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The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » Table hoppers & party strollers » » Nest of Wallets routine (3 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of Yellowcustard
This question refers to Nick Einhorn and Alan Wong's Nest of Wallets.

I got a set of these a few weeks ago and there great. I have took them out and about and they work well and people love them.

The difficulty I am having is thinking of a routine. I like my magic to have a story be hide it or it demonstrate something. I have a ACR that is based on my first card trick at school, yes it is a simple ACR but the story sells it. Also do a story about magician doing solid thru solid as I do CMH.

To come up with a routine I usually think of a story and look for effects to suite it or I play with a effect and a story comes to me.

The thing is I want to get a routine for this quick but I don't want to just do here is your coin/ring it gone know it in this wallet.

The issues I have drawn up are,
Wallets- Why have 3 wallet inside each other- This is not to major but it it unusual not really every day.
The cloth- Why dose the coin end up in the cloth. A ring make a bit more sense.

I am open to this just begin one of those kicker effects but any ideas welcome.

I might be over thinking it but I just want to make this great effect a strong routine.

So my question is- if you do this rotine what is your story or reason be hide it?
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Profile of puggo
Quote: "The issues I have drawn up are,
Wallets- Why have 3 wallet inside each other- This is not to major but it it unusual not really every day.
The cloth- Why dose the coin end up in the cloth. A ring make a bit more sense. "

Idea of a story...
"I was given a special coin my dad showed me a magic trick with, my first ever quarter (or whatever), so I wrapped it in a cloth to keep it safe... but being young and active, I lost it...

..So he showed me the trick again, I was just as amazed, and this time he wrapped it in a special cloth to keep the dust off, and then made me a little leather wallet for it; but then a few months later, I had lost it again, so this time...

..Well instead, let me show you the trick he showed me, do you have a coin I can borrow....?"

Disclaimer: I never said this was a good story / idea!!

Just a thought
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Profile of pepka
I've been using this about 3 or 4 weeks now at seveal restaurant and walkaround gigs. Normally, I like my props to look natural. These things do NOT look like any wallet I've ever seen, so I don't call them wallets.

"Here I have a little leather pouch. Can you guess what is inside this little leather pouch?"
"It had better be my ring!"
"Hey, that would be good, but no I'm sorry, I don't do that trick....inside here is another little leather pouch. Can you guess what's in THIS little leather pouch?"
"My ring?"
"That would be good, but no I'm sorry, I don't do that trick...inside THIS little leather pouch is ANOTHER little leather pouch. Can you guess what's inside THIS little leather pouch?"
"I'm hoping for my ring, but I'm guessing another little leather pouch."
"Hey, you're catching on! Can you guess what's inside THIS little leather pouch?"
"Another little leather pouch?"
"That would be good, but I don't do that trick....I couldn't find a purse small enough. No, inside here is a little red jeweler's cloth, like they use to clean jewelery....and wrapped up....not just wrapped up, but exactly in the MIDDLE of that cloth we find your ring....even a little shinier than when you gave it to me. No charge for the cleaning."

The presentation is still evolving.
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Profile of jcigam

I love it. Great idea. Keeping the wallets/pouches somewhat ambiguous is great; building the call back so the spectator flips it around for you is awesome; but the closing line, "a little shinier than when you gave it to me," priceless.
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Nowadays you can't trust a bank. (see europe and greece) so I created my own bank: MAGIC BANKING. it is quicker then internet.
I show you. the coin goes here (some coin vanishing device - coin folded in paper and then torn up) if I press on this paper it is gone
(show coin vanished) it is now arrived in my bank (show wallets). just so that not everybody can take it I have some safeties build in (show multiple wallets)THE END.

