's wondering what you are up to... in fact, everybody is in a jolly mood and wondering what's up.. . "I think you'll agree I've chosen well," Say: “If this little thing, we're about to do goes over, please give no credit to me. It belongs entirely to Miss… You see," Then say turning to her, "what responsibility rests upon you? I am confident that I made no mistake in my choice. She has the right physique, as you will note, the proper disposition, and we all know her to be a very intelligent person, etc., etc." Now remove from your left coat pocket and, for the first time, clearly and unmistakably place two of the large sponge balls in front of her. Not having worked with her before and because it's certainly not a common object, they all look with surprise at the two balls facing them. Ask her to examine them closely, take each one in her hand and "convince this intelligent and lovely audience that they are obviously what they appear to be: two rubber sponge balls." Roll your sleeves up, show your hands unmistakably empty, and addressing to her, comment: "It won't be necessary for you to do that because you're obviously beyond suspicion, and besides you've no sleeves anyway." (the usual case with most females) Ask her to open and extend her right hand. Take it and linger over it a while holding it and scrutinize the palm making a remark about "doing palm reading on the side.'" ask her to make a fist and then comment "That's fine, I just know we're going to do alright, you’re just the right person." The sponge balls, of course, are still on the table and you ask her which one she would like you to take. She points to either one. You take it between the thumb and first finger of your right hand, place it into your left hand, and close your left hand leaving the ball there. At this point turn to her, and whether her right palm is open or closed, make some comment about keeping it wide open (she's usually closed it or half closed it anyway). As she opens her palm pick up the ball that is resting on your left palm with your right thumb and first finger, show it again clearly and "place it" in your left palm closing your left fingers over it. In reality steal it out holding it now in the right hand, using the only real "move" in the entire routine. This "move" can be described as follows: Thumb and first finger hold the ball at their tips, right hand makes gesture of placing ball into the left palm and actually rests it on the left palm. The fingers of left hand close over it. At that point the right hand leaves the left palm taking the ball at the same time. The ball is now pinched by 2nd and 3rd fingers, releasing the first finger and thumb and permitting you to point with first finger being certain that the back of the right hand is toward audience. The left hand, of course, is closed (Audley Walsh false transfer). Immediately reach with right hand for the remaining ball on the table, press both together and hold them for a second or so and "show" them as one. Place them at the roots of her outstretched hand and ask her to close her hand tightly and help her do so by closing fingers on her palm so that now it appears that you hold one ball, and she is holding the other. "Watch!" Rub the fingers of your left hand, gradually open the hand, show that the ball has vanished, and open all fingers wide apart (both hands) to show it's in neither hand. Say to her "Have you still got yours?" She acknowledges of course that she has. Ask her to show it to the rest of the audience. She opens her hand and two balls roll out. At this stage there's some surprise and usually laughter. Take advantage of this moment and place your right thumb and first finger into your right trouser pocket (left thumb going into left pocket at the same time) and remove from your right pocket the ball lodged there. Hold loosely by the fingers of your right hand. Say. "Shall we try it again?" Invariably, of course, the answer is "Yes." You can add "Wasn't that clever of her?" Now pick up "both balls with both hands, but the right hand has added the hidden ball on table and is actually holding two. Show them that you’re obviously and unmistakably holding two balls: "one" in each hand. Then place them momentarily in your left hand and immediately place the "two" balls in her right hand and again. She closes it on them and holds them tightly. (She is now holding three.) Helping her close her hand, now turn to her and whisper: "I'm going to let you in on a little secret, but please don't breathe a word of it to anyone, for if the Magician's Union ever hears about it I'll be expelled." (Of course, everybody hears what I'm "whispering.") "What really happens is I use another ball." Reach into your left coat pocket and remove the remaining large ball. Show it to her clearly and place it on the table. Pick up this ball as before and "place" it in your left hand. (Make the "move.") Then ask her to blow on your hand. "It's not absolutely necessary but the Magician's Union insists that I do it at each show." She blows on your hand, and you slowly open the fingers one at a time: the ball has gone! At this point, rest your right hand on her shoulder which gives you perfect cover in hiding the ball that's in your right hand. Also take advantage of the soft shoulder she's likely to have and all in all it's very pleasant, the atmosphere is congenial and you can enjoy it! "Have you still got the two balls?" Ask in all innocence. She replies in the affirmative and you ask her to open her hand... and out roll the three balls. Say "Shall we try it again?" and the answer is "Yes." There are now three balls in front of you and you’re holding one in your right hand... "Watch." Pick up the first one, with first finger and thumb and toss it into the left palm. Pick up the second one, but this time add the ball hidden in your right hand and say "Two" and close in on three of them. Pick up the remaining ball on the table show it clearly holding it at the tip with your first finger and thumb and say "This one goes into my pocket." Put it in your pocket leaving it there, at the same time "stealing" one of the smaller balls. Point with the first finger of your right hand to your left hand and ask "How many?" The answer is "Two." release the hold on your left hand and lay the balls down, one at a time, showing three balls. "Let's try it again". With the right hand, pick up one of the balls, at the same time adding the small one. It's a very simple thing to do because the second ball is so much smaller you can show what appears to be just one ball. Lay that "one" ball in your left hand, the smaller ball being underneath. You can keep your hand now partially open with just enough grip to hold the balls in place. The little ball is completely hidden and cannot be seen. Pick up the second ball and place it in your left hand. Now again and quite obviously you’re holding but two of the larger balls (in reality one of the small balls is completely hidden underneath those two). Close your left hand, pick up the large ball that's on the table and comment "This one goes in the pocket." Again leave it in the right coat pocket and "steal" a second small ball. "How many did you say in my hand?" The answer, of course, is "Two!" Open your 1eft.hand and out roll the two large balls and one little one and at this time I say "A little one... they gave birth!" Pick up one of the large balls in your right hand adding the little one and place them in your left hand saying, "One." Pick up the small ball on the table show it and toss it with the other (really others) in your left hand and say "This is the little one, let's say one and a half." Close in on them, pick up the remaining large ball on the table and say "And this one goes back into the pocket." Leave it in the pocket and "steal" the remaining small ball. Turn to her again and say "How many?" She says either "One and a half, or one and a little one or two." (It does not matter, of course.) Slowly open the left hand and out roll a large ball and two little ones. Say, "Ah, twins!" Turn to her and say "Do you know the story about the Big Bad Wolf and the Little Pigs? Do you remember there was one little pig". .. at this point pick up one of the small balls and toss it into my open left palm.. . "And there were two little pigs" and pick up the second small ball, but in the same tossing motion add the second small ball into the palm of your left hand, and immediately close your left hand. (you now have three little balls in your left hand.) They, of course, think there are two. "And this is the Big Bad Wolf" Now pick up the large ball, the only ball now remaining on the table, "He goes into the cave." Place it into your right pocket leaving it there, coming out of the pocket empty-handed. Make a gesture with the right hand pointing to your left hand with open fingers to show obviously that that's really the situation: nothing in your right hand. Ask "How many little pigs did you say?" She says "Two." Open your hand and three little balls roll out. Pick up one of the small balls with your right hand, toss it into my left hand and say "One little pig went to market." Pick up the second ball the same way and say "Two little pigs went to market," but in the action of placing it into the left hand "steal" the one already in your hand and immediately close the hand. Then with the thumb and first finger of the right hand pick up and show the remaining ball (the other two are enclosed by the remaining fingers of the right hand) and say "And this little pig stayed home." Go into the right coat pocket and leave all the three balls there and coming out empty-handed ask: "How many little pigs went to market?" Your assistant will probably say "Two." Turn to someone else and ask "How many would you say?" The reply is usually "Three." Then say "That's right two and three make five." Slowly open your left hand and show it completely empty, bring both hands together in a gesture of "washing" the fingertips--empty. Turn to your charming assistant and say, "Wasn't she wonderful? Just as I assured you. Just great." Give her a hand!" And join in the applause giving her all the credit for, after all, she did it all---and deserves it. And that is the theory about this entire effect: She's the magician, the talented one. She did it all and merits all the credit.

Lyle, Art: Hugard's Magic Monthly Vol XIX N° 11 July 1962 p 128 Spongeability: To retain the resilience of your sponge balls, rinse them out occasionally and keep them in an airtight tin box. Half-pound tobacco cans are ideal. (Eugene Burger suggest to rinse them with water having soap in it and to twist them in a towel but does not speak about an air tight box) Hugard's Magic Monthly Vol XX N° 1 Sept 1962 p 6: Sponge balls deteriorate if left exposed to air and light. For an air-tight, fancy container: Pour some enamel into a 4" olive jar. Replace the cap . . . swirl paint around until inside of jar is completely coated . . . drain enamel back into can. . .fini! No brush... no lather... no rub-in and no paint remover needed to clean your hands.