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Profile of LeoH

Love your presentation for the nest of wallets. Bravo!
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Profile of pepka
Thanks guys. Friday night I was behind the bar at my gig and added something a bit different. I vanished it with the Clifton Ring move and did it very slowly. After I loaded the ring, I set the wallets on a tiny ledge behind the bar. The bartender knew what I was up to, and moved it a few feet further away. Then the ring vanished and instead of just reaching in my pocket for the wallet, I said "Dennis, hand me that leather pouch over there." HUGE ovation.
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Profile of curtgunz

I like it. But does the bartender pack flat? I'd want to take him to every gig but I don't think he'd fit in my trunk. Smile

That is really good stuff.
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Profile of Yellowcustard
On 2013-07-02 13:53, curtgunz wrote:

I like it. But does the bartender pack flat? I'd want to take him to every gig but I don't think he'd fit in my trunk. Smile

That is really good stuff.

I knew a flexible bar maid once.
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Haven't we all?
Lawrence O
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Profile of Lawrence O
Get a replica of a 50$ Indian Head Gold coin (real value about 25'000$, cost of the replica 9.95$ and the weight is there).
Place the Einhorn purse on to the table. Talk about the Faustus Purse but underlining that, even at the time conjurors did swindle the devil at dice and didn't have to sell their soul for money and make a silver half $ coin appear in your hands from nowhere. Explain the value of old silver coins (exagering it heavily: no one knows about it and the value is up to the mint or circulated value) tossing it in the palm up left fingers and flipping it in the left palm to tell the date. Underline that, nowadays, as the value of paper money goes down with inflation and debt, the value of silver and gold coins is devilishly going up. The right hand takes it back (Vernon Change Over Palm). Talk about the fact that magicians nowadays have a much better deal than Faustus. Explain the value of the (real) coin, to dispell any suspicion of the coin being gaffed. Spellbound the silver coin to the Indian Head gold coin (but not back resisting the urge to finger flicking skill). Show it to a spectator and tell him about its value with the present price of bullion and gold coins.
Take out from your pocket three felt markers (dtching the silver). Ask a spectator to place whatever war paints he can figure out on the Indian Head for the fight of his tribe against poverty. Then explain that he just did what Andy Warhole was doing but that instead on doing it on a lousy photograph, he did it on a gold coin. As him to sign it on the Buffalo side with his initial. Explain that now this is an absolutely unique work of art, already worth a fortune but that, when the spectator will become famous its value will be almost immeasurable.
False transfer the coin to be able to take a wand out and vanish the coin (unless you can do a Mora Wandspin or a Williamson's striking vanish) and push the Einhorn purse with the tip of the wand claiming that you don't want to touch it. Ask the spectator to check if his work of art already came back to him and let him check his pockets. As he searches his pockets, replace the wand in your own pocket and, when he doesn't find it, take the purse with your right hand and open it...
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Profile of DrVG
Have you heard of the matriochka Russian puppets ?
Yash Pataskar
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Profile of Yash Pataskar
Honestly, I liked to perform it straight forward. Take a coin & get it marked. Hold it under a kerchief or in my other hand. Here’s a wallet, hold this for a moment. Do a magical pass & the coin is gone. (At this point, I have either switched it for a different coin a washer) It is a straight climax because now they know it’s going to appear inside the wallet. But here’s when the fun begins. I ask- Would it be crazy it’s now inside the wallet? -Yes! What do You think is there inside this wallet? They would usually say the marked coin. I slowly take the other wallet out and give the first one out. They are a little startled because they have never seen a wallet inside another wallet (only Magi do this so no need to try to make it look normal, instead we can give it to them as it is completely inspectable) Now You ask again, What do You think is inside this one? This time some will say coin, some will say Wallet. Show another wallet, again the same question and they will say another Wallet (laughing). Say- No No No!! It’s a piece of red cloth! And inside the cloth is..... show them and You can hand out everything.

With this handling, I agree that it’s more of a mystery than Real Magic-feel but it’s entertaining! I have used it and know it fries people. I believe not everything that we do should make people think it’s real Magic, some Mysteries are great and really memorable. Not puzzle though, I am not really fond of puzzles.

Enjoy! ✨
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