MacGregor, Jerry: Real World Magic ©1999 by Jerry MacGregor. Part Two: Routines: Rush Lintball by Steve Taylor: Sponge ball routine.

McMahan, Greg: Kids Think It's Funny ©SPS Publications. Four Sponge Ball Routines

Malone, Bill: Reel Magic Magazine issue 4. Thinking Man's Sponge Ball Routine & Here I Go Again! Vol 2 DVD; Thinking Man’s Sponge Ball Routine: A sponge ball routine workers can use. Bill’s performed this routine for over 25 years. His multiplying sponges at the end supplies a great illusion.

Mardo, Senor: Routined Magic ©1945 Max Holden; p 7 The Glass Mystery: 1 cup & ball routine using a single glass covered with newspaper, and 4 sponge balls; p 13 Mardo's Cups & Balls Routine: Mardo strived to eliminate extraneous moves to provide a smooth routine. Suitable for any cup set. Mardo prefers sponge rubber balls, but any can be used. Ends with the usual large loads under each cup; p 19 The Following Sleights Are Suitable For Either Sponge or Billiard Balls: Includes The Fist Drop, The Scoop, and The Pounding (a ball through the cup move) & The Cups & Balls ©1955 Magic Limited, 4064 Thirty-With Ave., Oakland 19, California. 34 pages include his sponge ball routine.

Marlo, Ed: Ed Marlo: Vol 1 Without Cards VHS by Pierre Mayer Radio Prim: Sponge Balls & Arcade dream by Jon Racherbaumer, Ed Marlo is famous for his ingenious creations with cards, but he also devoted a great deal of creativity to magic with other objects including sponge balls; p 132 Windy City Sponges: Four regular sponges, three smaller sponges, a handkerchief, and a surprise load. Splitting one to two, Genuine pass (the Ten Count), False Pass, etc. p 150 State-Street Cups and Balls: Uses sponge balls, three large loads, a wooden egg., and three metal cups. Introductory Sequence (Optical Penetration Cup Through Cup), a sponge is magically produced while the cups are stacked. Sponge ball penetrates pocket, and then each cup. The single ball multiplies to three. Balls placed under cups all move to center, then back to all three cups. Center ball travels to end, then those two to other end. Balls placed in pocket reappear in cups. Balls in pocket reappear in center cup. Balls under each cup travel to end. Balls vanish, and large loads appear under each cup. As the cups are cleaned up, an egg appears under one cup; p 160 Windy City Phase: A cups and balls "phase" using sponge balls to be used in a larger routine. Three sponges are placed in the center cup, a Three Shell Game type move is performed, and two sponges leave the center and appear under each end cup; p 162 Jam It! A "Chop Cup" type maneuver using a sponge ball and standard cup

Martin, Patrick: Clones a different routine

Martinez, Daryl. Fooler Doolers. A classic take with a design and a script that Daryl is the only one to have the secret: a superb routine. & Papa Rabbit Hits the Big Time with Companion DVD. A sponge rabbit and a little bird are magically produced. A clean transposition is followed by a comical comedy of errors expose. Mama and Papa rabbits then appear and disappear in the hands of both the magician and the spectator. For a surprising finish, a handful of baby bunnies magically appear in the spectator's tightly clenched fist & Daryl's Papa Rabbit Hits the Big Time from Fooler Doolers. & World Greatest Magic by the World’s Greatest Magicians. Daryl.

Marucci, Peter: Stonehenge Sponges To a story involving the mystery surrounding Stonehenge in England, three "stone" sponges leap from hand to hand, and from the magician's hand to the spectator's hand and, finally, they all vanish. Effective as a table-hopping sponge routine

Maxwell, Michael: Michael Maxwell's Incredible Magic...Made Easy! Vol 2 DVD Includes sponge rabbits.

Mayol, Henry. Apocalypse Vol 6 No 8 Aug 1983 ©by Harry Lorayne; p 810 Fee Fi Fo Fum: two giant sponge ball stunners & Passez l’éponge (Sponge balls book in French) + selling his colorful sponge ball routine where three small black balls travel several times from the pocket to the hand, before transforming into three balls of different colors with a diameter twice as large.

Maze, Gene:

McAllister, Bob: Cavorting Sponges. As seen in Tarbell 7. 1/2 inch sponge balls.

McBride, Jeff: World Class Manipulation Volume 1 DVD; includes Jeff’s excellent Multiplying Sponge Balls.

McComb, Billy: McCombical Stage Sponges. One trick manuscript. The routine uses four 3" and one 5" sponge and some rope.

Mendoza, John: John Mendoza - My Best Vol 2 DVD; Bowl Routine: The Mendoza version of Roy Benson’s classic routine is full of magical surprises as sponge balls vanish and reappear underneath an inverted bowl. The fun doesn’t stop there as the balls even magically appear in a spectator’s hand, leading up to a surprising and off-the-wall finish.

Mentzer, Jerry. Linking Ring February 1971 © by Jerry Mentzer & Close up cavalcade ©1973 by Jerry Mentzer. Reprint from Linkin Ring. p 115 “Something from Something” is a magical production of three balls out of one; Jerry first describe a sort of reverse shuttle pass but done as a False Take from the left palm bringing the ball between the right first and second fingers (rather than the more common false transfer); Using this sleight start with a ball visible in the left and two palmed in the right (one thumb palmed, the other finger palmed) Do the reverse Shuttle Pass keeping a ball palmed in the left which closes into a fist and push the visible ball in the left thumb crotch; the left hand squeezes out two balls; repeat taking one of the balls and pushing it in the left thumb crotch and produce the third ball p 119 Sponge Shenanigans (the routine is meant to be a sequel to the previous one) Have an additional ball in the right pocket as well as a contrasting object (a potato, an onion or possibly a sponge of contrasting color); Take one of the visible three balls with the left hand false take it in the right and allegedly place it in your pocket as the left takes the two remaining balls (adding them to the palmed one). As this is done the right hand comes out from the pocket with the fourth ball finger palmed. Reveal that the pocketed ball has joined the ones in the left hand. Ask the spectator to point at two balls. Pick them up adding the palmed one and offer to repeat in his hand. Place all three in his hand, pick up the visible one, false transfer it and pretend to place it in your pocket. Apparently rub the ball in the spectator’s elbow. Have him opening his hand and reveal three. With the right pick up one of the balls and pass it to your left adding the palmed one. Then openly place another one in the left as well. Place the third in your pocket palming the contrasting object. Open the left hand to reveal three balls which are tabled. Pick up a ball and place it in the left, pick eth second one and place it there as well adding the contrasting object. The last one goes to the pocket (and stays there). Produce first the two sponges and then, with a little suspense, the contrasting object. During this blind spot pick up the two sponges together and false transfer them to the left hand. Still with the right, take the contrasting object and pocket it (with the two sponges). Wave over your hand: everything vanished.

Mitchell, Barry: Got Cookies? An Oreo cookie is twisted open to reveal the "stuff", a white sponge ball. The stuff becomes double stuff in the spectator's hand. The double stuff becomes chocolate stuff.

Moraleta, Rani: My Two Balls Visible as performed on a TV show at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZnMws1LB69Q; the routine shows two balls placed in the left fist, one of them disappears. This ball is replaced in the left fist and both balls are now back. Then they are replaced one by one in the left fist and both vanish to reappear in the performer’s shirt breast pocket.

Murray, George: Professional 3D Multiplying Rabbits Marketed product by Nielsen Magic; Effect 1.: A mama and papa rabbit are shown. Magician takes one, and spectator takes other. The papa joins the mama in the spectator's hand. Spectator now holds both mama and papa, but when opening hand, finds an entire family of rabbits. Bunny Care: How to store and wash. Effect 2. Marvyn Roy's Rabbit Habit: Resets for table hopping (pun intended?) Effect: A "hare" is produced from the spectator's jacket. The rabbit vanishes from the hand and appears in the pocket. The magician offers to try again. Both hands are held in fists, and the spectator is asked to guess which hand holds Peter rabbit. Whichever hand is selected, magician opens hand and state's, "no, that Peter's friend, Peter is over here", opening other hand to reveal a 2nd rabbit. The magician takes one rabbit and places the other in the spectator's hand. He states that the spectator's rabbit will vanish and join his. This doesn't work, as the magician's rabbit has joined the spectator's. The magician places one rabbit in the pocket. He then makes a crease in the pocket and the rabbit comes through the pants pocket without making a hole. The rabbit is then placed into the spectator's hand along with the other rabbit. When opened, a rabbit family appears.

Murray John: Inside John Murray; ©1984 by the Author, Greenville, SC: “Sponge Ball Finale”.

Musson, Clettis: Minute Magic ©1953 Ireland Magic Co; p 19 The Amazing Paper Balls: Ashes turn into paper balls, wherein a sponge ball type routine is performed; p 22 Multiplying Paper Balls: simple sponge ball type routine

Noblezada, Jay: Sponge. 4 sponge + DVD. Beginner to pro with sponge balls Package includes the basis we need to add a sponge ball routine to your act. The teaching is eavily centered on two in the hand and one in the pocket but successfully demonstrating daring empty loads in the spectator’s hand.

Norman, Karl: Here's How ©1985 Collector's Workshop; p 22 Multiplying Rabbits: Spongeball routine for sponge rabbits. Uses 3 adults, 6 children.

Nosek, Terry: Sponge Ball Magic (Ronjo Magic). A manual on how to make sponge balls appear, disappear and multiply in your spectator's hands. Complete with beginning tricks, sleight of hand and routines. 23 pages.

O'Brien, Obie: Fetcher's Aces DVD set. DVD Two includes Sponge Rabbits

Ouellet, Apocalypse Vol 10 # 9 September 1987 by Harry Lorayne; p 1402: Gary Sponge Ball Sleight. A really great casual retention of vision false transfer with sponge balls & Close-Up Illusions. The Camirand Academy of Magic Inc. ©1990 350 pages. 61 Chapter 6: Sponge Ball Miracles: The Push-Pinch Sponge Ball Vanish; p 64 Some Reflections on Sponge Ball Routining; p 65 The Odd Man Out Routine: performed seated, involves spectator; p 67 The Flying Imp Pass: for sponge ball; p 70 HINT: Achieving Body Memory & The Very Best of Gary Ouellet Vol 1 DVD; The Sponge Balls and Banana routine. This is a clean, direct and simple sponge ball routine. Gary teaches the Flying Imp Pass and two sponge ball vanishes.

Oswald: Blue J Surprise (Marketed routine) New sponge ball routine using blue eggs and blue "J's". A blue egg is produced from thin air. The egg is then placed in the spectator’s hand, the magic moment is created and two eggs appear in the spectator’s hand. This is repeated twice until the spectator has four eggs in her hand. The four eggs are replaced in her hand and the spectator is asked if she knows what’s coming next. They suppose five. The performer asks do you know what’s coming from blue eggs? Not quite. When she opens her hand she has the four eggs and four Blue “J’s” (these Blue J’s seems to be the Binghampton (N.Y.) Rhythm and Blues band of four musicians referring to the British duo Blue Jays, an offspring of the Moody Blues). Hence the “Blue J surprise”.

Pace, Jim: Mestopholies Fire Ball Launcher. You point at something and your finger shoots a fire ball at it. Then the fire vanishes out of thin air. The product requires flash paper or cotton; it’s mounted on a pull leaving the hand empty. False transfer the sponge ball in the hand holding the Fire Ball Launcher, and shoot the ball of flame in the air: A real magic vanish.

Page, Patrick. Pabular Vol 7 Number 1 p 982 The Page Boy Speaks: to perform close-up in an after-dinner situation where there are perhaps ten people sitting around a circular table? This is almost the norm for a banquet-style function. Usually the table is cluttered up with glasses, bottles and a vase of flowers, a candleabra and lord knows what else. The first problem you come up against is the fact that you can’t do anything on the table top because the people sitting at the other side of the table are about seven feet away trying to see through a maze of glasses, bottles etc. Solution coming up. Instead of placing the sponge balls on the table top, turn three glasses mouth down on the table and use the bottoms of the glasses as a working surface. The taller the glasses the better. The logical sequel is to carry a small board, perhaps twelve by five inches and to lay that across two upturned glasses as a sort of raised table on top of the table. (Lawrence O’s idea: if the small board is stiff enough, the middle glass can be used once, half way through, to back hand load a finger palmed sponge) & Close Up Video Professional sponge ball routine & Secret Seminars of Magic Volume 1 Thumb Tip. Variation with sponge balls & Secret Seminars of Magic Volume 5. Sponge Balls. 4 Miracle Vanishes: Fake Take Sponge Ball Vanish #1, Vanish #2, Finger Pinch Vanish #3, Vanish #4; Benson Bowl Routine, Blow Up, Tips on Sponge Balls, Jump, Multi-ball Production, Repeat Ball Production (2 versions), Color Changing Sponge, Balls from Mouth, Balls from Mouth with Color Change, Color Change with Dye Tube, Ball to Silk, Patrick Page Professional Sponge Ball Routine (All the patter, tips and finesse that Pat's used for years!). Splitting One Ball into Two Balls, Vanished Ball Appears in Spectator's Hand, The Ten Count, One in Hand, One in Pocket, Vanish of the Balls, Alternative Finale with Three Balls, Sponge Ball to Coin, Sponge Finesse, Split, An Impromptu Hold Out, Three Ball Production, From a Purse Frame, With a Thumb Tip, From a Chop Cup, Chop Hat Routine, Balls Through Table Under Hat & Secret Seminars of Magic Volume 9. Variation in sponge.

Parrish, Robert: Great Tricks Revisited, Thoughts on Classics ©1995 David Meyer, Magic Book edited by Phil Willmarth; p 54 Well of Invisibility: A routine for the Japanese Box, using a silk, sponge, and rubber ball.

Patrick Smith, Samuel: Big Red Nose A Great Christmas Routine: Rudy starts as a blue-nosed reindeer. The kids object, so you magically turn his nose red. You like it better the other way, but when you try to change it back, the color vanishes from the reindeer's nose! Children howl as the red nose ends up on the performer.

Paul, Johnny. Greater Magic video Library Vol 15 The Johnny Paul / Jim Ryan routine.

Pierce, Lance: The World-Famous Bowl Routine ©2007 Sponge! Is added as a special Bonus. It is professional and commercial routine. Only on the surface does this routine appear standard; the meticulous detail and choreography that is Lance Pierrce’s trademark make this a closer.

Pilling, Ryan. Little Gray Hare. The Magician brings attention to the hair hanging above your face. As you pluck out a single hair, it instantly pops into view at your fingertips in the form of a small bunny rabbit. "Oh look! I have a little gray hair!" The included routine has you producing three bunnies at your fingertips, then having all three vanish... entirely! With no added gimmicks or difficult moves. Plus extra ideas and jokes to incorporate these bunnies into your regular sponge ball routine.

Porper, Joe: Dye Tube – Porper; This expertly made gimmick will allow you to change the color of a sponge ball with ease. Perfectly machined and balanced to fit the hand of any performer.

Priest, Chris: Protons Christ Priest, "The Millennium British Champion of Close-Up Magic" releases his sponge ball routine. Protons gives the audience a non-stop roller coaster ride of amazing magic from start to finish. The routine begins with the performer showing both hands empty, only to pluck a colored ball from the spectators hand! This fast paced routine jam packed with visual mind-boggling magic, grows to an awesome climax which your audience will talk about for a long time to come. The DVD features live performances of Christ performing the Protons routine for real audiences so that we can witness first-hand the reactions we would receive when performing the routine. Everything is here, the performance, the presentation, with detailed teaching instructions, its a magical masterpiece

Proust, Georges. Les meilleurs tours psy de l’Académie de magie. A sponge ball is made to fly thanks to a large Fin Jon loop.

Revelle & Andree, Raise Your Glasses, "50 Tricks with a Bottemless Tumbler" Supreme Magic Publication; p 3. Transponge, Dried Egg, Magical Change, Milk Silks, Trapped; p 4. Silk 'n Sponge, Colour Sympathy, Card 'n Silk, Rice 'n Silk

Ray, Eddy: 30 Tricks & Tips with Magic Sponge Ball. Magic Makers Inc. & Magic with Sponge Balls. Here's everything we need to start learning magic with sponge balls. We get a professional set of 4 red balls with an instructional DVD that teaches tricks and sleights.

Redford, Patrick G: Diapason. Not just mentalism or tricks, but full performance pieces. Includes Anathematize (sponge balls from hell); Lead On! (explanation on how all magic works).

Reneaux, James: Hugard’s Magic Monthly Vol X N° 10 March 1953 p 1052 A fine turnout greeted James Reneaux at the Prince George Hotel, Feb. 19th, when he gave his "Tricks of the Trade" le c t you r e for the Magicians' Guild. The slight, blond manager of Abbott's New York shop offered a complete routine as he would have presented it to a lay audience, then he explained his methods trick by trick. Offstage records filled in during the first part with music. His opener: producing a large rubber sponge from a puff of smoke then, under cover of a hanky, changing the sponge into a glass of liquid.

Rogers, Mike: The Complete Mike Rogers A Collection of the Original Material of Mike Rogers, plus various contributions from magical friends ©1975 Magic, Inc. p 69 Mike Rogers Sponge Rabbits: nice routine. & Multiplying Bunnies marketed effect
Single Sheet manuscript with props: Two rabbits are shown on the table, a papa and mama. Mama is placed in one hand, while papa is placed in the pocket. Papa joins mama in the hand. Next, the spectator holds mama, and papa is placed into the pocket. Again, papa joins mama. Finally, the spectator holds both mama and papa and when the hand is opened, an entire family pops out.

Roman, Fernando: Apocalypse Vol 5 No 7 July 1982 by Harry Lorayne. p 649 Easy Ramsey (Jonathan Townsend): coin and cylinder routine simplified. Does not use "stack of coins"; p 654 Sponge Chop: instant appearance of a sponge ball.

Romaric: Impact VHS PAL : Trompe l'oeil. Romaric’s sponge ball toutine. Romaric is a magician of German origin fully integrated in France (fluent in the three languages: English, German and French). The balls appear, disappear, change places… or color, according to the performer’s inspiration. There is not one dead moment in the routine.

Ronjo: Take My Word For It. Every word a laugh! These sponge words bring laughs to any sponge ball routine. As you deliver a punch line, make a word appear from nowhere. Or pull a word out of your hat, shoe or even ear! Exchange a word for a ball. Give a spectator a ball to hold. When their hand is opened, they are surprised to find that the ball has become a word and the word sets up in your punch line. If you love sponge routines, these sponge words will instantly expand your routines in an explosion of new ideas. Even if you've never used sponge balls before, this will get you started on a terrific new way to delight your audiences. Includes 17 hilarious sponge words and letters, complete instructions and suggestions for many routines. Sponge words included: Time, Went, What, Why, Yes, No, Balls, Nothing, Something, Stop, More, Now, Left, Right, It, Sh, and Y & Go Go Gone. A very unique sponge routine! You show three sponges in the shape of the word "GO". You place one of the "GO" sponges in the hand of a spectator and one in your own hand. When the spectator says "Go", your sponge vanishes. The spectator opens his or her hand to reveal not one, but two "GO" sponges! They close their hand around the two sponges as you pick up the third "GO". Yours magically vanishes, joining the other two in the spectator's closed hand. When their hand is opened, they now have three "GO" sponges! Finally, you give all three sponges to another spectator, who closes his or her hands around them. You tell them, "They're gone!" The spectator, who still feels the sponges in their hand, thinks you're wrong, until they open their hand and are amazed to discover that the "GO" sponges are, indeed gone, and they are holding the sponge word "GONE"! Comes complete with 4 "GO" sponges, 1 "GONE" sponge and detailed instruction & Gozinta Boxes and Sponge Balls (Parabox) 2 boxes are exactly the same size but at any given time, either box will fit inside the other and conversely. As the boxes are opened, sponge balls appear from the empty boxes. Put a ball back inside each box and you have one ball left over. Take the remaining ball in your hand and it grows to be three times the original size. A comparable routine was created in the 1970s by Allan Hayden.

Rosenthal, Harvey: Close Up Sampler Part One ©1976. This rare booklet by a true creator contains 16 pages of close up magic including sponge balls.

Rothbart, Dr L. The Bat by Lloyd E. Jones February 1949 # 62 p 455 Surprise sponge climax. The idea is secretly palm about twenty very small sponge balls from the right pocket and hold them with the second third and little finger. Place then the three visible normal sponge balls one by one into the spectator’s outstretched palm. Have him close his hand. Then take hold of that wrist with your left and place your right hand (containing the tiny balls), beside his hand palm up. Count to three. At each count you brush or stroke his fist. At three (when he has been told to open his hand, you stroke harder and suddenly open your fingers at the moment he open his. The effect is created that the mass of tiny colourful balls are bursting out of his hand. Bold but very deceptive sort of open Han Ping Chien. & Frank M. Chapman: Chap’s Scrapbook Vol 2 #19 January 1940 p 2: Dr. Rothbart, Secretary of the Circle of Hungarian Amateur Magicians, Budapest, has contributed several very interesting and original items to "Scrapbook". This one, his latest, is typical of the manner in which he make's use of the element of surprise in climaxing most of his pet effects.(You will enjoy using this.) At the conclusion of a routine with the sponge balls, the performer offers to "Do it once more". He tosses three balls on the table, then picks them up, one by one, and places them into the outstretched hand of a spectator. "It's just a matter of simple arithmetic", he says. "Merely multiplication!" When the spectator opens his hand, upon request, he is- amazed to find that it is filled to overflowing with tiny balls of various colors! Since laughter and surprise are so closely allied, it is quite natural that this Unexpected climax should result in good, hearty laughs. While the performer claims it is "merely multiplication", we quickly realize that it is merely misdirection. We have heard it many times,(but once more will do no harm) that" it is'nt the what, but the how that counts" - and "the means is secondary to the end". Again, that is true in this instance. The means (or what the performer does) is not nearly so important as the end, the result (or the how spectators are bewildered - and entertained.) You will, of course, require a number of tiny sponge balls, in addition to those you use in your regular routine. It is suggested that these tiny balls be cut from various color material.(The five-&-dime stores carry rubber toys, and bath accessory items, which employ several colors In the one item.) These small balls should be about a half inch in diameter. Carry about twenty of them, assorted, in your side pocket. Conclude your routine with an effect wherein the spectator has attention directed toward himself. This affords ample opportunity for you to get the entire lot of tiny balls palmed in your right hand - all pressed tightly together, and held in place by the 2nd,3rd, and little fingers. Now - following the final effect in your routine, pick up three sponge balls, one at a time, and put them on outstretched palm of spectator. Have him close hand. Then - take hold of that wrist, with your left hand, and place your right hand (containing tiny balls) beside his hand palm up; count "three": each time you count, you brush, or stroke, his fist; at "three"(when he has been told to open his hand)you stroke harder – and suddenly open your fingers at the moment he opens his. The effect is created that the mass of tiny, colored balls is bursting out of his hand! Very important, of course, is the perfect timing in the opening of your hand at the instant he opens his. Please try this! You'll be delighted with the results.

Safuto, Joe: Apocalypse Vol 7 No 4 April 1984 by Harry Lorayne; p 909 Sponge Away: sponge ball acquitment

Salinas, Ben: Encyclopedia of Sponge Ball Magic. 2 1/2 hour comprehensive DVD collection of sponge ball moves and routines is undoubtedly one of the most serious learning resources. It covers: The Jacket Lapel Move; Let's Have Some Elbow Room; The Mayfair Mountebank ver. 1; The Mayfair Mountebank ver. 2; Under the Jacket Move & Vanishes: The 'Garcia' Master Move; The 'Clipped' Vanish; The 'Exercise' Vanish; The One, Two, Three Vanish; Now You See It, Now You Don't; Two to Nothing; Quick Vanish; The 'O.K.' Vanish; The Roll Down Animated Vanish; The 'Bold' Vanish; The 'Bluff' Vanish; Another 'Bluff' Vanish; The Pretended Place Vanish; The 'Toss' Vanish; The 'Squeeze' Vanish; The 'Pretended Take' Vanish; Nip & Tuck No Skill Vanish; The 'Hook' Vanish; The 'Impossible Challenge' Vanish; The 'Back Palm' Vanish; The 'Deliberate' Vanish; Mike Tannen's 'Fork' Move; Mike Tannen's 'In' Move; The 'Gaff' Vanish; Up to My Neck in Sponges; Routines: The Magic '10' Count; The Magic '10' Count 4 Plus; Frank Garcia's Magic '10' Count; The Slow Motion Transposition & Impromptu: Derek Dingle's Undercover Move; Spur of the Moment Routine; Short & Sweet; The Slick Routine; My Routine, by George; Simply Commercial; The 'Drop' Ploy; 'Hanky Panky'; 'Sometimes'; Jimmy Reneaux's Idea; Veil of Darkness; Veil of Darkness (Improved Version); The 'Sacrosanct' Routine; Head to Head; Bob Elliot's Razzle Dazzler; Father Cyprian's Spongeball Routine; The Grand Finale; The Big Secret 'Hidden Factor'; Bill Surprise & Bonus Material: Classic Palm; Roll Down Vanish; Pen Cap Production; Two Finger Vanish; Thumb Palm Vanish; Pinch Production; Thumb Palm Vanish (2nd Variation); The Spring Production

Samelson, Peter: Apocalypse Vol 9 No 8 Aug 1986 by Harry Lorayne; p 853 Thimble Opening: single thimble production and vanish sequence with a close up pad performed standing. The close up pad is shown front and back and the hands seen empty. A thimble appears in the middle of the pad. Performer now does some various thimble moves (not described) and finally the thimble vanishes again. The pad is displayed once more, and a thimble is produced from underneath the pad; p 951 Cigarette from Thimble: next part of Peter's Thimble Opening. 1239 Routine Finale: ending from previously published Thimble and Cigarette portions. Routine continues with a matchbox, and moves into a sponge ball production so you can continue with a sponge ball routine & Theatrical Close-Up ©1984 Magical Publications p 35 Sponge Ball Snacks; Samelson’s Sensational Sponge Ball Surprise.

Sanada, Toyosane: Sponge ball gimmick. & Sanada Gimmick Routines. This DVD explains a basic usage and nine routines by SANADA and GINJIRO. Included are: One Ball Routine, Balls, Phenix Spoon, Metamorphic Spoon, Chinese Escape, Inside the Box, B.C.G.(Ball and Clear Glass), G.P.S.(Ginjiro's Peek with Sanada

Sankey Jay: Earplugs (video). In an attempt to give meaning to the sponge balls, Jay is selling huge ear plugs. One added advantage of these is that they can be placed vertically and they don’t roll all over the place anymore. The sponges delivered don’t exist in soft sponges. Jay teaches how to perform: The Retention Vanish, The Upsidedown Retention Vanish, The False Transfer, The False Take, The Acquitment, The Nothing Transfer, The Pop-Up Move, The Double Steal, The Backdoor Steal, The Banana Split, The Roll Around Split, The Ten Count, The Hard of Hearing Opener, and The Jumbo Load Techniques. There is also 4 full routines, including: The Shotgun Production Sequence, Likes Attract, Four On The Floor, and The Pick Pocket.

Sawa, Dr. Dr Sawa’s Library Of Magic by Richard Kaufman

Scarne, John: Scarne's Magic Tricks ©1951 by John Scarne, Crown Publishers, Inc. p 242 Reproducing Sponges: a very simple sponge routine - one multiplies to two and then to three in the spectator's hand

Schneider, Al: The Al Schneider Technique - Volume 1 Sponge ball & Handkerchief Vanish

Schindler, George: Entertainment First notes In these notes George shares his lifetime of knowledge as he performs and teaches the routines he has used throughout his career. George is an outstanding performer, author, ventriloquist, comedian and public speaker as well as being the past National President and Dean of the Society of American Magicians. “Entertainment First!” is the title of his lectures and the theme to everything he does. We can thus learn his clean and direct Sponge Ball Routine. & Entertainment First DVD; George Schindler has more than 50 years of professional experience as a magician and entertainer. On this DVD he shares his lifetime of knowledge as he performs and teaches the routines he has used throughout his career as an outstanding performer, author, ventriloquist, comedian and public speaker. Entertainment First is the title of his lectures and the theme to everything he does. It includes his Sponge Ball Routine.

Schulien, Matt: The Magic of Matt Schulien by Philip Willmarth includes Sponge Rabbits.

Scott Berry, Jay. Jay Scott Berry Total Eclipse DVD. The Eclipse Tip has long been one of magic's most useful but unknown tools. It has changed the way a standard thumb tip is used. Here is a full two hour session with Jay Scott Berry on DVD showing you all the work with the Eclipse Tip. This is great "stand up" material that you can do right up close, right under their nose. It's like doing stage magic effects with silks, ribbons, sponge balls, etc. in a close up situation. & FS2 Gimmick. Marketed item. Comes complete with gimmick, holder and instructions for basic handling techniques and the Color Warp routine. With this device, we can show your hands empty and instantly produce a sponge ball. Then, simply with a wave of your hand, the ball changes color. It is freely displayed, even examined, yet, we can immediately change it back again and then vanish it at the fingertips. & The Power of Two DVD Featuring the FS/2 Gimmick; The Immaculate Transformation: An instant transformation of a sponge ball into a silk. You scan take the sponge ball directly from the spectator's hand and, without any false moves, cause it to transform into a silk scarf; Color Warp: Reach into the air, cupping one hand to create a hole in space. Then, reach into the clearly empty hole and pull out a sponge ball. This is shown and, with the wave of a hand, changes to another color. Another wave and it changes back. Finally, just as mysteriously the ball vanishes & Immaculate Transformation: Another effect from Jay Scott Berry, an instantaneous sponge ball to silk transformation. Imagine being able to take a red sponge ball from a spectator's hands, show it freely, and, in the blink of an eye, change it into a red silk.

Shute, Merlyn: Nits 'N Bits. Includes Three-Two-One-Half sponge ball routine with a surprise ending.

Skinner, Michael. The Legendary Repertoire of Michael Skinner - Volume 3. Produced by Houdini Picture Corporation. This is not a studio production and it contains a lot of performances only. In addition to the main DVD which contains 56 routines, including his sponge bunnies and sponge ball routines, there is a second DVD that contains a live lecture and performance.

Simon, Bill: Sleightly Sensational ©1953 Louis Tannen publication; p 28 Sponge Surprise is with two balls and plenty of little balls finish for a sponge ball routine & Hugard’s Magic Monthly Vol XI N° 7 December 1953 p 82: Book Profiles by John Crimmins Jr: Sleightly Sensational by Bill Simon “…I might add that in addition to the 10 card effects described, you'll also find 3 fine close-up tricks with sponge balls, a ring, and coins… In the miscellaneous section is a short but very deceptive routine called "Sponge Surprise."”

Sisti, Jim (editor): The Magic Menu The First Five Years (or Years 1 Through 5 as reprinted) ©1990 - 1995 Jim Sisti; Metempirical Magic ©1998 hardback bound version published by L&L Publishing; March/April 1991, Issue 4 p 35 Spot the Dot (Chris Hurlbert): spectator's card is found with the aid of "Spot the Dot", a sponge ball. Card ends up with a red spot on it; January/February 1993, Issue 15 p 167 Secret Support (Stuart Bowie): two ideas for sponge ball holders; March/April 1993, Issue 16 p 177 Sponge Ball Vanisheroo (David Oliver): sponge ball vanish using body language and misdirection; November/December 1993, Issue 20 - A Special Bill Malone Issue p 223 Utility Sponge Ball Switch (David Mirto): can be used as a color change & The Magic Menu The International Journal for Professional Restaurant and Bar Magicians Years Six through Ten; Issues 31 through 60; September 1995 through August 2000 ©2001 Jim Sisti, Published by L&L Publishing Issue 31 Sept/Oct 1995 p 355 Cabaret Connivery video by Dan Garrett: (review) "exceptionally commercial magic"; Sphere-It! sponge balls, Professor's Daydream, etc. Issue 51 January/February 1999 p 592 Sponge Ball Routine (Tim Spinosa): uses four sponges and one 3" rabbit sponge

Slydini, Tony: Hugard’s Magic Monthly Vol X N° 1 June 1952 p 949 mentions Slydini and his Pupil Norman Nagle offering a sponge ball sequence at the S.A.M. convention in Boston & Ganson, Lewis The magic of Slydini ©1960 by Harry Stanley, London, England Chapter 7, "Sponge Ball Magic," 14 page & Hugard’s Magic Monthly Vol XVIII N° 7 January-February 1961 p 76 Book Profiles by John Crimmins Jr comments on The magic of Slydini ©1960 by Harry Stanley, London, England. “Slydini's ‘Sponge Ball Magic’ is a magnificent routine. Different from the usual presentation, it's tremendously entertaining and mystifying, and has the added advantage that it is suitable for a large audience rather than being just a close-up trick. Some 52 photo illustrations embellish this chapter alone…” & The magic of Slydini … and more by Karl Fulves p 54. The purse frame. Search for the frame in the right back pants pocket (palming three sponges), rotate the chest for the left to take the frame from the left pocket, the right depositing three balls in the laps. Take out the frame and handle it flashing both hands empty. Relax listening to the purse frame, then lean forward to let the spectator listening with the right as the left hand steals two balls. Relax back bringing the hands together. Right hand snaps the purse open, flashes its palm and takes the first sponge ball out. Table the sponge, pause, look intot the purse and take out the second sponge. Start replacing the frame in the right back pans pocket, bringing the left hand to the lap where the third ball is taken: bring the frame back into view, and take out the third ball. Table the purse frame. Claiming you only need two drop one of the balls in the frame lapping it. Table the frame aside to the right and let the spectator examine the balls. Ask which one he prefers relax bringing the chest back dragging the right to the lap, stealing a ball. Ask him to point at one and take the other one, before placing the left one (with the palmed one) into his hand. False transfer the sponge, lapping it. Make a gesture towards his hand and reveal the vanish: have him open his hand for the two balls to fall out. Relax the chest dragging the right hand into the lap. Load the three balls in the spectator’s hand. After searching as in the beginning of the routine, produce the third ball from the purse. False transfer it and let the spectator open his hand. Relax collecting the fourth sponge in the left hand. Place one in the right and one in the left. Add the left hand one to the right hand one, then take the third adding the palmed one and add them into the right as one. Look in the purse frame for an additional one. Look in your pockets. Seem not to find it (stealing the small balls). “I bet you it’s gone already”. Let the spectator open his hand revealing four balls. Take two and place them in the spectator’s hand adding the small ones. Take up the other two for taking them away. Seem to realize something and look at them, explain the male female thing and state that you did a mistake by putting a male and a female in the spectator’s hand. Have him open it. & Slydini’s paper balls in a hat was initially done with sponge balls. & As I Recall Tony Slydini (2 DVD Set) - Disc 1 Slydini’s sponge ball routine performed by Bill Brunelle Disc 2: Paper ball to hat. & Best of Slydini and More. Magic with … sponges, and more & The Annotated Magic Of Slydini by Lewis Ganson Anotations by Slydini as dictated to Dr Gene Matsuura ©2001 by L&L Publishing p 105. Slydini added his way of using the Imp-Pass which he had not released when Lewis Ganson published the first edition (It came out with “Encores”)

Smith, Chuck: What If? ©2001 lecture notes. Includes Multiplying Rabbits (sponge).

Snoberg, Richard: Just for Laughs. Book on clowning. Routines include Sponge Ball Surprise

Snider Harry E. (Caligari): Hugard’s Magic Monthly Vol VI N° 10 March 1949 p 520 Day Light Savings Sponge Ball Routine: Four sponge balls are lying on a table. The magician picks up one and puts it in his closed left hand. He picks up a second ball and places it in the closed hand of a spectator. Again he takes a ball and puts it with the first in his own closed left hand. The fourth ball he places with the second in the spectator's hand. All four are then discovered in the spectator's hand-the magician's hand is empty. It is most important that each time you place a ball(s) in the spectator's fist you look at him and catch his eye as you say, "And one ball for you."

Sondermeyer, Michael: Apocalypse Vol 14 No 10 Oct 1991 by Harry Lorayne; p 1986 In and Out and Loaded: an in the hands Gozinta box routine with a sponge ball production.

Spade, Rod. Ladybugd. Ladybugd is a different and exciting venture in sponge magic. It creates an emotion that far surpasses basic sponge balls and even leaps further than sponge bunnies. There's been an immediate affinity for ladybugs ever since we were little children, and that's what makes Ladybugd the perfect icebreaker for any close-up act.

Stevenson, Al: Hugard's Magic Monthly Vol XIX N° 10 June 1962 p 116 A Basic Sponge Ball Routine. 1) Ball from Nowhere: Prepare by putting three sponge balls in an outside jacket pocket. Bend your right arm up. At the crotch of the elbow, place a fourth sponge, and fold part of your sleeve over the ball. If this is done properly, the ball cannot be seen. Straighten your tie or finger your coat lapel with your right hand thus making the bent position of your arm seem natural. As you patter, bend the other arm up and show both palms to the spectators. Prove your hands are empty by showing them back and front. With your right hand, pull up the left sleeve by grasping it at the crotch of the elbow. Call attention to the left cuff pointing out that there is nothing up that sleeve. Release the left sleeve. Bring your left hand over and pull up the right sleeve in the same manner as you have just done with the left. As left hand pulls up right sleeve, obtain the hidden sponge. Bring your hands together rather quickly, palm to palm, with the ball concealed between them. Rub your palms together as if there were nothing. between them and ask someone to blow on your hands. Then, slowly, separate them to show the ball that has appeared from nowhere. While spectators are examining your "ball from nowhere," steal another sponge from your pocket. When you take back the first sponge, do so with the empty hand. Work the concealed sponge to the fingertips, bring your hands together pressing the two sponges against each other and appear to twist the ball just returned to you. Separate your hands and show that one ball has become two. 2) Flight Through Space: Put both sponges on the table. Pick up one sponge with right hand, holding it just below the tips of right fingers and thumb. Hold left palm open. Place sponge and fingertips of right hand into left palm; close left fingers around right fingers and sponge. Remove right fingers, still holding sponge and, immediately, pick up second ball from the table with the same hand squeezing the two balls together, and showing them as one ball. Your left hand must remain closed as if holding a ball. Your right hand now places the double sponge in spectator's hand and spectator is helped to close his hand tightly. Tell spectator that the ball in your hand is going to make an invisible flight through space and join the ball he has. Open your left hand, show the sponge has gone, and then ask the spectator to open his hand. He will be amazed to find he has two sponges instead of one. 3) One and One Makes Three: Ask the spectator to place the two sponges on the table. As he is doing this, steal and conceal another sponge in your right hand. With right hand holding the concealed sponge, pick up one of the sponges from the table (adding it to the concealed one) then, immediately, pick up the other sponge. You now have three pressed together in your right hand. Put the three in the spectator's hand as you tell him he cannot add and ask him how much is one sponge and one sponge. He will say "two," and be very much surprised when he opens his hand to find three sponges. If he isn't, you've done it badly. Practice some more. 4) The Strange Subtraction: Put the three sponges on the table. As you talk, steal the fourth from your pocket, and keep it concealed in your right hand, which should hang at your side. Tell the spectator that he not only can't add-he can't subtract! Hold open your left palm. With right hand, pick up one of the sponges on the table adding it to the concealed one; place both together in your left palm and close your left hand. As you do this, say: "If I take one sponge and put it in my left hand.. ." Stop talking, pick up one sponge from the table with right hand and put it in left hand and continue.. . "and then another in my left hand . . ." Now, pick up the last sponge with right hand and place hand and sponge in right pocket ". . . and I put one in my pocket-how many are left in my hand?" The spectator will say "two" and be surprised when you open your left hand and he sees three. Your right hand is at your side with the sponge it apparently dropped in the pocket still concealed in it. Repeat the above and again the spectator will find three sponges in your hand instead of two. 5) The Climax: After the repeat, you should have three sponges on the table and one concealed in your right hand. You now say, "Take all three of the sponges.. ." With your right hand, pick up the three sponges from the table adding them to the one concealed in that hand. Press the bunch of sponges tightly held together into the spectator's hand, help him to curl his fingers around them, and ask him to hold them securely. Ask him if he knows how many he now has. He should say "three." Tell him that, if he concentrates, he can feel something growing in his hand and -after a second or two- ask him to open his hand slowly. He will find that he has four sponges instead of three. The routine you have just read is a very basic one; yet, you may be sure that when it is properly presented it goes over well. As any sponge worker can tell you, sponges fascinate laymen and for this reason magic dealers carry several books on the subject. Learning a sponge routine, even a basic one may not come easy, but the efforts are rewarding. Try it!

Stone, David: David Stone Lecture Video (VHS) International Magic; the lecture begins with a 10 minute presentation of a commercial close up magic show. It includes classic routines with Sponge Balls amongst them. & The Real Secrets of Magic Vol 1 DVD 2007 includes David’s strolling Sponge Ball routine.

Stone, Sol. Quick and Casual Close-Up DVD. Elusive Sponge: A short sponge ball routine: The first move is what would be nowadays called an Al Schneider vanish. The second move enables to collect an extra ball from the outer part of the sleeve with an interesting sleeve move. Francis Carlisle vanish. A unexplained very smart one hand secret addition of a third ball to two already visible together. The explanation of Francis Carlisle’s move makes it very simple to learn it thoroughly.

Strange, Scott: Oddballs DVD ©2010 by Deceptions Magic & Novelties. New color, sizes or shape changes. Very visual.

Sutz Ian [aka Magic-Ian]: Diminishing sponge ball ©1983. 3" sponge is visibly and without cover cleaved and split into two 2" balls. One 2" ball is then split into two 1", then two 1/2" balls. There are two finale's: one where the 1/2" ball changes back to the 3', or can be combined with ball to bunny or ball to square which allows you to change all the visible balls 2", 1" and 2 1/" visibly into the square or bunny. Includes 5 sponge balls

Switon, Pierre: Base de la Prestidigitation, Close-up © by L’Académie de Magie George Proust (Paris – France): All ou need to know by a seasoned professional worker. Choice of balls (soft, super-soft, color and diameter). Thumb Palm Vanish. Finger Vanish. Retention of Vision Vanish ; followed by a few sequences putting this knowledge into practice.

Tarbell, Harlan Tarbell Course in Magic Volume 1 ©1927 Lesson 8 p 157 Cups And Balls: Routine uses three paper coffee cups and sponge rubber balls. Ends with large load revelation; p 163 Three Wandering Sponge Balls: standard sponge ball routine; p 170 Four Traveling Balls: sponge ball routine with hat. Volume 2 Lesson 21: Magic With Wands p 63 Edward's Magnetic Wand: A silk is touched by a wand and clings to the wand. Sponge balls do likewise. Three cards selected from a deck of card are pulled out by the "magnetic" wand. Volume 7 (by Harrry Lorayne) ©1972 Tannen's, D. Robbins p 365 Bob McAllister's Cavorting Sponge Balls: matrix type effect

Tarr, Bill. Now you see it, now you don’t ©1976. p 148 Basic Sponge Ball Vanish: during a transfer; p 149 Fist Vanish: while pushed into fist; p 150 Mini Sponge Ball Routine: in the spectator's hand

Tong, Dan: Dan Tong Finally DVD. Sponge Balls is using just two visible balls

Thompson, J.G. Jr.: My Best The Best Tricks from the best brains in magic, edited by J.G. Thompson Jr. ©1945/1959 D.Robbins & Co., Inc. p 182 Peter Rabbit Goes to Town! (Robert A. Nelson): sponge rabbit presentation

Thompson, Johnny: World Greatest Magic by the World’s Greatest Magicians: Sponge Balls. With his take on the Benson Bowl routine.

Tremaine, Jon. Commercial Close-Up Vol: # 2 Videos. JT (sitting) Sponge Ball Routine: An opening with the Gozinta Boxes, the ball vanishing (lapping) reappears inside the reversed box. As the boxes are placed aside, collect the additional ball back from the lap (would be better to table them and use Slydini’s Imp-Pass). The right hand takes a purse frame out and passes it to the left to be able to take the third ball out. Pocket the frame stealing the fourth ball. The routine takes then Douglas Francis’ turn of two in the hand and one in the pocket but instead of going for balls of different colors it goes for smaller sponge balls, and a purse frame are combined for several minutes of commercial entertainment and a couple of smiles. The design of the routine is fine and, even if John Tremaine’s lapping vanish is arguable, there are a few nice subtleties in the routine (like the picking up of the first ball at the beginning of the two in the hand sequence). The production of the large load from the lady’s sleeve is a good idea and the “it’s still warm” a great line. & World Greatest Magic by the World’s Greatest Magicians: Sponge Balls. The same sitting routine.

Trickshop: How Many? bound or e-book. The "Two in the Hand, One in the Pocket" routine fully explained with over two dozen photos and two basic moves. 9 pages. Booklet with set of 1" Goshman sponge balls & Benson Bowl Routine ©2005 Trickshop.com Inc.

Tucker, Stephen. Pandora's Box video/DVD. A spongeball routine based on noses and 1/2 spongeballs from one the very creative minds in magic. & Apocalypse Vol 14 No 4 April 1991 by Harry Lorayne: Stephen Tucker Issue; p 1910 Sponge Away: fast sponge ball effect.

Turcotte, Dan: Sponge Ball Magic Full Routine with Detailed Instructions ©2004 PDF e-book; Techniques and timing explained in detail. A clean way to load an extra ball into a spectators hand; Three ball counting trick with refined pointers; Master splitting a sponge ball in half techniques; "Shuttle pass" and multiple ball productions; Ball from spectator's ear

Vallarino, Jean Pierre: Balles éponges. Magic Inov. The video includes loading and ditching technique as well as color changing moves, and offers 6 routines. The demos are not exceptional but the explanations are: space management, justifications for the moves and all the little details which make the illusions credible with all the body language to reinforce it.

Vernon, Dai: The ten count.

Wakeman, Randy: The Randy Wakeman Video Vol 3. 90 minutes of close up including sponge balls.

Walsh, Audley V. The Sphinx Vol. 35 N°10 p 285 Sponge Ball Manipulation & Sponge ball manipulations. ©1940 by Audley Walsh (Police officer and a collector of gambling device), ©1947 Lou Tannen and ©1975 by D. Robbins & Co., Inc. 32 pages: p 3 Sponge Ball Manipulation by Audley V. Walsh; The Finger Palm or Finger Pinch; p 4 The Finger Pinch with Two Balls; Pick Up; p 5 Ring the Bell: apparently showing the right hand empty, with a Thimble Move; p 6 Sleeving and Lapeling: body loading of a ball; nowadays lapeling requires a different misdirection than the proposed one but can create a surprise for it is rarely used (possibly complimenting him on his suit and turning him towards the audience to disengage your hand from under the lapel); The Big Bad Wolf and the Three Little Pigs: full routine using 4 large balls, 3 small balls, and a TT. Secretly lapel a ball (lapeling). One ball changes to two twice in the spectator's hand, then two to three (collecting back the lapelled ball). Ends with a two in the hand one in the pocket sequence bringing in the small balls to patter on the Three Little Pigs story ending with empty hands and claiming that the big wolf probably had something to do with that; p 9 Time Marches Onward or "The Lone Ranger Rides Again": Uses a bevy of colored sponges - 2 Large Red, 1 Large Green, 2 Small Red, Large Yellow, White, and Colored, and one Small Yellow. A full routine to a story of the Rose family how they meet, have kids, how he gets drunk and cheats on his wife and how the Lone Ranger comes in to fix everything leaving Msrs Rose with a new baby (a very off the beaten path routine: patter could be brought up to date with more “in the spectator’s hand” interaction); p 12 Impromptu Introduction of Sponge Balls for the Table Worker: This is intended for the stroller who is able to sit at the spectator's table as an introduction to the sponge balls and to wet their appetite. A sponge ball is produced from a dinner roll, then is passed through the table twice, split into two balls, and one ball turns into two in the spectator's hand; p 13 The Enlarging Sponge Ball: making a growing ball; p 14 Further Ideas: Color change gimmick, sponge balls to lemon or hankerchief, etc. [here end the 1940 and 1947 editions: the following pages come only with the D Robbins edition] p 17 The Master Routine With The Sponge Balls by Kozak p 18 Introduction; The Routine: Uses 4 standard sponge balls (Kozak uses 1.5" balls) and a purse frame. Can be performed seated or standing. The start: Ball produced from frame, then split into two, then ten count has ball transfer from one hand to the other. The routine continues from here with lots of spectator interaction; p 23 The Three Wandering Sponge Balls. From Tarbell Course In Magic (Lesson 8 p 163: Ball Tricks). Three 1” balls are shown; two are placed one at a time in the spectator's hand and the last one is vanished to end up in the spectator’s hand. Then two are placed in the performer’s hand and the last one is placed in his pocket, the ball comes back. This is repeated three times but, on the last time, all the balls vanish; p 29 Alternate Ending: a dozen small sponge balls are produced in Dr Jaks style (not very convenient for restaurant work); p 30 The Four Traveling Balls (also from Tarbell Lesson 8 p 170): Four sponge balls travel mysteriously under a borrowed hat and an attempt at repeating the trick ends up with a surprise finale.

Wayne, Doc: The Art of Public Squeeking. Who gives a Squeek? You do! Funny 48-page book makes the Squeeker the most popular comedy prank in a sponge ball routine. A section for magicians, clowns, and mimes (or anyone who wants to squeek like one) includes routines for Three Sponge Monte, The Squeeker Pull (your hands are left squeeky clean).

Webster, Martin: Lucky Dip Marketed effect. In a number of different and entertaining ways the three young helpers are given the opportunity to select a purse with a sponge ball in it from a folder: only one of them has an orange sponge ball in it, the others are yellow. The purse which will be left at the end is the one the magician must have. With all the purses distributed, the time has come to open them to see the color of the ball inside. But before each child opens their purse, they get the chance to swap it with any of the others, including the magician's. They can change as often as they like until eventually they are happy. However, despite the complete freedom of choice, when the children open their purses, they each remove a yellow ball, while the magician discovers the orange ball in the one left to him.

Weiner, Irv: Hugard’s Magic Monthly Vol IX N° 10 March 1952 p 908 and 913: Book Profiles by John Crimmins Jr: From Irv Weiner's Studio of Magic in Boston comes four new tricks in manuscript form with necessary gimmicks. "Irv's Sponge Ball Routine," is a hard one to top. & Hugard’s Magic Monthly Vol XI N° 5 Ocober 1953 p 61: Irv Weiner's " Soft Dice " It's new. it's different, it's a knockout! Here is entertainment, plus! A swell patter story and a fine routine using special noiseless (rubber) dice. Entertaining story covers a wide variety (typical Weiner) of transpositions, color changes, double dice, and a surprising production of miniature "Ace" dice as a climax. If you like the sponge ball effect, this is your meat. Hugard’s Magic Monthly Vol XI N° 6 November 1953 p 64 Book Profiles by John Crimmins Jr: All who like the sponge ball trick will appreciate the novelty of this latest Weiner release. A most entertaining story is woven around these "soft dice," which in fact are sponge rubber ones. As the performer tosses them out on the table they change color, become stuck together, and finally transform into 7 miniature "ace" dice for a surprising climax. The effect is unusual, the handling neat, and the possibilities with the rubber dice are unlimited. This is a winner! Highly recommended to all who like close-up magic, or who can use an unusual night club or bar trick.

White, Joe: Linking Ring August 1993 Sponge Net. Sponge ball routine with an Irish flavor. Uses plastic bag to catch cascade of sponges from spectator's hand

Willane: Complete Methods for Miracles (edited by Rae Hammond). Magnificently illustrated manual of manipulation and general magic from greats including Edward Victor, N'Gai, Gus Southall, Edward G. Brown, Peter Warlock, Fabian and Willane. Includes sponge ball routines

Williams, Geoff: Miracles For Mortals Vol 2 DVD; Hairballs: a multi-phase, 2-ball sponge ball routine loaded with magic and designed to keep the spectator from opening their hand early (and spoiling the surprise finish).

Willmarth, Phil (editor): Trevor Lewis: ESOLC (That's Close Up) ©1981 Lewis and Willmarth, Published by Standridge Magic; p 51 Tervor's Benson Bowl Routine: with bowl, 4 sponges, and toy plastic dinner roll. Three sponge balls appear beneath the bowl. The balls travel from hand to bowl, and eventually the roll is discovered; p 85 Flog - A Sponge Ball Routine: A full sponge ball routine based on golf with comedy patter. Splitting a ball, in the spectator's hand, and a "FORE (4)" finish

Wilson, Gregory: On the Spot Volume 2 DVD Sponge Napkin routine.

Wilson, Mark. Mark Wilson's Complete Course in Magic Co-author Walter Gibson; contributors Don Wayne, Larry Anderson Fr. Jim Blantz, Earl Nelson, Tom O'Lenick, Peter Pit, David Roth, Brick Tilley, Alan Wakeling, U.F. Grant ©1975, 1988 Mark Wilson, Ottenheimer Publishers, Inc., for Courage Books p 393 Sponge Sorcery: an excellent multi-phase sponge ball routine shows off many sponge ball moves and use of the spectator

Wilson, R. Paul. R. Paul Wilson on DVD - The Restaurant Act. DVD. From a silk a sponge ball is produced and so begins a direct and entertaining sponge ball routine which ends with the magic happening in the spectator's hands. The effect may move towards cups and balls or chop cup or bowl routine or towards turned wood egg cup types : 2” or 3" sponge ball vase (Tall or short top). This is the classic with the shell but instead of a shiny red wooden ball, the ball is a sponge ball. (There are a few routines done to fool the ones in the know using the classical prop). http://www.mymagic.com/mi/index.html

Wong, Alan: Sponge Magic Mushroom. Marketed item. The mushrooms are big enough with a white foot and a red head with white spots. Comes with two sponge magic mushrooms and accessories: Dimension Approximately 2' x 2' (5.08cm x 5.08cm). Sponge Banana. Marketed item. These bananas look realistic enough for stage magic. Dimensions Approximately 7' x 1 1/4' (17.78cm x 3.175cm) Sponge Egg. Marketed item. Sponge egg without the skin finish offered with the Goshman egg. Egg Dimensions Approximately 2 1/2' x 1 1/2' (6.35cm x 3.81cm) Sponge Eggs. Marketed item. One egg multiples into four. Spectator chooses any one and it turns into a small sponge duck. Sponge Ice Cream Cone. Marketed item. Turn one ice cream cone to two ice cream cones. A great finish for any sponge prop act, the foam ice cream cones are definitely a crowd-pleaser. Comes with two foam ice cream cones. Dimensions Approximately 6.5' x 2.5' (16.51cm x 6.35cm) Sponge Eyeball. Marketed item. With these sponge eyeballs you will be able to create many different kinds of 'eye-popping' effects. Some of you may choose the creepy crawly route. Others have chosen to go the comedy route, as professional magician Steve Marshall has been known to do from time to time. This routine contains more than a few corny (or possibly cornea) jokes. This package comes with a set of four hand painted sponge eyeballs and 5 page instruction booklet. Sponge Sushi. Marketed item. As the magician tells a story about the new dehydrated space food he or she shows a white silk in the right hand while the left hand is shown empty. The silk is pushed into the fist and turns into a piece of sushi. Finally the (sponge) sushi multiples into two pieces. Comes with two pieces of fairly realistic hand made sponge pieces of sushi, white silk, and thumb tip.

Yan Tong, Phoa: The Art of Close Up Magic Volume 1 compiled by Lewis Ganson ©1996 L&L Publishing; p 360 Rice Bowls and Balls: Another Bowl and Sponge ball routine with rubber ball climax.

Yedid, Meir: Apocalypse Vol 3 No 3 March 1980; p 316 Sponge Balls 1) Color Transposition 2) Production: production is for platform presentation.
Magic is the art of emotionally sharing live impossible situations
Lawrence O
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But naturally if no list is ever exhaustive, it makes it hard to tell which one is the best routine... presentation plays such an important part!
Magic is the art of emotionally sharing live impossible situations
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Profile of failed_drummer
Umm... Wow...
Thanks. I'm sure there's lots of great stuff there, but it might take me a month to read it all...

By the by, does anyone know if there are any sponge ball routines in Gary Ouellet's Close Up Illusions? I was thinking of getting this book anyway.
Lawrence O
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Gary Ouellet's Close Up Illusions is a fantastic book (and hehad a fantastic Retention of Vision vanish technique for sponge balls that is rarely seen)... because it would take you more than a month to read all of these routines (let alone getting the books or the DVDs) so:

Read Scott Guinn
Study John Carney
work a bit on Bizzaro
Don't overlook Frank Balzerac (World Greatest Magic by the World’s Greatest Magicians)
and work on Roger Klause sponge up the spectator's sleeve and use a Sanada Gimmick after checking Troy Hooser's technique with the TT
Then design your own routine adding feints along Jerry Lukins advice (Fred Kaps taught me that any routine without at least two feints was just a beginner's ego trip)
Don't do the multiple balls finale for after a big success, having to go down to the floor to get some of them back destroys the great image of you that your climax produced (see Tom Stone's stage show with sponge balls): go for a large ball climax instead (my advice)
Magic is the art of emotionally sharing live impossible situations
Dale J. O'Neill
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Profile of Dale J. O'Neill
Wow Lawrence O, what a group of posts. It is going to take me a while to get through that much information. Thanks.

Magically misdirecting you, one effect at a time.....

Gary T.
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Lawrence, you should really work on extending that list, it's just not long enough ;P
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